SICP Chapter #03 Examples in Cat // Note: Some of the examples require a stack size larger than 100 that is // allocated in Cat by default. I increased the stack size by modifying // the CatExceutor.cs. Likely needs much less the 10,000 that I settled on. // const int MAX_STACK = 10000; // "" #load #clr /* 1.1.1 The Elements of Programming - Expressions */ 486 writeln // print (486) 137 349 + writeln // print (137 + 349) 1000 334 - writeln // print (1000 - 334) 5 99 * writeln // print (5 * 99) 10 5 / writeln // print (10 / 5) 2.7 10.0 + writeln // print (2.7 + 10.0) 21 35 + 12 + 7 + writeln // print (21 + 35 + 12 + 7) 25 4 * 12 * writeln // print (25 * 4 * 12) 3 5 * 10 + 6 - writeln // print (3 * 5 + 10 - 6) 3 2 4 * 3 + 5 + * 10 7 - 6 + + writeln // print (3 * (2 * 4 + 3 + 5) + 10 - 7 + 6) /* 1.1.2 The Elements of Programming - Naming and the Environment */ define size { 2 } // var size = 2 size writeln // print (size) 5 size * writeln // print (5 * size) define pi { 3.14159 } // var pi = 3.14159 define radius { 10.0 } // var radius = 10.0 pi radius * radius * writeln // print (pi * radius * radius) define circumference { 2.0 pi * radius *} // var circumference = 2.0 * pi * radius circumference writeln // print (circumference) /* 1.1.3 The Elements of Programming - Evaluating Combinations */ 2 4 6 * + 3 5 + 7 + * writeln // (2 + 4 * 6) * (3 + 5 + 7) /* 1.1.4 The Elements of Programming - Compound Procedures */ define square(x) { x x * } // function square(x) { return x * x } define square { dup * } // function square(x) { return x * x } 21 square writeln // print (square(21)) 2 5 + square writeln // print (square(2 + 5)) 3 square square writeln // print (square(square(3))) define sum_of_squares(x y) { x square y square + } // function sum_of_squares(x, y) { return square(x) + square(y) } define sum_of_squares { square swap square + } // function sum_of_squares(x, y) { return square(x) + square(y) } 3 4 sum_of_squares writeln // print (sum_of_squares(3, 4)) define f(a) { a 1 + a 2 * sum_of_squares } // function f(a) { return sum_of_squares(a + 1, a * 2) } define f { dup 1 + swap 2 * sum_of_squares } // function f(a) { return sum_of_squares(a + 1, a * 2) } 5 f writeln // print (f(5)) /* 1.1.5 The Elements of Programming - The Substitution Model for Procedure Application */ 5 f writeln // print (f(5)) 5 1 + 5 2 * sum_of_squares writeln // print (sum_of_squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2)) 6 square 10 square + writeln // print (square(6) + square(10)) 6 6 * 10 10 * + writeln // print ((6 * 6) + (10 * 10)) 36 100 + writeln // print (36 + 100) 5 f writeln // print (f(5)) 5 1 + 5 2 * sum_of_squares writeln // print (sum_of_squares(5 + 1, 5 * 2)) 5 1 + square 5 2 * square + writeln // print (square(5 + 1) + square(5 * 2)) 5 1 + 5 1 + * 5 2 * 5 2 * * + writeln // print (((5 + 1) * (5 + 1)) + ((5 * 2) * (5 * 2))) 6 6 * 10 10 * + writeln // print ((6 * 6) + (10 * 10)) 36 100 + writeln // print (36 + 100) 136 writeln // print (136) /* 1.1.6 The Elements of Programming - Conditional Expressions and Predicates */ define abs_int(x) { // function abs_int(x) { x 0 > // if (x > 0) [x] // return x [x 0 eq // else if (x == 0) [0] // return 0 [x neg] // else if] // return -x if // } } define abs_int(x) { // function abs_int(x) { x 0 < // if (x < 0) [x neg] // return -x [x] // else if // return x } // } define abs_double(x) { // function abs_double(x) { x 0.0 < // if (x < 0.0) [x neg] // return -x [x] // else if // return x } // } define x { 6 } // var x = 6 x 5 > x 10 < and writeln // print (x > 5 && x < 10) define ge(x y) { x y > x y eq or } // function ge(x, y) { return x > y || x == y } define ge(x y) { x y < not } // function ge(x, y) { return !(x < y) } // Exercise 1.1 10 writeln // print (10) 5 3 + 4 + writeln // print (5 + 3 + 4) 9 1 - writeln // print (9 - 1) 6 2 / writeln // print (6 / 2) 2 4 * 4 + 6 - writeln // print (2 * 4 + 4 - 6) define a { 3 } // var a = 3 define b { a 1 + } // var b = a + 1 a b + a b * + writeln // print (a + b + a * b) a b eq writeln // print (a == b) b a > b a b * < and [b] [a] if writeln // print ((b > a && b < a * b) ? b : a) a 4 eq [6] [b 4 eq [6 7 + a +] [25] if] if writeln // print ((a == 4) ? 6 : (b == 4) ? (6 + 7 + a) : 25) 2 b a > [b] [a] if + writeln // print (2 + ((b > a) ? b : a)) a b > [a] [a b < [b] [-1] if] if a 1 + * writeln // print (((a > b) ? a : (a < b) ? b : -1) * (a + 1)) // Exercise 1.2 5.0 4.0 + 2.0 3.0 6.0 4.0 5.0 / + - - + // print (((5.0 + 4.0 + (2.0 - (3.0 - (6.0 + (4.0 / 5.0))))) / 3.0 6.0 2.0 - * 2.0 7.0 - * / writeln // (3.0 * (6.0 - 2.0) * (2.0 - 7.0)))) // Exercise 1.3 define three_n(n1 n2 n3) { // function three_n(n1, n2, n3) { n1 n2 > // if (n1 > n2) [n1 n3 > // if (n1 > n3) [n2 n3 > // if (n2 > n3) [n1 n1 * n2 n2 * +] // return n1*n1 + n2*n2 [n1 n1 * n3 n3 * +] // else if] // return n1*n1 + n3*n3 [n1 n1 * n3 n3 * +] // else if] // return n1*n1 + n3*n3 [n2 n3 > // else [n1 n3 > // if (n2 > n3) [n2 n2 * n1 n1 * +] // if (n1 > n3) [n2 n2 * n3 n3 * +] // return n2*n2 + n1*n1 if] // else [n2 n2 * n3 n3 * +] // return n2*n2 + n3*n3 if] // else if // return n2*n2 + n3*n3 } // } // Exercise 1.4 define a_plus_abs_b(a b) { // function a_plus_abs_b(a, b) { b 0 > // if (b > 0) [a b +] // return a + b [a b -] // else if // return a - b } // } // Exercise 1.5 define p() { p } // function p() { return p() } define test(x y) { // function test(x, y) { x 0 eq // if (x == 0) [0] // return 0 [y] // else if // return y } // } // commented out as this is in infinite loop // 0 p test // test(0, p()) /* 1.1.7 The Elements of Programming - Example: Square Roots by Newton's Method */ define square(x) { x x * } // function square(x) { return x * x } define good_enough(guess x) { // function good_enough(guess, x) { guess square x - abs_double 0.001 < // return abs_double(square(guess) - x) < 0.001 } // } define average(x y) { // function average(x, y) { x y + 2.0 / // return (x + y) / 2.0 } // } define improve(guess x) { // function improve(guess, x) { guess x as_dbl guess / average // return average(guess, parseFloat(x) / guess) } // } define sqrt_iter(guess x) { // function sqrt_iter(guess, x) { guess x good_enough // if (good_enough(guess, x)) [guess] // return guess [guess x improve x sqrt_iter] // else if // return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x) } // } define sqrt(x) { // function sqrt(x) { 1.0 x sqrt_iter // return sqrt_iter(1.0, x) } // } 9.0 sqrt writeln // print (sqrt(9.0)) 100.0 37.0 + sqrt writeln // print (sqrt(100 + 37)) 2.0 sqrt 3.0 sqrt + sqrt writeln // print (sqrt(sqrt(2)+sqrt(3))) 1000.0 sqrt square writeln // print (square(sqrt(1000))) // Exercise 1.6 define new_if(predicate then_clause else_clause) { // function new_if(predicate, then_clause, else_clause) { predicate // if (predicate) [then_clause] // return then_clause [else_clause] // else if // return else_clause } // } 2 3 eq 0 5 new_if writeln // print (new_if((2==3), 0, 5)) 1 1 eq 0 5 new_if writeln // print (new_if((1==1), 0, 5)) define sqrt_iter(guess x) { // function sqrt_iter(guess, x) { guess x good_enough // return new_if( guess // good_enough(guess, x), guess x improve x sqrt_iter // guess, new_if // sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x)) } // } // from wadler paper define newif(x y) { // fun newif true x y = x true [x] [y] if // | newif false x y = y } // Exercse 1.7 define good_enough_gp(guess prev) { // function good_enough_gp(guess, prev) { guess prev - abs_double guess / 0.001 < // return abs_double(guess - prev) / guess < 0.001 } // } define sqrt_iter_gp(guess prev x) { // function sqrt_iter_gp(guess, prev, x) { guess prev good_enough_gp // if (good_enough_gp(guess, prev)) [guess] // return guess [guess x improve guess x sqrt_iter_gp] // else if // return sqrt_iter_gp(improve(guess, x), guess, x) } // } define sqrt_gp(x) { // function sqrt_gp(x) { 4.0 1.0 x sqrt_iter_gp // return sqrt_iter_gp(4.0, 1.0, x) } // } // Exercise 1.8 define improve_cube(guess x) { // function improve_cube(guess, x) { 2.0 guess * x guess guess * / + 3.0 / // return (2.0*guess + x/(guess * guess)) / 3.0 } // } define cube_iter(guess prev x) { // function cube_iter(guess, prev, x) { guess prev good_enough_gp // if (good_enough_gp(guess, prev)) [guess] // return guess [guess x improve_cube guess x cube_iter] // else if // return cube_iter(improve_cube(guess, x), guess, x) } // } define cube_root(x) { // function cube_root(x) { 27.0 1.0 x cube_iter // return cube_iter(27.0, 1.0, x) } // } /* 1.1.8 The Elements of Programming - Procedures as Black-Box Abstractions */ define square(x) { x x * } // function square(x) { return x * x } define double(x) { x x + } // function double(x) { return x + x } define exp_dbl(x) { e x pow_dbl } // function exp_dbl(x) { return Math.pow(Math.e, x) } define square_real(x) { x ln_dbl double exp_dbl } // function square_real(x) { return Math.exp(double(Math.log(x))) } define good_enough(guess x) { // function good_enough(guess, x) { guess square x - abs_double 0.001 < // return abs_double(square(guess) - x) < 0.001 } // } define improve(guess x) { // function improve(guess, x) { guess x as_dbl guess / average // return average(guess, parseFloat(x) / guess) } // } define sqrt_iter(guess x) { // function sqrt_iter(guess, x) { guess x good_enough // if (good_enough(guess, x)) [guess] // return guess [guess x improve x sqrt_iter] // else if // return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x) } // } define sqrt(x) { // function sqrt(x) { 1.0 x sqrt_iter // return sqrt_iter(1.0, x) } // } 5.0 square writeln // print (square(5.0)) 25.0 sqrt writeln // print (sqrt(25.0)) //ToBeDone: Block-structured //ToBeDone: note: stuck on this until I figure out how to get local scope functions in cat //ToBeDone: define sqrt(x) { // function sqrt(x) { //ToBeDone: define good_enough(guess x) { // function good_enough(guess, x) { //ToBeDone: guess square x - abs_dbl 0.001 < // return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001 //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: define improve(guess x) { // function improve(guess, x) { //ToBeDone: guess x guess / average // return average(guess, float(x) / guess) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: define sqrt_iter(guess, x) { // function sqrt_iter(guess, x) { //ToBeDone: guess x good_enough // if (good_enough(guess, x)) //ToBeDone: [guess] // return guess //ToBeDone: [guess x improve x sqrt_iter] // else //ToBeDone: if // return sqrt_iter(improve(guess, x), x) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: 1.0 x sqrt_iter // return sqrt_iter(1.0, x) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: Taking advantage of lexical scoping //ToBeDone: define sqrt(x) { // function sqrt(x) { //ToBeDone: define good_enough(guess) { // function good_enough(guess) { //ToBeDone: guess square x - abs_double 0.001 < // return abs(square(guess) - x) < 0.001 //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: define improve(guess) { // function improve(guess) { //ToBeDone: guess x as_dbl guess / average // return average(guess, parseFloat(x) / guess) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: define sqrt_iter(guess) { // function sqrt_iter(guess) { //ToBeDone: guess good_enough // if (good_enough(guess)) //ToBeDone: [guess] // return guess //ToBeDone: [guess improve sqrt_iter] // else //ToBeDone: if // return sqrt_iter(improve(guess)) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: 1.0 sqrt_iter // return sqrt_iter(1.0) //ToBeDone: } // } /* 1.2.1 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Linear Recursion and Iteration */ // Recursive define factorial(n) { // function factorial(n) { n 1 eq // if (n == 1) [1] // return 1 [n n 1 - factorial *] // else if // return n * factorial(n - 1) } // } 6 factorial writeln // print (factorial(6)) // Iterative define fact_iter(product counter max_count) { // function fact_iter(product, counter, max_count) { counter max_count > // if (counter > max_count) [product] // return product [count product * counter 1 + max_count fact_iter] // else if // return fact_iter(counter * product, counter + 1, max_count) } // } define factorial(n) { // function factorial(n) { 1 1 n fact_iter // return fact_iter(1, 1, n) } // } //ToBeDone: Iterative, block-structured (from footnote) //ToBeDone: note: stuck on this until I figure out how to get local scope functions in cat //ToBeDone: define factorial(n) { // function factorial(n) { //ToBeDone: define iter(product, counter) { // function iter(product, counter) { //ToBeDone: counter n > // if (counter > n) //ToBeDone: [product] // return product //ToBeDone: [counter product * counter 1 + iter] // else //ToBeDone: if // return iter(counter * product, counter + 1) //ToBeDone: } // } //ToBeDone: 1 1 iter // return iter(1, 1) //ToBeDone: } // } // Exercise 1.9 define inc_(a) { a 1 + } // function inc(a) { return a + 1 } define dec_(a) { a 1 - } // function dec(a) { return a - 1 } define plus(a b) { // function plus(a, b) { a 0 eq // if (a == 0) [b] // return b [a dec_ b plus inc_] // else if // return inc(plus(dec(a), b)) } // } define plus(a b) { // function plus(a, b) { a 0 eq // if (a == 0) [b] // return b [a dec_ b inc_ plus] // else if // return plus(dec(a), inc(b)) } // } // Exercise 1.10 define a(x y) { // function a(x, y) { y 0 eq // if (y == 0) [0] // return 0 [x 0 eq // else if (x == 0) [2 y *] // return 2 * y [y 1 eq // else if (y == 1) [2] // return 2 [x 1 - x y 1 - a a] // else if] // return a(x - 1, a(x, y - 1)) if] // } if } 1 10 a writeln // print (a(1, 10)) 2 4 a writeln // print (a(2, 4)) 3 3 a writeln // print (a(3, 3)) define f(n) { 0 n a } // function f(n) { return a(0, n) } define g(n) { 1 n a } // function g(n) { return a(1, n) } define h(n) { 2 n a } // function h(n) { return a(2, n) } define k(n) { 5 n * n * } // function k(n) { return 5 * n * n } /* 1.2.2 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Tree Recursion */ // Recursive define fib(n) { // function fib(n) { n 0 eq // if (n == 0) [0] // return 0 [n 1 eq // else if (n == 1) [1] // return 1 [n 1 - fib n 2 - fib +] // else if] // return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2) if // } } // Iterative define fib_iter(a b count) { // function fib_iter(a, b, count) { count 0 eq // if (count == 0) [b] // return b [a b + a count 1 - fib_iter] // else if // return fib_iter(a + b, a, count - 1) } // } define fib(n) { // function fib(n) { 1 0 n fib_iter // return fib_iter(1, 0, n) } // } // Counting change define first_denomination(x) { // function first_denomination(x) { x 1 eq // if (x == 1) return 1 [1] // else if (x == 2) return 5 [x 2 eq // else if (x == 3) return 10 [5] // else if (x == 4) return 25 [x 3 eq // else if (x == 5) return 50 [10] // } [x 4 eq [25] [x 5 eq [50] [] if] if] if] if] if } define cc(amount kinds_of_coins) { // function cc(amount, kinds_of_coins) { amount 0 eq // if (amount == 0) [1] // return 1 [amount 0 < // else if (amount < 0) [0] // return 0 [kinds_of_coins 0 eq // else if (kinds_of_coins == 0) [0] // return 0 [amount kinds_of_coins 1 - cc // else amount kinds_of_coins first_denomination - // return cc(amount, kinds_of_coins - 1) + kinds_of_coins cc +] // cc(amount - first_denomination(kinds_of_coins), if] // kinds_of_coins) if] // } if } define count_change(amount) { // function count_change(amount) { amount 5 cc // return cc(amount, 5) } // } // note: 100 runs out of stack space 100 count_change writeln // print (count_change(100)) // Exercise 1.11 define f(n) { // function f(n) { n 3 < // if (n < 3) [n] // return n [n 1 - f 2 n 2 - f * + 3 n 3 - f * +] // else if // return f(n - 1) + 2*f(n - 2) + 3*f(n - 3) } // } define f_iter(a b c count) { // function f_iter(a, b, c, count) { count 0 eq // if (count == 0) [c] // return c [a 2 b * + 3 c * + a b count 1 - f_iter] // else if // return f_iter(a + 2*b + 3*c, a, b, count - 1) } // } define f(n) { 2 1 0 n f_iter } // function f(n) { return f_iter(2, 1, 0, n) } // Exercise 1.12 define pascals_triangle(n k) { // function pascals_triangle(n, k) { n 0 eq k 0 eq n k eq or or // if (n == 0 || k == 0 || n == k) [1] // return 1 [n 1 - k 1 - pascals_triangle n 1 - k pascals_triangle +] // else if // return pascals_triangle(n - 1, k - 1) + pascals_triangle(n - 1, k) } // } /* 1.2.3 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Orders of Growth */ // Exercise 1.15 define cube(x) { x x * x * } // function cube(x) { return x * x * x } define p(x) { 3.0 x * 4.0 x cube * - } // function p(x) { return 3.0*x - 4.0*cube(x) } define sine(angle) { // function sine(angle) { angle abs_dbl 0.1 > not // if (!(abs(angle) > 0.1)) [angle] // return angle [angle 3.0 / sine p] // else if // return p(sine(angle / 3.0)) } // } /* 1.2.4 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Exponentiation */ // Linear recursion define expt(b n) { // function expt(b, n) { n 0 eq // if (n == 0) [1] // return 1 [b b n 1 - expt *] // else if // return b * expt(b, (n - 1)) } // } // Linear iteration define expt_iter(b counter product) { // function expt_iter(b, counter, product) { counter 0 eq // if (counter == 0) [product] // return product [b counter 1 - b product * expt_iter] // else if // return expt_iter(b, counter - 1, b * product) } // } define expt(b n) { // function expt(b, n) { b n 1 expt_iter // return expt_iter(b, n, 1) } // } // Logarithmic iteration define even(n) { n 2 mod 0 eq } // function even(n) { return (n % 2) == 0 } define fast_expt(b n) { // function fast_expt(b, n) { n 0 eq // if (n == 0) [1] // return 1 [n even // else [b n 2 / fast_expt square] // if (even(n)) [b b n 1 - fast_expt *] // return square(fast_expt(b, n / 2)) if] // else if // return b * fast_expt(b, n - 1) } // } // Exercise 1.17 define multiply(a b) { // function multiply(a, b) { b 0 eq // if (b == 0) [0] // return 0 [a a b dec multiply plus] // else if // return plus(a, multiply(a, dec(b))) } // } // Exercise 1.19 // exercise left to reader to solve for p' and q' // define fib_iter(a b p q count) { // function fib_iter(a, b, p, q, count) { // count 0 eq // if (count == 0) // [b] // return b // [count even // else // [a b p' q' count 2 / ] // if (even(count)) // [b q * a q * + a p * + b p * + a q * + // return fib_iter(a, b, p', q', count / 2) // p q count 1 - fib_iter] // else // if] // return fib_iter((b * q) + (a * q) + (a * p), (b * p) + (a * q), // if // p, q, count - 1) // } // } // define fib(n) { // function fib(n) { // 1 0 0 1 n fib_iter // return fib_iter(1, 0, 0, 1, n) // } // } /* 1.2.5 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Greatest Common Divisors */ define gcd(a b) { // function gcd(a, b) { b 0 eq // if (b == 0) [a] // return a [b a b mod gcd] // else if // return gcd(b, a % b) } // } 40 6 gcd writeln // print (gcd(40, 6)) // Exercise 1.20 206 40 gcd writeln // print (gcd(206, 40)) /* 1.2.6 Procedures and the Processes They Generate - Example: Testing for Primality */ // prime define divides(a b) { b a mod 0 eq } // function divides(a, b) { return (b % a) == 0 } define find_divisor(n test_divisor) { // function find_divisor(n, test_divisor) { test_divisor square n > // if (square(test_divisor) > n) [n] // return n [test_divisor n divides // else if (divides(test_divisor, n)) [test_divisor] // return test_divisor [n test_divisor 1 + find_divisor] // else if] // return find_divisor(n, test_divisor + 1) if // } } define smallest_divisor(n) { n 2 find_divisor } // function smallest_divisor(n) { return find_divisor(n, 2) } define prime(n) { n n smallest_divisor eq } // function prime(n) { return n == smallest_divisor(n) } // fast_prime define expmod(nbase nexp m) { // function expmod(nbase, nexp, m) { nexp 0 eq // if (nexp == 0) [1] // return 1 [nexp even // else [nbase nexp 2 / m expmod square m mod] // if (even(nexp)) [nbase nbase nexp 1 - m expmod * m mod] // return square(expmod(nbase, nexp / 2, m)) % m if] // else if // return (nbase * (expmod(nbase, (nexp - 1), m))) % m } // } // note: move nested functions outside for now define try_it(a n) { a n n expmod a eq } // function try_it(a) { return expmod(a, n, n) == a } define fermat_test(n) { // function fermat_test(n) { n 1 - rnd_int 1 + n try_it // return try_it(1 + Math.round((Math.random()*n)-1)) } // } define fast_prime(n ntimes) { // function fast_prime(n, ntimes) { ntimes 0 eq // if (ntimes == 0) return true [true] // else [n fermat_test // if (fermat_test(n)) return fast_prime(n, ntimes - 1) [n ntimes 1 - fast_prime] // else return false [false] // } if] if } // Exercise 1.21 199 smallest_divisor writeln // print (smallest_divisor(199)) 1999 smallest_divisor writeln // print (smallest_divisor(1999)) 19999 smallest_divisor writeln // print (smallest_divisor(19999)) // Exercise 1.22 define report_prime(elapsed_time) { // function report_prime(elapsed_time) { " *** " write elapsed_time writeln // print (" *** " + elapsed_time) } // } define start_prime_test(n start_time) { // function start_prime_test(n, start_time) { n prime // if (prime(n)) { [now start_time sub_time to_msec report_prime] // report_prime((new Date()).getTime() - start_time) [] // } if // } } define timed_prime_test(n) { // function timed_prime_test(n) { n writeln // print ("\n" + n) n now start_prime_test // start_prime_test(n, (new Date()).getTime()) } // } // Exercise 1.25 define expmod(nbase nexp m) { // function expmod(nbase, nexp, m) { nbase nexp fast_expt m mod // return fast_expt(nbase, nexp) % m } // } // Exercise 1.26 define expmod(nbase nexp m) { // function expmod(nbase, nexp, m) { nexp 0 eq // if (nexp == 0) [1] // return 1 [nexp even // else [nbase nexp 2 / m expmod // if (even(nexp)) nbase nexp 2 / m expmod * m mod] // return (expmod(nbase, (nexp / 2), m) * [nbase nbase nexp 1 - m expmod * m mod] // expmod(nbase, (nexp / 2), m)) % m if] // else if // return (nbase * expmod(nbase, nexp - 1, m)) % m } // } // Exercise 1.27 define carmichael(n) { // function carmichael(n) { n 10 fast_prime n prime not and // return fast_prime(n, 100) && !prime(n) } // } 561 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(561)) 1105 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(1105)) 1729 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(1729)) 2465 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(2465)) 2821 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(2821)) 6601 carmichael writeln // print (carmichael(6601)) /* 1.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures */ define cube(x) { x x * x * } // function cube(x) { return x * x * x } /* 1.3.1 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as Arguments */ define sum_integers(a b) { // function sum_integers(a, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [0] // return 0 [a a 1 + b sum_integers +] // else if // return a + sum_integers(a + 1, b) } // } define sum_cubes(a b) { // function sum_cubes(a, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [0] // return 0 [a cube a 1 + b sum_cubes +] // else if // return cube(a) + sum_cubes(a + 1, b) } // } define pi_sum(a b) { // function pi_sum(a, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [0.0] // return 0.0 [1.0 a a 2.0 + * / a 4.0 + b pi_sum +] // else if // return (1.0 / (a * (a + 2.0))) + pi_sum(a + 4.0, b) } // } define sum_int(term a next b) { // function sum_int(term, a, next, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [0] // return 0 [a term apply term a next apply next b sum_int +] // else if // return term(a) + sum_int(term, next(a), next, b) } // } define sum_dbl(term a next b) { // function sum_dbl(term, a, next, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [0.0] // return 0.0 [a term apply term a next apply next b sum_dbl +] // else if // return term(a) + sum_dbl(term, next(a), next, b) } // } // Using sum define inc_(n) { n 1 + } // function inc_(n) { return n + 1; } define sum_cubes(a b) { // function sum_cubes(a, b) { [cube] a [inc_] b sum_int // return sum_int(cube, a, inc, b) } // } 1 10 sum_cubes writeln // print (sum_cubes(1, 10)) define identity(x) { x } // function identity(x) { return x; } define sum_integers(a b) { // function sum_integers(a, b) { [identity] a [inc] b sum_int // return sum_int(identity, a, inc, b) } // } 1 10 sum_integers writeln // print (sum_integers(1, 10)) // note: move nested functions outside for now define pi_term(x) { 1.0 x x 2.0 + * / } // function pi_sum(a, b) { define pi_next(x) { x 4.0 + } // function pi_term(x) { return 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0)) } define pi_sum(a b) { // function pi_next(x) { return x + 4.0 } [pi_term] a [pi_next] b sum_dbl // return sum_dbl(pi_term, a, pi_next, b) } // } // note: 1000.0 runs out of stack space 8.0 1.0 200.0 pi_sum * writeln // print (8.0 * pi_sum(1.0, 1000.0)) // note: move nested functions outside for now define add_dx(x dx) { x dx + } // function integral(f, a, b, dx) { define integral(f a b dx) { // function add_dx(x) { return x + dx } f a dx 2.0 / + dx quote [add_dx] compose b sum_dbl dx * // return sum(f, a + (dx / 2.0), add_dx, b) * dx } // } define cube(x) { x x * x * } // function cube(x) { return x * x * x } // note: 0.01 runs out of stack space [cube] 0.0 1.0 0.1 integral writeln // print (integral(cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.01)) [cube] 0.0 1.0 0.001 integral writeln // print (integral(cube, 0.0, 1.0, 0.001)) // Exercise 1.29 // note: move nested functions outside for now define sum_iter(h a term start next stop acc) { // function simpson(f, a, b, n) { start stop > // var h = abs(b - a) / n [acc] // function sum_iter(term, start, next, stop, acc) { [h a term start next apply next stop // if (start > stop) acc a start h * + term apply + sum_iter] // return acc if // else } // return sum_iter(term, next(start), next, stop, acc + term(a + start * h)) define simpson(f a b n) { // } b a - abs_dbl n round_dbl / // return h * sum_iter(f, 1, inc, n, 0.0) dup a f 1 [inc] n 0.0 sum_iter * // } } [cube] 0.0 1.0 100 simpson writeln // simpson(cube, 0.0, 1.0, 100) // Exercise 1.30 define sum_iter(term a next b acc) { // function sum_iter(term, a, next, b, acc) { a b > // if (a > b) [acc] // return acc [term a next apply next b acc a term apply + sum_iter] // else if // return sum_iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc + term(a)) } // } define sum_cubes(a b) { // function sum_cubes(a, b) { [cube] a [inc] b 0 sum_iter // return sum_iter(cube, a, inc, b, 0) } // } 1 10 sum_cubes writeln // print (sum_cubes(1, 10)) // Exercise 1.31 // a. define product(term a next b) { // function product(term, a, next, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [1] // return 1 [a term apply term a next apply next b product *] // else if // return term(a) * product(term, next(a), next, b) } // } define factorial(n) { // function factorial(n) { [identity] 1 [inc] n product // return product(identity, 1, inc, n) } // } // b. define product_iter(term a next b acc) { // function product_iter(term, a, next, b, acc) { a b > // if (a > b) [acc] // return acc [term a next apply next b acc a term apply * product_iter] // else if // return product_iter(term, next(a), next, b, acc * term(a)) } // } define factorial(n) { // function factorial(n) { [identity] 1 [inc] n 1 product_iter // return product_iter(identity, 1, inc, n, 1) } // } // Exercise 1.32 // a. define accumulate(combiner nullValue term a next b) { // function accumulate(combiner, nullValue, term, a, next, b) { a b > // if (a > b) [nullValue] // return nullValue [a term apply combiner nullValue term // else a next apply next b accumulate combiner apply] // return combiner(term(a), accumulate(combiner, nullValue, term, if // next(a), next, b)) } // } define sum(a b) { // function sum(a, b) { [+] 0 [identity] a [inc] b accumulate // return accumulate(plus, 0, identity, a, inc, b) } // } define product(a b) { // function product(a, b) { [*] 1 [identity] a [inc] b accumulate // return accumulate(multiply, identity, a, inc, b, 1) } // } // b. define accumulate_iter(combiner term a next b acc) { // function accumulate_iter(combiner, term, a, next, b, acc) { a b > // if (a > b) [acc] // return acc [combiner term a next apply next b // else acc a term apply combiner apply accumulate_iter] // return accumulate_iter(combiner, term, next(a), next, b, if // combiner(acc, term(a))) } // } define sum(a b) { // function sum(a, b) { [+] [identity] a [inc] b 0 accumulate_iter // return accumulate_iter(plus, identity, a, inc, b, 0) } // } define product(a b) { // function product(a, b) { [*] [identity] a [inc] b 1 accumulate_iter // return accumulate_iter(multiply, identity, a, inc, b, 1) } // } // Exercise 1.33 define filtered_accumulate(combiner nullValue term a next b pred) { // function filtered_accumulate(combiner, nullValue, term, a, next, b, pred) { a b > // if (a > b) [nullValue] // return nullValue [a pred apply // else if (pred(a)) [a term apply combiner nullValue term a next apply // return combiner(term(a), next b pred filtered_accumulate combiner apply] // filtered_accumulate(combiner, nullValue, term, next(a), next, b, pred)) [combiner nullValue term a next apply // else next b pred filtered_accumulate] // return filtered_accumulate(combiner, nullValue, term, next(a), next, b, pred) if] // } if } // a. [plus] 0 [square] 1 [inc] 5 [prime] filtered_accumulate writeln // print (filtered_accumulate(plus, 0, square, 1, inc, 5, prime)) // 39 /* 1.3.2 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Constructing Procedures Using Lambda */ define pi_sum(a b) { // define pi_sum(a b) { [id dup 2.0 + * 1.0 swap /] // return sum( a // function(x) { return 1.0 / (x * (x + 2.0)) }, [id 4.0 +] // a, b // function(x) { return x + 4.0 }, sum_dbl // b) } // } define integral(f a b dx) { // function integral(f, a, b, dx) { f // return sum( a dx 2.0 / + // f, [id] dx quote compose [+] compose // a + (dx / 2.0), b // function(x) { return x + dx }, sum_dbl dx * // b) * dx } // } define plus4(x) { x 4 + } // function plus4(x) { return x + 4 } define plus4 { [id 4 +] apply } // plus4 = function(x) { return x + 4 } define f(x y z) { x y + z square + } // print ((function(x, y, z) { return x + y + square(z) }) (1, 2, 3)) 1 2 3 f writeln //ToBeDone: // Using let //ToBeDone: function f(x, y) { //ToBeDone: function f_helper(a, b) { //ToBeDone: return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b //ToBeDone: } //ToBeDone: return f_helper(1 + x*y, 1 - y) //ToBeDone: } //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: function f(x, y) { //ToBeDone: return (function(a, b) { return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b }) (1 + x*y, 1 - y) //ToBeDone: } //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: function f(x, y) { //ToBeDone: a = 1 + x*y //ToBeDone: b = 1 - y //ToBeDone: return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b //ToBeDone: } //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: // cat does not have let binding - used lambda to emulate //ToBeDone: var x = 5 //ToBeDone: print (function() { //ToBeDone: var x = 3 //ToBeDone: return x + (x * 10) //ToBeDone: }() + x) //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: var x = 2 //ToBeDone: print (function(x) { //ToBeDone: var y = x + 2 //ToBeDone: var x = 3 //ToBeDone: return x * y //ToBeDone: }(x)) //ToBeDone: //ToBeDone: function f(x, y) { //ToBeDone: a = 1 + x*y //ToBeDone: b = 1 - y //ToBeDone: return x*square(a) + y*b + a*b //ToBeDone: } // Exercise 1.34 define f(g) { 2 g apply } // function f(g) { return g(2) } [square] f writeln // print (f(square)) [id dup 1 + *] f writeln // print (f(function(z) { return z * (z + 1) } )) /* 1.3.3 Formulating Abstractions with Higher-Order Procedures - Procedures as General Methods */ // Half-interval method define close_enough(x y) { // function close_enough(x, y) { x y - abs_dbl 0.001 < // return abs(x - y) < 0.001 } // } define positive(x) { x 0.0 >= } // function positive(x) { return x >= 0.0 } define negative(x) { x positive not } // function negative(x) { return !(positive(x)) } define search(f neg_point pos_point) { // function search(f, neg_point, pos_point) { neg_point pos_point close_enough // midpoint = average(neg_point, pos_point) [neg_point pos_point average] // if (close_enough(neg_point, pos_point)) [neg_point pos_point average f apply positive // return midpoint [f neg_point neg_point pos_point average search] // else [neg_point pos_point average f apply negative // test_value = f(midpoint) [f neg_point pos_point average pos_point search] // if (positive(test_value)) [neg_point pos_point average] // return search(f, neg_point, midpoint) if] // else if (negative(test_value)) if] // return search(f, midpoint, pos_point) if // else return midpoint } // } define half_interval_method(f a b) { // function half_interval_method(f, a, b) { a f apply negative b f apply positive and // a_value = f(a) [f a b search] // b_value = f(b) [b f apply negative a f apply positive and // if (negative(a_value) && positive(b_value)) [f b a search] // return search(f, a, b) ["Exception: Values are not of opposite sign " // else if (negative(b_value) && positive(a_value)) a str + " " + b str + throw] // return search(f, b, a) if] // else if // throw ("Exception: Values are not of opposite sign " + a + " " + b) } // } [sin_dbl] 2.0 4.0 half_interval_method writeln // print (half_interval_method(Math.sin, 2.0, 4.0)) define f(x) { x x * x * 2.0 x * - 3.0 - } // print (half_interval_method(function(x) { return x*x*x - 2.0*x - 3.0 }, 1.0, 2.0)) [f] 1.0 2.0 half_interval_method writeln // Fixed points define tolerance { 0.00001 } // var tolerance = 0.00001 define close_enough(v1 v2) { // function fixed_point(f, first_guess) { v1 v2 - abs_dbl tolerance < // function close_enough(v1, v2) { } // return abs(v1 - v2) < tolerance define tryit(f guess) { // } guess guess f apply close_enough // function tryit(guess) { [guess f apply] // next = f(guess) [f guess f apply tryit] // if (close_enough(guess, next)) if // return next } // else return tryit(next) define fixed_point(f first_guess) { // } f first_guess tryit // return tryit(first_guess) } // } [cos_dbl] 1.0 fixed_point writeln // print (fixed_point(Math.cos, 1.0)) define f(x) { x sin_dbl x cos_dbl + } // print (fixed_point(function(y) { return Math.sin(y) + Math.cos(y) }, 1.0)) [f] 1.0 fixed_point writeln |