About CTM The following Alice ML code is derived from the examples provided in the book:
      "Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming" by Peter Van Roy and Seif Haridi.

(* CTM Chapter #11 Examples in Alice ML *)
import structure Remote from "x-alice:/lib/distribution/Remote"
import structure Channel from "x-alice:/lib/data/Channel"

(* syntactic sugar for solutions using promises/futures *)
open Promise
open Future
infix 3 ?=
val op?= = fulfill
val ? = future

(* Functions defined in previous chapters *)
fun known x =
      val p = promise()
      fulfill(p, x); p
fun forall nil f = ()
  | forall (x::xs) f = (f x; forall xs f)
fun for a b s f =
      fun loopup c where (c <= b) = (f c; loopup (c+s))
        | loopup c = ()
      fun loopdown c where (c >= b) = (f c; loopdown (c+s))
        | loopdown c = ()
      if (s > 0)
         then loopup a
            if (s < 0)
               then loopdown a
               else ()

(* 11.3.1 Distribution of declarative data - Open distribution and global naming *)
(* Alice offer corresponds to Oz offerUnlimited *)
val ticket = Remote.offer (pack (val x="hello") : (val x:string))
structure X = (unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (val x:string))
val x = X.x

(* 11.3.2 Distribution of declarative data - Sharing declarative data *)

(* sharing records *)
type novel = {text:string, author:string, year:int}
val x = {text="It was a dark and stormy night. ...", author="E.G.E. Bulwer-Lytton", year=1803}
val p = pack (val r=x) : (val r:novel)
val ticket = Remote.offer p;

val p = Remote.take ticket
structure X = unpack p : (val r:novel)
val x = X.r

(* sharing functions *)
   (* copy the function *)
   fun myEncoder x = (x*4449+1234) mod 33667
   val p = pack (val f=myEncoder) : (val f:int->int)
   val ticket = Remote.offer p

   val p = Remote.take ticket
   structure X = unpack p : (val f:int->int)
   val myEncoder = X.f;
   inspect (myEncoder 1);

   (* proxy the function *)
   fun myEncoder x = (x*4449+1234) mod 33667
   val p = pack (val f=Remote.proxy(myEncoder)) : (val f:int->int)
   val ticket = Remote.offer p

   val p = Remote.take ticket
   structure X = unpack p : (val f:int->int)
   val myEncoder = X.f;
   inspect (myEncoder 1);

   (* proxy the structure containing the function *)
   fun myEncoder x = (x*4449+1234) mod 33667
   signature ENCODER = (val f:int->int)
   structure Encoder = (val f=myEncoder)
   structure ProxyEncoder = Remote.Proxy(signature S = ENCODER structure X=Encoder)
   val p = pack (ProxyEncoder) : ENCODER
   val ticket = Remote.offer p

   val p = Remote.take ticket
   structure X = unpack p : (val f:int->int)
   val myEncoder = X.f;
   inspect (myEncoder 1);
(* end sharing functions *)

(* sharing dataflow variables *)
val x = promise()
val p = pack (val r=x) : (val r:int promise)
(* Note:  Alice requires futures to be fulfilled prior to being offered (Hole.Hole exception) *)
val _ = fulfill(x, 1111)
val ticket = Remote.offer p

val p = Remote.take ticket
structure X = unpack p : (val r:int promise)
val x = X.r

(* promises can be offered *)
val px = promise()
val p = pack (val pfulfill = Remote.proxy(fn n => fulfill(px, n))) : (val pfulfill : int -> unit)
val ticket = Remote.offer p;
inspect px;

val p = Remote.take ticket
structure X = unpack p : (val pfulfill : int -> unit);

(* 11.3.3 Distribution of declarative data - Ticket Distribution *)
fun myEncoder x = (x*4449+1234) mod 33667;
Pickle.save("encoder."^Pickle.extension, pack (val f=myEncoder) : (val f:int->int));
structure X = unpack Pickle.load("encoder."^Pickle.extension) : (val f:int->int)
val myEncoder = X.f;
inspect (myEncoder 1);

(* Not sure how you'd pass the signature across, so I'll cheat *)
fun offer (x, fname) =
   Pickle.save(fname, pack (val f=x) : (val f:int->int));
fun take fname =
      structure X = unpack Pickle.load(fname) : (val f:int->int);
offer(myEncoder, "encoder."^Pickle.extension);
val myEncoder = take("encoder."^Pickle.extension);
inspect (myEncoder 1);

(* 11.3.4 Distribution of declarative data - Stream communication *)

(* Eager stream communication *)
fun sum (nil, a) = a
  | sum (x::xs, a) = sum(xs, a+x);
fun generate (n, limit, p) where (n >= limit) =
      ( p ?= nil; future p )
  | generate (n, limit, p) =
         val px = promise()
         p ?= n::(future px);
         generate(n+1, limit, px);
         future p

val ticket = Remote.offer(pack (val f=Remote.proxy(sum)) : (val f:int list * int->int))

structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (val f:int list * int->int)
val xs = promise()
val s = X.f(generate(0, 1500, xs), 0)

(* Lazy stream communication *)
   (* Need to proxy the sum function but that causes program to enter infinite loop on the lazy function *)
   fun sum (_, a, limit) where (limit <= 0) = a
     | sum (x::xs, a, limit) = sum(xs, a+x, limit-1)
     | sum (nil, _, _) = raise Empty
   val ticket = Remote.offer(pack (val f=sum) : (val f:int list * int * int->int))

   fun lazy generate n = n::generate(n+1)
   structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (val f:int list * int * int->int)
   val s = X.f(generate 0, 0, 1500)

   (* Andreas Rossberg came up with the following solution *)
   datatype 'a stream = Stream of 'a * (unit -> 'a stream)
   fun sum (_, a, limit) where (limit <= 0) = a
     | sum (Stream(x, xs), a, limit) = sum(xs(), a+x, limit-1)
   val ticket = Remote.offer(pack (val f=Remote.proxy(sum)) : (val f:int stream * int * int->int))

   fun generate n = Stream(n, fn () => generate(n+1))
   structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (val f:int stream * int * int->int)
   val s = X.f(generate 0, 0, 1500)
(* End Lazy stream communication *)

(* Ports and servers *)
val c = Channel.channel();
spawn forall (Channel.toList(c)) inspect;

val p = pack (val rput=Remote.proxy(fn x => Channel.put(c, x))) : (val rput:string->unit)
val ticket = Remote.offer(p)

structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (val rput:string->unit);
X.rput("keep in touch");

(* 11.4.1 Distribution of state - Simple state sharing *)
(* Alice doesn't do distributed state, so use proxied accessor functions *)
signature RSTATE =
      type t
      val set : t->unit
      val get : unit->t
structure RState :> (RSTATE where type t=int) =
      type t = int
      val a = ref 0
      fun set x = ( Ref.exchange(a, x); () )
      fun get () = !a

val p = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=RSTATE structure X=RState)) : RSTATE
val ticket = Remote.offer p;
RState.set(RState.get() + 1);

structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : (RSTATE where type t = int);
X.set(X.get() + 1);
inspect (RState.get(), X.get());

(* Distributed locking *)
fun correctSimpleLock () =
      val token = ref (known(()))
      fun lock f =
            val new = promise()
            val old = Ref.exchange(token, new)
            await old;
            f() handle e => ( new ?= (); raise e );
            new ?= ()
      Remote.proxy lock

(* Sharing objects and other data types *)
signature CODER =
      val seed : int ref
      val init : int -> unit
      val get  : unit -> int

functor Coder (val seed:int) :> CODER =
      val seed = ref seed
      fun init x = seed := x
      fun get () =
         let in
            seed := IntInf.toInt((IntInf.fromInt(!seed) *
                    IntInf.fromInt(1234 * 4449)) mod IntInf.fromInt(33667));

structure C = Coder(val seed=100)
val p = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=CODER structure X=C)) : CODER
val ticket = Remote.offer p

structure C2 = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : CODER;
inspect (C2.get(), C2.get());

(* 11.4.2 Distribution of state - Distributed lexical scoping *)
signature RSTATE =
      val inc : unit->int
structure RState :> RSTATE =
      val a = ref 0
      fun inc () = ( Ref.exchange(a, !a+1); !a )

val p = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=RSTATE structure X=RState)) : RSTATE
val ticket = Remote.offer p;

val p2 = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=RSTATE structure X=RState)) : RSTATE
val ticket2 = Remote.offer p2;

structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : RSTATE;
inspect (X.inc());

structure Y = unpack (Remote.take ticket2) : RSTATE;
inspect (Y.inc());

val p3 = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=RSTATE structure X=Y)) : RSTATE
val ticket3 = Remote.offer p3;

structure Z = unpack (Remote.take ticket3) : RSTATE;
inspect (Z.inc());

(* 11.6.1 Common distributed programming patterns - Stationary and mobile objects *)

(* Note: NewState not applicable for static typing languages - skipping for now (also 7.8.2) *)
structure C = Coder(val seed=100)
val p = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=CODER structure X=C)) : CODER
val ticket = Remote.offer p

structure C2 = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : CODER
val a = C2.get();
inspect a;

(* 11.6.1 Common distributed programming patterns - Asynchronous objects and dataflow *)
structure R = Coder(val seed=100)
val p = pack (Remote.Proxy(signature S=CODER structure X=R)) : CODER
val ticket = Remote.offer p

structure X = unpack (Remote.take ticket) : CODER;
inspect (X.get(), X.get());

Chris Rathman / Chris.Rathman@tx.rr.com