(* SICP Chapter #02 Examples in O'Caml *)
(* Functions defined in previous chapters *)
let rec gcd a b =
match b with
| 0 -> a
| b -> gcd b (a mod b)
let rec fib n =
match n with
| 0 -> 0
| 1 -> 1
| n -> fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
let identity x = x
(* Utility functions - see http://www.csc.villanova.edu/~dmatusze/8310summer2001/assignments/ocaml-functions.html *)
(* Convert a list of characters to a string *)
let rec implode = function
| [] -> ""
| charlist -> Char.escaped (List.hd charlist) ^ implode (List.tl charlist)
(* Convert a string to a list of characters *)
let rec explode = function
| "" -> []
| s -> String.get s 0 :: explode (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1))
(* 2 Building Abstractions with Data *)
let linear_combination a b x y = a*x + b*y
let mulx = ( * )
let linear_combination a b x y =
mulx a x + mulx b y
(* 2.1.1 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Example: Arithmetic Operations for Rational Numbers *)
(* The OCaml standard library contains a rational number implementation in the Num module. *)
(* Literal Translation *)
let make_rat n d = [n; d]
let numer x = List.hd x
let denom x = List.hd(List.tl x)
let add_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) + (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let sub_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) - (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let mul_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * numer y) (denom x * denom y)
let div_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y)
let equal_rat x y =
((numer x * denom y) = (numer y * denom x))
let cons x y = [x; y]
let car = List.hd
let cdr = List.tl
let compose f g x = f(g x)
let cadr = compose car cdr
let cadr x = car(cdr x)
let x = cons 1 2;;
car x;;
cdr x;;
let x = cons 1 2
let y = cons 3 4
let z = cons x y;;
car(car z);;
car(cdr z);;
(* footnote -- alternative definitions *)
let make_rat = cons
let numer = car
let denom = compose car cdr
let print_rat x =
print_string ("\n" ^ (string_of_int (numer x)) ^ "/" ^ (string_of_int (denom x)))
let one_half = make_rat 1 2;;
print_rat one_half;;
let one_third = make_rat 1 3;;
print_rat (add_rat one_half one_third);;
print_rat (mul_rat one_half one_third);;
print_rat (add_rat one_third one_third);;
(* reducing to lowest terms in constructor *)
let make_rat n d =
let g = gcd n d
in [n / g; d / g]
let add_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) + (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y);;
print_rat(add_rat one_third one_third);;
(* end Literal Translation *)
(* Module Translation *)
module type RATIONAL =
type rational
val make_rat : int -> int -> rational
val numer : rational -> int
val denom : rational -> int
val add_rat : rational -> rational -> rational
val sub_rat : rational -> rational -> rational
val mul_rat : rational -> rational -> rational
val div_rat : rational -> rational -> rational
val equal_rat : rational -> rational -> bool
val print_rat : rational -> unit
module Rational : RATIONAL =
type rational = int list
let make_rat n d = [n; d]
let numer x = List.hd x
let denom x = List.hd(List.tl x)
let add_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) + (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let sub_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) - (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let mul_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * numer y) (denom x * denom y)
let div_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y)
let equal_rat x y =
((numer x * denom y) = (numer y * denom x))
let print_rat x =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (numer x) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (denom x))
let one_half = Rational.make_rat 1 2;;
Rational.print_rat one_half;;
let one_third = Rational.make_rat 1 3;;
Rational.print_rat (Rational.add_rat one_half one_third);;
Rational.print_rat (Rational.mul_rat one_half one_third);;
Rational.print_rat (Rational.add_rat one_third one_third);;
(* reducing to lowest terms in constructor *)
module Rational : RATIONAL =
type rational = int list
let make_rat n d =
let g = gcd n d
in [n / g; d / g]
let numer x = List.hd x
let denom x = List.hd(List.tl x)
let add_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) + (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let sub_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) - (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let mul_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * numer y) (denom x * denom y)
let div_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y)
let equal_rat x y =
((numer x * denom y) = (numer y * denom x))
let print_rat x =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (numer x) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (denom x))
let one_third = Rational.make_rat 1 3;;
Rational.print_rat (Rational.add_rat one_third one_third);;
(* end Module Translation *)
(* Object Translation *)
class rational (n:int) (d:int) =
object (self)
method numer = n
method denom = d
method add_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom + other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method sub_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom - other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method mul_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#numer)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method div_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom)
(self#denom * other#numer)
method equal_rat (other:rational) =
((self#numer * other#denom) = (other#numer * self#denom))
method print_rat =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (self#numer) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (self#denom))
let one_half = new rational 1 2;;
let one_third = new rational 1 3;;
(one_half#add_rat one_third)#print_rat;;
(one_half#mul_rat one_third)#print_rat;;
(one_third#add_rat one_third)#print_rat;;
class rational (n:int) (d:int) =
object (self)
val g = gcd n d
method numer = n / g
method denom = d / g
method add_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom + other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method sub_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom - other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method mul_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#numer)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method div_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom)
(self#denom * other#numer)
method equal_rat (other:rational) =
((self#numer * other#denom) = (other#numer * self#denom))
method print_rat =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (self#numer) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (self#denom))
let one_third = new rational 1 3;;
(one_third#add_rat one_third)#print_rat;;
(* end Object Translation *)
(* Exercise 2.1 *)
let make_rat n d =
if (d < 0 && n < 0) || n < 0
then [-d; -n]
else [d; n]
(* 2.1.2 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Abstraction barriers *)
(* Literal Translation *)
(* reducing to lowest terms in selectors *)
let make_rat n d = cons n d
let numer x =
let g = gcd (car x) (cadr x)
in car x / g
let denom x =
let g = gcd (car x) (cadr x)
in cadr x / g
(* end Literal Translation *)
(* Module Translation *)
(* reducing to lowest terms in selectors *)
module Rational : RATIONAL =
type rational = int list
let make_rat n d = [n; d]
let numer x =
let n = List.hd x
and d = List.hd (List.tl x)
in n / (gcd n d)
let denom x =
let n = List.hd x
and d = List.hd(List.tl x)
in d / (gcd n d)
let add_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) + (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let sub_rat x y =
make_rat ((numer x * denom y) - (numer y * denom x)) (denom x * denom y)
let mul_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * numer y) (denom x * denom y)
let div_rat x y =
make_rat (numer x * denom y) (denom x * numer y)
let equal_rat x y =
((numer x * denom y) = (numer y * denom x))
let print_rat x =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (numer x) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (denom x))
(* end Module Translation *)
(* Object Translation *)
(* reducing to lowest terms in selectors *)
class rational (n:int) (d:int) =
object (self)
method numer = n / gcd n d
method denom = d / gcd n d
method add_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom + other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method sub_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom - other#numer * self#denom)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method mul_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#numer)
(self#denom * other#denom)
method div_rat (other:rational) =
new rational
(self#numer * other#denom)
(self#denom * other#numer)
method equal_rat (other:rational) =
((self#numer * other#denom) = (other#numer * self#denom))
method print_rat =
print_string ("\n" ^ string_of_int (self#numer) ^ "/" ^ string_of_int (self#denom))
(* end Object Translation *)
(* Exercise 2.2 *)
let make_point x y = [x; y]
let x_point point = List.hd point
let y_point point = List.hd(List.tl point)
let make_segment start_segment end_segment = [start_segment; end_segment]
let start_segment segment = List.hd segment
let end_segment segment = List.hd(List.tl segment)
let midpoint_segment segment =
let s = start_segment segment
and e = end_segment segment
in make_point ((x_point s +. x_point e) /. 2.0) ((y_point s +. y_point e) /. 2.0)
let print_point p =
print_string ("\n" ^ "(" ^ string_of_float (x_point p) ^ "," ^ string_of_float (y_point p) ^ ")")
(* Exercise 2.3 *)
let square_real x = x *. x
let length_segment segment =
let s = start_segment segment
and e = end_segment segment
in sqrt(square_real(x_point e -. x_point s) +. square_real(y_point e -. y_point s))
(* Constructors create type tagged using *)
type 'a axy = { anchor:'a; xlen:'a; ylen:'a }
type 'a seg = { start_segment:'a; end_segment:'a }
type 'a rectangle = Axy of 'a axy
| Seg of 'a seg
let make_rectangle anchor xlen ylen =
Axy {anchor=anchor; xlen=xlen; ylen=ylen}
let make_rectangle_2 start_segment end_segment =
Seg {start_segment=start_segment; end_segment=end_segment}
(* 'length_rectangle' and 'width_rectangle' act as an abstraction barrier for higher-level
procedures because 'rectangle' implementation details are buried here, and should the
implementation change, only these procedures will need to be altered to support the change *)
let length_rectangle rect =
match rect with
| Axy {anchor=anchor; xlen=xlen; ylen=ylen} -> 0.0 (* Compute length ... *)
| Seg {start_segment=start_segment; end_segment=end_segment} -> 0.0 (* Compute length ... *)
let width_rectangle rect =
(* As per 'length_rectangle' except that rectangle width is returned ... *)
(* High-level procedures are quarantined from representation / implementation details *)
let area_rectangle rect =
(length_rectangle rect) *. (width_rectangle rect)
let perimeter_rectangle rect =
(length_rectangle rect) *. 2.0 +. (width_rectangle rect) *. 2.0
(* 2.1.3 Introduction to Data Abstraction - What is meant by data? *)
exception IllFormedExpr of string
let cons x y m =
match m with
| 0 -> x
| 1 -> y
| _ -> raise (IllFormedExpr ("Argument not 0 or 1 -- CONS " ^ string_of_int m))
let car z = z 0
let cdr z = z 1
(* Exercise 2.4 *)
let cons x y m = m x y
let car z = z (fun p q -> p)
let cdr z = z (fun p q -> q)
(* Exercise 2.5 *)
let rec power x k =
match k with
| 0 -> 1
| 1 -> x
| _ -> x * power x (k-1)
let cons x y =
power 2 (x * power 3 y)
let rec car z =
if (z mod 2) = 0
then car ((z / 2) + 1)
else 0
let rec cdr z =
if (z mod 3) = 0
then cdr ((z / 3) + 1)
else 0
(* Exercise 2.6 *)
let zero f x = x
let add1 n f x = f (n f x)
(* 2.1.4 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Extended Exercise: Interval Arithmetic *)
(* Literal Translation *)
let make_interval a b = (a, b)
let lower_bound (x, y) = x
let upper_bound (x, y) = y
let add_interval x y =
make_interval (lower_bound x +. lower_bound y) (upper_bound x +. upper_bound y)
let mul_interval x y =
let p1 = lower_bound x *. lower_bound y
and p2 = lower_bound x *. upper_bound y
and p3 = upper_bound x *. lower_bound y
and p4 = upper_bound x *. upper_bound y
in make_interval
(min (min p1 p2) (min p3 p4))
(max (max p1 p2) (max p3 p4))
let div_interval x y =
let z = make_interval (1.0 /. upper_bound y) (1.0 /. lower_bound y)
in mul_interval x z
let make_center_width c w =
make_interval (c -. w) (c +. w)
let center i =
(lower_bound i +. upper_bound i) /. 2.0
let width i =
(upper_bound i -. lower_bound i) /. 2.0
(* parallel resistors *)
let par1 r1 r2 =
div_interval (mul_interval r1 r2) (add_interval r1 r2)
let par2 r1 r2 =
let one = make_interval 1.0 1.0
in div_interval
(add_interval (div_interval one r1)
(div_interval one r2))
(* end Literal Translation *)
(* Module Translation *)
module type INTERVAL =
type interval
val make_interval : float -> float -> interval
val lower_bound : interval -> float
val upper_bound : interval -> float
val add_interval : interval -> interval -> interval
val mul_interval : interval -> interval -> interval
val div_interval : interval -> interval -> interval
val make_center_width : float -> float -> interval
val center : interval -> float
val width : interval -> float
module Interval : INTERVAL =
type interval = float * float
let make_interval a b = (a, b)
let lower_bound (x, y) = x
let upper_bound (x, y) = y
let add_interval x y =
make_interval (lower_bound x +. lower_bound y) (upper_bound x +. upper_bound y)
let mul_interval x y =
let p1 = lower_bound x *. lower_bound y
and p2 = lower_bound x *. upper_bound y
and p3 = upper_bound x *. lower_bound y
and p4 = upper_bound x *. upper_bound y
in make_interval
(min (min p1 p2) (min p3 p4))
(max (max p1 p2) (max p3 p4))
let div_interval x y =
let z = make_interval (1.0 /. upper_bound y) (1.0 /. lower_bound y)
in mul_interval x z
let make_center_width c w =
make_interval (c -. w) (c +. w)
let center i =
(lower_bound i +. upper_bound i) /. 2.0
let width i =
(upper_bound i -. lower_bound i) /. 2.0
(* parallel resistors *)
let par1 r1 r2 =
Interval.div_interval (Interval.mul_interval r1 r2) (Interval.add_interval r1 r2)
let par2 r1 r2 =
let one = Interval.make_interval 1.0 1.0
in Interval.div_interval
(Interval.add_interval (Interval.div_interval one r1)
(Interval.div_interval one r2))
(* end Module Translation *)
(* Object Translation *)
class interval (x:float) (y:float) =
object (self)
method lower_bound = x
method upper_bound = y
method add_interval (other:interval) =
new interval
(self#lower_bound +. other#lower_bound)
(self#upper_bound +. other#upper_bound)
method mul_interval (other:interval) =
let p1 = self#lower_bound *. other#lower_bound
and p2 = self#lower_bound *. other#upper_bound
and p3 = self#upper_bound *. other#lower_bound
and p4 = self#upper_bound *. other#upper_bound
new interval
(min (min p1 p2) (min p3 p4))
(max (max p1 p2) (max p3 p4))
method div_interval (other:interval) =
let z = new interval (1.0 /. other#upper_bound) (1.0 /. other#lower_bound)
in self#mul_interval z
method make_center_width c w =
new interval (c -. w) (c +. w)
method center =
(self#lower_bound +. self#upper_bound) /. 2.0
method width =
(self#upper_bound -. self#lower_bound) /. 2.0
(* parallel resistors *)
let par1 r1 r2 =
(r1#mul_interval r2)#div_interval (r1#add_interval r2)
let par2 r1 r2 =
let one = new interval 1.0 1.0
in one#div_interval ((one#div_interval r1)#add_interval (one#div_interval r2))
(* end Object Translation *)
(* Exercise 2.7 *)
let make_interval a b = (a, b)
let lower_bound (x, y) = x
let upper_bound (x, y) = y
(* Exercise 2.8 *)
let sub_interval x y =
make_interval (lower_bound x -. lower_bound y) (upper_bound x -. upper_bound y)
(* Exercise 2.9 *)
let i = make_interval 5.0 10.0
let j = make_interval 15.0 25.0
(* width of the sum (or difference) of two intervals *is* a function only of the widths of
the intervals being added (or subtracted) *)
let _ = (width (add_interval i j), (width i +. width j))
let _ = (width (sub_interval i j), (width i +. width j))
(* width of the product (or quotient) of two intervals *is not* a function only of the widths
of the intervals being multiplied (or divided) *)
let _ = (width (mul_interval i j), (width i +. width j))
let _ = (width (div_interval i j), (width i +. width j))
(* Exercise 2.10 *)
exception DivideByZero of string
let is_zero_interval i =
lower_bound i = 0.0 || upper_bound i = 0.0
let div_interval_zero_check x y =
if is_zero_interval y
then raise (DivideByZero("Zero interval divisor"))
else div_interval x y
(* Exercise 2.12 *)
let make_center_percent c p =
make_center_width c (p *. c /. 100.0)
let percent i =
width i /. (center i) *. 100.0
(* 2.2.1 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Representing Sequences *)
let _ = 1::2::3::4::[]
let one_through_four = [1; 2; 3; 4];;
List.hd one_through_four;;
List.tl one_through_four;;
List.hd (List.tl one_through_four);;
(* List.nth *)
let rec list_ref items n =
match items, n with
| x::xs, 0 -> x
| x::xs, n -> list_ref xs (n-1)
| [], _ -> failwith "Empty List"
let squares = [1; 4; 9; 16; 25];;
list_ref squares 3;;
let length items =
let rec length_iter items count =
match items with
| [] -> count
| x::xs -> length_iter xs (1+count)
in length_iter items 0
(* Alternate definition *)
let rec length =
| [] -> 0
| x::xs -> 1 + length xs
let odds = [1; 3; 5; 7];;
length odds;;
(* From OCaml stdlib: *)
let rec length_aux len =
[] -> len
| a::l -> length_aux (len + 1) l
let length l = length_aux 0 l
let rec append list1 list2 =
match list1 with
| [] -> list2
| x::xs -> x :: append xs list2;;
append squares odds;;
append odds squares;;
(* Mapping over lists *)
let rec scale_list factor items =
match items with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> x * factor :: scale_list factor xs;;
scale_list 10 [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];;
let rec map f items =
match items with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> f x :: map f xs
(* Alternate definition *)
let rec map f = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> f x :: map f xs;;
map abs_float [-10.0; 2.5; -11.6; 17.0];;
map (fun x -> x * x) [1; 2; 3; 4];;
let scale_list factor items =
map (fun x -> x * factor) items;;
List.map2 ( + ) [40;50;60] [700;800;900];;
List.map2 (fun x y -> x+2*y) [1;2;3] [4;5;6];;
(* Exercise 2.17 *)
let rec last_pair = function
| [h1;h2] -> h1, h2
| x::xs -> last_pair xs
| [] -> invalid_arg "last_pair";;
last_pair [23; 72; 149; 34];;
(* Exercise 2.18 *)
let rec reverse items =
match items with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> append (reverse xs) [x];;
reverse [1; 4; 9; 16; 25];;
let reverse items =
let rec reverse_iter items accum =
match items with
| [] -> accum
| x::xs -> reverse_iter xs (x::accum)
in reverse_iter items [];;
reverse [1; 4; 9; 16; 25];;
(* Exercise 2.19 *)
let no_more coin_values =
match coin_values with
| [] -> true
| x::xs -> false
let except_first_denomination coin_values = List.tl coin_values
let first_denomination coin_values = List.hd coin_values
let rec cc amount coin_values =
if amount = 0
then 1
if amount < 0 || no_more coin_values
then 0
(cc amount (except_first_denomination coin_values)) +
(cc (amount - first_denomination coin_values) coin_values)
let us_coins = [50; 25; 10; 5; 1];;
cc 100 us_coins;;
(* Note: OCaml doesn't like mixing ints and floats (answer should be 104561) *)
(* let uk_coins = [100; 50; 20; 10; 5; 2; 1; 0.5];; *)
(* cc 100 uk_coins;; *)
(* Exercise 2.20 *)
let rec filter predicate items =
match items with
| [] -> []
| x::xs ->
if predicate x
then x :: filter predicate xs
else filter predicate xs
let isOdd n = (n mod 2 = 1)
let isEven = compose not isOdd
let same_parity xs =
let predicate = if isOdd (List.hd xs) then isOdd else isEven
in filter predicate (List.tl xs);;
same_parity [1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7];;
same_parity [2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7];;
(* Exercise 2.21 *)
let rec square_list items =
match items with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> x*x :: square_list xs;;
square_list [1; 2; 3; 4];;
let square_list items =
map (fun x -> x*x) items;;
square_list [1; 2; 3; 4];;
(* Exercise 2.22 *)
let square x = x * x
let square_list list = map square list
let square_list items =
let rec iter things answer =
match things with
| [] -> answer
| x::xs -> iter xs (square x::answer)
in iter items [];;
square_list [1; 2; 3; 4];;
let square_list items =
let rec iter things answer =
match things with
| [] -> answer
| x::xs -> iter xs (answer @ [square x])
in iter items [];;
square_list [1; 2; 3; 4];;
let square_list items =
let rec iter things answer =
match things with
| [] -> answer
| x::xs -> iter xs (square x::answer)
in reverse (iter items []);;
square_list [1; 2; 3; 4];;
(* Exercise 2.23 *)
(* See also List.iter *)
let rec for_each items f =
match items with
| [] -> ()
| x::xs -> let _ = f x in for_each xs f;;
for_each [57; 321; 88] (fun x -> print_string ("\n" ^ (string_of_int x)));
(* 2.2.2 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Hierarchical Structures *)
type 'a nestedlist = Leaf of 'a
| Node of 'a nestedlist list
let rec length' = function
| Node list -> length list
| Leaf _ -> 1;;
Node[Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]];;
let x = Node[Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]];;
length' x;;
let rec count_leaves = function
| Node [] -> 0
| Node(x::xs) -> count_leaves x + count_leaves(Node xs)
| Leaf x -> 1
let x = Node[Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]];;
length' x;;
count_leaves x;;
Node[x; x];;
length' (Node[x; x]);;
count_leaves (Node[x; x]);;
(* Mapping over trees *)
let rec scale_tree factor tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf (x * factor)
| Node [] -> Node []
| Node (x::xs) ->
let a = scale_tree factor (Node xs) in
let b =
match a with
| Node c -> c
| Leaf c -> [Leaf c]
in Node ((scale_tree factor x) :: b);;
scale_tree 10 (Node[Leaf 1; Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]; Leaf 5]; Node[Leaf 6; Leaf 7]]);;
let rec scale_tree factor tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf (x * factor)
| Node x -> Node(map (scale_tree factor) x);;
(* Exercise 2.24 *)
Node[Leaf 1; Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]]];;
(* Exercise 2.25 *)
Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 3; Node[Leaf 5; Leaf 7]; Leaf 9];;
Node[Node[Leaf 7]];;
Node[Leaf 1; Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Node[Leaf 4; Node[Leaf 5; Node[Leaf 6; Leaf 7]]]]]];;
(* Exercise 2.26 *)
let x = Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2; Leaf 3]
let y = Node[Leaf 4; Leaf 5; Leaf 6]
let rec append_tree tree1 tree2 =
match tree1, tree2 with
| Node x, Leaf y -> Node (x @ [Leaf y])
| Leaf x, Node y -> Node ((Leaf x)::y)
| Node x, Node y -> Node (x @ y)
| Leaf x, Leaf y -> Node [Leaf x; Leaf y];;
append_tree x y;;
Node[x; Node[y]];;
Node[x; y];;
(* Exercise 2.27 *)
let x = Node[Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]]
let reverse tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf x
| Node xs -> Node (List.rev xs);;
reverse x;;
let rec deep_reverse tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf x
| Node xs -> Node (List.rev (map deep_reverse xs));;
deep_reverse x;;
(* Exercise 2.28 *)
let x = Node[Node[Leaf 1; Leaf 2]; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]]
let rec fringe tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Node [] -> []
| Node (x::xs) -> fringe x @ fringe (Node xs);;
fringe x;;
fringe(Node[x; x]);;
(* Exercise 2.29 *)
(* a. *)
let make_mobile left right = Node[left; right]
let make_branch length struc = Node[Leaf length; struc]
let left_branch tree =
match tree with
| Node[left; right] -> left
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let right_branch tree =
match tree with
| Node[left; right] -> right
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let branch_length tree =
match tree with
| Node[Leaf length; struc] -> length
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let branch_structure tree =
match tree with
| Node[Leaf length; struc] -> struc
| _ -> failwith "Error"
(* Remainder To Be Done *)
(* Exercise 2.30 *)
let rec square_tree tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf (x*x)
| Node xs -> Node(map square_tree xs);;
(Node[Leaf 1;
Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]; Leaf 5];
Node[Leaf 6; Leaf 7]]);;
(* Exercise 2.31 *)
let rec tree_map proc tree =
match tree with
| Leaf x -> Leaf(proc x)
| Node xs -> Node(map (tree_map proc) xs)
let square_tree tree = tree_map square tree;;
Node[Leaf 1;
Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]; Leaf 5];
Node[Leaf 6; Leaf 7]]);;
(* Exercise 2.32 *)
let rec subsets s =
match s with
| [] -> [[]]
| x::xs ->
let rest = subsets xs
in rest @ (map (fun y -> x::y) rest);;
subsets [1; 2; 3];;
(* 2.2.3 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Sequences as Conventional Interfaces *)
let isOdd n = (n mod 2 = 1)
let isEven = compose not isOdd
let square x = x * x
let rec sum_odd_squares tree =
match tree with
| Node [] -> 0
| Leaf x when isOdd x-> square x
| Leaf x -> 0
| Node(x::xs) -> sum_odd_squares x + sum_odd_squares(Node xs)
let rec even_fibs n =
let rec next k =
if k > n
then []
let f = fib k
if isEven f
then f::next(k+1)
else next(k+1)
in next 0;;
(* Sequence operations *)
map square [1;2;3;4;5];;
let rec filter f = function
| [] -> []
| x::xs when f x -> x::filter f xs
| x::xs -> filter f xs;;
filter isOdd [1;2;3;4;5];;
(* This is just List.fold_right *)
let rec accumulate f accu = function
| [] -> accu
| x::xs -> f x (accumulate f accu xs);;
accumulate ( + ) 0 [1;2;3;4;5];;
accumulate ( * ) 1 [1;2;3;4;5];;
accumulate (fun x y -> x::y) [] [1;2;3;4;5];;
let rec enumerate_interval low high =
if low > high
then []
else low :: enumerate_interval (low+1) high;;
enumerate_interval 2 7;;
let rec enumerate_tree tree =
match tree with
| Node [] -> []
| Leaf x -> [x]
| Node (x::xs) -> enumerate_tree x @ enumerate_tree (Node xs);;
enumerate_tree (Node[Leaf 1; Node[Leaf 2; Node[Leaf 3; Leaf 4]; Leaf 5]]);;
let sum_odd_squares tree =
accumulate (+) 0 (map square (filter isOdd (enumerate_tree tree)))
let even_fibs n =
accumulate (fun x y -> x::y) [] (filter isEven (map fib (enumerate_interval 0 n)))
let list_fib_squares n =
accumulate (fun x y -> x::y) [] (map square (map fib (enumerate_interval 0 n)));;
list_fib_squares 10;;
let product_of_squares_of_odd_elements sequence =
accumulate ( * ) 1 (map square (filter isOdd sequence));;
product_of_squares_of_odd_elements [1;2;3;4;5];;
type employee = { name:string; jobtitle:string; salary:int }
let isProgrammer emp = (emp.jobtitle = "Programmer")
let salary emp = emp.salary
let salary_of_highest_paid_programmer records =
accumulate (max) 0 (map salary (filter isProgrammer records))
let recs = [{name="Fred"; jobtitle="Programmer"; salary=180};
{name="Hank"; jobtitle="Programmer"; salary=150}];;
salary_of_highest_paid_programmer recs;;
(* Nested mappings *)
let n = 10;; (* book doesn't define n *)
accumulate (@) []
(fun i -> map
(fun j -> [i; j])
(enumerate_interval 1 (i-1)))
(enumerate_interval 1 n));;
let flatmap proc seq = accumulate (@) [] (map proc seq)
let rec has_no_divisors n c =
c = 1 || (n mod c <> 0 && has_no_divisors n (c-1))
let isPrime n = has_no_divisors n (n-1)
(* Unnecessary run-time checks can be replaced by lists with statically-known lengths (tuples). *)
let prime_sum (x, y) = isPrime (x + y)
let make_pair_sum (x, y) = (x, y, x+y)
let prime_sum_pairs n =
map make_pair_sum
(fun i -> map
(fun j -> i, j)
(enumerate_interval 1 (i-1)))
(enumerate_interval 1 n)))
let remove x list =
filter (( <> ) x) list
let rec permutations = function
| [] -> [[]]
| s ->
(fun x -> map
(fun p -> x::p)
(permutations (remove x s)))
(* Exercise 2.34 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let horner_eval x coefficient_sequence =
accumulate (fun this_coeff higher_terms -> ??FILL_THIS_IN??) 0 coefficient_sequence;;
horner_eval 2 [1;3;0;5;0;1];; *)
(* Exercise 2.36 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let accumulate_n oper init segs =
if (segs = [])
then []
(accumulate oper init ??FILL_THIS_IN??)::
(accumulate_n oper init ??FILL_THIS_IN??);;
accumulate_n (+) 0 s;; *)
(* CMR Error - need to finish this one *)
(* Exercise 2.37 *
let dot_product(v, w) =
(fn i =>
(fn j => i * j)
let dot_product v w = fold_left ( + ) (List.map2 ( * ) v w)
(* Exercise 2.38 *)
let fold_right = accumulate
let fold_left oper initial sequence =
let rec iter result seq =
match seq with
| [] -> result
| x::xs -> iter (oper result x) xs
in iter initial sequence;;
fold_right (/.) 1.0 [1.0;2.0;3.0];;
fold_left (/.) 1.0 [1.0;2.0;3.0];;
fold_right (fun x y -> x::y) [] [1;2;3];;
(* CMR Error - won't compile - Scheme result = (((() 1) 2) 3) *)
(* The result is not a valid list. -- jdh *)
(* fold_left (fun x y -> x::y) [] [1;2;3];; *)
(* Exercise 2.42 *)
let n=8;;
let rec safe (x1, y1) (x2, y2) =
x1 <> x2 && y1 <> y2 && x2 - x1 <> y2 - y1 && x1 - y2 <> x2 - y1;;
let rec search f n qs ps accu =
match ps with
| [] -> if length qs = n then f qs accu else accu
| q::ps -> search f n (q::qs) (filter (safe q) ps) (search f n qs ps accu);;
let rec init n f = if n=0 then [] else f(n-1) :: init (n-1) f;;
let ps = List.flatten (init n (fun i -> init n (fun j -> i, j)));;
(* search (fun qs -> print qs; (+) 1) n 0 [] ps 0;; *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let queens board_size =
let queen_cols k =
if (k = 0)
(fun positions -> isSafe k positions)
(fun rest_of_queens -> map
(fun new_row -> adjoin_position new_row k rest_of_queens)
(enumerate_interval 1 board_size))
(queen_cols (k-1)))
in queen_cols board_size *)
(* Exercise 2.43 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let queens board_size =
let queen_cols k
if (k = 0)
then [empty_board]
(fun positions -> isSafe k positions)
(fun new_row -> map
(fun rest_of_queens -> adjoin_position new_row k rest_of_queens)
(queen_cols (k-1)))
(enumerate_interval 1 board_size))
in queen_cols board_size *)
(* 2.2.4 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: a picture language *)
(* these two routines are to be written *)
let draw_line x y = ()
let wave xframe = xframe
type vect_rec = { x:float; y:float }
type vect = Vect of vect_rec
let make_vect x y = Vect{x=x; y=y}
let xcor_vect (Vect{x=x}) = x
let ycor_vect (Vect{y=y}) = y
let add_vect v1 v2 = make_vect (xcor_vect v1 +. xcor_vect v2) (ycor_vect v1 +. ycor_vect v2)
let sub_vect v1 v2 = make_vect (xcor_vect v1 -. xcor_vect v2) (ycor_vect v1 -. ycor_vect v2)
let scale_vect s v = make_vect (s *. (xcor_vect v)) (s *. (ycor_vect v))
type frame_rec = { origin:vect; edge1:vect; edge2:vect }
type frame = Frame of frame_rec
let make_frame origin edge1 edge2 = Frame{origin=origin; edge1=edge1; edge2=edge2}
let origin_frame (Frame{origin=origin}) = origin
let edge1_frame (Frame{edge1=edge1}) = edge1
let edge2_frame (Frame{edge2=edge2}) = edge2
let a_frame = make_frame (make_vect 0.0 0.0) (make_vect 1.0 0.0) (make_vect 0.0 1.0)
type 'a segment_record = { x:'a; y:'a }
type 'a segment = Segment of 'a segment_record
let start_segment (Segment{x=x}) = x
let end_segment (Segment{y=y}) = y
(* Frames *)
let frame_coord_map xframe v =
(origin_frame xframe)
(scale_vect (xcor_vect v) (edge1_frame xframe))
(scale_vect (ycor_vect v) (edge2_frame xframe)))
let _ = frame_coord_map a_frame (make_vect 0.0 0.0)
let _ = origin_frame a_frame
(* Painters *)
let rec foreach f items =
match items with
| [] -> ()
| x::xs -> let _ = f x in foreach f xs
let segments_painter segment_list xframe =
(fun segment ->
(frame_coord_map xframe (start_segment segment))
(frame_coord_map xframe (end_segment segment)))
let transform_painter painter origin corner1 corner2 xframe =
let m = frame_coord_map xframe in
let new_origin = m origin
in painter
(sub_vect (m corner1) new_origin)
(sub_vect (m corner2) new_origin))
let flip_vert painter =
(make_vect 0.0 1.0)
(make_vect 1.0 1.0)
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
let flip_horiz painter =
(make_vect 1.0 0.0)
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
(make_vect 1.0 1.0)
let shrink_to_upper_right painter =
(make_vect 0.5 0.5)
(make_vect 1.0 0.5)
(make_vect 0.5 1.0)
let rotate90 painter =
(make_vect 1.0 0.0)
(make_vect 1.0 1.0)
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
let rotate180 painter =
(make_vect 1.0 1.0)
(make_vect 0.0 1.0)
(make_vect 1.0 0.0)
let squash_inwards painter =
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
(make_vect 0.65 0.35)
(make_vect 0.35 0.65)
let beside painter1 painter2 xframe =
let split_point = make_vect 0.5 0.0 in
let paint_left =
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
(make_vect 0.0 1.0)
and paint_right =
(make_vect 1.0 0.0)
(make_vect 0.5 1.0)
let _ = paint_left xframe
in paint_right xframe
let below painter1 painter2 xframe =
let split_point = make_vect 0.0 0.5 in
let paint_below =
(make_vect 0.0 0.0)
(make_vect 1.0 0.0)
and paint_above =
(make_vect 1.0 0.5)
(make_vect 0.0 1.0)
let _ = paint_below xframe
in paint_above xframe
let rec up_split painter n =
if n = 0
then painter
let smaller = up_split painter (n-1)
in below painter (beside smaller smaller)
let wave2 = beside wave (flip_vert wave)
let wave4 = below wave2 wave
let flipped_pairs painter =
let painter2 = beside painter (flip_vert painter)
in below painter2 painter2
let wave4 = flipped_pairs wave
let rec right_split painter n =
if n = 0
then painter
let smaller = right_split painter (n-1)
in beside painter (below smaller smaller)
let rec corner_split painter n =
if n = 0
then painter
let up = up_split painter (n-1)
and right = right_split painter (n-1) in
let top_left = beside up up
and bottom_right = below right right
and corner = corner_split painter (n-1)
in beside (below painter top_left) (below bottom_right corner)
let square_limit painter n =
let quarter = corner_split painter n in
let half = beside (flip_horiz quarter) quarter
in below (flip_vert half) half
(* Higher_order operations *)
let square_of_four tleft tright bleft bright =
fun painter ->
let top = beside (tleft painter) (tright painter)
and bottom = beside (bleft painter) (bright painter)
in below bottom top
let flipped_pairs painter =
let combine4 = square_of_four identity flip_vert identity flip_vert
in combine4 painter
(* footnote *)
let flipped_pairs = square_of_four identity flip_vert identity flip_vert
let square_limit painter n =
let combine4 = square_of_four flip_horiz identity rotate180 flip_vert
in combine4 (corner_split painter n)
(* Exercise 2.45 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let right_split = split beside below
let up_split = split below beside *)
(* Exercise 2.47 *)
let make_frame origin edge1 edge2 = [origin; edge1; edge2]
let make_frame origin edge1 edge2 = [origin; [edge1; edge2]]
(* 2.3.1 Symbolic Data - Quotation *)
let _ = ["a"; "b"; "c"; "d"]
let _ = [23; 45; 17]
type person_record = { name:string; age:int }
let _ = [{name="Norah"; age=12}; {name="Molly"; age=9}; {name="Anna"; age=7}; {name="Charlotte"; age=3}]
let x = 1
let _ = (23 + 45) * (x + 9)
let rec fact n =
match n with
| 1 -> 1
| _ -> n * fact (n-1)
let a = 1
let b = 2
let _ = [a; b]
(* Note: If I can ever get MetaOCaml to run on my machine, I should be able to finish up this section *)
(* 2.3.2 Symbolic Data - Example: Symbolic Differentiation *)
(* representing algebraic expressions *)
type term = Number of int
| Variable of char
| Sum of term * term
| Product of term * term
let isNumber = function
| Number x -> true
| _ -> false
let isSame_number = function
| Number x, Number y -> (x = y)
| _ -> false
let isVariable = function
| Variable x -> true
| _ -> false
let isSame_variable = function
| Variable x, Variable y -> (x = y)
| _ -> false
let isSum = function
| Sum (x, y) -> true
| _ -> false
let isProduct = function
| Product (x, y) -> true
| _ -> false
let make_sum = function
| Number x, Number y -> Number (x + y)
| x, y -> Sum (x, y)
let make_product = function
| Number x, Number y -> Number (x * y)
| x, y -> Product (x, y)
let addend = function
| Sum (x, y) -> x
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let augend = function
| Sum (x, y) -> y
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let multiplier = function
| Product (x, y) -> x
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let multiplicand = function
| Product (x, y) -> y
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let rec deriv exp var =
if isNumber exp
then Number 0
if isVariable exp
if isSame_variable(exp, var)
then Number 1
else Number 0
if isSum exp
then make_sum(deriv (addend exp) var, deriv (augend exp) var)
if isProduct exp
make_product(multiplier exp, deriv (multiplicand exp) var),
make_product(deriv (multiplier exp) var, multiplicand exp))
else failwith "Error"
(* dx(x + 3) = 1 *)
let d1 = deriv (Sum(Variable 'x', Number 3)) (Variable 'x')
(* dx(x*y) = y *)
let d2 = deriv (Product(Variable 'x', Variable 'y')) (Variable 'x')
(* dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 *)
let d3 = deriv (Sum(Sum(Product(Variable 'x', Variable 'y'), Variable 'x'), Number 3)) (Variable 'x')
(* With simplification *)
let make_sum = function
| Number 0, y -> y
| x, Number 0 -> x
| Number x, Number y -> Number (x + y)
| x, y -> Sum (x, y)
let make_product = function
| Number 0, y -> Number 0
| x, Number 0 -> Number 0
| Number 1, y -> y
| x, Number 1 -> x
| Number x, Number y -> Number (x * y)
| x, y -> Product (x, y)
let deriv exp var =
match exp, var with
| Number x, var -> Number 0
| Variable x, Variable y when x = y -> Number 1
| Variable x, Variable y -> Number 0
| Variable x, _ -> Number 0
| Sum (x, y), _ -> make_sum(deriv x var, deriv y var)
| Product(x, y), var -> make_sum(make_product(x, deriv y var), make_product(deriv x var, y))
(* dx(x + 3) = 1 *)
let d1 = deriv (Sum(Variable 'x', Number 3)) (Variable 'x')
(* dx(x*y) = y *)
let d2 = deriv (Product(Variable 'x', Variable 'y')) (Variable 'x')
(* dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 *)
let d3 = deriv (Sum(Sum(Product(Variable 'x', Variable 'y'), Variable 'x'), Number 3)) (Variable 'x')
(* EXERCISE 2.57 *)
(* dx(x*y*(x+3)) = dx(x*x*y + x*y*3) = 2xy + 3y *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let d4 = derivx (Product(Product(Variable 'x', Variable 'y'), Sum(Variable 'x', Number 3))) (Variable 'x') *)
(* 2.3.3 Symbolic Data - Example: Representing Sets *)
(* unordered *)
let rec is_element_of_set x = function
| [] -> false
| y::ys when x = y -> true
| y::ys -> is_element_of_set x ys
let adjoin_set x set =
if is_element_of_set x set
then set
else x::set
let rec intersection_set set1 set2 =
match set1, set2 with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| x::xs, _ ->
if is_element_of_set x set2
then x::intersection_set xs set2
else intersection_set xs set2
(* ordered *)
let rec is_element_of_set x = function
| [] -> false
| y::ys when x = y -> true
| y::ys when x < y -> false
| y::ys -> is_element_of_set x ys
let rec intersection_set set1 set2 =
match set1, set2 with
| [], _ -> []
| _, [] -> []
| x::xs, y::ys when x = y -> x::intersection_set xs ys
| x::xs, y::ys when x < y -> intersection_set xs set2
| x::xs, y::ys -> intersection_set set1 ys
(* binary trees *)
type 'a btree = Leaf
| Node of 'a * 'a btree * 'a btree
let rec is_element_of_set x = function
| Leaf -> false
| Node(y, left, right) when x = y -> true
| Node(y, left, right) when x < y -> is_element_of_set x left
| Node(y, left, right) -> is_element_of_set x right
let _ = is_element_of_set 3 (Node(2, Node(1, Leaf, Leaf), Node(3, Leaf, Leaf)))
let rec adjoin_set x sety =
match sety with
| Leaf -> Node(x, Leaf, Leaf)
| Node(y, left, right) when x = y -> sety
| Node(y, left, right) when x < y -> Node(y, adjoin_set x left, right)
| Node(y, left, right) -> Node(y, left, adjoin_set x right)
let _ = adjoin_set 3 (Node(4, Node(2, Leaf, Leaf), Node(6, Leaf, Leaf)))
(* Exercise 2.63 *)
let rec tree_to_list_1 tree =
match tree with
| Leaf -> []
| Node(y, left, right) ->
tree_to_list_1 left @ y::tree_to_list_1 right
let _ = tree_to_list_1(Node(4, Node(2, Leaf, Leaf), Node(6, Leaf, Leaf)))
let tree_to_list_2 tree =
let rec copy_to_list t ys =
match t with
| Leaf -> ys
| Node(x, left, right) -> copy_to_list left (x::copy_to_list right ys)
in copy_to_list tree []
let _ = tree_to_list_2(Node(4, Node(2, Leaf, Leaf), Node(6, Leaf, Leaf)))
(* Exercise 2.64 *)
let rec partial_tree elts n =
match n with
| 0 -> (Leaf, elts)
| _ ->
let left_size = (n - 1) / 2 in
let right_size = n - (left_size + 1) in
let left_result = partial_tree elts left_size in
let (left_tree, non_left_elts) = left_result in
let this_entry = List.hd non_left_elts in
let right_result = partial_tree (List.tl non_left_elts) right_size in
let (right_tree, remaining_elts) = right_result
in (Node(this_entry, left_tree, right_tree), remaining_elts)
let list_to_tree elements =
let (result, _) = partial_tree elements (length elements)
in result
let _ = list_to_tree [2; 4; 6]
(* information retrieval *)
type info_rec = { key:int; name:string; age:int }
type information = Information of info_rec
let rec lookup given_key = function
| [] -> failwith "Error"
| info::xs ->
if given_key = info.key
then info
else lookup given_key xs
(* 2.3.4 Symbolic Data - Example: Huffman Encoding Trees *)
(* representing *)
type ('a, 'b) leaf_rec = { symbol:'a; weight:'b }
and ('a, 'b) tree_rec = { left:('a, 'b) btree; right:('a, 'b) btree; symbols:'a list; weights:'b }
and ('a, 'b) btree = Leaf of ('a, 'b) leaf_rec
| Tree of ('a, 'b) tree_rec
let make_leaf symbol weight = Leaf{ symbol=symbol; weight=weight }
let isLeaf = function
| Leaf _ -> true
| _ -> false
let symbol_leaf = function
| Leaf x -> x.symbol
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let weight_leaf = function
| Leaf x -> x.weight
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let symbols = function
| Leaf x -> [x.symbol]
| Tree x -> x.symbols
let weight = function
| Leaf x -> x.weight
| Tree x -> x.weights
let make_code_tree left right =
left = left;
right = right;
symbols = symbols left @ symbols right;
weights = weight left + weight right }
let left_Node = function
| Tree x -> x.left
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let right_Node = function
| Tree x -> x.right
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let choose_Node n node =
match n with
| 0 -> left_Node node
| 1 -> right_Node node
| _ -> failwith "Error"
(* decoding *)
let decode bits tree =
let rec decode_1 n1 n2 =
match n1 with
| [] -> []
| x::xs ->
let next_Node = choose_Node x n2
if isLeaf next_Node
then symbol_leaf next_Node::decode_1 xs tree
else decode_1 xs next_Node
in decode_1 bits tree
(* sets *)
let rec adjoin_set x = function
| [] -> [x]
| y::ys ->
if weight x < weight y
then x::y::ys
else y::adjoin_set x ys
let rec make_leaf_set = function
| Leaf x::pairs ->
adjoin_set (make_leaf x.symbol x.weight) (make_leaf_set pairs)
| _ -> failwith "Error"
(* Exercise 2.67 *)
let sample_tree =
(make_leaf 'A' 4)
(make_leaf 'B' 2)
(make_leaf 'D' 1)
(make_leaf 'C' 1)))
let sample_message = [0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1; 0; 1; 0; 1; 1; 1; 0]
let test = implode(decode sample_message sample_tree)
(* Exercise 2.68 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let rec encode message tree =
match message with
| [] -> []
| x::xs -> encode_symbol x tree @ encode xs tree *)
(* 2.4.1 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Representations for Complex Numbers *)
let square_real x = x *. x
(* Rectangular *)
let real_part z = List.hd z
let imag_part z = List.hd(List.tl z)
let magnitude z =
sqrt(square_real (real_part z) +. square_real (imag_part z))
let angle z =
atan2 (imag_part z) (real_part z)
let make_from_real_imag x y = [x; y]
let make_from_mag_ang r a =
[r *. cos a; r *. sin a]
(* polar *)
let magnitude z = List.hd z
let angle z = List.hd(List.tl z)
let real_part z =
magnitude z *. cos(angle z)
let imag_part z =
magnitude z *. sin(angle z)
let make_from_real_imag x y =
[sqrt(square_real x +. square_real y); atan2 y x]
let make_from_mag_ang r a = [r; a]
(* using the abstract type *)
let z = [1.0; 2.0]
let _ = make_from_real_imag (real_part z) (imag_part z)
let _ = make_from_mag_ang (magnitude z) (angle z)
let add_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 +. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 +. imag_part z2)
let sub_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 -. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 -. imag_part z2)
let mul_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 *. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 +. angle z2)
let div_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 /. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 -. angle z2)
(* 2.4.2 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Tagged Data *)
(* Using List with Intersection type *)
type 'a tag = Rectangular | Polar | Contents of 'a
let attach_tag type_tag contents = type_tag::contents
let type_tag = function
| Rectangular::_ -> Rectangular
| Polar::_ -> Polar
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let contents = function
| _::Contents x::[] -> x
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let isRectangular = function
| Rectangular::_ -> true
| _ -> false
let isPolar = function
| Polar::_ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Rectangular *)
let make_from_real_imag_rectangular x y =
[Rectangular; Contents x; Contents y]
let make_from_mag_ang_rectangular r a =
[Rectangular; Contents (r *. cos a); Contents (r *. sin a)]
let real_part_rectangular = function
| Rectangular::Contents x::_ -> x
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let imag_part_rectangular = function
| Rectangular::_::Contents y::_ -> y
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let magnitude_rectangular z =
sqrt(square_real (real_part_rectangular z) +.
square_real (imag_part_rectangular z))
let angle_rectangular z =
atan2 (imag_part_rectangular z) (real_part_rectangular z)
(* Polar *)
let make_from_real_imag_polar x y =
[Polar; Contents (sqrt(square_real x +. square_real y)); Contents (atan2 y x)]
let make_from_mag_ang_polar r a =
[Polar; Contents r; Contents a]
let magnitude_polar = function
| Polar::Contents x::_ -> x
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let angle_polar = function
| Polar::_::Contents y::_ -> y
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let real_part_polar z =
magnitude_polar z *. cos(angle_polar z)
let imag_part_polar z =
magnitude_polar z *. sin(angle_polar z)
(* Generic selectors *)
let real_part z =
match z with
| Rectangular::_ -> real_part_rectangular z
| Polar::_ -> real_part_polar z
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let imag_part z =
match z with
| Rectangular::_ -> imag_part_rectangular z
| Polar::_ -> imag_part_polar z
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let magnitude z =
match z with
| Rectangular::_ -> magnitude_rectangular z
| Polar::_ -> magnitude_polar z
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let angle z =
match z with
| Rectangular::_ -> angle_rectangular z
| Polar::_ -> angle_polar z
| _ -> failwith "Error"
(* End Using List with Intersection type *)
(* Using Records *)
type 'a rectangular_rec = { real_part : 'a; imag_part : 'a }
type 'a polar_rec = { magnitude : 'a; angle : 'a }
type 'a tag = Rectangular of 'a rectangular_rec
| Polar of 'a polar_rec
let isRectangular = function
| Rectangular _ -> true
| _ -> false
let isPolar = function
| Polar _ -> true
| _ -> false
(* Rectangular *)
let make_from_real_imag_rectangular x y =
Rectangular{ real_part = x; imag_part = y }
let make_from_mag_ang_rectangular r a =
Rectangular{ real_part = r *. cos a; imag_part = r *. sin a }
let real_part_rectangular = function
| Rectangular x -> x.real_part
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let imag_part_rectangular = function
| Rectangular y -> y.imag_part
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let magnitude_rectangular z =
sqrt(square_real(real_part_rectangular z) +.
square_real(imag_part_rectangular z))
let angle_rectangular z =
atan2 (imag_part_rectangular z) (real_part_rectangular z)
(* Polar *)
let make_from_real_imag_polar x y =
Polar { magnitude = sqrt(square_real x +. square_real y); angle = atan2 y x }
let make_from_mag_ang_polar r a =
Polar { magnitude = r; angle = a }
let magnitude_polar = function
| Polar x -> x.magnitude
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let angle_polar = function
| Polar y -> y.angle
| _ -> failwith "Error"
let real_part_polar z =
magnitude_polar z *. cos(angle_polar z)
let imag_part_polar z =
magnitude_polar z *. sin(angle_polar z)
(* Generic selectors *)
let real_part z =
match z with
| Rectangular _ -> real_part_rectangular z
| Polar _ -> real_part_polar z
let imag_part z =
match z with
| Rectangular _ -> imag_part_rectangular z
| Polar _ -> imag_part_polar z
let magnitude z =
match z with
| Rectangular _ -> magnitude_rectangular z
| Polar _ -> magnitude_polar z
let angle z =
match z with
| Rectangular _ -> angle_rectangular z
| Polar _ -> angle_polar z
(* End Using Records *)
(* same as before *)
let add_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 +. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 +. imag_part z2)
let sub_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 -. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 -. imag_part z2)
let mul_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 *. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 +. angle z2)
let div_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 /. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 -. angle z2)
(* Constructors for complex numbers *)
let make_from_real_imag x y =
make_from_real_imag_rectangular x y
let make_from_mag_ang r a =
make_from_mag_ang_polar r a
(* 2.4.3 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Data-Directed Programming and Additivity *)
(* Note: This is a work in progress *)
module type IMAGINARY =
type imaginary
val make_from_real_imag : float -> float -> imaginary
val make_from_mag_ang : float -> float -> imaginary
val magnitude : imaginary -> float
val angle : imaginary -> float
val real_part : imaginary -> float
val imag_part : imaginary -> float
module Rectangular : IMAGINARY =
type imaginary = float list
let make_from_real_imag x y = [x; y]
let make_from_mag_ang r a =
[r *. cos a; r *. sin a]
let real_part z = List.hd z
let imag_part z = List.hd(List.tl z)
let magnitude z =
sqrt(square_real(real_part z)) +. square_real(imag_part z)
let angle z = atan2 (imag_part z) (real_part z)
module Polar : IMAGINARY =
type imaginary = float list
let make_from_real_imag x y =
[sqrt(square_real x +. square_real y); atan2 y x]
let make_from_mag_ang r a = [r; a]
let magnitude z = List.hd z
let angle z = List.hd(List.tl z)
let real_part z = magnitude z *. cos(angle z)
let imag_part z = magnitude z *. sin(angle z)
module type COMPLEX =
val add_complex : imaginary -> imaginary -> imaginary
val sub_complex : imaginary -> imaginary -> imaginary
val mul_complex : imaginary -> imaginary -> imaginary
val div_complex : imaginary -> imaginary -> imaginary
module Complex (Imag : IMAGINARY) : COMPLEX =
include Imag
let add_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 +. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 +. imag_part z2)
let sub_complex z1 z2 =
(real_part z1 -. real_part z2)
(imag_part z1 -. imag_part z2)
let mul_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 *. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 +. angle z2)
let div_complex z1 z2 =
(magnitude z1 /. magnitude z2)
(angle z1 -. angle z2)
(* install *)
module CR = Complex(Rectangular)
let _ = CR.make_from_real_imag 1.0, 2.0
let _ = CR.make_from_mag_ang 1.0 2.0
module CP = Complex(Polar)
let _ = CP.make_from_real_imag 1.0 2.0
let _ = CP.make_from_mag_ang 1.0 2.0
(* footnote *)
let _ = List.fold_left ( + ) 0 [1; 2; 3; 4]
(* ML does not have corresponding apply or generic selectors *)
(* EXERCISE 2.73 *)
(* exercise left to reader to define appropriate functions
let rec deriv exp var =
match exp, var with
| Number x, _ -> Number 0
| Variable x, Variable y when x = y -> Number 1
| Variable x, Variable y -> Number 0
| Variable x, _ -> Number 0
| Sum (x, y), _ -> make_sum (deriv x var) (deriv y var)
| Product(x, y), _ -> make_sum (make_product x (deriv y var)) (make_product (deriv x var) y)
let operator exp = exp
let operands exp = exp
let get_deriv x y z = Number 0
let deriv exp var =
match exp, var with
| Number x, _ -> Number 0
| Variable x, Variable y when x = y -> Number 1
| Variable x, Variable y -> Number 0
| Variable x, _ -> Number 0
| _, _ -> get_deriv (operator exp) (operands exp) var
(* Message passing *)
type 'a imag_rec = { real_part:'a; imag_part:'a; magnitude:'a; angle:'a }
let make_from_real_imag x y =
real_part = x;
imag_part = y;
magnitude = sqrt(square_real x +. square_real y);
angle = atan2 y x
(* 2.5.1 Systems with Generic Operations - Generic Arithmetic Operations *)
(* To Be Done *)