Chris Rathman /

<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
<!--#INCLUDE FILE=""-->
<BODY BGCOLOR="orange">

   ' ODBCName, UserName, Password, ssn, & pin are set in

'*                                                                      *
'* Connection Object:                                                   *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       Attributes           ConnectionTimeout       Mode              *
'*       CommandTimeout       DefaultDatabase         Provider          *
'*       ConnectionString     IsolationLevel          Version           *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Methods:                                                          *
'*       BeginTrans           RollbackTrans           Execute           *
'*       CommitTrans          Close                   Open              *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Collections                                                       *
'*       Errors               Properties                                *
'*                                                                      *
   ' create a database connection
   Set Db = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
   Db.CommandTimeout = 10 * 60                        ' set the command timeout (10 minutes)
   Db.Open ODBCName, UserName, Password               ' log into the ODBC connection

   ' transaction processing
   Db.BeginTrans                                      ' begin transaction
   Db.RollbackTrans                                   ' rollback transaction
   Db.CommitTrans                                     ' commit transaction

   ' Create a recordset from the connection object
   Set Rs = Db.Execute("SELECT * FROM statecd_tab")   ' execute SQL command
   'Call Dump(Rs)
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null

   ' read/write properties for the connection
   x = Db.Attributes                                  ' transaction attributes
   x = Db.CommandTimeout                              ' timeout for command to complete
   x = Db.ConnectionString                            ' info used for connection to data source
   x = Db.ConnectionTimeout                           ' time to wait while establishing a connection
   x = Db.DefaultDatabase                             ' default database for connection
   x = Db.IsolationLevel                              ' isolation level for transactions
   x = Db.Mode                                        ' available permissions for modifying data
   x = Db.Provider                                    ' name of the provider
   x = Db.Version                                     ' ADO version number

   ' Connection Properties collection
   For Each item in Db.Properties
      'Response.Write & "=" & item.value & "<BR>"

   ' Connection Errors Collection
   For Each item in Db.Errors
      'Response.Write item.description & "<BR>"

   'Db.Close                                          ' close the connection

'*                                                                      *
'* Command Object:                                                      *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*      *ActiveConnection    *CommandTimeout         *Prepared          *
'*      *CommandText         *CommandType                               *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Methods:                                                          *
'*       CreateParameter     *Execute                                   *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Collections                                                       *
'*       Parameters           Properties                                *
'*                                                                      *
   ' calling a stored procedure via a command object - Prepared Command
   Set Cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")           ' create a command object
   Set Cmd.ActiveConnection = Db                            ' attach it to the database connection
   Cmd.CommandTimeout = 10*60                               ' set the command timeout (10 minutes)
   Cmd.Prepared = False                                     ' flag to compile version on server (default)
   Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc                        ' set to talk to database via stored procs
   Cmd.CommandText = "spIALogin"                            ' point to the Login stored procedure
   Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("SSN", adChar, adParamInput, 9, ssn)
   Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("PIN", adChar, adParamInput, 4, pin)
   Set Rs = Cmd.Execute                                     ' execute the login
   'Call Dump(Rs)
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null: Call ClearCmd(Cmd)

   ' calling a stored procedure via a command object - Unprepared Command
   Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText                              ' set to discover type from refresh
   Cmd.CommandText = "{call spIALogin(?,?)}"
   Cmd.Parameters.Refresh                                   ' retrieve parameter list from server
   Cmd(0) = ssn
   Cmd(1) = pin
   Set Rs = Cmd.Execute
   'Call Dump(Rs)
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null: Call ClearCmd(Cmd)

   ' Use command object to call a query
   Cmd.CommandType = adCmdText
   Cmd.CommandText = "SELECT * FROM statecd_tab WHERE statecd = ?"
   Cmd(0) = "TX"
   Set Rs = Cmd.Execute
   'Call Dump(Rs)
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null: Call ClearCmd(Cmd)

   ' Command Properties collection
   For Each item in Cmd.Properties
      'Response.Write & "=" & item.value & "<BR>"

   ' clear the parameters from command object
   Sub ClearCmd(Cmd)
      Do While (Cmd.Parameters.Count > 0)
         Cmd.Parameters.Delete 0
   End Sub

'*                                                                      *
'* Recordset Object:                                                    *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       AbsolutePage         CursorType              PageCount         *
'*       AbsolutePosition     EditMode                PageSize          *
'*       ActiveConnection     EOF                     RecordCount       *
'*       BOF                  Filter                  Source            *
'*       Bookmark             LockType                Status            *
'*       CacheSize            MaxRecords                                *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Methods:                                                          *
'*       AddNew               Move                    Requery           *
'*       CancelBatch          MoveFirst               Resync            *
'*       CancelUpdate         MoveLast                Supports          *
'*       Clone                MoveNext                Update            *
'*       Close                MovePrevious            UpdateBatch       *
'*       Delete               NextRecordset                             *
'*       GetRows              Open                                      *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Collections                                                       *
'*       Fields               Properties                                *
'*                                                                      *
   Set Cmd = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command")
   Set Cmd.ActiveConnection = Db
   Cmd.CommandTimeout = 10*60
   Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
   Cmd.CommandText = "spIALogin"
   Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("SSN", adChar, adParamInput, 9, ssn)
   Cmd.Parameters.Append Cmd.CreateParameter("PIN", adChar, adParamInput, 4, pin)
   Set Rs = Cmd.Execute

   ' access column value by name - store it in session var
   Session("ADMINSYSKEY") = Rs("SYSKEY")
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null: Call ClearCmd(Cmd)

   ' dump out a resultset to drop down box
   Cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
   Cmd.CommandText = "spIACodesEmpType"
   Set Rs = Cmd.Execute
   Response.Write("<select name=EMPTYPECD>")
   Do While (Not (Rs.EOF))
      Response.Write("<option value=" & Rs("EMPTYPECD") & ">" & Rs("DESCRIPTION")& "</option>")
   Rs.Close: Rs = Null: Call ClearCmd(Cmd)

   ' dump out recordset in formatted html table
   Sub Dump(Rs)
      Response.Write("<TABLE BORDER=2><TR>")
      For Each fld In Rs.Fields
         Response.Write("<TD>" & fld.Name & "</TD>")
      Do While (Not (Rs.EOF))
         FOR i = 0 To (Rs.Fields.Count - 1)
            Response.Write("<TD>" & Rs(i) & "</TD>")
   End Sub

'*                                                                      *
'* Field Object:                                                        *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       ActualSize           NumericScale            UnderlyingValue   *
'*       Attributes           OriginalValue           Value             *
'*       DefinedSize          Precision                                 *
'*       Name                 Type                                      *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Methods:                                                          *
'*       AppendChunk          GetChunk                                  *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Collections                                                       *
'*       Properties                                                     *
'*                                                                      *

'*                                                                      *
'* Parameter Object:                                                    *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       Attributes           NumericScale            Type              *
'*       Direction            Precision               Value             *
'*       Name                 Size                                      *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Methods:                                                          *
'*       AppendChunk                                                    *
'*                                                                      *

'*                                                                      *
'* Property Object:                                                     *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       Attributes           Type                    Value             *
'*       Name                                                           *
'*                                                                      *

'*                                                                      *
'* Error Object:                                                        *
'*                                                                      *
'*    Properties:                                                       *
'*       Description          NativeError             SQLState          *
'*       HelpContext          Number                                    *
'*       HelpFile             Source                                    *
'*                                                                      *


   <form name="MyForm" action="hello.asp" method="post">
      <input type="submit" name="MySubmit" value="Submit Form">
      <input type="hidden" name="SubmitButton" Value="None">

Chris Rathman /