Lambda the Ultimate Weblog Topics
Last Updated 06/16/2009

Posts By: Chui Tey

  Date    Post    Topic  
07/09/2007Prepared StatementsThe Evolution Of LINQ And Its Impact On The Design Of C#
06/09/2006Some higher level programming languagesWhy Are ALL Programming Languages So Low Level?
03/03/2006Chui TeyLife and Times of Anders Hejlsberg
12/30/2005Requisite skillsJoel Spolsky views on CS education
12/30/2005Hitting the ground runningJoel Spolsky views on CS education
12/31/2005ConceptsJoel Spolsky views on CS education
12/06/2005On ComplexityThe breaking point of language usability?
11/18/2005In Defense of ZopeRuby the Rival
11/18/2005Dumber VM or smarter VMThe X10 Programming Language
10/31/2005Multiple AssignmentBruce Tate: Technologies that may challenge Java
09/27/2005Post limiting and seniorityLtU: Style and Focus
06/22/2005Mutable stateWhy recursing is better than looping
05/08/2005Point of valuesubtext: Uncovering the simplicity of programming
05/08/2005Programming in the concrete vs programming in the abstractsubtext: Uncovering the simplicity of programming
04/27/2005SurprisinglyExpressivity of lisp/scheme but speed of assembly/C/C++
04/26/2005Runtime featuresVirtual Machine and Runtime Framework
04/14/2005Turing Extender Language (TXL)Turing Extender Language (TXL)
04/05/2005It is a question of value systemJon Udell: Languages and environments
03/17/2005Measurement of LanguagesOCaml vs. C++ for Dynamic Programming
12/27/2004New python optimization techniquePython is... slow?
10/20/2005Multilingualism and learning PLthe Chinese natual language
10/30/2004Domain expertsEnd Users to Shape Effective Software
11/03/2004Ensuring adequate supervisionEnd Users to Shape Effective Software
10/21/2004Telecoms brand is stronger than the AI brandMapReduce - functional programming in the REAL World
10/27/2004From planet-slashdot?MapReduce - functional programming in the REAL World
10/27/2004Not how people thinkMapReduce - functional programming in the REAL World
10/20/2004True, but...Two Languages (high+low level) vs One Language
10/13/2004DSL and mini-languages are quite differentLooking for a Solid Definition of DSL
10/13/2004Python?Interesting? closure/object idea
10/22/2004Nested scopesInteresting? closure/object idea
10/10/2004Language design: Escaping escapesLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/14/2004Python is programmer friendlyLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/20/2004Format stringsLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/11/2004ThanksLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/13/2004Changequote is most structurally correctLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/12/2004BRL and ASPLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/15/2004Intentional programmingLanguage design: Escaping escapes
10/22/2004Run-time error 騅'Shoot-out: most annoying compiler error message
10/03/2004Error recoveryProbabilistic languages for kids?
08/27/2004Microsoft's Software Factories and DSLsMicrosoft's Software Factories and DSLs
04/10/2004Re: Java to gain multitasking improvementsJava to gain multitasking improvements
08/18/2003Re: The Trouble with Checked ExceptionsThe Trouble with Checked Exceptions
06/29/2003Re: RSS vs. EchoRSS vs. Echo
04/01/2003Javascript with native XML supportJavascript with native XML support
03/18/2003Re: XML Is Too Hard For ProgrammersXML Is Too Hard For Programmers
03/23/2003Re: XML Is Too Hard For ProgrammersXML Is Too Hard For Programmers
03/16/2003Re: Small Time LanguagesSmall Time Languages
01/29/2003Re: Guido van Rossum: Programming at Python SpeedGuido van Rossum: Programming at Python Speed

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Chris Rathman/