About SICP The following JavaScript code is derived from the examples provided in the book:
      "Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, Second Edition" by Harold Abelson and Gerald Jay Sussman with Julie Sussman.

SICP Chapter #02 Examples in JavaScript

// Utility functions

// Use this print function for javascript embedded in html page
// function print(s) { document.writeln(s + "
"); } // Reference Implementation of ES4 does not have parseFloat function yet function parseFloat(x) { return x / 1.0; } function insert(x, xs) { var rt = xs.slice(0) rt.unshift(x); return rt; } function isArray(x) { if (x == null) return false; if (typeof(x) != 'object') return false; if (typeof(x.length) != 'number') return false; if (typeof(x.join) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.sort) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.reverse) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.concat) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.pop) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.push) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.shift) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.slice) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.splice) != 'function') return false; if (typeof(x.unshift) != 'function') return false; return true; } // Functions defined in previous chapters function gcd(a, b) { if (b == 0) return a; else return gcd(b, a % b); } function fib(n) { if (n == 0) return 0; else if (n == 1) return 1; else return fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2); } function identity(x) { return x; } /* 2 Building Abstractions with Data */ function linear_combination(a, b, x, y) { return a*x + b*y; } function mul(a, b) { return a * b } function linear_combination1(a, b, x, y) { return mul(a, x) + mul(b, y) } /* 2.1.1 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Example: Arithmetic Operations for Rational Numbers */ // Literal Translation // function make_rat(n, d) { return [n, d]; } function numer(items) { return items[0]; } function denom(items) { return items[1]; } function add_rat(x, y) { return make_rat(numer(x)*denom(y) + numer(y)*denom(x), denom(x)*denom(y)); } function sub_rat(x, y) { return make_rat(numer(x)*denom(y) - numer(y)*denom(x), denom(x)*denom(y)); } function mul_rat(x, y) { return make_rat(numer(x)*numer(y), denom(x)*denom(y)); } function div_rat(x, y) { return make_rat(numer(x)*denom(y), denom(x)*numer(y)); } function equal_rat(x, y) { return numer(x)*denom(y) == numer(y)*denom(x); } function cons(x, y) { return [x, y]; } function car(items) { return items[0] } function cdr(items) { return items[1] } x = cons(1, 2); print (car(x)); print (cdr(x)); x = cons(1, 2); y = cons(3, 4); z = cons(x, y); print (car(car(z))); print (car(cdr(z))); print (z); //footnote // alternative definitions make_rat1 = cons; numer1 = car; denom1 = cdr; x = [1, 2]; y = [3, 4]; print (numer(x)); print (denom(x)); function compose(f, g) { return function(x) { return f(g(x)); }; } function print_rat(x) { print (numer(x) + "/" + denom(x)); } one_half = make_rat(1,2); print_rat(one_half); one_third = make_rat(1, 3); print_rat(add_rat(one_half, one_third)); print_rat(mul_rat(one_half, one_third)); print_rat(add_rat(one_third, one_third)); // reducing to lowest terms in constructor function make_rat2(n, d) { var g = gcd(n, d); return [n / g, d / g]; } function add_rat2(x, y) { return make_rat2(numer(x)*denom(y) + numer(y)*denom(x), denom(x)*denom(y)); } print_rat(add_rat2(one_third, one_third)); // end Literal Translation // // Record Translation // function make_rat_rec(n, d) { return new function() { this.numer = n; this.denom = d; }; } function add_rat_rec(x, y) { return make_rat_rec(x.numer*y.denom + y.numer*x.denom, x.denom*y.denom); } function sub_rat_rec(x, y) { return make_rat_rec(x.numer*y.denom - y.numer*x.denom, x.denom*y.denom); } function mul_rat_rec(x, y) { return make_rat_rec(x.numer*y.numer, x.denom*y.denom); } function div_rat_rec(x, y) { return make_rat_rec(x.numer*y.denom, x.denom*y.numer); } function equal_rat_rec(x, y) { return x.numer*y.denom == y.numer*x.denom; } function print_rat_rec(x) { print (x.numer + "/" + x.denom); } one_half = make_rat_rec(1,2); print_rat_rec(one_half); one_third = make_rat_rec(1, 3); print_rat_rec(add_rat_rec(one_half, one_third)); print_rat_rec(mul_rat_rec(one_half, one_third)); print_rat_rec(add_rat_rec(one_third, one_third)); // reducing to lowest terms in constructor function make_rat_rec2(n, d) { var g = gcd(n, d); return new function() { this.numer = n / g; this.denom = d / g; }; } function add_rat_rec2(x, y) { return make_rat_rec2((x.numer * y.denom) + (y.numer * x.denom), x.denom * y.denom); } print_rat_rec(add_rat_rec2(one_third, one_third)); // end Record Translation // // Object Translation // function Rational(n, d) { this.numer = n; this.denom = d; this.add_rat = function(y) { return new Rational(this.numer*y.denom + y.numer*this.denom, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.sub_rat = function(y) { return new Rational(this.numer*y.denom - y.numer*this.denom, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.mul_rat = function(y) { return new Rational(this.numer*y.numer, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.div_rat = function(y) { return new Rational(this.numer*y.denom, this.denom*y.numer); }; this.equal_rat = function(y) { return this.numer*y.denom == y.numer * this.denom; }; this.print_rat = function() { print (this.numer + "/" + this.denom); }; } one_half = new Rational(1, 2); one_half.print_rat(); one_third = new Rational(1, 3); one_half.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); one_half.mul_rat(one_third).print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // reducing to lowest terms in constructor function Rational2(n, d) { var g = gcd(n, d); this.numer = n / g; this.denom = d / g; this.add_rat = function(y) { return new Rational2(this.numer*y.denom + y.numer*this.denom, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.sub_rat = function(y) { return new Rational2(this.numer*y.denom - y.numer*this.denom, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.mul_rat = function(y) { return new Rational2(this.numer*y.numer, this.denom*y.denom); }; this.div_rat = function(y) { return new Rational2(this.numer*y.denom, this.denom*y.numer); }; this.equal_rat = function(y) { return this.numer*y.denom == y.numer * this.denom; }; this.print_rat = function() { print (this.numer + "/" + this.denom); } } one_third = new Rational2(1, 3); one_third.print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // end Object Translation // // Class Translation - ES4 // class Rational3 { var numer; var denom; function Rational3(n, d) { numer = n; denom = d; } function add_rat(y) { return new Rational3(numer*y.denom + y.numer*denom, denom*y.denom); } function sub_rat(y) { return new Rational3(numer*y.denom - y.numer*denom, denom*y.denom); } function mul_rat(y) { return new Rational3(numer*y.numer, denom*y.denom); } function div_rat(y) { return new Rational3(numer*y.denom, denom*y.numer); } function equal_rat(y) { return this.numer*y.denom == y.numer * denom; } function print_rat() { print (numer + "/" + denom); } } one_half = new Rational3(1, 2); one_half.print_rat(); one_third = new Rational3(1, 3); one_half.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); one_half.mul_rat(one_third).print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // reducing to lowest terms in constructor class Rational4 { var numer; var denom; function Rational4(n, d) { var g = gcd(n, d); numer = n / g; denom = d / g; } function add_rat(y) { return new Rational4(numer*y.denom + y.numer*denom, denom*y.denom); } function sub_rat(y) { return new Rational4(numer*y.denom - y.numer*denom, denom*y.denom); } function mul_rat(y) { return new Rational4(numer*y.numer, denom*y.denom); } function div_rat(y) { return new Rational4(numer*y.denom, denom*y.numer); } function equal_rat(y) { return this.numer*y.denom == y.numer * denom; } function print_rat() { print (numer + "/" + denom); } } one_third = new Rational4(1, 3); one_third.print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // end Class Translation // // Exercise 2.1 function make_rat3(n, d) { if ((d < 0 && n < 0) || n < 0) return new function() { this.numer = d * -1; this.denom = n * -1; }; else return new function() { this.numer = d; this.denom = n; }; } /* 2.1.2 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Abstraction barriers */ // Record Translation // // reducing to lowest terms in selectors function make_rat4(n, d) { return new function() { this.numer = d; this.denom = n; }; } function numer4(x) { var g = gcd(x.numer, x.denom) return x.numer / g } function denom4(x) { var g = gcd(x.numer, x.denom) return x.denom / g } // end Record Translation // // Object Translation // // reducing to lowest terms in selectors function Rational5(n, d) { this.n = n; this.d = d; this.numer = function() { var g = gcd(this.n, this.d); return this.n / g; } this.denom = function() { var g = gcd(this.n, this.d); return this.d / g; } this.add_rat = function(y) { return new Rational5(this.numer()*y.denom() + y.numer()*this.denom(), this.denom()*y.denom()); }; this.sub_rat = function(y) { return new Rational5(this.numer()*y.denom() - y.numer()*this.denom(), this.denom()*y.denom()); }; this.mul_rat = function(y) { return new Rational5(this.numer()*y.numer(), this.denom()*y.denom()); }; this.div_rat = function(y) { return new Rational5(this.numer()*y.denom(), this.denom()*y.numer()); }; this.equal_rat = function(y) { return this.numer()*y.denom() == y.numer() * this.denom(); }; this.print_rat = function() { print (this.numer() + "/" + this.denom()); } } one_third = new Rational5(1, 3); one_third.print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // end Object Translation // // Class Translation - ES4 // // reducing to lowest terms in selectors class Rational6 { var n; var d; function numer() { var g = gcd(n, d); return n / g; } function denom() { var g = gcd(n, d); return d / g; } function Rational6(n, d) { this.n = n; this.d = d; } function add_rat(y) { return new Rational6(numer()*y.denom() + y.numer()*denom(), denom()*y.denom()); } function sub_rat(y) { return new Rational6(numer()*y.denom() - y.numer()*denom(), denom()*y.denom()); } function mul_rat(y) { return new Rational6(numer()*y.numer(), denom()*y.denom()); } function div_rat(y) { return new Rational6(numer()*y.denom(), denom()*y.numer()); } function equal_rat(y) { return this.numer()*y.denom() == y.numer() * denom(); } function print_rat() { print (numer() + "/" + denom()); } } one_third = new Rational6(1, 3); one_third.print_rat(); one_third.add_rat(one_third).print_rat(); // end Class Translation // // Exercise 2.2 function make_point(x, y) { return new function() { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; } function make_segment(start_segment, end_segment) { return new function() { this.start_segment = start_segment; this.end_segment = end_segment; }; } function midpoint_segment(segment) { var s = segment.start_segment; var e = segment.end_segment; return make_point((s.x + e.x) / 2, (s.y + e.y) / 2); } function print_point(p) { print ("(" + p.x + ", " + p.y + ")"); } // Exercise 2.3 function square(x) { return x * x; } function length_segment(segment) { var s = segment.start_segment; var e = segment.end_segment; return Math.sqrt(square(e.x - s.x) + square(e.y - s.y)); } // Constructors create type tagged using function make_rectangle_axy(anchor, xlen, ylen) { return new function() { this.anchor = anchor; this.xlen = xlen; this.ylen = ylen; }; } function make_rectangle_seg(start_segment, end_segment) { return new function() { this.start_segment = start_segment; this.end_segment = end_segment; }; } x = make_rectangle_axy(10,20); // 'length_rectangle' and 'width_rectangle' act as an abstraction barrier for higher-level // procedures because 'rectangle' implementation details are buried here, and should the // implementation change, only these procedures will need to be altered to support the change function length_rectangle(rect) { if (x.anchor != undefined) return 0; // Compute length ... else if (x.start_segment != undefined) return 0; // Compute length ... } function width_rectangle(rect) { // As per 'length_rectangle' except that rectangle width is returned ... return 0 } // High-level procedures are quarantined from representation / implementation details function area_rectangle(rect) { return length_rectangle(rect) * width_rectangle(rect); } function perimeter_rectangle(rect) { return length_rectangle(rect) * 2 + width_rectangle(rect) * 2; } /* 2.1.3 Introduction to Data Abstraction - What is meant by data? */ function cons2(x, y) { function dispatch(m) { if (m == 0) return x else if (m == 1) return y else throw ("Argument not 1 or 2 // CONS " + m); } return dispatch; } function car2(z) { return z(0); } function cdr2(z) { return z(1) } // Exercise 2.4 function cons3(x, y) { return function(m) { return m(x, y); } } function car3(z) { return z(function(p, q) { return p; }) } function cdr3(z) { return z(function(p, q) {return q; }) } // Exercise 2.5 function cons4(x, y) { return Math.pow(2, x * Math.pow(3, y)) } function car4(z) { if (z % 2 == 0) return car4((z / 2) + 1); else return 0; } function cdr4(z) { if (z % 3 == 0) return cdr4((z / 3) + 1); else return 0; } // Exercise 2.6 zero = function(f) { return function(x) { return x; }; }; function add1(n) { return function(f) { return function(x) { return f(n(f)(x)); }; }; } /* 2.1.4 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Extended Exercise: Interval Arithmetic */ // Record Translation // function make_interval(a, b) { return new function() { this.lower_bound = a; this.upper_bound = b; }; } function add_interval(x, y) { return make_interval(x.lower_bound + y.lower_bound, x.upper_bound + y.upper_bound); } function mul_interval(x, y) { var p1 = x.lower_bound * y.lower_bound; var p2 = x.lower_bound * y.upper_bound; var p3 = x.upper_bound * y.lower_bound; var p4 = x.upper_bound * y.upper_bound; return make_interval( Math.min(Math.min(p1, p2), Math.min(p3, p4)), Math.max(Math.max(p1, p2), Math.max(p3, p4))); } function div_interval(x, y) { var z = make_interval(1 / y.upper_bound, 1 / y.lower_bound); return mul_interval(x, z); } function make_center_width(c, w) { return make_interval(c-w, c+w); } function center(interval) { return (interval.lower_bound + interval.upper_bound) / 2; } function width(interval) { return (interval.upper_bound - interval.lower_bound) / 2; } // parallel resistors function par1(r1, r2) { return div_interval(mul_interval(r1, r2), add_interval(r1, r2)); } function par2(r1, r2) { var one = make_interval(1, 1); return div_interval(one, add_interval(div_interval(one, r1), div_interval(one, r2))); } // end Record Translation // // Object Translation // function Interval(a, b) { this.lower_bound = a; this.upper_bound = b; this.add_interval = function(y) { return new Interval(this.lower_bound + y.lower_bound, this.upper_bound + y.upper_bound); }; this.mul_interval = function(y) { var p1 = this.lower_bound * y.lower_bound; var p2 = this.lower_bound * y.upper_bound; var p3 = this.upper_bound * y.lower_bound; var p4 = this.upper_bound * y.upper_bound; return new Interval( Math.min(Math.min(p1, p2), Math.min(p3, p4)), Math.max(Math.max(p1, p2), Math.max(p3, p4))); }; this.div_interval = function(y) { var z = new Interval(1 / y.upper_bound, 1 / y.lower_bound); return this.mul_interval(x, z); }; this.make_center_width = function(c, w) { return new Interval(c-w, c+w); }; this.center = function() { return (this.lower_bound + this.upper_bound) / 2; }; this.width = function() { return (this.upper_bound - this.lower_bound) / 2; } } // parallel resistors function par3(r1, r2) { return r1.mul_interval(r2).div_interval(r1.add_interval(r2)); } function par4(r1, r2) { var one = new Interval(1, 1); return one.div_interval(one.div_interval(r1).add_interval(one.div_interval(r2))); } // end Object Translation // // Class Translation - ES4 // class Interval2 { var lower_bound; var upper_bound; function Interval2(a, b) { lower_bound = a; upper_bound = b; } function add_rat(y) { return new Rational3(numer*y.denom + y.numer*denom, denom*y.denom); } function add_interval(y) { return new Interval(lower_bound + y.lower_bound, upper_bound + y.upper_bound); } function mul_interval(y) { var p1 = lower_bound * y.lower_bound; var p2 = lower_bound * y.upper_bound; var p3 = upper_bound * y.lower_bound; var p4 = upper_bound * y.upper_bound; return new Interval( Math.min(Math.min(p1, p2), Math.min(p3, p4)), Math.max(Math.max(p1, p2), Math.max(p3, p4))); } function div_interval(y) { var z = new Interval(1 / y.upper_bound, 1 / y.lower_bound); return mul_interval(x, z); } function make_center_width(c, w) { return new Interval(c-w, c+w); } function center() { return (lower_bound + upper_bound) / 2; } function width() { return (upper_bound - lower_bound) / 2; } } // parallel resistors function par5(r1, r2) { return r1.mul_interval(r2).div_interval(r1.add_interval(r2)); } function par6(r1, r2) { var one = new Interval(1, 1); return one.div_interval(one.div_interval(r1).add_interval(one.div_interval(r2))); } // end Class Translation // // Exercise 2.8 function sub_interval(x, y) { return make_interval(x.lower_bound - y.lower_bound, x.upper_bound - y.upper_bound); } // Exercise 2.9 i = make_interval(5, 10); j = make_interval(15, 25); // width of the sum (or difference) of two intervals *is* a function only of the widths of // the intervals being added (or subtracted) print (width(add_interval(i, j)) + " " + width(i) + " " + width(j)); print (width(sub_interval(i, j)) + " " + width(i) + " " + width(j)); // width of the product (or quotient) of two intervals *is not* a function only of the widths // of the intervals being multiplied (or divided) print (width(mul_interval(i, j)) + " " + width(i) + " " + width(j)); print (width(div_interval(i, j)) + " " + width(i) + " " + width(j)); // Exercise 2.10 function is_zero_interval(i) { return i.lower_bound == 0 || i.upper_bound == 0; } function div_interval_zero_check(x, y) { if (is_zero_interval(y)) throw("Zero interval divisor"); else return div_interval(x, y); } // Exercise 2.12 function make_center_percent(c, p) { return make_center_width(c, p * c / 100); } function percent(i) { return width(i) / center(i) * 100; } /* 2.2.1 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Representing Sequences */ one_through_four = [1, 2, 3, 4]; print (one_through_four); print (one_through_four[0]); print (one_through_four.slice(1)); print (one_through_four[1]); print (insert(10, one_through_four)); function list_ref(items, n) { return items[n]; } squares = [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]; print (list_ref(squares, 3)); function length(items) { return items.length; } odds = [1, 3, 5, 7]; print (length(odds)); function append(xs, ys) { var rt = xs.slice(0); for (key in ys) { rt.push(ys[key]); } return rt; } print (append(squares, odds)); print (append(odds, squares)); // throws exception in ES4 reference implementation //print (squares.concat(odds)); //print (odds.concat(squares)); // Mapping over lists function scale_list(factor, items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { rt.push(items[key] * factor); } return rt; } print (scale_list(10, [1, 2, 3, 4, 5])); // uncurried version of map function map(proc, items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { rt.push(proc(items[key])); } return rt; } print (map(Math.abs, [-10, 2.5, -11.6, 17])); print (map(function(x) { return x * x; }, [1, 2, 3, 4])); function scale_list2(factor, items) { return map(function(x) { return x * factor; }, items); } // curried version map function mapc(proc) { function map_lambda(items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { rt.push(proc(items[key])); } return rt; } return map_lambda; } print (mapc (Math.abs) ([-10, 2.5, -11.6, 17])); print (mapc (function(x) { return x * x; }) ([1, 2, 3, 4])); function scale_list(factor, items) { return mapc (function(x) { return x * factor; }) (items); } // Exercise 2.17 function last_pair(items) { return items[items.length-1]; } print (last_pair([23, 72, 149, 34])); // Exercise 2.18 function reverse(items) { var rt = []; for (var i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { rt.push(items[i]); } return rt; } print (reverse([1, 4, 9, 16, 25])); function reverse2(items) { var rt = items.slice(0); rt.reverse(); return rt; } print (reverse2([1, 4, 9, 16, 25])); // Exercise 2.19 function no_more(items) { return items.length == 0; } function except_first_denomination(coin_values) { var tail = coin_values.slice(1); return tail; } function first_denomination(coin_values) { var head = coin_values[0]; return head; } function cc(amount, coin_values) { if (amount == 0) return 1; else if (amount < 0 || no_more(coin_values)) return 0; else return cc(amount, except_first_denomination(coin_values)) + cc(amount - first_denomination(coin_values), coin_values); } us_coins = [50, 25, 10, 5, 1]; uk_coins = [100, 50, 20, 10, 5, 2, 1, 0.5]; // works but takes a long time based on inefficiency above (slice) // print (cc(100, us_coins)); // print (cc(100, uk_coins)); // Exercise 2.20 function filter1(predicate, items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (predicate(items[key])) { rt.push(items[key]); } } return rt; } function is_odd(n) { return n % 2 == 1; } function is_even(n) { return !is_odd(n); } function same_parity(items) { var head = items[0]; var tail = items.slice(1); var predicate = is_odd(head) ? is_odd : is_even; return filter1(predicate, tail); } print (same_parity([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); print (same_parity([2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7])); // Exercise 2.21 function square_list(items) { rt = []; for (key in items) { rt.push(items[key] * items[key]); } return rt; } print (square_list([1, 2, 3, 4])); function square_list(items) { return mapc (function(x) { return x * x; }) (items); } print (square_list([1, 2, 3, 4])); // Exercise 2.23 function for_each(f, items) { for (key in items) { f(items[key]); } } /* 2.2.2 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Hierarchical Structures */ function count_leaves(items) { var n = 0; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) n += count_leaves(items[key]); else n += 1; } return n; } x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; print (x.length); print (count_leaves(x)); print ([x, x]); print ([x, x].length); print (count_leaves([x, x])); // Mapping over trees function scale_tree(factor, items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) rt.push(scale_tree(factor, items[key])); else rt.push(factor * items[key]); } return rt; } print (scale_tree(10, [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], [6, 7]])); function scale_tree(factor, items) { return mapc( function(sub_tree) { if (isArray(sub_tree)) return scale_tree(factor, sub_tree); else return sub_tree * factor; } ) (items); } print (scale_tree(10, [1, [2, [3, 4], 5], [6, 7]])); // Exercise 2.24 print ([1, [2, [3, 4]]]); // Exercise 2.25 print ([1, 3, [5, 7], 9]); print ([[7]]); print ([1, [2, [3, [4, [5, [6, 7]]]]]]); // Exercise 2.26 x = [1, 2, 3]; y = [4, 5, 6]; print (append(x, y)); print ([x, y]); // Exercise 2.27 function deep_reverse(items) { var rt = [] for (var i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { if (isArray(items[key])) rt.push(deep_reverse(items[i])); else rt.push(items[i]); } return rt; } x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]; print (x); print (reverse(x)); print (deep_reverse(x)); // Exercise 2.28 function fringe(items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) { var xs = fringe(items[key]); for (key2 in xs) { rt.push(xs[key2]); } } else { rt.push(items[key]); } } return rt; } x = [[1, 2], [3, 4]] print (fringe(x)) print (fringe([x, x])) // Exercise 2.29 // List-based representation // a. function make_mobile(left, right) { return new function() { this.left = left; this.right = right; }; } function make_branch(length, struc) { return new function() { this.length = length; this.struc = struc; }; } // Helpers for b. and c. function branch_weight(branch) { if (branch.length == 0) return 0; else if (isArray(branch)) return branch_weight(branch.struct); else return branch.struc; } function total_branch_length(branch) { if (branch.length == 0) return 0; else if (isArray(branch)) return branch.length + total_branch_length(branch.struc); else return branch.length; } // b. function total_weight(mobile) { return branch_weight(mobile.left) + branch_weight(mobile.right); } // c. [Not as per specification] function is_mobile_balanced(mobile) { var lmwl = total_branch_length(mobile.left) * branch_weight(mobile.left); var rmwl = total_branch_length(mobile.right) * branch_weight(mobile.right); return lmwl == rmwl; } // Exercise 2.30 function square_tree(items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) rt.push(square_tree(items[key])); else rt.push(items[key]*items[key]); } return rt; } print (square_tree([1, [2, [3, 4], 5], [6, 7]])); // Exercise 2.31 function tree_map(items, proc) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) rt.push(tree_map(items[key], proc)) else rt.push(proc(items[key])); } return rt; } function square_tree(items) { return tree_map(items, function(x) { return x * x; }); } print (square_tree([1, [2, [3, 4], 5], [6, 7]])); // Exercise 2.32 function subsets(items) { if (items.length == 0) { return [[]]; } else { var head = items[0]; var tail = items.slice(1); var rest = subsets(tail); return append(rest, mapc (function(x) { return append([head], x); }) (rest)); } } print (subsets([1, 2, 3])); /* 2.2.3 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Sequences as Conventional Interfaces */ function is_odd(n) { return n % 2 == 1; } function is_even(n) { return !is_odd(n); } function square(x) { return x * x; } function sum_odd_squares(items) { var sum = 0; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) sum += sum_odd_squares(items[key]); else if (is_odd(items[key])) sum = sum + square(items[key]); } return sum; } function even_fibs(n) { var rt = []; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var f = fib(i); if (is_even(f)) rt.push(f); } return rt; } print (even_fibs(10)); // Sequence operations print (mapc (square) ([1,2,3,4,5])); // non-curried version of filter function filter(predicate, items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (predicate(items[key])) rt.push(items[key]); } return rt; } print (filter(is_odd, [1,2,3,4,5])); // curried version of filter function filterc(predicate) { function filter_lambda(items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (predicate(items[key])) rt.push(items[key]); } return rt; } return filter_lambda; } print (filterc (is_odd) ([1,2,3,4,5])) // non-curried version of accumulate (aka foldl) function accumulate(oper, initial, items) { var rt = initial; for (key in items) { rt = oper(items[key], rt); } return rt; } function construct(x, items) { rt = items.slice(0); rt.push(x); return rt; } print (accumulate(function(x,y) { return x+y; }, 0, [1,2,3,4,5])); print (accumulate(function(x,y) { return x*y; }, 1, [1,2,3,4,5])); print (accumulate(construct, [], [1,2,3,4,5])); // curried version of accumulate (aka foldl) function accumulatec(oper) { function initial_lambda(initial) { function sequence_lambda(items) { var rt = initial for (key in items) { rt = oper(items[key], rt); } return rt; } return sequence_lambda; } return initial_lambda; } print (accumulatec (function(x,y) { return x+y }) (0) ([1,2,3,4,5])); print (accumulatec (function(x,y) { return x*y }) (1.0) ([1,2,3,4,5])); print (accumulatec (construct) ([]) ([1,2,3,4,5])); function enumerate_interval(low, high) { var rt = []; for (var i = low; i <= high; i++) { rt.push(i); } return rt; } print (enumerate_interval(2,7)); function enumerate_tree(items) { var rt = []; for (key in items) { if (isArray(items[key])) { var xs = enumerate_tree(items[key]); for (key2 in xs) { rt.push(xs[key2]); } } else { rt.push(items[key]); } } return rt; } print (enumerate_tree([1, [2, [3, 4], 5]])); function sum_odd_squares2(tree) { return ( accumulatec ( function(x,y) { return x+y; }) (0) (mapc (square) (filterc (is_odd) (enumerate_tree(tree))))); } function even_fibs2(n) { return accumulatec (construct) ([]) (filterc (is_even) (mapc (fib) (enumerate_interval(0, n)))); } function list_fib_squares(n) { return accumulatec (construct) ([]) (mapc (square) (mapc (fib) (enumerate_interval(0, n)))); } print (list_fib_squares(10)); function product_of_squares_of_odd_elements(sequence) { return accumulatec (function(x,y) { return x*y }) (1) (mapc (square) (filterc (is_odd) (sequence))); } print (product_of_squares_of_odd_elements([1,2,3,4,5])); function Employee(init_empname, init_jobtitle, init_salary) { this.empname = init_empname; this.jobtitle = init_jobtitle; this.salary = init_salary; } function isProgrammer(emp) { return emp.jobtitle == "Programmer"; } function getSalary(emp) { return emp.salary; } function salary_of_highest_paid_programmer(records) { return accumulatec (Math.max) (0) (mapc (getSalary) (filterc (isProgrammer) (records))); } recs = [new Employee("Fred", "Programmer", 180), new Employee("Hank", "Programmer", 150)] print (salary_of_highest_paid_programmer(recs)); // Nested mappings n = 5 // book doesn't define n print (accumulatec (append) ([]) (mapc (function(i) { return mapc (function(j) { return [i,j]; }) (enumerate_interval(1, i-1)) }) (enumerate_interval(1, n)))); function flatmap(proc) { return ( function(seq) { return accumulatec (append) ([]) (mapc (proc) (seq)); }) } function has_no_divisors(n, c) { if (c == 1) return true; else if (n % c == 0) return false; else return has_no_divisors(n, c-1); } function is_prime(n) { return has_no_divisors(n, n-1); } function prime_sum(pair) { return is_prime(pair[0] + pair[1]); } function make_pair_sum(pair) { return [pair[0], pair[1], pair[0] + pair[1]]; } function prime_sum_pairs(n) { return ( mapc (make_pair_sum) (filterc (prime_sum) (flatmap (function(i) { return mapc (function(j) { return [i,j]; }) (enumerate_interval(1, i-1)) }) (enumerate_interval(1, n))))); } print (prime_sum_pairs(10)); function remove(item, sequence) { return filterc (function(x) { return x != item; }) (sequence); } function permutations(items) { if (items.length == 0) return [[]]; else return ( flatmap (function(x) { return mapc (function(a) { return append(a, [x]); }) (permutations(remove(x, items))); }) (items)); } print (permutations([1,2,3])); // Exercise 2.34 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // function horner_eval(x, coefficient_sequence) { // return accumulatec (function(this_coeff, higher_terms) { return ??FILL_THIS_IN??; }) (0) (coefficient_sequence); // } // horner_eval(2, [1,3,0,5,0,1])); // Exercise 2.36 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // function accumulate_n(oper) { // function initial_lambda(initial) { // function sequence_lambda(sequence) { // if (sequence.length == 0) // return initial; // else // return [accumulatec (oper) (init) (??FILL_THIS_IN??), // accumulate_n (oper) (init) (??FILL_THIS_IN??)]; // } // return sequence_lambda; // } // return initial_lambda; // } // accumulate_n (function(x,y) { return x + y; }) (0) (s) // Exercise 2.38 foldc_right = accumulatec function foldc_left(oper) { function initial_lambda(initial) { function sequence_lambda(items) { var rt = initial for (var i = items.length-1; i >= 0; i--) { rt = oper(rt, items[i]); } return rt; } return sequence_lambda; } return initial_lambda; } print (foldc_right (function(x,y) { return x/y; }) (1.0) ([1,2,3])); print (foldc_left (function(x,y) { return x/y; }) (1.0) ([1,2,3])); print (foldc_right (construct) ([]) ([1,2,3])); print (foldc_left (function(x,y) { return construct(y,x); }) ([]) ([1,2,3])); // Exercise 2.42 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // function queens(board_size) { // function queen_cols(k) { // if (k == 0) // return [empty_board]; // else // return ( // filterc // (function(positions) { return isSafe(k, positions); }) // (flatmap // (function(rest_of_queens) { // return ( // mapc // (function(new_row) { return adjoin_position(new_row, k, rest_of_queens); }) // (enumerate_interval(1, board_size))); // }) // (queen_cols(k-1)))); // } // return queen_cols(board_size); // } // Exercise 2.43 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // function queens(board_size) { // function queen_cols(k) { // if (k == 0) // return [empty_board]; // else // return ( // filterc // (function(positions) { return isSafe(k, positions); }) // (flatmap // (function(new_row) { // return ( // mapc // (function(rest_of_queens) { return adjoin_position(new_row, k, rest_of_queens); }) // (queen_cols(k-1))); // }) ( // enumerate_interval(1, board_size)))) // } // return queen_cols(board_size); // } /* 2.2.4 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: a picture language */ // these two routines are to be written function draw_line(x, y) { } function wave(xframe) { return xframe; } function Vect(x, y) { return new function() { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; } function make_vect(x, y) { return new Vect(x, y); } function xcor_vect(v) { return v.x; } function ycor_vect(v) { return v.y; } function add_vect(v1, v2) { return make_vect(xcor_vect(v1) + xcor_vect(v2), ycor_vect(v1) + ycor_vect(v2)); } function sub_vect(v1, v2) { return make_vect(xcor_vect(v1) - xcor_vect(v2), ycor_vect(v1) - ycor_vect(v2)); } function scale_vect(s, v) { return make_vect(s * xcor_vect(v), s * ycor_vect(v)); } function Frame(orig, edge1, edge2) { return new function() { this.orig = orig; this.edge1 = edge1; this.edge2 = edge2; }; } function make_frame(origin, edge1, edge2) { return new Frame(origin, edge1, edge2); } function origin_frame(f) { return f.orig; } function edge1_frame(f) { return f.edge1; } function edge2_frame(f) { return f.edge2; } a_frame = make_frame(make_vect(0, 0), make_vect(1, 0), make_vect(0, 1)); function Segment(x, y) { return new function() { this.x = x; this.y = y; }; } function start_segment(seg) { return seg.x; } function end_segment(seg) { return seg.y; } // Frames function frame_coord_map(xframe, v) { return add_vect( origin_frame(xframe), add_vect(scale_vect(xcor_vect(v), edge1_frame(xframe)), scale_vect(ycor_vect(v), edge2_frame(xframe)))); } frame_coord_map(a_frame, make_vect(0, 0)); origin_frame(a_frame); // Painters function foreach(f) { function foreach_lambda(items) { for (key in items) { f(items[key]); } } return foreach_lambda; } function segments_painter(segment_list, xframe) { foreach ( function(segment) { draw_line( frame_coord_map (xframe) (start_segment, segment), frame_coord_map (xframe) (end_segment, segment)); }) ( segment_list); } function transform_painter(painter, origin, corner1, corner2) { function transform_painter_lambda(xframe) { var m = frame_coord_map(xframe); var new_origin = m(origin); return painter( make_frame( new_origin, sub_vect(m(corner1), new_origin), sub_vect(m(corner2), new_origin))); } return transform_painter_lambda; } function flip_vert(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(0, 1), make_vect(1, 1), make_vect(0, 0)); } function flip_horiz(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(1, 0), make_vect(0, 0), make_vect(1, 1)); } function shrink_to_upper_right(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(0.5, 0.5), make_vect(1, 0.5), make_vect(0.5, 1)); } function rotate90(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(1, 0), make_vect(1, 1), make_vect(0, 0)); } function rotate180(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(1, 1), make_vect(0, 1), make_vect(1, 0)); } function squash_inwards(painter) { return transform_painter( painter, make_vect(0, 0), make_vect(0.65, 0.35), make_vect(0.35, 0.65)); } function beside(painter1, painter2) { function beside_lambda(xframe) { var split_point = make_vect(0.5, 0); var paint_left = ( transform_painter( painter1, make_vect(0, 0), split_point, make_vect(0, 1))); var paint_right = ( transform_painter( painter2, split_point, make_vect(1, 0), make_vect(0.5, 1))); paint_left(xframe); paint_right(xframe); } return beside_lambda; } function below(painter1, painter2) { function below_lambda(xframe) { var split_point = make_vect(0, 0.5); var paint_below = ( transform_painter( painter1, make_vect(0, 0), make_vect(1, 0), split_point)); var paint_above = ( transform_painter( painter2, split_point, make_vect(1, 0.5), make_vect(0, 1))); paint_below(xframe); paint_above(xframe); } return below_lambda; } function up_split(painter, n) { if (n == 0) { return painter; } else { var smaller = up_split(painter, n-1); return below(painter, beside(smaller, smaller)); } } wave2 = beside(wave, flip_vert(wave)); wave4 = below(wave2, wave); function flipped_pairs(painter) { var painter2 = beside(painter, flip_vert(painter)); return below(painter2, painter2); } wave4 = flipped_pairs(wave); function right_split(painter, n) { if (n == 0) { return painter; } else { var smaller = right_split(painter, n-1); return beside(painter, below(smaller, smaller)); } } function corner_split(painter, n) { if (n == 0) { return painter; } else { var up = up_split(painter, n-1); var right = right_split(painter, n-1); var top_left = beside(up, up); var bottom_right = below(right, right); var corner = corner_split(painter, n-1); return beside(below(painter, top_left), below(bottom_right, corner)); } } function square_limit(painter, n) { var quarter = corner_split(painter, n); var half = beside(flip_horiz(quarter), quarter); return below(flip_vert(half), half); } // Higher_order operations function square_of_four(tleft, tright, bleft, bright) { function square_of_four_lambda(painter) { var top = beside(tleft(painter), tright(painter)); var bottom = beside(bright(painter), bright(painter)); return below(bottom, top); } return square_of_four_lambda; } function flipped_pairs(painter) { var combine4 = square_of_four(identity, flip_vert, identity, flip_vert); return combine4(painter); } // footnote flipped_pairs = square_of_four(identity, flip_vert, identity, flip_vert); function square_limit(painter, n) { var combine4 = square_of_four(flip_horiz, identity, rotate180, flip_vert); return combine4(corner_split(painter, n)); } // Exercise 2.45 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // right_split = split(beside, below) // up_split = split(below, beside) // Exercise 2.47 function make_frame2(origin, edge1, edge2) { return [origin, edge1, edge2]; } function make_frame3(origin, edge1, edge2) { return [origin, [edge1, edge2]]; } /* 2.3.1 Symbolic Data - Quotation */ // To Be Done. /* 2.3.2 Symbolic Data - Example: Symbolic Differentiation */ function is_same_number(x, y) { return typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number' && x == y; } function is_variable(x) { return typeof(x) == 'string'; } function is_same_variable(x, y) { return is_variable(x) && is_variable(y) && x == y; } function is_sum(items) { return items[0] == 'sum'; } function is_product(items) { return items[0] == 'product'; } function make_sum(x, y) { if (typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number') return x + y; else return ['sum', x, y]; } function make_product(x, y) { if (typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number') return x * y; else return ['product', x, y]; } function add_end(items) { if (is_sum(items)) return items[1]; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + items); } function aug_end(items) { if (is_sum(items)) return items[2]; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + items); } function multiplier(items) { if (is_product(items)) return items[1]; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + items); } function multiplicand(items) { if (is_product(items)) return items[2]; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + items); } function deriv(exp, varx) { if (typeof(exp) == 'number') return 0; else if (is_variable(exp)) if (is_same_variable(exp, varx)) return 1; else return 0; else if (is_sum(exp)) return make_sum(deriv(add_end(exp), varx), deriv(aug_end(exp), varx)); else if (is_product(exp)) return make_sum(make_product(multiplier(exp), deriv(multiplicand(exp), varx)), make_product(deriv(multiplier(exp), varx), multiplicand(exp))); else throw("Invalid expression " + exp); } // dx(x + 3) = 1 print (deriv(['sum','x', 3], 'x')); // // dx(x*y) = y print (deriv(['product', 'x', 'y'], 'x')); // dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 print (deriv(['sum', ['sum', ['product', 'x', 'y'], 'x'], 3], 'x')); // With simplification function make_sum2(x, y) { if (typeof(x) == 'number' && x == 0) return y; else if (typeof(y) == 'number' && y == 0) return x; else if (typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number') return x + y; else return ['sum', x, y]; } function make_product2(x, y) { if (typeof(x) == 'number' && x == 0) return 0; else if (typeof(y) == 'number' && y == 0) return 0; else if (typeof(x) == 'number' && x == 1) return y; else if (typeof(y) == 'number' && y == 1) return x; else if (typeof(x) == 'number' && typeof(y) == 'number') return x * y; else return ['product', x, y]; } function deriv2(exp, varx) { if (typeof(exp) == 'number') return 0; else if (is_variable(exp)) if (is_same_variable(exp, varx)) return 1; else return 0; else if (is_sum(exp)) return make_sum2(deriv2(add_end(exp), varx), deriv2(aug_end(exp), varx)); else if (is_product(exp)) return make_sum2(make_product2(multiplier(exp), deriv2(multiplicand(exp), varx)), make_product2(deriv2(multiplier(exp), varx), multiplicand(exp))); else throw("Invalid expression " + exp); } // dx(x + 3) = 1 print (deriv2(['sum','x', 3], 'x')); // // dx(x*y) = y print (deriv2(['product', 'x', 'y'], 'x')); // dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 print (deriv2(['sum', ['sum', ['product', 'x', 'y'], 'x'], 3], 'x')); /* 2.3.3 Symbolic Data - Example: Representing Sets */ // unordered function is_element_of_set(x, items) { for (key in items) { if (x == items[key]) return true; } return false; } function adjoin_set(x, items) { if (is_element_of_set(x, items)) return items; else return append([x], items); } function intersection_set(xs, ys) { var rt = []; for (key in xs) { if (is_element_of_set(value, ys)) rt.push(items[key]); } return rt; } // ordered function is_element_of_set(x, items) { for (key in items) { if (x == items[key]) return true; else if (x < items[key]) return false; } return false; } function intersection_set(xs, ys) { var rt = []; var i = 1; var j = 1; while (i <= xs.length && j <= ys.length) { if (xs[i] == ys[j]) { rt.push(xs[i]); i += 1; j += 1; } else if (xs[i] < ys[j]) { i += 1; } else { j += 1; } } return rt; } Nil = undefined; function Node(value, left, right) { return new function() { this.value = value; this.left = left; this.right = right; }; } function is_element_of_set2(x, node) { if (node == Nil) return false; else if (x == node.value) return true; else if (x < node.value) return is_element_of_set2(x, node.left); else return is_element_of_set2(x, node.right); } print (is_element_of_set2(3, Node(2, Node(1, Nil, Nil), Node(3, Nil, Nil)))); function adjoin_set2(x, node) { if (node == Nil) return Node(x, Nil, Nil); else if (x == node.value) return node; else if (x < node.value) return Node(node.value, adjoin_set2(x, node.left), node.right); else return Node(node.value, node.left, adjoin_set2(x, node.right)); } function node_to_string(node) { if (node == Nil) return 'Nil'; else return 'Node(' + node.value + ', ' + node_to_string(node.left) + ', ' + node_to_string(node.right) + ')'; } print ( node_to_string( adjoin_set2( 3, Node(4, Node(2, Nil, Nil), Node(6, Nil, Nil))))); // Exercise 2.63 function tree_to_list(node) { if (node == Nil) return []; else return append(tree_to_list(node.left), append( [node.value], tree_to_list(node.right))); } print ( tree_to_list( Node(4, Node(2, Nil, Nil), Node(6, Nil, Nil)))); function tree_to_list2(node) { function copy_to_list(node, xs) { if (node == Nil) return xs; else return copy_to_list(node.left, append([node.value], copy_to_list(node.right, xs))); } return copy_to_list(node, []); } print ( tree_to_list2( Node(4, Node(2, Nil, Nil), Node(6, Nil, Nil)))); // Exercise 2.64 function partial_tree(elts, n) { if (n == 0) { return [Nil, elts]; } else { var left_size = Math.floor((n-1) / 2); var right_size = n - (left_size + 1); var left_result = partial_tree(elts, left_size); var left_tree = left_result[0]; var non_left_elts = left_result[1]; var this_entry = non_left_elts[0] var right_result = partial_tree(non_left_elts.slice(1), right_size); var right_tree = right_result[0]; var remaining_elts = right_result[1]; return [Node(this_entry, left_tree, right_tree), remaining_elts]; } } function list_to_tree(elements) { result = partial_tree(elements, elements.length); return result[0]; } print (node_to_string(list_to_tree([2, 4, 6]))); // information retrieval function lookup(given_key, items) { for (key in items) { if (given_key == items[key][0]) return items[key][1]; } return Nil; } print (lookup(2, [[1, 'a'], [2, 'b'], [3, 'c']])); /* 2.3.4 Symbolic Data - Example: Huffman Encoding Trees */ function make_leaf(symbol, weight) { return new function() { this.tag='leaf'; this.symbol=symbol; this.weight=weight; }; } function is_leaf(node) { return node.tag == 'leaf'; } function symbol_leaf(node) { if (is_leaf(node)) return node.symbol; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } function weight_leaf(node) { if (is_leaf(node)) return node.weight; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } function symbols(node) { if (is_leaf(node)) return [node.symbol]; else return node.subsymbols; } function weight(node) { return node.weight; } function make_code_tree(left, right) { return new function () { this.tag='tree'; this.subsymbols=append(symbols(left), symbols(right)); this.weight=weight(left) + weight(right); this.left=left; this.right=right; } } function left_node(node) { if (!is_leaf(node)) return node.left; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } function right_node(node) { if (!is_leaf(node)) return node.right; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } function choose_node(n, node) { if (n == 0) return left_node(node); else if (n == 1) return right_node(node); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } // decoding function decode(bits, tree) { function decode_1(bits, current_node) { if (bits.length == 0) { return []; } else { var head = bits[0]; var tail = bits.slice(1); var next_node = choose_node(head, current_node); if (is_leaf(next_node)) return append([symbol_leaf(next_node)], decode_1(tail, tree)); else return decode_1(tail, next_node); } } return decode_1(bits, tree); } // sets function adjoin_set3(x, items) { if (node == Nil) { return [x]; } else { var head = items[0]; if (weight(x) < weight(head)) { return append([x], items); } else { var tail = items.slice(1); return append(head, adjoin_set3(x, tail)); } } } function make_leaf_set(node) { var head = node[0]; var tail = node.slice(1); if (is_leaf(head)) return adjoin_set3(make_leaf(symbol_leaf(head), symbol_weight(head)), make_leaf_set(tail)); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + node); } // Exercise 2.67 sample_tree = make_code_tree( make_leaf('A', 4), make_code_tree( make_leaf('B', 2), make_code_tree( make_leaf('D', 1), make_leaf('C', 1)))); sample_message = [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0]; print (decode(sample_message, sample_tree)); // Exercise 2.68 // exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions // function encode(message, tree) { // if (message.length == 0) { // return []; // } else { // var head = message[1]; // var tail = message.slice(2); // return append(encode_symbol(head, tree), encode(tail, tree)); // } // } /* 2.4.1 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Representations for Complex Numbers */ // Same as above function square(x) { return x * x; } // Rectangular function real_part_r(z) { return z[0]; } function imag_part_r(z) { return z[1]; } function magnitude_r(z) { return Math.sqrt(square(real_part_r(z)) + square(imag_part_r(z))); } function angle_r(z) { return Math.atan2(imag_part_r(z), real_part_r(z)); } function make_from_real_imag_r(x, y) { return [x, y]; } function make_from_mag_ang_r(r, a) { return [r*Math.cos(a), r*Math.sin(a)]; } // polar function magnitude_p(z) { return z.magnitude; } function angle_p(z) { return z.angle; } function real_part_p(z) { return magnitude_p(z) * Math.cos(angle_p(z)); } function imag_part_p(z) { return magnitude_p(z) * Math.sin(angle_p(z)); } function make_from_real_imag_p(x, y) { return new function() { this.magnitude = Math.sqrt(square(x) + square(y)); this.angle = Math.atan2(y, x); }; } function make_from_mag_ang_p(r, a) { return new function() { this.magnitude = r; this.angle = a; }; } // using the abstract type magnitude = magnitude_r; angle = angle_r; real_part = real_part_r; imag_part = imag_part_r; make_from_real_imag = make_from_real_imag_r; make_from_mag_ang = make_from_mag_ang_r; z = make_from_real_imag_r(1, 2); print (make_from_real_imag(real_part(z), imag_part(z))); print (make_from_mag_ang(magnitude(z), angle(z))); function add_complex(z1, z2) { return make_from_real_imag( real_part(z1) + real_part(z2), imag_part(z1) + imag_part(z2)); } function sub_complex(z1, z2) { return make_from_real_imag( real_part(z1) - real_part(z2), imag_part(z1) - imag_part(z2)); } function mul_complex(z1, z2) { return make_from_mag_ang( magnitude(z1) * magnitude(z2), angle(z1) + angle(z2)); } function div_complex(z1, z2) { return make_from_mag_ang( magnitude(z1) / magnitude(z2), angle(z1) - angle(z2)); } /* 2.4.2 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Tagged Data */ function attach_tag(type_tag, contents) { return [type_tag, contents]; } function type_tag(a) { if (a[0] == 'rectangular') return 'rectangular'; else if (a[0] == 'polar') return 'polar'; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } function contents(a) { if (a[0] == 'rectangular') return a[1]; else if (a[0] == 'polar') return a[1]; else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } function is_rectangular(a) { return type_tag(a) == 'rectangular'; } function is_polar(a) { return type_tag(a) == 'polar'; } // Rectangular function make_from_real_imag_rectangular(x, y) { return attach_tag('rectangular', [x, y]); } function make_from_mag_ang_rectangular(r, a) { return attach_tag('rectangular', [r*Math.cos(a), r*Math.sin(a)]) } function real_part_rectangular(z) { return z[0]; } function imag_part_rectangular(z) { return z[1]; } function magnitude_rectangular(z) { return Math.sqrt(square(real_part_rectangular(z)) + square(imag_part_rectangular(z))); } function angle_rectangular(z) { Math.atan2(imag_part_rectangular(z), real_part_rectangular(z)); } // Polar function make_from_real_imag_polar(x, y) { return attach_tag('polar', [Math.sqrt(square(x) + square(y)), Math.atan2(y, x)]); } function make_from_mag_ang_polar(r, a) { return attach_tag('polar', [r, a]); } function magnitude_polar(z) { return z[0]; } function angle_polar(z) { return z[1]; } function real_part_polar(z) { return magnitude_polar(z) * Math.cos(angle_polar(z)); } function imag_part_polar(z) { return magnitude_polar(z) * Math.sin(angle_polar(z)); } // Generic selectors function real_part_g(a) { if (type_tag(a) == 'rectangular') return real_part_rectangular(contents(a)); else if (type_tag(a) == 'polar') return real_part_polar(contents(a)); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } function imag_part_g(a) { if (type_tag(a) == 'rectangular') return imag_part_rectangular(contents(a)); else if (type_tag(a) == 'polar') return imag_part_polar(contents(a)); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } function magnitude_g(a) { if (type_tag(a) == 'rectangular') return magnitude_rectangular(contents(a)); else if (type_tag(a) == 'polar') return magnitude_polar(contents(a)); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } function angle_g(a) { if (type_tag(a) == 'rectangular') return angle_rectangular(contents(a)); else if (type_tag(a) == 'polar') return angle_polar(contents(a)); else throw("Invalid pattern match " + a); } // Constructors for complex numbers function make_from_real_imag_g(x, y) { return make_from_real_imag_rectangular(x, y); } function make_from_mag_ang_g(r, a) { return make_from_mag_ang_polar(r, a); } // same as before function add_complex_g(z1, z2) { return make_from_real_imag_g( real_part_g(z1) + real_part_g(z2), imag_part_g(z1) + imag_part_g(z2)); } function sub_complex_g(z1, z2) { return make_from_real_imag_g( real_part_g(z1) - real_part_g(z2), imag_part_g(z1) - imag_part_g(z2)); } function mul_complex_g(z1, z2) { return make_from_mag_ang_g( magnitude_g(z1) * magnitude_g(z2), angle_g(z1) + angle_g(z2)); } function div_complex_g(z1, z2) { return make_from_mag_ang_g( magnitude_g(z1) / magnitude_g(z2), angle_g(z1) - angle_g(z2)); } print (add_complex_g(make_from_real_imag_g(3, 4), make_from_real_imag_g(3, 4))) /* 2.4.3 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Data-Directed Programming and Additivity */ // To Be Done. /* 2.5.1 Systems with Generic Operations - Generic Arithmetic Operations */ // To Be Done.

Chris Rathman / Chris.Rathman@tx.rr.com