Chris Rathman /

PDF Hello World from Python

import time

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# font width values were borrowed from DelphiPDF by Stefan Menten
# (see
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        278,  556,  611,  556,  611,  556,  333,  611,  611,  278,  278,  556,  278,  889,  611,  611,
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# output a string to the pdf file
def pdf_write(output_string):
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# allocate a pdf object
def obj_allocate():
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# escape out a pdf string
def escape_pdf(s):
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# find the length of a text string
def text_width(s, font_name, font_size):
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# pdf version identifier

# indicate binary content for viewer

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pdf_write("/Author (%s)\n"       % escape_pdf("Chris Rathman"))
pdf_write("/Keywords (%s)\n"     % escape_pdf("How to write PDF from Python"))
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# hello world string (page #2)
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# page objects
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# cross reference tables
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# trailer
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Chris Rathman /