(* CTM Chapter #03 Examples in Alice ML *) import structure Url from "x-alice:/lib/system/Url" import structure HttpClient from "x-alice:/lib/system/HttpClient" import structure Gtk from "x-alice:/lib/gtk/Gtk" (* syntactic sugar for solutions using promises/futures *) open Promise open Future infix 3 ?= val op?= = fulfill val ? = future (* 3.1.3 Implementing components in the declarative model *) val x = 1 val y = 2 val z = promise(); if (x > y) then z ?= x else z ?=y; (* 3.2.1 Iterative computation - A general schema *) fun abs' x = if (x < 0.0) then ~x else x fun goodEnough guess x = (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001 fun improve guess x = (guess + x/guess) / 2.0 fun sqrtIter guess x = if (goodEnough guess x) then guess else sqrtIter (improve guess x) x fun sqrt x = let val guess = 1.0 in sqrtIter guess x end; (* 3.2.3 Iterative computation - Using local procedures *) local fun goodEnough guess x = (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001 fun improve guess x = (guess + x/guess) / 2.0 fun sqrtIter guess x = if (goodEnough guess x) then guess else sqrtIter (improve guess x) x in fun sqrt x = let val guess = 1.0 in sqrtIter guess x end; end; fun sqrt x = let fun goodEnough guess x = (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001 fun sqrtIter guess x = let fun improve guess x = (guess + x/guess) / 2.0 in if (goodEnough guess x) then guess else sqrtIter (improve guess x) x end val guess = 1.0 in sqrtIter guess x end; fun sqrt x = let fun sqrtIter guess = let fun improve() = (guess + x/guess) / 2.0 fun goodEnough() = (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001 in if goodEnough() then guess else sqrtIter (improve()) end val guess = 1.0 in sqrtIter guess end; (* 3.2.4 Iterative computation - From general schema to control abstraction *) fun sqrt x = let fun improve guess = (guess + x/guess) / 2.0 fun goodEnough guess = (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001 fun sqrtIter guess = if (goodEnough guess) then guess else sqrtIter (improve guess) val guess = 1.0 in sqrtIter guess end; fun iterate transform isdone s = if (isdone s) then s else iterate transform isdone (transform(s)) fun sqrt x = iterate (fn guess => (guess + x/guess) / 2.0) (fn guess => (abs'(x - guess*guess) / x) < 0.00001) 1.0; (* 3.3 Recursive computation *) fun fact n = if (n = 0) then 1 else if (n > 0) then n * fact (n-1) else raise Domain; inspect (fact 5); (* 3.3.1 Recursive computation - Growing stack size *) fun fact n r = if (n = 0) then r ?= 1 else if (n > 0) then let val n1 = n - 1 val r1 = promise() in fact n1 r1; r ?= n * ?r1 end else raise Domain; val r = promise(); fact 5 r; (* 3.3.3 Converting a recursive to an iterative computation *) fun fact n = let fun factIter n a = if (n = 0) then a else if (n > 0) then factIter (n-1) (a*n) else raise Domain in factIter n 1 end; (* Programming with lists - Thinking recursively *) fun length' [] = 0 | length' (x::xs) = 1 + length' xs; inspect (length' ["a", "b", "c"]); fun append' [] ys = ys | append' (x::xs) ys = x :: (append' xs ys); inspect (append' [1, 2, 3] [4, 5, 6]); (* Programming with lists - Recursive functions and their domains *) fun nth' xs n if (n = 1) = hd xs | nth' xs n if (n > 1) = nth' (tl xs) (n - 1) | nth' xs n = raise Domain; inspect (nth' ["a", "b", "c", "d"] 5) handle Empty => (); inspect (nth' [1, 2, 3] 2); fun sumList [] = 0 | sumList (x::xs) = x + sumList(xs); inspect (sumList [1, 2, 3]); (* Programming with lists - Naive implementations are often slow *) fun reverse [] = [] | reverse (x::xs) = append' (reverse xs) [x]; (* Programming with lists - Converting recursive to iterative computations *) fun length' [] = 0 | length' (x::xs) = 1 + length' xs; fun iterLength i [] = i | iterLength i (_::xs) = iterLength (i + 1) (xs); local fun iterLength i [] = i | iterLength i (_::xs) = iterLength (i + 1) (xs) in fun length' xs = iterLength 0 xs end; local fun iterReverse rs [] = rs | iterReverse rs (y::yr) = iterReverse (y::rs) yr in fun reverse xs = iterReverse [] xs end; (* Programming with lists - Constructing programs by following the type *) datatype 'a nestedlist = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a nestedlist list fun lengthL (Branch []) = 0 | lengthL (Branch (x::xs)) = lengthL(x) + lengthL(Branch xs) | lengthL (Leaf x) = 1 fun lengthL2 (Branch []) = 1 | lengthL2 (Branch (x::xs)) = lengthL2(x) + lengthL2(Branch xs) | lengthL2 (Leaf x) = 1 val x = Branch [ Branch [Leaf 1, Leaf 2], Leaf 4, Branch [], Branch [Branch [Leaf 5], Leaf 10] ]; inspect (lengthL x); inspect (lengthL2 x); (* additional info *) (* lengthL is the same as counting the number of leaves *) fun leaves (Leaf _) = 1 | leaves (Branch kids) = foldl op+ 0 (map leaves kids) val x = Branch [ Branch [Leaf "hello"], Leaf "lovely", Branch [Leaf "world", Leaf "!"]]; inspect (leaves x); (* end additional info *) (* Programming with lists - Sorting with mergesort *) (* note: probably need to convert these to iterative form *) fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if (x < y) then x::merge(xs, y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs, ys) fun split nil = (nil, nil) | split (x::nil) = ([x], nil) | split (x::y::xs) = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in (x::ys, y::zs) end fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end; inspect (mergesort [3,2,4,1]); (* 3.4.3 Programming with lists - Accumulators *) datatype 'a expression = Item of 'a | Plus of 'a expression * 'a expression; datatype 'a compiled = CLeaf | CPlus of 'a compiled | CPush of 'a * 'a compiled fun exprcode(Plus(a, b), c1, cn, s1, sn) = let val c2 = CPlus c1 val s2 = s1 + 1 val c3 = promise() val s3 = promise() in exprcode(b, c2, c3, s2, s3); exprcode(a, future c3, cn, future s3, sn) end | exprcode(Item i, c1, cn, s1, sn) = let in cn ?= CPush(i, c1); sn ?= s1 + 1 end val code = promise() val siz = promise() val _ = exprcode(Plus(Plus(Item "a", Item "3"), Item "b"), CLeaf, code, 0, siz); inspect (future code); inspect (future siz); fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if (x < y) then x::merge(xs, y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs, ys) fun mergesort xs = let fun mergesortacc(xs, 0) = (nil, xs) | mergesortacc(x::xs, 1) = ([x], xs) | mergesortacc(xs, n) = let val nl = n div 2 val nr = n - nl val (ys, x2) = mergesortacc(xs, nl) val (zs, x3) = mergesortacc(x2, nr) in (merge(ys, zs), x3) end val (sorted, _) = mergesortacc(xs, length xs) in sorted end; inspect (mergesort [3,2,4,1]); (* 3.4.4 Programming with lists - Difference lists *) fun appendD(d1, d2) = let val (s1, p1) = d1 val (s2, p2) = d2 in fulfill(p1, s2); (s1, p2) end; val px = promise() val py = promise(); inspect (appendD((1::2::3::future(px), px), (4::5::future(py), py))); fun append' (nil, ys) = ys | append' (x::xs, ys) = x::append'(xs, ys); datatype 'a nestedlist = Leaf of 'a | Branch of 'a nestedlist list fun flatten (Leaf x) = [x] | flatten (Branch nil) = nil | flatten (Branch (x::xs)) = append'(flatten x, flatten (Branch xs)) val x = Branch [ Branch [Leaf #"a", Leaf #"b"], Branch [Branch [Leaf #"c"], Branch [Leaf #"d"]], Branch [], Branch [Leaf #"e", Branch [Leaf #"f"]]]; inspect (flatten x); fun flatten xs = let fun flattenD (Branch nil, e) = e | flattenD (Branch ((Branch x)::xr), e) = flattenD(Branch x, flattenD(Branch xr, e)) | flattenD (Branch ((Leaf x)::xr), e) = x::flattenD(Branch xr, e) | flattenD (Leaf x, e) = x::e in flattenD(xs, []) end fun flatten xs = let fun flattenD (Branch nil, ds) = let val (s, e) = ds in fulfill(s, e) end | flattenD (Branch ((Branch x)::xr), ds) = let val (s, e) = ds val y2 = promise() in flattenD(Branch x, (s, future(y2))); flattenD(Branch xr, (y2, e)) end | flattenD (Branch ((Leaf x)::xr), ds) = let val (s, e) = ds val y1 = promise() in fulfill(s, x::(future y1)); flattenD(Branch xr, (y1, e)) end | flattenD (Leaf x, ds) = let val (s, e) = ds in fulfill(s, x::e) end val s = promise() in flattenD(xs, (s, [])); future(s) end fun flatten xs = let fun flattenD (Branch nil, s, e) = fulfill(s, e) | flattenD (Branch ((Branch x)::xr), s, e) = let val y2 = promise() in flattenD(Branch x, s, future(y2)); flattenD(Branch xr, y2, e) end | flattenD (Branch ((Leaf x)::xr), s, e) = let val y1 = promise() in fulfill(s, x::(future y1)); flattenD(Branch xr, y1, e) end | flattenD (Leaf x, s, e) = fulfill(s, x::e) val s = promise() in flattenD(xs, s, []); future(s) end fun flatten xs = let fun flattenD (Branch nil, e) = e | flattenD (Branch ((Branch x)::xr), e) = flattenD(Branch x, flattenD(Branch xr, e)) | flattenD (Branch ((Leaf x)::xr), e) = x::flattenD(Branch xr, e) | flattenD (Leaf x, e) = x::e in flattenD(xs, []) end fun reverse' xs = let fun reverseD (Branch nil, y1, y) = fulfill(y1, y) | reverseD (Branch (x::xr), y1, Branch y) = reverseD(Branch xr, y1, Branch (x::y)) | reverseD (Leaf x, y1, y) = fulfill(y1, Leaf x) val y1 = promise() in reverseD(xs, y1, Branch nil); future(y1) end (* 3.4.5 Queues *) (* naive queue *) fun butLast ([y], x, l1) = let val _ = fulfill(x, y) val _ = fulfill(l1, []) in (future x, future l1) end | butLast (y::l2, x, l1) = let val l3 = promise() val _ = fulfill(l1, y::(future l3)) in butLast (l2, x, l3); (future(x), future(l1)) end | butLast ([], x, l1) = raise Empty val x = [1, 2, 3, 4]; inspect (butLast(x, promise(), promise())); (* amortized constant-time ephemeral queue *) datatype 'a queue = Queue of 'a list * 'a list fun newQueue () = Queue(nil, nil) fun checkQ (Queue(nil, r)) = Queue(reverse r, nil) | checkQ q = q fun insertQ (Queue(f, r), x) = checkQ(Queue(f, x::r)) fun deleteQ (Queue(f::fs, r), px) = let val _ = fulfill(px, f) in checkQ(Queue(fs, r)) end | deleteQ (Queue([], r), px) = raise Empty fun isEmpty' (Queue(f::fs, r)) = false | isEmpty' (Queue([], r)) = true val q1 = newQueue() val q2 = insertQ(q1, "peter") val q3 = insertQ(q2, "paul"); val p4 = promise() val q4 = deleteQ(q3, p4); inspect (future p4); val q5 = insertQ(q4, "mary") val p6 = promise() val q6 = deleteQ(q5, p6); inspect (future p6); val p7 = promise() val q7 = deleteQ(q6, p7); inspect (future p7); (* Worst-case constant-time ephemeral queue *) datatype 'a queue = Queue of int * 'a promise list promise * 'a promise list promise fun newQueue () = let val x = promise() in Queue(0, x, x) end fun insertQ (Queue(n, s, e), x) if (n >= 0) = let val e1 = promise() val px = promise() in fulfill(px, x); fulfill(e, px::(future e1)); Queue(n+1, s, e1) end | insertQ (Queue(n, s, e), x) if (n = ~1) = let val e1 = promise() val px = hd(future e) in fulfill(px, x); Queue(n+1, e1, e1) end | insertQ (Queue(n, s, e), x) = let val e1 = promise() val px = hd(future e) in fulfill(px, x); fulfill(e1, tl(future e)); Queue(n+1, s, e1) end fun deleteQ (Queue(n, s, e), px) if (n <= 0) = let val s1 = promise() in fulfill(s, px::(future s1)); Queue(n-1, s1, e) end | deleteQ (Queue(n, s, e), px) if (n = 1) = let val s1 = promise() in fulfill(px, future (hd(future s))); Queue(n-1, s1, s1) end | deleteQ (Queue(n, s, e), px) = let val s1 = promise() in fulfill(px, future (hd(future s))); fulfill(s1, tl(future s)); Queue(n-1, s1, e) end fun isEmpty' (Queue(n, s, e)) = (n = 0) val q1 = newQueue() val q2 = insertQ(q1, "peter") val q3 = insertQ(q2, "paul") val p4 = promise() val q4 = deleteQ(q3, p4); inspect (future p4); val p5 = promise() val q5 = deleteQ(q4, p5); inspect (future p5); val p6 = promise() val q6 = deleteQ(q5, p6); inspect (future p6); val q7 = insertQ(q6, "mary"); (* persistent queues *) fun forkD (d, e, f) = let val (d1, _) = d val (e1, e0) = e val (f1, f0) = f in (* need to figure out what {Append D1 E0 E1} does in Oz appendD(appendD(d1, e0), e1); appendD(appendD(d1, f0), f1); *) d end fun forkQ (Queue(n, s, e)) = let val s1 = promise() val s2 = promise() val e1 = promise() val e2 = promise() val q1 = Queue(n, s1, e1) val q2 = Queue(n, s2, e2) in forkD((s, e), (s1, e1), (s2, e2)); (q1, q2) end | forkQ (_) = raise Empty; val q1 = newQueue() val q2 = insertQ(q1, "peter") val (qa, qb) = forkQ(q2); inspect qa; inspect qb; (* Trees - Storing information in trees *) datatype ('a, 'b) obtree = Leaf | Tree of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) obtree * ('a, 'b) obtree val xtree = Tree(#"c", 10, Tree(#"a", 20, Leaf, Leaf), Tree(#"e", 30, Leaf, Leaf)); fun lookupOBT (x, Leaf, lt) = NONE | lookupOBT (x, Tree(y, v, t1, t2), lt) = if (lt(x, y)) then lookupOBT(x, t1, lt) else if (lt(y, x)) then lookupOBT(x, t2, lt) else SOME v; inspect (lookupOBT(#"c", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"a", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"e", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"b", xtree, op<)); fun lookupOBT (x, Leaf, lt) = NONE | lookupOBT (x, Tree(y, v, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(x, y)) = lookupOBT(x, t1, lt) | lookupOBT (x, Tree(y, v, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(y, x)) = lookupOBT(x, t2, lt) | lookupOBT (x, Tree(y, v, t1, t2), lt) = SOME v; inspect (lookupOBT(#"c", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"a", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"e", xtree, op<)); inspect (lookupOBT(#"b", xtree, op<)); fun insertOBT (x, v, Leaf, lt) = Tree(x, v, Leaf, Leaf) | insertOBT (x, v, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(x, y)) = Tree(y, w, insertOBT(x, v, t1, lt), t2) | insertOBT (x, v, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(y, x)) = Tree(y, w, t1, insertOBT(x, v, t2, lt)) | insertOBT (x, v, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) = Tree(x, v, t1, t2); inspect (insertOBT(#"b", 15, xtree, op<)); (* Trees - Deletion and tree reorganization *) fun deleteSubTree (x, Leaf, lt) = Leaf | deleteSubTree (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(x, y)) = Tree(y, w, deleteSubTree(x, t1, lt), t2) | deleteSubTree (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(y, x)) = Tree(y, w, t1, deleteSubTree(x, t2, lt)) | deleteSubTree (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) = Leaf; inspect (deleteSubTree(#"c", xtree, op<)); fun removeSmallest (Leaf) = NONE | removeSmallest (Tree(y, v, t1, t2)) = let val tx = removeSmallest(t1) in case tx of NONE => SOME (y, v, t2) | SOME (yp, vp, tp) => SOME (yp, vp, Tree(y, v, tp, t2)) end fun deleteOBT (x, Leaf, lt) = Leaf | deleteOBT (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(x, y)) = Tree(y, w, deleteOBT(x, t1, lt), t2) | deleteOBT (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) if (lt(y, x))= Tree(y, w, t1, deleteOBT(x, t2, lt)) | deleteOBT (x, Tree(y, w, t1, t2), lt) = let val tx = removeSmallest(t2) in case tx of NONE => t1 | SOME (yp, vp, tp) => Tree(yp, vp, t1, tp) end; inspect (deleteOBT(#"c", xtree, op<)); (* Trees - Tree traversal *) (* Depth-first traversal *) fun dfs (Leaf) = () | dfs (Tree(key, v, l, r)) = (inspect (key:char, v:int); dfs l; dfs r); dfs(xtree); fun dfsAccLoop (Leaf, s1, sn) = fulfill(sn, future s1) | dfsAccLoop (Tree(key, v, l, r), s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() in fulfill(s2, (key, v)::(future s1)); dfsAccLoop(l, s2, s3); dfsAccLoop(r, s3, sn) end fun dfsAcc t = let val s1 = promise() val sn = promise() in fulfill(s1, nil); dfsAccLoop(t, s1, sn); reverse(future sn) end; inspect (dfsAcc(xtree)); fun dfsAccLoop2 (Leaf, s1, sn) = fulfill(s1, future sn) | dfsAccLoop2 (Tree(key, v, l, r), s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() in fulfill(s1, (key, v)::(future s2)); dfsAccLoop2(l, s2, s3); dfsAccLoop2(r, s3, sn) end fun dfsAcc2 t = let val s1 = promise() val sn = promise() in fulfill(sn, []); dfsAccLoop2(t, s1, sn); future s1 end; inspect (dfsAcc2(xtree)); (* Breath-first traversal *) fun bfs t = let fun treeInsert (q, Leaf) = q | treeInsert (q, t) = insertQ(q, t) fun bfsQueue q1 = if (isEmpty' q1) then () else let val x = promise() val q2 = promise() in fulfill(q2, deleteQ(q1, x)); case future x of Tree(key, v, l, r) => ( inspect (key:char, v:int); bfsQueue(treeInsert(treeInsert(future q2, l), r))) | Leaf => () end in bfsQueue(treeInsert(newQueue(), t)) end; bfs(xtree); fun bfsAcc t = let fun treeInsert (q, Leaf) = q | treeInsert (q, t) = insertQ(q, t) fun bfsQueue (q1, s1, sn) = if (isEmpty' q1) then fulfill(s1, future sn) else let val x = promise() val q2 = promise() val s2 = promise() in fulfill(q2, deleteQ(q1, x)); case future x of Tree(key, v, l, r) => ( fulfill(s1, (key, v)::(future s2)); bfsQueue(treeInsert(treeInsert(future q2, l), r), s2, sn)) | Leaf => () end val s1 = promise() val sn = promise() in fulfill(sn, nil); bfsQueue(treeInsert(newQueue(), t), s1, sn); future s1 end; inspect (bfsAcc(xtree)); fun dfs t = let fun treeInsert (s, Leaf) = s | treeInsert (s, t) = t::s fun dfsStack (Tree(key, v, l, r)::s) = ( inspect (key:char, v:int); dfsStack(treeInsert(treeInsert(s, r), l))) | dfsStack _ = () in dfsStack(treeInsert(nil, t)) end; dfs(xtree); (* 3.4.7 Trees - Drawing Trees *) (* Don't like the Oz Adjoin function - so I just attached the coordinates directly in the tree *) datatype ('a, 'b, 'c) obtree = Leaf | Tree of { key : 'a, value : 'b, x : 'c promise, y : 'c promise, left : ('a, 'b, 'c) obtree, right : ('a, 'b, 'c) obtree } val scale = 30 fun depthFirst (Tree{x, y, left=Leaf, right=Leaf, ...}, level, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) = let in fulfill(x, future rootX); fulfill(rootX, future rightLim); fulfill(rightLim, future leftLim); fulfill(y, scale * level) end | depthFirst (Tree{x, y, left, right=Leaf, ...}, level, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) = let in fulfill(x, future rootX); fulfill(y, scale * level); depthFirst(left, level+1, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) end | depthFirst (Tree{x, y, left=Leaf, right, ...}, level, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) = let in fulfill(x, future rootX); fulfill(y, scale * level); depthFirst(right, level+1, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) end | depthFirst (Tree{x, y, left, right, ...}, level, leftLim, rootX, rightLim) = let val lRootX = promise() val rRootX = promise() val lRightLim = promise() val rLeftLim = promise() in fulfill(y, scale * level); depthFirst(left, level+1, leftLim, lRootX, lRightLim); fulfill(rLeftLim, scale + (future lRightLim)); depthFirst(right, level+1, rLeftLim, rRootX, rightLim); fulfill(x, future rootX); fulfill(rootX, (future lRootX + future rRootX) div 2) end | depthFirst (Leaf, _, _, _, _) = (); val xtree = Tree{key=(#"a"), value=111, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"b"), value=55, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"x"), value=100, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"z"), value=56, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}, right=Tree{key=(#"w"), value=23, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}}, right=Tree{key=(#"y"), value=105, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Tree{key=(#"r"), value=77, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}}}, right=Tree{key=(#"c"), value=123, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"d"), value=119, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"g"), value=44, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}, right=Tree{key=(#"h"), value=50, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Tree{key=(#"i"), value=5, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}, right=Tree{key=(#"j"), value=6, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}}}, right=Tree{key=(#"e"), value=133, x=promise(), y=promise(), left=Leaf, right=Leaf}}} val leftLim = promise(); fulfill(leftLim, scale); depthFirst(xtree, 1, leftLim, promise(), promise()); inspect xtree; (* 3.4.8 Trees - Parsing *) (* Not finished - skipping over this section for the time being *) fun isInt s = foldl (fn (x,y) => Char.isDigit(x) andalso y) true (explode (future s)) fun isIdent s = foldl (fn (x,y) => Char.isAlphaNum(x) andalso y) true (explode (future s)) fun id (s1, sn) = let val x = promise() in fulfill(x, hd (future s1)); (x) end fun cop y = case y of "<" => true | ">" => true | "=<" => true | ">=" => true | "==" => true | "!=" => true | _ => false fun eop y = case y of "+" => true | "-" => true | _ => false fun top y = case y of "*" => true | "/" => true | _ => false fun sequence (nonterm, sep, s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() val x1 = nonterm(s1, s2) val t = hd(future s2) in fulfill(s3, tl(future s2)); if (sep(t)) then let val x2 = sequence(nonterm, sep, s3, sn) in (* T(X1 X2) in Oz - not sure how to make consisten return type *) (x1) end else let val _ = fulfill(s2, future sn) in (x1) end end fun comp (s1, sn) = sequence(expr, cop, s1, sn) and expr (s1, sn) = sequence(term, eop, s1, sn) and term (s1, sn) = sequence(fact, top, s1, sn) and fact (s1, sn) = let val t = promise() val s2 = promise() in fulfill(t, hd(future s1)); fulfill(s2, tl(future s1)); if (isInt(t) orelse isIdent(t)) then let val _ = fulfill(sn, future s2) in (t) end else let val e = promise() val s4 = promise() val s3 = promise() in (* S1 = '('|S4 - not quite there *) fulfill(s4, tl(future s1)); e = expr(s4, s3); (* S3 = ')'|Sn - not quite there *) fulfill(s3, tl(future sn)); (e) end end fun prog (s1, sn) = let val y = promise() val z = promise() val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() val s4 = promise() val s5 = promise() in fulfill(s1, "program"::(future s2)); fulfill(y, id(s2, 34)); fulfill(s3, ";"::(future s4)) end (* Here's the Oz code (unverified) declare fun {IsIdent X} { IsAtom X } end fun {Id S1 Sn} X in S1=X|Sn true={IsIdent X} X end fun {COP Y} Y=='<' orelse Y=='>' orelse Y=='=<' orelse Y=='>=' orelse Y=='==' orelse Y=='!=' end fun {EOP Y} Y=='+' orelse Y=='-' end fun {TOP Y} Y=='*' orelse Y=='/' end fun {Sequence NonTerm Sep S1 Sn} X1 S2 T S3 in X1={NonTerm S1 S2} S2=T|S3 if {Sep T} then X2 in X2={Sequence NonTerm Sep S3 Sn} T(X1 X2) % Dynamic Record Creation else S2=Sn X1 end end fun {Comp S1 Sn} {Sequence Expr COP S1 Sn} end fun {Expr S1 Sn} {Sequence Expr EOP S1 Sn} end fun {Term S1 Sn} {Sequence Expr TOP S1 Sn} end fun {Fact S1 Sn} T|S2=S1 in if {IsInt T} orelse {IsIdent T} then S2=Sn T else E S2 S3 in S1='('|S2 E={Expr S2 S3} S3=')'|Sn E end end fun {Stat S1 Sn} T|S2=S1 in case T of begin then {Sequence Stat fun {$ X} X==';' end S2 'end'|Sn} [] 'if' then C X1 X2 S3 S4 S5 S6 in {Comp C S2 S3} S3='then'|S4 X1={Stat S4 S5} S5='else'|S6 X2={Stat S4 S5} 'if'(C X1 X2) [] while then C X S3 S4 in C={Comp S2 S3} S3='do'|S4 X={Stat S4 Sn} while(C X) [] read then I in I={Id S2 Sn} read(I) [] write then E in E={Expr S2 Sn} write(E) elseif {IsIdent T} then E S3 in S2=':='|S3 E={Expr S3 Sn} assign(T E) else S1=Sn raise error(S1) end end end fun {Prog S1 Sn} Y Z S2 S3 S4 S5 in S1=program|S2 Y={Id S2 S3} S3=';'|S4 Z={Stat S2 S5} S5='end'|Sn prog(Y Z) end declare A Sn in A = {Prog [program foo ';' while a '+' 3 '<'b 'do' b ':=' b '+' 1 'end'] Sn} {Browse A} % local R={MakeRecord T [1 2]} in X1=R.1 X2=R.2 R end *) (* 3.5.1 Time and space efficiency - Execution time *) fun append' (nil, ys) = ys | append' (x::xs, ys) = x::append'(xs, ys) fun append' (nil, ys, zs) = fulfill(zs, ys) | append' (x::xr, ys, zs) = let val zr = promise() in fulfill(zs, x::(future zr)); append'(xr, ys, zr) end fun shiftLeft [] = [0] | shiftLeft (n::ns) = n::shiftLeft(ns); fun shiftRight ns = 0::ns; fun addList [] _ = [] | addList _ [] = [] | addList (n1::ns1) (n2::ns2) = (n1 + n2)::(addList ns1 ns2) fun fastPascal 1 = [1] | fastPascal n = let val ns = fastPascal(n-1) in addList (shiftLeft ns) (shiftRight ns) end fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end; (* 3.6.1 Higher-order programming - Basic operations *) let val a = 1.0 val b = 3.0 val c = 2.0 val d = b*b - 4.0*a*c val realSol = promise() val x1 = promise() val x2 = promise() in if (d >= 0.0) then ( fulfill(realSol, true); fulfill(x1, (~b + Math.sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)); fulfill(x2, (~b - Math.sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)) ) else ( fulfill(realSol, false); fulfill(x1, ~b/(2.0*a)); fulfill(x2, Math.sqrt(d)/(2.0*a)) ) end; fun quadraticEquation (a, b, c) = let val d = b*b - 4.0*a*c in if (d >= 0.0) then (true, (~b + Math.sqrt(d))/(2.0*a), (~b - Math.sqrt(d))/(2.0*a)) else (false, ~b/(2.0*a), Math.sqrt(d)/(2.0*a)) end; inspect (quadraticEquation(1.0, 3.0, 2.0)); fun sumList nil = 0 | sumList (x::xs) = x + sumList(xs) fun foldr' nil f u = u | foldr' (x::xs) f u = f (x, foldr' xs f u) fun sumList xs = foldr' xs (fn (x, y) => x + y) 0 fun prodList xs = foldr' xs (fn (x, y) => x * y) 0 fun some xs = foldr' xs (fn (x, y) => x orelse y) false fun genericMergeSort f xs = let fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xr as xs, y::yr as ys) = if f(x, y) then x::merge(xr, ys) else y::merge(xs, yr) fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end in mergesort xs end fun mergesort xs = genericMergeSort (fn (a, b) => a < b) xs fun makeSort f = genericMergeSort f (* 3.6.2 Higher-order programming - Loop abstractions *) fun for a b s f = let fun loopup c if (c <= b) = (f c; loopup (c+s)) | loopup c = () fun loopdown c if (c >= b) = (f c; loopdown (c+s)) | loopdown c = () in if (s > 0) then loopup a else if (s < 0) then loopdown a else () end; for 1 10 1 inspect; for 10 1 ~2 inspect; fun forall nil f = () | forall (x::xs) f = (f x; forall xs f); forall [#"a",#"b",#"c"] inspect; fun foracc inx a b s f = let fun loopup (c, inx) if (c <= b) = loopup(c+s, f(inx, c)) | loopup (c, inx) = inx fun loopdown (c, inx) if (c <= b) = loopdown(c+s, f(inx, c)) | loopdown (c, inx) = inx in if (s > 0) then loopup(a, inx) else if (s < 0) then loopup(a, inx) else raise Domain end; inspect (foracc 0 1 10 1 (fn (x,y) => x+y)); fun forallacc inx nil f = inx | forallacc inx (x::xs) f = forallacc (f(inx, x)) xs f; inspect (forallacc 0 [1,2,3,4] (fn (x,y) => x+y)); fun foldl' f u nil = u | foldl' f u (x::xs) = foldl' f (f(u,x)) xs; inspect (foldl' (fn (x,y) => x+y) 0 [1,2,3,4]); fun foldr' f u xs = let fun loop (u, nil) = u | loop (u, x::xs) = loop(f(u,x), xs) in loop(u, reverse xs) end; inspect (foldr' (fn (x,y) => x+y) 0 [1,2,3,4]); (* foldr that doesn't require a reverse *) fun foldr' f u nil = u | foldr' f u (x::xs) = f(x, foldr' f u xs); inspect (foldr' (fn (x,y) => x+y) 0 [1,2,3,4]); (* 3.6.3 Higher-order programming - Linquistic support for loops *) (* Note: ML does not sport linguistic support for declarative loops *) val ps = {name="hello", price=2000, coordinates=(1,2)} :: {name="alice", price=200, coordinates=(3,4)} :: [] (* pattern matching loop via recursive function *) fun patternloop nil = () | patternloop ({name=n, price=p, coordinates=c}::xs) = ( if (p < 1000) then inspect (n:string) else (); patternloop(xs)); patternloop(ps); (* pattern matching loop via anonymous recursive function *) (rec f => fn nil => () | ({name=n, price=p, coordinates=c}::xs) => ( if (p < 1000) then inspect (n:string) else (); f(xs))) ps; (* pattern matching loop via while state loop *) let val xr = ref ps in while (null(!xr)) do let val {name=n, price=p, coordinates=c} = hd (!xr) in if (p < 1000) then inspect n else (); xr := tl (!xr) end end; (* collecting via recursive function *) fun collectloop (i, b, f) if (i > b) = [] | collectloop (i, b, f) = (f i)@collectloop(i+1, b, f) val c = fn i => if (i mod 2 <> 0) andalso (i mod 3 <> 0) then [i] else []; inspect (collectloop(1, 1000, c)); (* using foracc iterator *) inspect (foracc [] 1 1000 1 (fn (a, i) => a @ c(i))); (* collection via nested recursive functions *) fun collectnested i if (i > 1000) = [] | collectnested i = let fun collectinner j if (j > 10) = [] | collectinner j = if (i mod j = 0) then [(i, j)] @ collectinner(j+1) else collectinner(j+1) in if (i mod 2 <> 0) andalso (i mod 3 <> 0) then (collectinner 2) @ collectnested(i+1) else collectnested(i+1) end; inspect (collectnested 1); (* Higher-order programming - List-based techniques *) fun map' f nil = nil | map' f (x::xs) = (f x)::(map' f xs); inspect (map' (fn i => i*i) [1,2,3]); fun map' f xs = foldr' (fn (i, a) => (f i)::a) nil xs; inspect (map' (fn i => i*i) [1,2,3]); fun filter' f nil = nil | filter' f (x::xs) = if (f x) then x::(filter' f xs) else (filter' f xs); inspect (filter' (fn a => (a < 3)) [1,2,3,4]); fun filter' f xs = foldr' (fn (i, a) => if (f i) then i::a else a) nil xs; inspect (filter' (fn a => (a < 3)) [1,2,3,4]); fun foldr' f u xs = #2(iterate (fn (xr, a) => (tl xr, f (hd xr, a))) (fn (xr, a) => null xr) (reverse xs, u)); inspect (foldr' (fn (x,y) => x+y) 0 [1,2,3,4]); (* Higher-order programming - Tree-based techniques *) datatype 'a tree = Tree of {node:'a, sons:'a tree list} val ts = Tree{node=1, sons=[Tree{node=2, sons=nil}, Tree{node=3, sons=[Tree{node=4, sons=nil}]}]} fun dfs (Tree{node=n, sons=xs}) = ( inspect (n:int); forall xs dfs); dfs ts; fun visitnodes f (t as Tree{sons=xs, ...}) = ( f t; forall xs (visitnodes f)); visitnodes (fn (Tree{node=n, ...}) => inspect n) ts; fun visitlinks f (t as Tree{sons=xs, ...}) = forall xs (f t; visitnodes f); visitlinks (fn Tree{node=n, ...} => inspect n) ts; fun foldtreer tf lf u nil = u | foldtreer tf lf u (x::xs) = lf(foldtree tf lf u x, foldtreer tf lf u xs) and foldtree tf lf u (Tree{node=n, sons=xs}) = tf(n, (foldtreer tf lf u xs)) fun add (a, b) = a + b; inspect (foldtree add add 0 ts); (* 3.6.6 Higher-order programming - Currying *) fun max' x y = if (x >= y) then x else y fun max' x = fn y => if (x >= y) then x else y; inspect ((max' 10) 20); val lowerbound10 = max' 10 fun lowerbound10 y = max' 10 y (* 3.7.1 Abstract data types - A declarative stack *) signature STACK' = sig type t type stack val newStack : unit -> stack val push : stack * t -> stack val pop : stack * t promise -> stack val isEmpty : stack -> bool end structure Stack' : STACK' = struct type t = int type stack = t list fun newStack () = nil fun push (s, e) = e::s fun pop (nil, e) = raise Empty | pop (x::xs, e) = ( fulfill(e, x); xs) fun isEmpty nil = true | isEmpty _ = false end; let val x = 123 val px = promise() val sn = Stack'.newStack() val s0 = Stack'.push(sn, x) val s1 = Stack'.pop(s0, px) in assert (Stack'.isEmpty sn) of true; assert (sn = s1) of true; assert (x = future px) of true; assert (Stack'.pop(sn, px); false) handle Empty => true of true end; structure Stack' : STACK' = struct type t = int datatype stack = EmptyStack | StackCons of t * stack fun newStack () = EmptyStack fun push (s, e) = StackCons(e, s) fun pop (EmptyStack, e) = raise Empty | pop (StackCons (x, s), e) = ( fulfill(e, x); s) fun isEmpty EmptyStack = true | isEmpty _ = false end; let val x = 123 val px = promise() val sn = Stack'.newStack() val s0 = Stack'.push(sn, x) val s1 = Stack'.pop(s0, px) in assert (Stack'.isEmpty sn) of true; assert (sn = s1) of true; assert (x = future px) of true; assert (Stack'.pop(sn, px); false) handle Empty => true of true end; (* a functional programming look *) signature STACK' = sig type t type stack val newStack : unit -> stack val push : stack * t -> stack val pop : stack -> stack * t val isEmpty : stack -> bool end structure Stack' : STACK' = struct type t = int type stack = t list fun newStack () = nil fun push (s, e) = e::s fun pop nil = raise Empty | pop (x::xs) = (xs, x) fun isEmpty nil = true | isEmpty _ = false end; let val x = 123 val sn = Stack'.newStack() val s0 = Stack'.push(sn, x) val (s1, y) = Stack'.pop(s0) in assert (Stack'.isEmpty sn) of true; assert (sn = s1) of true; assert (x = y) of true; assert (Stack'.pop(sn); false) handle Empty => true of true end; structure Stack' : STACK' = struct type t = int datatype stack = EmptyStack | StackCons of t * stack fun newStack () = EmptyStack fun push (s, e) = StackCons(e, s) fun pop (EmptyStack) = raise Empty | pop (StackCons(x, s)) = (s, x) fun isEmpty EmptyStack = true | isEmpty _ = false end; let val x = 123 val sn = Stack'.newStack() val s0 = Stack'.push(sn, x) val (s1, y) = Stack'.pop(s0) in assert (Stack'.isEmpty sn) of true; assert (sn = s1) of true; assert (x = y) of true; assert (Stack'.pop(sn); false) handle Empty => true of true end; (* 3.7.2 Abstract data types - A declarative dictionary *) signature DICTIONARY = sig type keytype type valtype type dictionary val newDictionary : unit -> dictionary val put : dictionary * keytype * valtype -> dictionary val get : dictionary * keytype -> valtype option val condGet : dictionary * keytype * valtype -> valtype val domain : dictionary -> keytype list end structure Dictionary : DICTIONARY = struct type keytype = string type valtype = int type dictionary = (keytype * valtype) list fun newDictionary () = nil fun put (nil, key:keytype, value:valtype) = [(key, value)] | put ((k, v)::ds, key, value) if (k = key) = (key, value)::ds | put ((k, v)::ds, key, value) if (k > key) = (key, value)::(k, v)::ds | put ((k, v)::ds, key, value) = (k, v)::put(ds, key, value) fun get (nil, key:keytype) = NONE | get ((k, v)::ds, key) if (k > key) = NONE | get ((k, v)::ds, key) if (k = key) = SOME v | get ((k, v)::ds, key) = get(ds, key) fun condGet (nil, key:keytype, default:valtype) = default | condGet ((k, v)::ds, key, default) if (k > key) = default | condGet ((k, v)::ds, key, _) if (k = key) = v | condGet ((k, v)::ds, key, default) = condGet(ds, key, default) fun domain ds = map' (fn (x,y) => x) ds end structure Dictionary : DICTIONARY = struct type keytype = string type valtype = int datatype dictionary = Leaf | Tree of keytype * valtype * dictionary * dictionary fun newDictionary () = Leaf fun put (Leaf, key, value) = Tree(key, value, Leaf, Leaf) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key < k) = Tree(k, v, put(l, key, value), r) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key > k) = Tree(k, v, l, put(r, key, value)) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) = Tree(key, value, l, r) fun get (Leaf, key) = NONE | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) if (key < k) = get(l, key) | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) if (key > k) = get(r, key) | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) = SOME v fun condGet (Leaf, key, default) = default | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key < k) = condGet(l, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key > k) = condGet(r, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) = v fun domain ds = let fun domainD (Leaf, s1, sn) = fulfill(s1, future sn) | domainD (Tree(k, v, l, r), s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() in domainD(l, s1, s2); fulfill(s2, k::(future s3)); domainD(r, s3, sn) end val d = promise() val p = promise() in fulfill(p, nil); domainD(ds, d, p); future d end end (* 3.7.3 Abstract data types - A word frequency application *) fun wordChar c = (#"a" <= c andalso c <= #"z") orelse (#"A" <= c andalso c <= #"Z") orelse (#"0" <= c andalso c <= #"9") fun stringToAtom pw = implode pw fun wordToAtom pw = stringToAtom (List.rev pw) fun incWord (d, w) = Dictionary.put(d, w, Dictionary.condGet(d, w, 0) + 1) fun charsToWords (nil, nil) = nil | charsToWords (pw, nil) = [wordToAtom pw] | charsToWords (pw, c::cs) if (wordChar c) = charsToWords ((Char.toLower c)::pw, cs) | charsToWords (nil, c::cs) = charsToWords(nil, cs) | charsToWords (pw, c::cs) = (wordToAtom pw)::(charsToWords(nil, cs)) fun countWords (d, w::ws) = countWords(incWord(d, w), ws) | countWords (d, nil) = d fun wordFreq cs = countWords(Dictionary.newDictionary(), charsToWords(nil, cs)); let val t = "Oh my darling, oh my darling. oh my darling Clementine." ^ "She is lost and gone forever. oh my darling Clementine." in inspect (wordFreq(explode t)) end; (* 3.7.5 Abstract data types - The declarative model with secure types *) fun newName () = promise() val s = [#"a", #"b", #"c"] val key = newName() val ss = fn k => if (k = key) then s else raise Match val x = ss key exception Wrapper exttype 'a key fun newWrapper () = let constructor Key of 'a : 'a key fun unKey (Key x) = x | unKey _ = raise Wrapper in (Key, unKey) end val (wrap, unwrap) = newWrapper() val ss = wrap "abc" val s = unwrap ss local val (wrap, unwrap) = newWrapper() in fun newStack () = wrap nil fun push (s, e) = wrap(e::(unwrap s)) fun pop (s, e) = case (unwrap s) of nil => raise Empty | x::xs => (fulfill(e, x); wrap xs) fun isEmpty s = (unwrap s = nil) end; val p = promise(); newStack(); inspect (isEmpty(pop(push(push(newStack(), "abc"), "def"), p))); inspect (future p); (* 3.7.6 Abstract data types - A secure declarative dictionary *) structure SecureDictionary : DICTIONARY = let val (wrap, unwrap) = newWrapper() in struct eqtype keytype = Dictionary.keytype eqtype valtype = Dictionary.valtype type dictionary = Dictionary.dictionary key fun newDictionary () = wrap(Dictionary.newDictionary()) fun put (ds, k, v) = wrap(Dictionary.put(unwrap ds, k, v)) fun get (ds, k) = Dictionary.get(unwrap ds, k) fun condGet (ds, k, default) = Dictionary.condGet(unwrap ds, k, default) fun domain ds = Dictionary.domain(unwrap ds) end end val ds = SecureDictionary.put(SecureDictionary.newDictionary(), "abc", 123); inspect (SecureDictionary.domain(ds)); (* Note: Opaque signatures provide secure types without need for wrappers *) structure Dictionary :> (DICTIONARY where type keytype = string where type valtype = int) = struct type keytype = string type valtype = int datatype dictionary = Leaf | Tree of keytype * valtype * dictionary * dictionary fun newDictionary () = Leaf fun put (Leaf, key, value) = Tree(key, value, Leaf, Leaf) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key < k) = Tree(k, v, put(l, key, value), r) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key > k) = Tree(k, v, l, put(r, key, value)) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) = Tree(key, value, l, r) fun get (Leaf, key) = NONE | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) if (key < k) = get(l, key) | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) if (key > k) = get(r, key) | get (Tree(k, v, l, r), key) = SOME v fun condGet (Leaf, key, default) = default | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key < k) = condGet(l, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key > k) = condGet(r, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) = v fun domain ds = let fun domainD (Leaf, s1, sn) = fulfill(s1, future sn) | domainD (Tree(k, v, l, r), s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() in domainD(l, s1, s2); fulfill(s2, k::(future s3)); domainD(r, s3, sn) end val d = promise() val p = promise() in fulfill(p, nil); domainD(ds, d, p); future d end end val ds = Dictionary.put(Dictionary.newDictionary(), "abc", 123); inspect (Dictionary.domain(ds)); (* 3.8.1 Nondeclarative needs - Text input/output with a file *) val infile = TextIO.openIn "foo.txt" val s = explode(TextIO.input infile); TextIO.closeIn infile; val response = HttpClient.get(Url.fromString "http://localhost/"); inspect (#body response); val outfile = TextIO.openOut "foo.txt"; TextIO.output(outfile, "This comes in the file.\n"); TextIO.output(outfile, "The result of 43*43 in " ^ Int.toString(43*43) ^ ".\n"); TextIO.output(outfile, "Strings are ok too.\n"); TextIO.closeOut outfile; (* test of SecureDictionary with appropriate redefinitions from section 3.7.3 *) fun incWord (d, w) = SecureDictionary.put(d, w, SecureDictionary.condGet(d, w, 0) + 1) fun countWords (d, w::ws) = countWords(incWord(d, w), ws) | countWords (d, nil) = d fun wordFreq cs = countWords(SecureDictionary.newDictionary(), charsToWords(nil, cs)) val infile = TextIO.openIn "foo.txt" val s = TextIO.input infile; TextIO.closeIn infile; val d = wordFreq(explode s) val outfile = TextIO.openOut "wordfreq.txt"; map (fn k => TextIO.output(outfile, k^": "^Int.toString(SecureDictionary.condGet(d, k, 0))^"\n")) (SecureDictionary.domain d); TextIO.closeOut outfile; (* 3.8.2 Nondeclarative needs - Text input/output with a graphical user interface *) datatype gtkglue = NOGLUE | N | S | W | E | NS | NW | NE | SW | SE | WE | NSW | NWE | SWE | NSWE datatype gtk = GtkTD of gtk list | GtkLR of gtk list | GtkTitle of {text:string} | GtkLabel of {text:string} | GtkText of {object:(Gtk.object promise), tdscrollbar:bool, glue:gtkglue} | GtkButton of {text:string, action:(Gtk.callback_function), glue:gtkglue} | GtkGlue of gtkglue fun gtkBuild d = let val window = Gtk.Window.new Gtk.WindowType.TOPLEVEL val destroyEvent = fn _ => OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success fun gtkPack (box, widget) = if (widget <> Gtk.NULL) then Gtk.Box.packStart(box, widget, false, false, 0) else () fun build (GtkTD xs) = let val vBox = Gtk.VBox.new(false, 0) in map (fn x => let val widget = build x in gtkPack(vBox, widget) end) xs; vBox end | build (GtkLR xs) = let val hBox = Gtk.HBox.new(false, 0) in map (fn x => let val widget = build x in gtkPack(hBox, widget) end) xs; hBox end | build (GtkTitle {text}) = let val _ = Gtk.Window.setTitle(window, text) in Gtk.NULL end | build (GtkLabel {text}) = let val label = Gtk.Label.new text in label end | build (GtkText {object, tdscrollbar, glue}) = let val _ = fulfill(object, Gtk.TextView.new()) in future object end | build (GtkButton {text, action, glue}) = let val button = Gtk.Button.newWithLabel text in Gtk.signalConnect(button, "clicked", action); button end | build (GtkGlue x) = Gtk.NULL in Gtk.signalConnect(window, "destroy-event", destroyEvent); Gtk.Container.setBorderWidth(window, 4); Gtk.Container.add(window, build d); window end val pWindow = promise() val textIn = promise() val textOut = promise() fun a1 _ = let val textBuffer = Gtk.TextView.getBuffer(future textIn) val textIterStart = Gtk.TextIter.new() val textIterEnd = Gtk.TextIter.new() in Gtk.TextBuffer.getBounds(textBuffer, textIterStart, textIterEnd); Gtk.TextBuffer.setText( Gtk.TextView.getBuffer(future textOut), Gtk.TextBuffer.getText(textBuffer, textIterStart, textIterEnd, false), Gtk.TextBuffer.getCharCount(textBuffer)) end fun a2 _ = Gtk.Widget.destroy(future pWindow) (* OS.Process.exit OS.Process.success *) val d = GtkTD[ GtkTitle {text="Simple text I/O interface"}, GtkLR[GtkLabel {text="Input:"}, GtkText {object=textIn, tdscrollbar=true, glue=NSWE}, GtkGlue NSWE], GtkLR[GtkLabel {text="Output:"}, GtkText {object=textOut, tdscrollbar=true, glue=NSWE}, GtkGlue NSWE], GtkLR[GtkButton {text="Do It", action=a1, glue=NSWE}, GtkButton {text="Quit", action=a2, glue=NSWE}] ] val window = gtkBuild(d); fulfill(pWindow, window); Gtk.Widget.showAll window; val d = GtkTD[GtkButton {text="Ouch", action=(fn _ => inspect "ouch"), glue=NSWE}] val window = gtkBuild(d); Gtk.Widget.showAll window; (* 3.8.3 Nondeclarative needs - Stateless data I/O with files *) Pickle.save("Test."^Pickle.extension, pack (val x = "alice-ctm") : (val x:string)); structure Test = unpack Pickle.load("Test."^Pickle.extension) : (val x:string) val x = Test.x; signature FACT = sig val fact : int -> int val f10 : int val f10gen1 : unit -> int val f10gen2 : unit -> int val fngen1 : int -> int val fngen2 : int -> int end structure Fact : FACT = struct fun fact 0 = 1 | fact n = n * fact(n-1) val f10 = fact 10 val f10gen1 = fn () => f10 val f10gen2 = fn () => fact 10 fun fngen1 n = let val f = fact n in f end fun fngen2 n = fact n end; Pickle.save("Fact."^Pickle.extension, pack Fact : FACT); structure Fact' = unpack Pickle.load("Fact."^Pickle.extension) : FACT; inspect (Fact'.fact 10); inspect (Fact'.f10); inspect (Fact'.f10gen1()); inspect (Fact'.f10gen2()); inspect (Fact'.fngen1 10); inspect (Fact'.fngen2 10); Pickle.save("Dictionary."^Pickle.extension, pack Dictionary : DICTIONARY); structure Dictionary' = unpack Pickle.load("Dictionary."^Pickle.extension) : DICTIONARY; (* 3.9.3 Program design in the small - Software components *) structure MyList = let fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if (x < y) then x::merge(xs, y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs, ys) fun split nil = (nil, nil) | split (x::nil) = ([x], nil) | split (x::y::xs) = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in (x::ys, y::zs) end fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end in struct fun append [] ys = ys | append (x::xs) ys = x :: (append xs ys) fun sort xs = mergesort xs fun member (n, nil) = false | member (n, x::xs) = (n = x) orelse (member(n, xs)) end end functor MyListFunctor () = let fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if (x < y) then x::merge(xs, y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs, ys) fun split nil = (nil, nil) | split (x::nil) = ([x], nil) | split (x::y::xs) = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in (x::ys, y::zs) end fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end in struct fun append [] ys = ys | append (x::xs) ys = x :: (append xs ys) fun sort xs = mergesort xs fun member (n, nil) = false | member (n, x::xs) = (n = x) orelse (member(n, xs)) end end (* define export list through inline signature *) functor MyListFunctor2 () : sig val append : 'a list -> 'a list -> 'a list val sort : int list -> int list val member : 'a * 'a list -> bool end = struct fun merge (nil, ys) = ys | merge (xs, nil) = xs | merge (x::xs, y::ys) = if (x < y) then x::merge(xs, y::ys) else y::merge(x::xs, ys) fun split nil = (nil, nil) | split (x::nil) = ([x], nil) | split (x::y::xs) = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in (x::ys, y::zs) end fun mergesort nil = nil | mergesort (x::nil) = [x] | mergesort xs = let val (ys, zs) = split xs in merge(mergesort ys, mergesort zs) end fun append [] ys = ys | append (x::xs) ys = x :: (append xs ys) fun sort xs = mergesort xs fun member (n, nil) = false | member (n, x::xs) = (n = x) orelse (member(n, xs)) end (* 3.9.4 Program design in the small - Example of a standalone program *) signature DICTIONARY = sig type keytype type valtype type dictionary val newDictionary : unit -> dictionary val put : dictionary * keytype * valtype -> dictionary val condGet : dictionary * keytype * valtype -> valtype val pairs : dictionary -> (keytype * valtype) list end structure Dictionary : DICTIONARY = struct type keytype = string type valtype = int datatype dictionary = Leaf | Tree of keytype * valtype * dictionary * dictionary fun newDictionary () = Leaf fun put (Leaf, key, value) = Tree(key, value, Leaf, Leaf) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key < k) = Tree(k, v, put(l, key, value), r) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) if (key > k) = Tree(k, v, l, put(r, key, value)) | put (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, value) = Tree(key, value, l, r) fun condGet (Leaf, key, default) = default | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key < k) = condGet(l, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) if (key > k) = condGet(r, key, default) | condGet (Tree(k, v, l, r), key, default) = v fun pairs ds = let fun pairsD (Leaf, s1, sn) = fulfill(s1, future sn) | pairsD (Tree(k, v, l, r), s1, sn) = let val s2 = promise() val s3 = promise() in pairsD(l, s1, s2); fulfill(s2, (k, v)::(future s3)); pairsD(r, s3, sn) end val d = promise() val p = promise() in fulfill(p, nil); pairsD(ds, d, p); future d end end functor WordApp () = struct fun wordChar c = (#"a" <= c andalso c <= #"z") orelse (#"A" <= c andalso c <= #"Z") orelse (#"0" <= c andalso c <= #"9") fun stringToAtom pw = implode pw fun wordToAtom pw = stringToAtom (List.rev pw) fun incWord (d, w) = Dictionary.put(d, w, Dictionary.condGet(d, w, 0) + 1) fun charsToWords (nil, nil) = nil | charsToWords (pw, nil) = [wordToAtom pw] | charsToWords (pw, c::cs) if (wordChar c) = charsToWords ((Char.toLower c)::pw, cs) | charsToWords (nil, c::cs) = charsToWords(nil, cs) | charsToWords (pw, c::cs) = (wordToAtom pw)::(charsToWords(nil, cs)) fun countWords (d, w::ws) = countWords(incWord(d, w), ws) | countWords (d, nil) = d fun wordFreq cs = countWords(Dictionary.newDictionary(), charsToWords(nil, cs)) (* Note: should probably get filename from stdin as per the oz code *) val infile = TextIO.openIn "foo.txt" val l = TextIO.input infile val _ = TextIO.closeIn infile val d = wordFreq(explode l) val s = genericMergeSort (fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => a > b) (Dictionary.pairs d) val h = promise() val des = GtkTD[GtkTitle {text="Word frequency count"}, GtkText {object=h, tdscrollbar=true, glue=NSWE}] val w = gtkBuild(des) val _ = Gtk.Widget.showAll w val t = foldl (fn ((k, v), x) => x ^ k ^ ": " ^ Int.toString(v) ^ " times\n") "" s val _ = Gtk.TextBuffer.setText(Gtk.TextView.getBuffer(future h), t, size t) val s1 = genericMergeSort (fn ((a, _), (b, _)) => a < b) (Dictionary.pairs d) val s2 = genericMergeSort (fn ((_, a), (_, b)) => a > b) (Dictionary.pairs d) val h1 = promise() val h2 = promise() val des = GtkTD[GtkTitle {text="Word frequency count"}, GtkText {object=h1, tdscrollbar=true, glue=NSWE}, GtkText {object=h2, tdscrollbar=true, glue=NSWE}] val w = gtkBuild(des) val _ = Gtk.Widget.showAll w val t1 = foldl (fn ((k, v), x) => x ^ k ^ ": " ^ Int.toString(v) ^ " times\n") "" s1 val t2 = foldl (fn ((k, v), x) => x ^ k ^ ": " ^ Int.toString(v) ^ " times\n") "" s2 val _ = Gtk.TextBuffer.setText(Gtk.TextView.getBuffer(future h1), t1, size t1) val _ = Gtk.TextBuffer.setText(Gtk.TextView.getBuffer(future h2), t2, size t2) end structure _ = WordApp() |