(* CTM Chapter #02 Examples in Alice ML *) (* syntactic sugar for solutions using promises/futures *) open Promise open Future infix 3 ?= val op?= = fulfill val ? = future (* 2.1.1 Language syntax *) fun fact 0 = 1 | fact n = n * fact (n-1); (* 2.3.5 Basic operations *) (* solution using state variables *) let val x = 5 val y = 10 val t = (x >= y) val z = ref 0 in if (t) then z := x else z := y end; let val x = 5 val y = 10 val z = ref 0 in if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) let val x = 5 val y = 10 val t = (x >= y) val z = promise() in if (t) then z ?= x else z ?= y end; let val x = 5 val y = 10 val z = promise() in if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y end; (* end solution using promises/futures *) (* 2.4.1 Basic concepts *) let val a = 11 val b = 2 val c = a + b val d = c * c in inspect d end; let val x = 1 in let val x = 2 in inspect x end; inspect x end; (* solution using state variables *) val c = ref 0; fun max x y z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y; max 3 5 c; val c = ref 0; val y = 5; fun lb x z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y; lb 3 c; let val y = 10; fun lb x z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y in let val y = 15; val z = ref 0 in lb 5 z end end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) val c = promise(); fun max x y z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y; max 3 5 c; val c = promise(); val y = 5; fun lb x z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y; lb 3 c; let val y = 10; fun lb x z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y in let val y = 15 val z = promise() in lb 5 z end end; (* end solution using promises/futures *) let fun q x = (inspect ("stat(" ^ x ^ ")")) fun p x = q x in let fun q x = (inspect ("dyn(" ^ x ^ ")")) in p "hello" end end; (* solution using state variables *) let val x = 10 val y = spawn 99 val z = ref 0 in if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) let val x = 10 val y = spawn 99 val z = promise() in if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y end; (* end solution using promises/futures *) (* 2.4.3 Nonsuspendable statements *) (* solution using state variables *) local val res = ref (IntInf.fromInt(0)) in local val arg1 = IntInf.fromInt(111 * 111) val arg2 = IntInf.fromInt(222 * 222) val _ = res := arg1 * arg2 in end; val _ = inspect (!res); end; let val y = 10 val z = ref 0 in let fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y in lowerBound 5 z end end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) local val res = promise() in local val arg1 = IntInf.fromInt(111 * 111) val arg2 = IntInf.fromInt(222 * 222) val _ = res ?= arg1 * arg2 in end; val _ = inspect res; end; let val y = 10; val z = promise() in let fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y in lowerBound 5 z end end; (* end solution using promises/futures *) (* 2.4.5 Basic concepts revisited *) (* solution using state variables *) let fun max x y z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y in let val c = ref 0 in max 3 5 c end end; let val y = 5; fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y in let val c = ref 0 in lowerBound 33 c end end; let val y = 5; fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z := x else z := y in let val y = 10 val c = ref 0 in lowerBound 33 c end end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) let fun max x y z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y in let val c = promise() in max 3 5 c end end; let val y = 5 fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y in let val c = promise() in lowerBound 33 c end end; let val y = 5 fun lowerBound x z = if (x >= y) then z ?= x else z ?= y in let val y = 10 val c = promise() in lowerBound 33 c end end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* 2.5.1 Last call optimization *) fun loop10 i = if (i = 10) then () else ( inspect i; loop10 (i+1) ); val i = loop10 0; (* 2.5.4 Garbage collection is not magic *) fun upto m n = if (m > n) then [] else m :: upto (m+IntInf.fromInt(1)) n; val lst = upto (IntInf.fromInt(1)) (IntInf.fromInt(1000000)); fun sum x lst1 lst : IntInf.t = case lst1 of n::ns => sum (x+n) ns lst | _ => x; (* warning: this generates tons of garbage *) (*inspect (sum (IntInf.fromInt(0)) lst lst));*) fun sum x lst : IntInf.t = case lst of n::ns => sum (x+n) ns | _ => x; inspect (sum (IntInf.fromInt(0)) lst); (* 2.6.1 Syntactic conveniences *) datatype person = Person of { name:string, age:int }; Person{ name="George", age=25 }; let val a = "George" val b = 25 val x = Person{ name=a, age=b } in x end; datatype tree = Tree of { key:int, left:int, right:int, value:int }; val t = { key=1, left=2, right=3, value=4 }; let val { key=a, left=b, right=c, value=d } = t in t end; 11*11; val x = 11*11; Math.sqrt(5.0); let val xs = [5,6] val ys = [3,4] in case (xs, ys) of (nil, ys) => 1 | (xs, nil) => 2 | (x::xr, y::yr) if (x <= y) => 3 | _ => 4 end; let val xs = [5,6] val ys = [3,4] in case xs of nil => 1 | _ => case ys of nil => 2 | _ => case xs of x::xr => ( case ys of y::yr => if (x <= y) then 3 else 4 | _ => 4) | _ => 4 end; (2 = 2) andalso (4 = 4); if (2 = 2) then (4 = 4) else false; (2 = 2) orelse (4 = 4); if (2 = 2) then true else (4 = 4); (* don't think that alice has a correlary to nesting markers ($) Oz: {Browse {Obj get($)}} *) (* solution using state variables *) let fun obj z = z fun get z = z := 1234 val x = ref 0 in obj (get x); inspect (!x) end; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) let fun obj z = z fun get z = z ?= 1234 val x = promise() in obj (get x); inspect (?x) end; (* end solution using promises/futures *) (* 2.6.2 Functions *) fun max x y = if (x >= y) then x else y; (* solution using state variables *) val r = ref 0; fun max x y = r := ( if (x >= y) then x else y); val r = ref 0; fun max x y = if (x >= y) then r := x else r := y; (* end solution using state variables *) (* solution using promises/futures *) val r = promise(); fun max x y = r ?= ( if (x >= y) then x else y); val r = promise(); fun max x y = if (x >= y) then r ?= x else r ?= y; (* end solution using promises/futures *) fun f x = x*x; val x = 2; val xr = [1, 2, 3, 4]; val ys = f x :: map f xr; let fun f x = x*x val x = 2 val xr = [1, 2, 3, 4] in let val y = f x val yr = map f xr in y::yr end end; fun map' f xs = case xs of nil => nil | x::xr => (f x)::(map f xr); inspect (map (fn (x) => (x * x)) [1, 2, 3, 4]); let fun f x = x*x val x = 2 val xr = [1, 2, 3, 4] val p = promise() fun map' f xs p = case xs of nil => fulfill(p, nil) | x::xs => let val p' = promise() val y = f x val yr = future p' in fulfill(p, y::yr); map' f xs p' end in map' f xr p; future p end; (* 2.6.3 Interactive interface *) val px = promise() and py = promise(); val x = future(px) and y = future(py); val px = promise() and py = promise(); val x = future(px) and y = future(py); fulfill(px, 25); datatype person = Person of { name:string, age:int }; val pa = promise(); val a = promise(); fulfill(pa, Person{ name="", age=25 }); val px = promise() and py = promise(); val x = future(px) and y = future(py); let val px = promise() and py = promise() val x = future(px) and y = future(py) in () end; inspect 1; let val py = promise() val y = future(py) in inspect y end; let val pa = promise() and pb = promise() and pc = promise() val a = future(pa) and b = future(pb) and c = future(pc) in spawn fulfill(pa, 10); spawn fulfill(pb, 200); fulfill(pc, a + b); inspect c end; (* 2.7.1 Exceptions - Motivation and basic concepts *) datatype 'a expression = Number of 'a | Plus of 'a expression * 'a expression | Minus of 'a expression * 'a expression | Times of 'a expression * 'a expression; exception IllFormedExpr of string; fun toString(Number(x)) = "Number(" ^ Int.toString(x) ^ ")" | toString(Plus(x, y)) = "Plus(" ^ toString(x) ^ ", " ^ toString(y) ^ ")" | toString(Minus(x, y)) = "Minus(" ^ toString(x) ^ ", " ^ toString(y) ^ ")" | toString(Times(x, y)) = "Times(" ^ toString(x) ^ ", " ^ toString(y) ^ ")"; fun isNumber(Number(x)) = true | isNumber(_) = false; fun getNumber(Number(x)) = x | getNumber(e) = raise IllFormedExpr(toString(e)); fun eval e = if (isNumber(e)) then getNumber(e) else case e of Plus (x, y) => (eval x) + (eval y) | Times (x, y) => (eval x) * (eval y) | _ => raise IllFormedExpr(toString(e)); ( inspect (eval(Plus(Plus(Number(5), Number(5)), Number(10)))); inspect (eval(Times(Number(6), Number(11)))); inspect (eval(Minus(Number(7), Number(10)))) ) handle IllFormedExpr(e) => inspect ("*** Illegal Expression: '" ^ e ^ "' ***"); (* 2.7.3 Exceptions - Full syntax *) exception FileNotFound; fun processFile f = raise FileNotFound; fun closeFile f = (); fun toString(FileNotFound) = "FileNotFound" | toString(_) = "Unknown"; processFile "myfile" handle failure => () finally closeFile "myfile"; processFile "myfile" handle failure => inspect ("*** Exception '" ^ toString(failure) ^ "' when Processing File") finally closeFile "myfile"; (* 2.7.4 Exceptions - Full syntax *) fun one() = 1; fun two() = 2; (* compiler catches bind type errors *) (* ({one} = {two}) handle failure => inspect ("caughtFailure"); *) (* 2.8.1 Functional programming languages *) fun $ x = x * x; fun isNil x = (x = nil); fun isCons (h::t) = true | isCons nil = false; fun car (h::t) = h | car nil = nil; fun cdr (h::t) = t | cdr nil = nil; fun cons (h, t) = h::t; val rec append = fn (xs, ys) => if (isNil xs) then ys else cons(car xs, append((cdr xs), ys)); (* Unification (the = operator) *) (* Unify functions for Alice *) exception Unify fun isFulfilled p = not(Future.isFuture(future p)) fun known x = let val p = promise() in fulfill(p, x); p end fun unifyPromise unifyContent (p1, p2) = if (p1 = p2) then () else case (isFulfilled p1, isFulfilled p2) of (false, _) => fulfill(p1, future p2) | (_, false) => fulfill(p2, future p1) | (true, true) => unifyContent(future p1, future p2) fun unifySimple(x, y) = if x = y then () else raise Unify fun unifyList unifyElem (nil, nil) = () | unifyList unifyElem (x::xs, y::ys) = (unifyElem(x,y); unifyList unifyElem (xs,ys)) | unifyList unifyElem _ = raise Unify; unifyList unifySimple ([1,2,3], [1,2,3]); (* example usage *) (* Person datatype used in the examples *) datatype person = Person of {name : string promise, age : int promise} fun unifyPerson(Person{name, age}, Person{name=name', age=age'}) = ( unifyPromise unifySimple (name, name'); unifyPromise unifySimple (age, age')) (* Bindings to values *) val x = Person{name=promise(), age=promise()} val y = x (* Unification is symetric *) val x1 = promise() val x2 = promise() val x = Person{name=x1, age=x2}; unifyPerson(x, Person{name=x1, age=x2}); (* Any two partial values can be unified *) unifyPerson(Person{name=promise(), age=promise()}, Person{name=known "George", age=known 25}); (* If partial values are already equal, then unification does nothing *) unifyPerson(Person{name=known "George", age=known 25}, Person{name=known "George", age=known 25}); (* If partial values are incompatible, then they cannot be unified *) unifyPerson(Person{name=promise(), age=known 26}, Person{name=known "George", age=known 25}) handle Unify => (); (* Unification is symmetric in the arguments *) unifyPerson(Person{name=known "George", age=promise()}, Person{name=promise(), age=known 25}); (* Unification can create cyclic structures *) datatype person' = Person' of {grandfather : person' promise} fun unifyPerson'(Person'{grandfather}, Person'{grandfather=grandfather'}) = unifyPromise unifyPerson' (grandfather, grandfather') val x = promise(); unifyPromise unifyPerson' (x, known(Person'{grandfather=x})); (* Unification can bind cyclic structures *) datatype t = F of {a : t promise, b : t promise} fun unifyF (F{a, b}, F{a=a', b=b'}) = (unifyPromise unifyF (a,a'); unifyPromise unifyF (b,b')) val x = promise(); unifyPromise unifyF (x, known(F{a=x, b=promise()})); val y = promise(); unifyPromise unifyF (y, known(F{a=promise(), b=y})); unifyPromise unifyF (x, y); (* The unification algorithm *) datatype foo = Foo of {a : int promise} fun unifyFoo(Foo{a}, Foo{a=a'}) = (unifyPromise unifySimple (a, a')) val x8 = promise() val x7 = x8 val x6 = promise() val x5 = promise() val x4 = x5 val x3 = x4 val x2 = known 25; val x1 = known (Foo{a=x2}); val x1 = promise() val x2 = promise() val x3 = promise() val x4 = promise() val x5 = promise() val x6 = promise() val x7 = promise() val x8 = promise(); unifyPromise unifySimple (x1, known(Foo{a=x2})); unifyPromise unifySimple (x2, known(25)); unifyPromise unifyFoo (x3, x6); unifyPromise unifyFoo (x4, x6); unifyPromise unifyFoo (x5, x6); unifyPromise unifyFoo (x7, known(Foo{a=x2})); unifyPromise unifyFoo (x8, known(Foo{a=x2})); datatype foo = Foo of {a : foo promise} fun unifyFoo(Foo{a}, Foo{a=a'}) = (unifyPromise unifySimple (a, a')) datatype t = F of {a : t promise} fun unifyF (F{a}, F{a=a'}) = unifyPromise unifyF (a,a') val x = promise(); val y = promise(); unifyPromise unifyF (x, known(F{a=x})); unifyPromise unifyF (y, known(F{a=y})); (* loops forever on unify *) (* unifyPromise unifyF (x, y); *) (* Displaying cyclic structures *) (* ctm plays fast and loose with types in this section *) (* not gonna spend much time getting these correct *) datatype t = F of {a : t promise, b : t promise} fun unifyF (F{a, b}, F{a=a', b=b'}) = (unifyPromise unifyF (a,a'); unifyPromise unifyF (b,b')) val x = promise(); val y = promise(); val z = promise(); unifyPromise unifyF (known(F{a=x, b=promise()}), known(F{a=promise(), b=y})); unifyPromise unifyF (z, known(F{a=z, b=promise()})); inspect [x, y, z]; datatype t = A of {a : t promise, b : t promise, c : t promise} fun unifyA (A{a, b, c}, A{a=a', b=b', c=c'}) = (unifyPromise unifyA (a,a'); unifyPromise unifyA (b,b'); unifyPromise unifyA (c,c')) val x = promise(); val y = promise(); val z = promise(); (*unifyPromise unifyA (known(A{a=x, b=z, c=z}), known(A{a=y, b=y, c=x}));*) inspect [x, y, z]; (* Entailment and disentailment checks (the == and \= operations *) val head = 1; val tail = 2::nil; val l1 = known(head::tail); val l2 = known([1,2]); val l3 = known(1::2::nil); inspect (future(l1) = future(l2)); inspect (future(l1) = future(l3)); val x = promise(); val l1 = known([1]); val l2 = known([future(x)]); fulfill(x, 1); (* will wait if this line removed *) inspect (future(l1) = future(l2)); val x = promise(); val l1 = known([future(x)]); val l2 = known([future(x)]); fulfill(x, 1); (* will wait if this line removed *) inspect (future(l1) = future(l2)); val x = promise(); val l1 = known([1, future(promise())]); val l2 = known([future(x), future(promise())]); (*inspect (future(l1) = future(l2));*) (* Alternate implementation of Unify *) (* first stab at Unify in Alice - Andreas provided the cleaner solutions listed above *) (* Unify functions for Alice *) signature UNIFY = sig exception Unify val clear : unit -> unit val unify : unit -> unit val bind : 'a Promise.promise * 'a -> unit val predicate : 'a * ('a * 'a -> bool) * 'a * 'a Promise.promise option * 'a Promise.promise option -> unit end structure Unify :> UNIFY = struct open Promise open Future exception Unify val store = ref [] fun addStore(f) = store := f::(!store) fun clear() = store := []; fun unify() = let fun unifyStore (f::fs) = let val _ = f() in unifyStore(fs) end | unifyStore nil = () in unifyStore(!store) end fun bind(px:'a promise, x:'a) = let val _ = fulfill(px, x) handle failure => raise Unify in unify() end fun predicate( x : 'a, opn : 'a * 'a -> bool, y : 'a, px : 'a promise option, py : 'a promise option) = ( if (op= = opn) then addStore( fn () => ( if (not(isFuture(x)) orelse isFuture(y) orelse not(isSome(px))) then () else bind(valOf(px), y); if (isFuture(x) orelse not(isFuture(y)) orelse not(isSome(py))) then () else bind(valOf(py), x); if (isFuture(x) orelse isFuture(y)) then () else if (x = y) then ( (* can remove this function from store here *) ) else raise Unify)) else addStore( fn () => if (isFuture(x) orelse isFuture(y)) then () else if opn(x, y) then ( (* can remove this function from store here *) ) else raise Unify)) end (* example usage of Unify *) val px = promise(); val x = future(px); val py = promise(); val y = future(py); Unify.predicate(x, op=, y, SOME px, SOME py); Unify.predicate(x, op<, 125, NONE, NONE); Unify.predicate(x, op>, 100, NONE, NONE); Unify.predicate(x, op=, y, NONE, NONE); Unify.bind(px, 123); Unify.predicate(x, op<>, y, NONE, NONE); Unify.unify() handle Unify.Unify => Unify.clear(); (* Person datatype used for examples *) datatype person = Person of {name:string, age:int} fun unifyPerson( Person{name=name1, age=age1}, Person{name=name2, age=age2}, pname1, page1, pname2, page2) = ( Unify.predicate(name1, op=, name2, pname1, pname2); Unify.predicate(age1, op=, age2, page1, page2); Unify.unify() ); (* bindings to values *) val px1 = promise(); val px2 = promise(); val x1 = future(px1); val x2 = future(px2); val x = Person{name=x1, age=x2}; val y = x; (* Unification is symetric *) val px1 = promise(); val px2 = promise(); val x1 = future(px1); val x2 = future(px2); val x = Person{name=x1, age=x2}; unifyPerson(x, Person{name=x1, age=x2}, SOME px1, SOME px2, NONE, NONE); (* Any two partial values can be unified *) val px1 = promise(); val x1 = future(px1); val px2 = promise(); val x2 = future(px2); unifyPerson( Person{name=x1, age=x2}, Person{name="George", age=25}, SOME px1, SOME px2, NONE, NONE); (* If partial values are already equal, then unification does nothing *) val x = Person{name="George", age=25}; val y = Person{name="George", age=25}; unifyPerson(x, y, NONE, NONE, NONE, NONE); (* If partial values are incompatible, then they cannot be unified *) val px1 = promise(); val x1 = future(px1); unifyPerson( Person{name=x1, age=26}, Person{name="George", age=25}, SOME px1, NONE, NONE, NONE) handle Unify.Unify => Unify.clear(); (* Unification is symetric in the arguments *) val px1 = promise(); val px2 = promise(); val x1 = future(px1); val x2 = future(px2); unifyPerson( Person{name=x1, age=25}, Person{name="George", age=x2}, SOME px1, NONE, NONE, SOME px2); (* Unification can create cyclic structures *) datatype person_cyclic = PersonCyclic of {grandfather:person_cyclic} val px = promise(); val x = future(px); Unify.bind(px, PersonCyclic{grandfather=x}); (* note: this one was tricksie. the following causes grief. *) val px = promise(); val x = future(px); Unify.predicate(x, op=, PersonCyclic{grandfather=x}, SOME px, NONE); (* Unify.unify(); *) (* uncomment this code see effect *) Unify.clear(); (* Unification can bind cyclic structures *) datatype person_cyclic = PersonCyclic of {a:person_cyclic, b:person_cyclic} val px = promise(); val py = promise(); val x = future(px); val y = future(py); Unify.bind(px, PersonCyclic{a=x, b=y}); (* Unify.bind(py, PersonCyclic{a=x, b=y}); *) (* Causes grief in Alice 1.2 *) (* end first stab at Unify in Alice *) |