SICP Chapter #02 Examples in Oz % Functions defined in previous chapters fun {Gcd A B} if B == 0 then A else {Gcd B (A mod B)} end end fun {Fib N} case N of 0 then 0 [] 1 then 1 else {Fib N-1} + {Fib N-2} end end fun {Identity X} X end fun {Square X} X * X end % 2 Building Abstractions with Data fun {LinearCombination A B X Y} A*X + B*Y end fun {Mul A B} A * B end fun {LinearCombination1 A B X Y} {Mul A X} + {Mul B Y} end % 2.1.1 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Example: Arithmetic Operations for Rational Numbers fun {MakeRat N D} N#D end fun {Numer X} X.1 end fun {Denom X} X.2 end fun {AddRat X Y} {MakeRat {Numer X}*{Denom Y} + {Numer Y}*{Denom X} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {SubRat X Y} {MakeRat {Numer X}*{Denom Y} - {Numer Y}*{Denom X} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {MulRat X Y} {MakeRat {Numer X}*{Numer Y} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {DivRat X Y} {MakeRat {Numer X}*{Denom Y} {Denom X}*{Numer Y}} end fun {EqualRat X Y} {Numer X}*{Denom Y} == {Numer Y}*{Denom X} end fun {CONS X Y} X|Y end fun {CAR L} L.1 end fun {CDR L} L.2 end % Compose function courtesy of Kevin Glyn via Oz mailing list fun {Compose F G} fun {$ X} {F {G X}} end end CADR = {Compose CAR CDR} X = {CONS 1 2} Y = {CADR 1|2|3|4} {Browse Y} {Browse {CAR X}} {Browse {CDR X}} X1 = {CONS 1 2} Y1 = {CONS 3 4} Z1 = {CONS X1 Y1} {Browse {CAR {CAR Z1}}} {Browse {CAR {CDR Z1}}} % footnote -- alternative definitions MakeRat1 = CONS Numer1 = CAR Denom1 = {Compose CAR CDR} proc {PrintRat X} {Browse {StringToAtom {Append {IntToString {Numer X}} {Append "/" {IntToString {Denom X}}}}}} end OneHalf = {MakeRat 1 2} {PrintRat OneHalf} OneThird = {MakeRat 1 3} {PrintRat {AddRat OneHalf OneThird}} {PrintRat {MulRat OneHalf OneThird}} {PrintRat {AddRat OneThird OneThird}} % reducing to lowest terms in constructor fun {MakeRatGcd N D} G = {Gcd N D} in (N div G)#(D div G) end fun {AddRatGcd X Y} {MakeRatGcd {Numer X}*{Denom Y} + {Numer Y}*{Denom X} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end {PrintRat {AddRatGcd OneThird OneThird}} % Exercise 2.1 fun {MakeRat_ N D} if (D < 0 andthen N < 0) orelse N < 0 then (D * ~1)#(N * ~1) else D#N end end % Module Translation RATIONAL = functor export numericType : NumericType make : Make numer : Numer denom : Denom add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define NumericType = rational fun {Make N D} G = {Abs {Gcd N D}} in rational(if D >= 0 then N else ~N end div G {Abs D} div G) end fun {Numer rational(N D)} N end fun {Denom rational(N D)} D end fun {Add X Y} {Make {Numer X}*{Denom Y} + {Numer Y}*{Denom X} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {Sub X Y} {Make {Numer X}*{Denom Y} - {Numer Y}*{Denom X} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {Mul X Y} {Make {Numer X}*{Numer Y} {Denom X}*{Denom Y}} end fun {Div X Y} {Make {Numer X}*{Denom Y} {Denom X}*{Numer Y}} end fun {Equal X Y} {Numer X}*{Denom Y} == {Numer Y}*{Denom X} end fun {ToString X} {StringToAtom {Append {IntToString {Numer X}} {Append "/" {IntToString {Denom X}}}}} end end [Rational] = {Module.apply [RATIONAL]} local OneHalf = {Rational.make 1 2} OneThird = {Rational.make 1 3} in {Browse {Rational.toString OneHalf}} {Browse {Rational.toString {Rational.add OneHalf OneThird}}} {Browse {Rational.toString {Rational.multiply OneHalf OneThird}}} {Browse {Rational.toString {Rational.add OneThird OneThird}}} end % end Module Translation % Object Translation class RationalOO feat Numer Denom meth init(N D) G = {Abs {Gcd N D}} in self.Numer = if D >= 0 then N else ~N end div G self.Denom = {Abs D} div G end meth add(Other ?$) {New RationalOO init(self.Numer*Other.Denom + Other.Numer*self.Denom self.Denom*Other.Denom)} end meth subtract(Other ?$) {New RationalOO init(self.Numer*Other.Denom - Other.Numer*self.Denom self.Denom*Other.Denom)} end meth multiply(Other ?$) {New RationalOO init(self.Numer*Other.Numer self.Denom*Other.Denom)} end meth divide(Other ?$) {New RationalOO init(self.Numer*Other.Denom self.Denom*Other.Numer)} end meth equal(Other ?$) self.Numer * Other.Denom == Other.Numer * self.Denom end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {Append {IntToString self.Numer} {Append "/" {IntToString self.Denom}}}} end end local OneHalf = {New RationalOO init(1 2)} OneThird = {New RationalOO init(1 3)} in {Browse {OneHalf toString($)}} {Browse {{OneHalf add(OneThird $)} toString($)}} {Browse {{OneHalf multiply(OneThird $)} toString($)}} {Browse {{OneThird add(OneThird $)} toString($)}} end % end Object Translation % 2.1.2 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Abstraction barriers % reducing to lowest terms in selectors fun {MakeRat2 N D} N#D end fun {Numer2 N#D} G = {Gcd N D} in N div G end fun {Denom2 N#D} G = {Gcd N D} in D div G end % Exercise 2.2 fun {MakePoint X Y} X#Y end fun {XPoint Point} Point.1 end fun {YPoint Point} Point.2 end fun {MakeSegment StartSegment EndSegment} StartSegment#EndSegment end fun {StartSegment Segment} Segment.1 end fun {EndSegment Segment} Segment.2 end fun {MidpointSegment Segment} S = {StartSegment Segment} E = {EndSegment Segment} in {MakePoint (({XPoint S} + {XPoint E}) / 2.0) (({YPoint S} + {YPoint E}) / 2.0)} end proc {PrintPoint P} {Browse {StringToAtom {Append "(" {Append {FloatToString {XPoint P}} {Append "," {Append {FloatToString {YPoint P}} ")"}}}}}} end {PrintPoint {MidpointSegment {MakeSegment {MakePoint 4.0 6.0} {MakePoint 9.0 15.0}}}} % Exercise 2.3 fun {RectPerimeter Rect} 2.0*{RectWidth Rect} + 2.0*{RectHeight Rect} end fun {RectArea Rect} {RectWidth Rect} * {RectHeight Rect} end % Representation 1: stores the two opposing points P1 and P2 fun {PtsMakeRectangle P1 P2} pts(P1 P2) end fun {PtsRectWidth pts(P1 P2)} {Abs {XPoint P1} - {XPoint P2}} end fun {PtsRectHeight pts(P1 P2)} {Abs {YPoint P1} - {YPoint P2}} end % Representation 2: stores the achor point and width/height fun {PwhMakeRectangle P Width Height} pwh(P Width Height) end fun {PwhRectWidth pwh(P Width Height)} Width end fun {PwhRectHeight pwh(P Width Height)} Height end fun {RectWidth Rect} case Rect of pts(...) then {PtsRectWidth Rect} [] pwh(...) then {PwhRectWidth Rect} end end fun {RectHeight Rect} case Rect of pts(...) then {PtsRectHeight Rect} [] pwh(...) then {PwhRectHeight Rect} end end Rx = {PtsMakeRectangle {MakePoint 10.0 15.0} {MakePoint 30.0 40.0}} Ry = {PwhMakeRectangle {MakePoint 10.0 15.0} 20.0 25.0} {Browse {RectPerimeter Rx}#{RectArea Rx}} {Browse {RectPerimeter Ry}#{RectArea Ry}} % 2.1.3 Introduction to Data Abstraction - What is meant by data? fun {CONS1 X Y} fun {$ N} case N of 0 then X [] 1 then Y else raise illFormedExpression('Argument not 0 or 1 -- CONS ' # m) end end end end fun {CAR1 Z} {Z 0} end fun {CDR1 Z} {Z 1} end % Exercise 2.4 fun {CONS2 X Y} fun {$ M} {M X Y} end end fun {CAR2 Z} {Z fun {$ P Q} P end} end fun {CDR2 Z} {Z fun {$ P Q} Q end} end % Exercise 2.5 fun {CountPowers N D} fun {Iter I Pow} if I mod D == 0 then {Iter (I div D) Pow+1} else Pow end end in {Iter N 0} end fun {CONS3 X Y} {Pow 2 X} * {Pow 3 Y} end fun {CAR3 Z} {CountPowers Z 2} end fun {CDR3 Z} {CountPowers Z 3} end {Browse {CONS3 1 2}} {Browse {CAR3 {CONS3 1 2}}} {Browse {CDR3 {CONS3 1 2}}} % Exercise 2.6 Zero = fun {$ F} fun {$ X} X end end fun {Add1 N} fun {$ F} fun {$ X} {F {{N F} X}} end end end % 2.1.4 Introduction to Data Abstraction - Extended Exercise: Interval Arithmetic fun {AddInterval X Y} {MakeInterval {LowerBound X}+{LowerBound Y} {UpperBound X}+{UpperBound Y}} end fun {MulInterval X Y} P1 = {LowerBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P2 = {LowerBound X} * {UpperBound Y} P3 = {UpperBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P4 = {UpperBound X} * {UpperBound Y} in {MakeInterval {Min {Min P1 P2} {Min P3 P4}} {Max {Max P1 P2} {Max P3 P4}}} end fun {DivInterval X Y} Z = {MakeInterval 1.0/{UpperBound Y} 1.0/{LowerBound Y}} in {MulInterval X Z} end fun {MakeCenterWidth C W} {MakeInterval C-W C+W} end fun {Center I} ({LowerBound I} + {UpperBound I}) / 2.0 end fun {Width I} ({UpperBound I} - {LowerBound I}) / 2.0 end % Exercise 2.7 fun {MakeInterval A B} A#B end fun {LowerBound X#Y} X end fun {UpperBound X#Y} Y end % Exercise 2.8 fun {SubInterval X Y} {MakeInterval {LowerBound X}-{UpperBound Y} {UpperBound X}-{LowerBound Y}} end % Exercise 2.9 I = {MakeInterval 5.0 10.0} J = {MakeInterval 15.0 25.0} % width of the sum (or difference) of two intervals *is* a function only of the widths of % the intervals being added (or subtracted) {Browse {Width {AddInterval I J}}#({Width I} + {Width J})} {Browse {Width {SubInterval I J}}#({Width I} + {Width J})} % width of the product (or quotient) of two intervals *is not* a function only of the widths % of the intervals being multiplied (or divided) {Browse {Width {MulInterval I J}}#({Width I} + {Width J})} {Browse {Width {DivInterval I J}}#({Width I} + {Width J})} % Exercise 2.10 fun {IsZeroInterval I} ({LowerBound I} == 0) orelse ({UpperBound I} == 0) end fun {DivIntervalZeroCheck X Y} if {IsZeroInterval Y} then raise error("Zero interval divisor") end else {DivInterval X Y} end end % Exercise 2.11 fun {OptMulInterval X Y} UpperX = {UpperBound X} LowerX = {LowerBound X} UpperY = {UpperBound Y} LowerY = {LowerBound Y} in case (UpperX >= 0)#(LowerX >= 0)#(UpperY >= 0)#(LowerY >= 0) of true #true #true #true then {MakeInterval LowerX*LowerY UpperX*UpperY} [] true #true #true #false then {MakeInterval UpperX*LowerY UpperX*UpperY} [] true #true #false#false then {MakeInterval UpperX*LowerY LowerX*UpperY} [] true #false#true #true then {MakeInterval UpperY*LowerX UpperY*UpperX} [] true #false#false#false then {MakeInterval UpperX*LowerY LowerX*LowerY} [] false#false#true #true then {MakeInterval LowerX*UpperY LowerY*UpperX} [] false#false#true #false then {MakeInterval LowerX*UpperY LowerY*LowerX} [] false#false#false#false then {MakeInterval UpperX*UpperY LowerY*LowerX} [] true #false#true #false then local P1 = {LowerBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P2 = {LowerBound X} * {UpperBound Y} P3 = {UpperBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P4 = {UpperBound X} * {UpperBound Y} in {MakeInterval {Min {Min P1 P2} {Min P3 P4}} {Max {Max P1 P2} {Max P3 P4}}} end else raise 'multiply interval exception' end end end % Exercise 2.12 fun {MakeCenterPercent C P} {MakeCenterWidth C {Abs P*C/100.0}} end fun {Percent I} {Width I} / {Abs {Center I}} * 100.0 end % Exercise 2.14 % parallel resistors fun {Par1 R1 R2} {DivInterval {MulInterval R1 R2} {AddInterval R1 R2}} end fun {Par2 R1 R2} One = {MakeInterval 1.0 1.0} in {DivInterval One {AddInterval {DivInterval One R1} {DivInterval One R2}}} end R1 = {MakeCenterWidth 5.0 0.1} R2 = {MakeCenterWidth 10.0 0.1} {Browse {Par1 R1 R2}} {Browse {Par2 R1 R2}} % Module Translation INTERVAL = functor export makeInterval : MakeInterval lowerBound : LowerBound upperBound : UpperBound addInterval : AddInterval mulInterval : MulInterval divInterval : DivInterval makeCenterWidth : MakeCenterWidth center : Center width : Width define fun {MakeInterval A B} A#B end fun {LowerBound X#Y} X end fun {UpperBound X#Y} Y end fun {AddInterval X Y} {MakeInterval {LowerBound X}+{LowerBound Y} {UpperBound X}+{UpperBound Y}} end fun {MulInterval X Y} P1 = {LowerBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P2 = {LowerBound X} * {UpperBound Y} P3 = {UpperBound X} * {LowerBound Y} P4 = {UpperBound X} * {UpperBound Y} in {MakeInterval {Min {Min P1 P2} {Min P3 P4}} {Max {Max P1 P2} {Max P3 P4}}} end fun {DivInterval X Y} Z = {MakeInterval 1.0/{UpperBound Y} 1.0/{LowerBound Y}} in {MulInterval X Z} end fun {MakeCenterWidth C W} {MakeInterval C-W C+W} end fun {Center I} ({LowerBound I} + {UpperBound I}) / 2.0 end fun {Width I} ({UpperBound I} - {LowerBound I}) / 2.0 end end [Interval] = {Module.apply [INTERVAL]} % end Module Translation *) % Object Translation class IntervalOO feat UpperBound LowerBound meth init(X Y) self.UpperBound = X self.LowerBound = Y end meth addInterval(Other ?$) {New IntervalOO init(self.LowerBound*Other.LowerBound self.UpperBound*Other.UpperBound)} end meth mulInterval(Other ?$) P1 = self.LowerBound * Other.LowerBound P2 = self.LowerBound * Other.UpperBound P3 = self.UpperBound * Other.LowerBound P4 = self.UpperBound * Other.UpperBound in {New IntervalOO init({Min {Min P1 P2} {Min P3 P4}} {Max {Max P1 P2} {Max P3 P4}})} end meth divInterval(Other ?$) Z = {New IntervalOO init(1.0/Other.UpperBound 1.0/Other.LowerBound)} in {MulInterval X Z} end meth makeCenterWidth(C W ?$) {New IntervalOO init(C-W C+W)} end meth center(?$) (self.LowerBound + self.UpperBound) / 2.0 end meth width(?$) (self.UpperBound - self.LowerBound) / 2.0 end end % end Object Translation *) % 2.2.1 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Representing Sequences {Browse 1|2|3|4|nil} fun {Head L} L.1 end fun {Tail L} L.2 end OneThroughFour = [1 2 3 4] {Browse OneThroughFour} {Browse {Head OneThroughFour}} {Browse {Tail OneThroughFour}} {Browse {Head {Tail OneThroughFour}}} {Browse 10|OneThroughFour} {Browse 5|OneThroughFour} fun {ListRef Items N} case N of 0 then {Head Items} else {ListRef {Tail Items} N-1} end end Squares = [1 4 9 16 25] {Browse {ListRef Squares 3}} fun {Length1 Items} case Items of nil then 0 else 1 + {Length1 {Tail Items}} end end Odds = [1 3 5 7] {Browse {Length1 Odds}} fun {Length2 Items} fun {LengthIter L Count} case L of nil then Count else {LengthIter {Tail L} 1+Count} end end in {LengthIter Items 0} end fun {Append1 L1 L2} case L1 of nil then L2 else {Head L1}|{Append1 {Tail L1} L2} end end {Browse {Append1 Squares Odds}} {Browse {Append1 Odds Squares}} % Mapping over lists fun {ScaleList Items Factor} case Items of nil then nil else {Head Items} * Factor | {ScaleList {Tail Items} Factor} end end {Browse {ScaleList [1 2 3 4 5] 10}} fun {Map1 Items Proc} case Items of nil then nil else {Proc {Head Items}} | {Map1 {Tail Items} Proc} end end {Browse {Map1 [~10.0 2.5 ~11.6 17.0] Abs}} {Browse {Map1 [1 2 3 4] fun {$ X} X * X end}} fun {ScaleList2 Items Factor} {Map1 Items fun {$ X} X * Factor end} end /* Not sure how to translate these to Oz? (map + (list 1 2 3) (list 40 50 60) (list 700 800 900)) (map (lambda (x y) (+ x ( * 2 y))) (list 1 2 3) (list 4 5 6)) */ % Exercise 2.17 fun {LastPair L} case L of nil then nil [] H|nil then L [] H|T then {LastPair T} end end {Browse {LastPair [23 72 149 34]}} % Exercise 2.18 fun {Reverse1 L} case L of nil then nil [] H|T then {Append {Reverse1 T} [H]} end end fun {Reverse2 L} fun {ReverseIter L Accum} case L of nil then Accum [] H|T then {ReverseIter T H|Accum} end end in {ReverseIter L nil} end {Browse {Reverse1 [1 4 9 16 25]}} {Browse {Reverse2 [1 4 9 16 25]}} % Exercise 2.19 fun {NoMore CoinValues} CoinValues == nil end fun {ExceptFirstDenomination CoinValues} CoinValues.2 end fun {FirstDenomination CoinValues} CoinValues.1 end fun {CC Amount CoinValues} if Amount == 0 then 1 else if Amount < 0 orelse {NoMore CoinValues} then 0 else {CC Amount {ExceptFirstDenomination CoinValues}} + {CC Amount-{FirstDenomination CoinValues} CoinValues} end end end USCoins = [50 25 10 5 1] {Browse {CC 100 USCoins}} % Note: Oz doesn't like mixing ints and floats - scale by 2 and convert to int UKCoins = {Map1 {ScaleList [100.0 50.0 20.0 10.0 5.0 2.0 1.0 0.5] 2.0} FloatToInt} {Browse {CC 2*100 UKCoins}} % Exercise 2.20 fun {Filter1 L Pred} case L of nil then nil [] H|T then if {Pred H} then H|{Filter1 T Pred} else {Filter1 T Pred} end end end fun {SameParity L} Pred = if {IsOdd L.1} then IsOdd else IsEven end in {Filter1 L.2 Pred} end {Browse {SameParity [1 2 3 4 5 6 7]}} {Browse {SameParity [2 3 4 5 6 7]}} % Exercise 2.21 fun {SquareList1 L} case L of nil then nil [] H|T then (H*H)|{SquareList1 T} end end fun {SquareList2 L} {Map L fun {$ X} X*X end} end {Browse {SquareList1 [1 2 3 4]}} {Browse {SquareList2 [1 2 3 4]}} % Exercise 2.22 fun {SquareList3 L} fun {Iter L Answer} case L of nil then Answer [] H|T then {Iter T (H*H)|Answer} end end in {Iter L nil} end fun {SquareList4 L} fun {Iter L Answer} case L of nil then Answer [] H|T then {Iter T {Append Answer [H*H]}} end end in {Iter L nil} end fun {SquareList5 L} fun {Iter L Answer} case L of nil then Answer [] H|T then {Iter T (H*H)|Answer} end end in {Reverse {Iter L nil}} end {Browse {SquareList3 [1 2 3 4]}} {Browse {SquareList4 [1 2 3 4]}} {Browse {SquareList5 [1 2 3 4]}} % Exercise 2.23 proc {ForEach L F} case L of nil then skip [] H|T then {F H} {ForEach T F} end end {ForEach [57 321 88] proc {$ X} {Browse X} end} % 2.2.2 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Hierarchical Structures fun {CountLeaves Tree} case Tree of nil then 0 [] (H|S)|T then 1 + {CountLeaves S} + {CountLeaves T} [] H|T then 1 + {CountLeaves T} end end X2 = [[1 2] [3 4]] {Browse {Length X2}} {Browse {CountLeaves X2}} % Mapping over trees fun {ScaleTree Tree Factor} case Tree of nil then nil [] (H|S)|T then (H * Factor | {ScaleTree S Factor}) | {ScaleTree T Factor} [] H|T then H * Factor | {ScaleTree T Factor} end end {Browse {ScaleTree [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [6 7]] 10}} fun {ScaleTree2 Tree Factor} {Map Tree fun {$ SubTree} case SubTree of H|T then {ScaleTree2 SubTree Factor} else SubTree * Factor end end} end % Exercise 2.24 {Browse [1 [2 [3 4]]]} % Exercise 2.25 {Browse [1 3 [5 7] 9]} {Browse [[7]]} {Browse [1 [2 [3 [4 [5 [6 7]]]]]]} % Exercise 2.26 X3 = [1 2 3] Y3 = [4 5 6] {Browse {Append X3 Y3}} {Browse X3|Y3} {Browse [X3 Y3]} % Exercise 2.27 fun {DeepReverse L} case L of nil then nil [] H|T then if {IsList H} then {Append {DeepReverse T} [{DeepReverse H}]} else {Append {DeepReverse T} [H]} end end end X4 = [[1 2] [3 4]] {Browse X4} {Browse {Reverse X4}} {Browse {DeepReverse X4}} % Exercise 2.28 fun {Fringe L} case L of nil then nil [] H|T then if {IsList H} then {Append {Fringe H} {Fringe T}} else H|{Fringe T} end end end X5 = [[1 2] [3 4]] {Browse {Fringe X5}} {Browse {Fringe [X5 X5]}} % Exercise 2.29 % List-based representation % a. fun {MakeMobile Left Right} [Left Right] end fun {MakeBranch Length Struct} [Length Struct] end fun {LeftBranch Mobile} Mobile.1 end fun {RightBranch Mobile} Mobile.2.1 end fun {BranchLength Branch} Branch.1 end fun {BranchStruct Branch} Branch.2.1 end % Helpers for b. and c. fun {BranchWeight Branch} local Struct = {BranchStruct Branch} in if {IsList Struct} then {BranchWeight {LeftBranch Struct}} + {BranchWeight {RightBranch Struct}} else Struct end end end % b. fun {TotalWeight Mobile} {BranchWeight {LeftBranch Mobile}} + {BranchWeight {RightBranch Mobile}} end % c. fun {IsMobileBalanced Mobile} L = {LeftBranch Mobile} R = {RightBranch Mobile} Lmwl = {BranchLength L} * {BranchWeight L} Rmwl = {BranchLength R} * {BranchWeight R} in if Lmwl == Rmwl then if {IsList {BranchStruct L}} andthen {IsList {BranchStruct R}} then {IsMobileBalanced {BranchStruct L}} andthen {IsMobileBalanced {BranchStruct R}} elseif {IsList {BranchStruct L}} then {IsMobileBalanced {BranchStruct L}} elseif {IsList {BranchStruct R}} then {IsMobileBalanced {BranchStruct R}} else true end else false end end M1 = {MakeMobile {MakeBranch 10 100} {MakeBranch 10 {MakeMobile {MakeBranch 40 20} {MakeBranch 10 80}}}} M2 = [[10 100] [10 [[40 20] [10 80]]]] {Browse {TotalWeight M1}#{TotalWeight M2}} {Browse {IsMobileBalanced M1}#{IsMobileBalanced M2}} % d. %fun {MakeMobile Left Right} Left#Right end %fun {MakeBranch Length Struc} Length#Struc end %fun {RightBranch Mobile} Mobile.2 end %fun {BranchStruct Branch} Branch.2 end % Exercise 2.30 fun {SquareTree Tree} case Tree of nil then nil [] H|T then if {IsList H} then {Append [{SquareTree H}] {SquareTree T}} else (H*H)|{SquareTree T} end end end {Browse {SquareTree [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [6 7]]}} fun {SquareTree1 Tree} {Map Tree fun {$ SubTree} if {IsList SubTree} then {SquareTree1 SubTree} else SubTree*SubTree end end} end {Browse {SquareTree1 [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [6 7]]}} % Exercise 2.31 fun {TreeMap Tree Proc} case Tree of nil then nil [] H|T then if {IsList H} then {Append [{TreeMap H Proc}] {TreeMap T Proc}} else {Proc H}|{TreeMap T Proc} end end end fun {SquareTree2 Tree} {TreeMap Tree fun {$ X} X * X end} end {Browse {SquareTree2 [1 [2 [3 4] 5] [6 7]]}} % Exercise 2.32 fun {Subsets S} case S of nil then [nil] [] H|T then local Rest = {Subsets T} in {Append Rest {Map Rest fun {$ X} H|X end}} end end end {Browse {Subsets [1 2 3]}} % Alternate Translation Using Records instead of lists local fun {LengthTree Tree} case Tree of node(L) then {Length L} [] leaf(X) then 1 end end fun {CountLeaves Tree} case Tree of node(nil) then 0 [] node(H|T) then {CountLeaves H} + {CountLeaves node(T)} [] leaf(X) then 1 end end X2 = node([node([leaf(1) leaf(2)]) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)])]) {Browse X2} {Browse {LengthTree X2}} {Browse {CountLeaves X2}} {Browse node([X2 X2])} {Browse {LengthTree node([X2 X2])}} {Browse {CountLeaves node([X2 X2])}} % Mapping over trees fun {ScaleTree Tree Factor} {Browse Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf(X * Factor) [] node(nil) then node(nil) [] node(H|T) then {ScaleTree H Factor} | {ScaleTree node(T) Factor} end end {Browse {ScaleTree node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)]) leaf(5)]) node([leaf(6) leaf(7)])]) 10}} % Exercise 2.24 {Browse node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)])])])} % Exercise 2.25 {Browse node([leaf(1) leaf(3) node([leaf(5) leaf(7)]) leaf(9)])} {Browse node([node([leaf(7)])])} {Browse node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) node([leaf(4) node([leaf(5) node([leaf(6) leaf(7)])])])])])])} % Exercise 2.26 fun {AppendTree Tree1 Tree2} case Tree1#Tree2 of node(X)#leaf(Y) then {Append X [leaf(Y)]} [] leaf(X)#node(Y) then node(leaf(X)|Y) [] node(X)#node(Y) then node({Append X Y}) [] leaf(X)#leaf(Y) then node([leaf(X) leaf(Y)]) end end X3 = node([leaf(1) leaf(2) leaf(3)]) Y3 = node([leaf(4) leaf(5) leaf(6)]) {Browse {AppendTree X3 Y3}} {Browse node([X3 node(Y3)])} {Browse node([X3 Y3])} % Exercise 2.27 fun {ReverseTree Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf(X) [] node(L) then node({Reverse L}) end end fun {DeepReverseTree Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf(X) [] node(L) then node({Reverse {Map L DeepReverseTree}}) end end X4 = node([node([leaf(1) leaf(2)]) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)])]) {Browse X4} {Browse {ReverseTree X4}} {Browse {DeepReverseTree X4}} % Exercise 2.28 fun {Fringe Tree} {Browse Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then [X] [] node(nil) then nil [] node(H|T) then {Append {Fringe H} {Fringe node(T)}} end end X5 = node([node([leaf(1) leaf(2)]) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)])]) {Browse {Fringe X5}} {Browse {Fringe node([X5 X5])}} % Exercise 2.29 % Record-based representation % a. fun {MakeMobile Left Right} mobile(Left Right) end fun {MakeBranch Len Struct} branch(Len Struct) end fun {MakeWeight Weight} weight(Weight) end fun {LeftBranch Mobile=mobile(Left Right)} Left end fun {RightBranch Mobile=mobile(Left Right)} Right end fun {BranchLength Branch=branch(Len Struct)} Len end fun {BranchStruct Branch=branch(Len Struct)} Struct end % Helpers for b. and c. fun {BranchWeight Branch} case Branch of branch(Len mobile(Left Right)) then {BranchWeight Left} + {BranchWeight Right} [] branch(Len weight(Weight)) then Weight end end % b. fun {TotalWeight Mobile} {BranchWeight {LeftBranch Mobile}} + {BranchWeight {RightBranch Mobile}} end % c. fun {IsMobileBalanced Mobile} Lmwl = {BranchLength {LeftBranch Mobile}} * {BranchWeight {LeftBranch Mobile}} Rmwl = {BranchLength {RightBranch Mobile}} * {BranchWeight {RightBranch Mobile}} in if Lmwl == Rmwl then case Mobile of mobile(branch(_ M1=mobile(_ _)) branch(_ M2=mobile(_ _))) then {IsMobileBalanced M1} andthen {IsMobileBalanced M2} [] mobile(branch(_ M1=mobile(_ _)) _) then {IsMobileBalanced M1} [] mobile(_ branch(_ M2=mobile(_ _))) then {IsMobileBalanced M2} else true end else false end end M1 = {MakeMobile {MakeBranch 10 {MakeWeight 100}} {MakeBranch 10 {MakeMobile {MakeBranch 40 {MakeWeight 20}} {MakeBranch 10 {MakeWeight 80}}}}} M2 = mobile(branch(10 weight(100)) branch(10 mobile(branch(40 weight(20)) branch(10 weight(80))))) {Browse {TotalWeight M1}#{TotalWeight M2}} {Browse {IsMobileBalanced M1}#{IsMobileBalanced M2}} % Exercise 2.30 fun {NodeList node(Xs)} Xs end fun {SquareTree Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf(X * X) [] node(nil) then node(nil) [] node(H|T) then node({SquareTree H} | {NodeList {SquareTree node(T)}}) end end {Browse {SquareTree node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)]) leaf(5)]) node([leaf(6) leaf(7)])])}} fun {SquareTree1 Tree} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf(X * X) [] node(L) then node({Map L SquareTree1}) end end {Browse {SquareTree1 node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)]) leaf(5)]) node([leaf(6) leaf(7)])])}} % Exercise 2.31 fun {TreeMap Tree Proc} case Tree of leaf(X) then leaf({Proc X}) [] node(L) then node({Map L fun {$ Y} {TreeMap Y Proc} end}) end end fun {SquareTree2 Tree} {TreeMap Tree fun {$ X} X * X end} end {Browse {SquareTree2 node([leaf(1) node([leaf(2) node([leaf(3) leaf(4)]) leaf(5)]) node([leaf(6) leaf(7)])])}} in skip end % 2.2.3 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Sequences as Conventional Interfaces fun {SumOddSquares Tree} case Tree of nil then 0 [] (H|S)|T then {SumOddSquares H|S} + {SumOddSquares T} [] H|T then if {IsOdd H} == true then {Square H} + {SumOddSquares T} else {SumOddSquares T} end end end fun {EvenFibs N} fun {Next K} if K > N then nil else local F = {Fib K} in if {IsEven F} then F|{Next K+1} else {Next K+1} end end end end in {Next 0} end % Sequence operations {Browse {Map [1 2 3 4 5] Square}} fun {Filter2 Sequence Predicate} case Sequence of nil then nil [] H|T then if {Predicate H} then H|{Filter2 T Predicate} else {Filter2 T Predicate} end end end {Browse {Filter2 [1 2 3 4 5] IsOdd}} % Accumulate is equivalent to FoldR fun {Accumulate Sequence Oper Initial} case Sequence of nil then Initial [] H|T then {Oper H {Accumulate T Oper Initial}} end end {Browse {Accumulate [1 2 3 4 5] Number.'+' 0}} {Browse {Accumulate [1 2 3 4 5] Number.'*' 1}} {Browse {Accumulate [1 2 3 4 5] fun {$ A B} A | B end nil}} fun {EnumerateInterval Low High} if Low > High then nil else Low | {EnumerateInterval Low+1 High} end end {Browse {EnumerateInterval 2 7}} fun {EnumerateTree Tree} case Tree of nil then nil [] (H|S)|T then {Append {EnumerateTree H|S} {EnumerateTree T}} [] H|T then H|{EnumerateTree T} end end {Browse {EnumerateTree [1 [2 [3 4] 5]]}} fun {SumOddSquares2 Tree} {Accumulate {Map {Filter {EnumerateTree Tree} IsOdd} Square} Number.'+' 0} end {Browse {SumOddSquares2 [1 [2 [3 4] 5]]}} fun {EvenFibs2 N} {Accumulate {Filter {Map {EnumerateInterval 0 N} Fib} IsEven} fun {$ A B} A | B end nil} end {Browse {EvenFibs2 10}} fun {ListFibSquares N} {Accumulate {Map {Map {EnumerateInterval 0 N} Fib} Square} fun {$ A B} A | B end nil} end {Browse {ListFibSquares 10}} fun {ProductOfSquaresOfOddElements Sequence} {Accumulate {Map {Filter Sequence IsOdd} Square} Number.'*' 1} end {Browse {ProductOfSquaresOfOddElements [1 2 3 4 5]}} fun {IsProgrammer Emp} case Emp of employee(jobtitle:X ...) then X == "Programmer" end end {Browse {IsProgrammer employee(name:"Fred" jobtitle:"Programmer" salary:180)}} fun {Salary Emp} case Emp of employee(salary:X ...) then X end end {Browse {Salary employee(name:"Fred" jobtitle:"Programmer" salary:180)}} fun {SalaryOfHighestPaidProgrammer Records} {Accumulate {Map {Filter Records IsProgrammer} Salary} Max 0} end Recs = [employee(name:"Fred" jobtitle:"Programmer" salary:180) employee(name:"Hank" jobtitle:"Programmer" salary:150)] {Browse {SalaryOfHighestPaidProgrammer Recs}} % Nested mappings N = 10 % book doesn't define N {Browse {Accumulate {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 N} fun {$ I} {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 I-1} fun {$ J} [I J] end} end} Append nil}} fun {Flatmap Seq Proc} {Accumulate {Map Seq Proc} Append nil} end fun {HasNoDivisors N C} case C of 1 then true else if N mod C == 0 then false else {HasNoDivisors N C-1} end end end fun {IsPrime N} {HasNoDivisors N N-1} end fun {PrimeSum L} case L of [X Y] then {IsPrime X+Y} end end fun {MakePairSum L} case L of [X Y] then [X Y X+Y] end end fun {PrimeSumPairs N} {Map {Filter {Flatmap {EnumerateInterval 1 N} fun {$ I} {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 I-1} fun {$ J} [I J] end} end} PrimeSum} MakePairSum} end fun {Remove Sequence Item} {Filter Sequence fun {$ X} X \= Item end} end fun {Permutations Seq} case Seq of nil then [nil] else {Flatmap Seq fun {$ X} {Map {Permutations {Remove Seq X}} fun {$ P} X|P end} end} end end {Browse {Permutations [1 2 3]}} % Exercise 2.33 fun {Map2 Seq Proc} {Accumulate Seq fun {$ A B} {Proc A} | B end nil} end fun {Append2 Seq1 Seq2} {Accumulate Seq1 fun {$ A B} A|B end Seq2} end fun {Length3 Seq} {Accumulate Seq fun {$ X Y} Y+1 end 0} end % Exercise 2.34 fun {HornerEval C CoefficientSequence} {Accumulate CoefficientSequence fun {$ ThisCoeff HigherTerms} C*HigherTerms + ThisCoeff end 0} end {Browse {HornerEval 2 [1 3 0 5 0 1]}} % Exercise 2.35 fun {CountLeaves2 Tree} {Accumulate {Map {EnumerateTree Tree} fun {$ X} 1 end} Number.'+' 0} end {Browse {CountLeaves2 X2}} % Exercise 2.36 fun {AccumulateN Seq Oper Init} case Seq of nil|_ then nil else {Accumulate {Map Seq Head} Oper Init} | {AccumulateN {Map Seq Tail} Oper Init} end end {Browse {AccumulateN [[1 2 3] [4 5 6] [7 8 9] [10 11 12]] Number.'+' 0}} % Exercise 2.37 % Still not quite right since won't handle multiply in nested arrays fun {ExtendedMap L Proc} case L of (H1|T1)#(H2|T2) then {Proc H1 H2} | {ExtendedMap T1#T2 Proc} [] (H1|T1)#(H2|T2)#(H3|T3) then {Proc {Proc H1 H2} H3} | {ExtendedMap T1#T2#T3 Proc} else nil end end {Browse {ExtendedMap [1 2 3]#[40 50 60]#[700 800 900] Number.'+'}} fun {DotProduct V W} {AccumulateN {Map V fun {$ L} {ExtendedMap L#W Number.'*'} end} Number.'+' 0} end {Browse {DotProduct [[1 2 3 4] [4 5 6 6] [6 7 8 9]] [1 1 1 1]}} fun {MatrixTimesVector M V} {Map M fun {$ Row} {DotProduct Row V} end} end fun {Transpose M} {AccumulateN M fun {$ A B} A|B end nil} end fun {MatrixTimesMatrix M N} Cols = {Transpose N} in {Map M fun {$ Row} {MatrixTimesVector Cols Row} end} end % Exercise 2.38 FoldRight = Accumulate fun {FoldLeft Sequence Oper Initial} fun {Iter L Result} case L of nil then Result [] H|T then {Iter T {Oper Result H}} end end in {Iter Sequence Initial} end {Browse {FoldRight [1.0 2.0 3.0] Float.'/' 1.0}} {Browse {FoldLeft [1.0 2.0 3.0] Float.'/' 1.0}} {Browse {FoldRight [1 2 3] fun {$ A B} A | B end nil}} {Browse {FoldLeft [1 2 3] fun {$ A B} A | B end nil}} % Exercise 2.39 fun {ReverseR Seq} {FoldR Seq fun {$ X Y} {Append Y [X]} end nil} end fun {ReverseL Seq} {FoldL Seq fun {$ X Y} Y | X end nil} end {Browse {ReverseR [1 2 3 4]}} {Browse {ReverseL [1 2 3 4]}} % Exercise 2.40 fun {UniquePairs N} {Flatmap {EnumerateInterval 1 N} fun {$ I} {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 I-1} fun {$ J} [I J] end} end } end fun {PrimeSumPairs_ N} {Map {Filter {UniquePairs N} PrimeSum} MakePairSum} end % Exercise 2.41 fun {UniqueTriples N} {Flatmap {EnumerateInterval 1 N} fun {$ I} {Flatmap {EnumerateInterval 1 I-1} fun {$ J} {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 J-1} fun {$ K} [I J K] end} end} end} end fun {TriplesSumS SumsTo N} {Filter {UniqueTriples N} fun {$ Triple} {Accumulate Triple Number.'+' 0} == SumsTo end} end {Browse {TriplesSumS 10 5}} % Exercise 2.42 fun {Queens BoardSize} fun {QueenCols K} case K of 0 then [EmptyBoard] else {Filter {Flatmap {QueenCols K-1} fun {$ RestOfQueens} {Map {EnumerateInterval 1 BoardSize} fun {$ NewRow} {AdjoinPosition NewRow K RestOfQueens} end} end} fun {$ Positions} {IsSafe K Positions} end} end end in {QueenCols BoardSize} end EmptyBoard = nil fun {AdjoinPosition NewRow K RestOfQueens} case RestOfQueens of nil then [K#NewRow] else (K#NewRow)|RestOfQueens end end fun {RemoveTargetColumn Column Board} {Filter Board fun {$ X} X.1 \= Column end} end fun {GetTargetColumn Column Board} {Head {Filter Board fun {$ X} X.1 == Column end}} end fun {IsCheck Pos1 Pos2} H1#T1 = Pos1 H2#T2 = Pos2 in if H1 == H2 then true elseif T1 == T2 then true elseif {Abs H1-H2} == {Abs T1-T2} then true else false end end fun {BoardChecks Pos Board} case Board of nil then true [] H|T then if {IsCheck Pos H} then false else {BoardChecks Pos T} end end end fun {IsSafe X Y} {BoardChecks {GetTargetColumn X Y} {RemoveTargetColumn X Y}} end {Browse {Queens 4}} % Exercise 2.43 fun {Queens_ BoardSize} fun {QueenCols K} case K of 0 then [EmptyBoard] else {Filter {Flatmap {EnumerateInterval 1 BoardSize} fun {$ NewRow} {Map {QueenCols K-1} fun {$ RestOfQueens} {AdjoinPosition NewRow K RestOfQueens} end} end} fun {$ Positions} {IsSafe K Positions} end} end end in {QueenCols BoardSize} end {Browse {Queens_ 4}} % 2.2.4 Hierarchical Data and the Closure Property - Example: a picture language % drawing primitives - output a postscript file [File]={ ['File.ozf']} {File.writeOpen ''} PostscriptPageIndex = {NewCell 0} {File.write "%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n"} {File.write "%%Pages: 9\n\n"} % note: I'm hard coding the number of postscript pages (9) that are generated below. proc {Postscript Wave} PostscriptPageIndex := @PostscriptPageIndex + 1 {File.write "%%Page: "} {File.write @PostscriptPageIndex} {File.write " "} {File.write @PostscriptPageIndex} {File.write "\n"} {File.write "/inch {72 8 mul mul} def\n"} {Wave {MakeFrame {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}}} {File.write "showpage\n"} {File.write "\n"} end proc {DrawLine X Y} {File.write "newpath\n"} case X#Y of (vect(x:X0 y:Y0))#(vect(x:X1 y:Y1)) then {File.write X0#" inch "#Y0#" inch moveto\n"} {File.write X1#" inch "#Y1#" inch lineto\n"} end {File.write "closepath\n"} {File.write "stroke\n"} end proc {Wave XFrame} Segs = [{MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.40 1.00} {MakeVect 0.35 0.80}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.35 0.80} {MakeVect 0.40 0.60}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.40 0.60} {MakeVect 0.30 0.60}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.30 0.60} {MakeVect 0.20 0.55}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.20 0.55} {MakeVect 0.00 0.80}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.00 0.60} {MakeVect 0.20 0.45}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.20 0.45} {MakeVect 0.30 0.55}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.30 0.55} {MakeVect 0.35 0.50}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.35 0.50} {MakeVect 0.25 0.00}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.40 0.00} {MakeVect 0.50 0.20}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.50 0.20} {MakeVect 0.60 0.00}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.75 0.00} {MakeVect 0.65 0.50}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.65 0.50} {MakeVect 1.00 0.20}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 1.00 0.40} {MakeVect 0.70 0.60}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.70 0.60} {MakeVect 0.60 0.60}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.60 0.60} {MakeVect 0.65 0.80}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.65 0.80} {MakeVect 0.60 1.00}}] in {{SegmentsPainter Segs} XFrame} end fun {MakeVect X Y} vect(x:X y:Y) end fun {XcorVect V} case V of vect(x:X ...) then X end end fun {YcorVect V} case V of vect(y:Y ...) then Y end end fun {AddVect V1 V2} {MakeVect {XcorVect V1}+{XcorVect V2} {YcorVect V1}+{YcorVect V2}} end fun {SubVect V1 V2} {MakeVect {XcorVect V1}-{XcorVect V2} {YcorVect V1}-{YcorVect V2}} end fun {ScaleVect S V} {MakeVect S*{XcorVect V} S*{YcorVect V}} end fun {MakeFrame Origin Edge1 Edge2} frame(origin:Origin edge1:Edge1 edge2:Edge2) end fun {OriginFrame F} case F of frame(origin:Origin ...) then Origin end end fun {Edge1Frame F} case F of frame(edge1:Edge1 ...) then Edge1 end end fun {Edge2Frame F} case F of frame(edge2:Edge2 ...) then Edge2 end end AFrame = {MakeFrame {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}} fun {MakeSegment_1 StartSegment EndSegment} segment(x:StartSegment y:EndSegment) end fun {StartSegment_1 S} case S of segment(x:X ...) then X end end fun {EndSegment_1 S} case S of segment(y:Y ...) then Y end end % Frames fun {FrameCoordMap XFrame} fun {$ V} {AddVect {OriginFrame XFrame} {AddVect {ScaleVect {XcorVect V} {Edge1Frame XFrame}} {ScaleVect {YcorVect V} {Edge2Frame XFrame}}}} end end _ = {{FrameCoordMap AFrame} {MakeVect 0.0 0.0}} _ = {OriginFrame AFrame} % Painters fun {SegmentsPainter SegmentList} proc {$ XFrame} {ForEach SegmentList proc {$ Segment} {DrawLine {{FrameCoordMap XFrame} {StartSegment_1 Segment}} {{FrameCoordMap XFrame} {EndSegment_1 Segment}}} end} end end {Postscript Wave} fun {TransformPainter Painter Origin Corner1 Corner2} proc {$ XFrame} M = {FrameCoordMap XFrame} NewOrigin = {M Origin} in {Painter {MakeFrame NewOrigin {SubVect {M Corner1} NewOrigin} {SubVect {M Corner2} NewOrigin}}} end end fun {FlipVert Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 0.0 1.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0} {MakeVect 0.0 0.0}} end fun {ShrinkToUpperRight Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 0.5 0.5} {MakeVect 1.0 0.5} {MakeVect 0.5 1.0}} end fun {Rotate90 Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0} {MakeVect 0.0 0.0}} end fun {SquashInwards Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.65 0.35} {MakeVect 0.35 0.65}} end fun {Beside Painter1 Painter2} proc {$ XFrame} SplitPoint = {MakeVect 0.5 0.0} PaintLeft = {TransformPainter Painter1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} SplitPoint {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}} PaintRight = {TransformPainter Painter2 SplitPoint {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.5 1.0}} in {PaintLeft XFrame} {PaintRight XFrame} end end fun {Below Painter1 Painter2} proc {$ XFrame} SplitPoint = {MakeVect 0.0 0.5} PaintBelow = {TransformPainter Painter1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} SplitPoint} PaintAbove = {TransformPainter Painter2 SplitPoint {MakeVect 1.0 0.5} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}} in {PaintBelow XFrame} {PaintAbove XFrame} end end Wave2 = {Beside Wave {FlipVert Wave}} Wave4 = {Below Wave2 Wave2} {Postscript Wave2} {Postscript Wave4} fun {FlippedPairs Painter} Painter2 = {Beside Painter {FlipVert Painter}} in {Below Painter2 Painter2} end Wave4_ = {FlippedPairs Wave} {Postscript Wave4_} fun {RightSplit Painter N} case N of 0 then Painter else local Smaller = {RightSplit Painter N-1} in {Beside Painter {Below Smaller Smaller}} end end end fun {CornerSplit Painter N} case N of 0 then Painter else local Up = {UpSplit Painter N-1} Right = {RightSplit Painter N-1} TopLeft = {Beside Up Up} BottomRight = {Below Right Right} Corner = {CornerSplit Painter N-1} in {Beside {Below Painter TopLeft} {Below BottomRight Corner}} end end end fun {SquareLimit Painter N} Quarter = {CornerSplit Painter N} Half = {Beside {FlipHoriz Quarter} Quarter} in {Below {FlipVert Half} Half} end % Higher_order operations fun {SquareOfFour TLeft TRight BLeft BRight} fun {$ Painter} Top = {Beside {TLeft Painter} {TRight Painter}} Bottom = {Beside {BLeft Painter} {BRight Painter}} in {Below Bottom Top} end end fun {FlippedPairs2 Painter} Combine4 = {SquareOfFour Identity FlipVert Identity FlipVert} in {Combine4 Painter} end % footnote FlippedPairs3 = {SquareOfFour Identity FlipVert Identity FlipVert} fun {SquareLimit2 Painter N} Combine4 = {SquareOfFour FlipHoriz Identity Rotate180 FlipVert} in {Combine4 {CornerSplit Painter N}} end % Exercise 2.44 fun {UpSplit Painter N} case N of 0 then Painter else local Smaller = {UpSplit Painter N-1} in {Below Painter {Beside Smaller Smaller}} end end end {Postscript {UpSplit Wave 4}} % Exercise 2.45 fun {Split CombineMain CombineSmaller} fun {$ Painter N} if N == 0 then Painter else local Smaller = {{Split CombineMain CombineSmaller} Painter N-1} in {CombineMain Painter {CombineSmaller Smaller Smaller}} end end end end RightSplit_ = {Split Beside Below} UpSplit_ = {Split Below Beside} {Postscript {UpSplit_ Wave 4}} {Postscript {RightSplit_ Wave 4}} % Exercise 2.46 fun {MakeVect_ X Y} X#Y end fun {XcorVect_ X#Y} X end fun {YcorVect_ X#Y} Y end fun {AddVect_ V1 V2} {MakeVect_ {XcorVect_ V1}+{XcorVect_ V2} {YcorVect_ V1}+{YcorVect_ V2}} end fun {SubVect_ V1 V2} {MakeVect_ {XcorVect_ V1}-{XcorVect_ V2} {YcorVect_ V1}-{YcorVect_ V2}} end fun {ScaleVect_ S V} {MakeVect_ S*{XcorVect_ V} S*{YcorVect_ V}} end % Exercise 2.47 fun {MakeFrame2 Origin Edge1 Edge2} [Origin Edge1 Edge2] end fun {MakeFrame3 Origin Edge1 Edge2} [Origin [Edge1 Edge2]] end fun {OriginFrame2 F} F.1 end fun {Edge1Frame2 F} F.2.1 end fun {Edge2Frame2 F} F.2.2.1 end fun {OriginFrame3 F} F.1 end fun {Edge1Frame3 F} F.2.1.1 end fun {Edge2Frame3 F} F. end % Exercise 2.48 fun {MakeSegment_ VStart VEnd} VStart#VEnd end fun {StartSegment_ VStart#VEnd} VStart end fun {EndSegment_ VStart#VEnd} VEnd end % Exercise 2.49 proc {Outline XFrame} Segs = [{MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 1.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0}}] in {{SegmentsPainter Segs} XFrame} end proc {XXX XFrame} Segs = [{MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0}}] in {{SegmentsPainter Segs} XFrame} end proc {Diamond XFrame} Segs = [{MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.5 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.5}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 1.0 0.5} {MakeVect 0.5 1.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.5} {MakeVect 0.5 0.0}} {MakeSegment_1 {MakeVect 0.0 0.5} {MakeVect 0.5 1.0}}] in {{SegmentsPainter Segs} XFrame} end {Postscript {Below {Beside Outline XXX} {Beside Diamond Wave}}} % Exercise 2.50 fun {FlipHoriz Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 0.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0}} end fun {Rotate180 Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 1.0 1.0} {MakeVect 0.0 1.0} {MakeVect 1.0 0.0}} end fun {Rotate270 Painter} {TransformPainter Painter {MakeVect 1.0 0.0} {MakeVect 1.0 1.0} {MakeVect 0.0 0.0}} end % Exercise 2.51 % see definition of Below given above fun {BelowRot Painter1 Painter2} {Rotate90 {Beside {Rotate270 Painter1} {Rotate270 Painter2}}} end % Exercise 2.52 % see definition of CornerSplit given above {Postscript {SquareLimit Wave 4}} {File.writeClose} % 2.3.1 Symbolic Data - Quotation % To Be Done. % 2.3.2 Symbolic Data - Example: Symbolic Differentiation fun {IsSameNumber X Y} {IsNumber X} andthen {IsNumber Y} andthen X == Y end fun {IsVariable X} {IsAtom X} end fun {IsSameVariable X Y} {IsVariable X} andthen {IsVariable Y} andthen X == Y end fun {IsSum L} case L of sum(...) then true else false end end fun {IsProduct L} case L of product(...) then true else false end end fun {MakeSum X Y} if {IsNumber X} andthen {IsNumber Y} then X + Y else sum(X Y) end end fun {MakeProduct X Y} if {IsNumber X} andthen {IsNumber Y} then X * Y else product(X Y) end end fun {AddEnd L} case L of sum(X ...) then X else raise invalid('a - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {AugEnd L} case L of sum(_ Y) then Y else raise invalid('b - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Multiplier L} case L of product(X ...) then X else raise invalid('c - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Multiplicand L} case L of product(_ Y) then Y else raise invalid('d - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Deriv Expr Var} if {IsNumber Expr} then 0 elseif {IsVariable Expr} then if {IsSameVariable Expr Var} then 1 else 0 end elseif {IsSum Expr} then {MakeSum {Deriv {AddEnd Expr} Var} {Deriv {AugEnd Expr} Var}} elseif {IsProduct Expr} then {MakeSum {MakeProduct {Multiplier Expr} {Deriv {Multiplicand Expr} Var}} {MakeProduct {Deriv {Multiplier Expr} Var} {Multiplicand Expr}}} else raise invalid('Invalid Exprression ' # Expr) end end end % dx(x + 3) = 1 {Browse {Deriv sum(x 3) x}} % dx(x*y) = y {Browse {Deriv product(x y) x}} % dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 {Browse {Deriv sum(sum(product(x y) x) 3) x}} % with simplification fun {MakeSum1 X Y} if {IsNumber X} andthen X == 0 then Y elseif {IsNumber Y} andthen Y == 0 then X elseif {IsNumber X} andthen {IsNumber Y} then X + Y else sum(X Y) end end fun {MakeProduct1 X Y} if {IsNumber X} andthen X == 0 then 0 elseif {IsNumber Y} andthen Y == 0 then 0 elseif {IsNumber X} andthen X == 1 then Y elseif {IsNumber Y} andthen Y == 1 then X elseif {IsNumber X} andthen {IsNumber Y} then X * Y else product(X Y) end end fun {Deriv1 Expr Var} if {IsNumber Expr} then 0 elseif {IsVariable Expr} then if {IsSameVariable Expr Var} then 1 else 0 end elseif {IsSum Expr} then {MakeSum1 {Deriv1 {AddEnd Expr} Var} {Deriv1 {AugEnd Expr} Var}} elseif {IsProduct Expr} then {MakeSum1 {MakeProduct1 {Multiplier Expr} {Deriv1 {Multiplicand Expr} Var}} {MakeProduct1 {Deriv1 {Multiplier Expr} Var} {Multiplicand Expr}}} else raise invalid('Invalid Exprression ' # Expr) end end end % dx(x + 3) = 1 {Browse {Deriv1 sum(x 3) x}} % dx(x*y) = y {Browse {Deriv1 product(x y) x}} % dx(x*y + x + 3) = y + 1 {Browse {Deriv1 sum(sum(product(x y) x) 3) x}} % Exercise 2.56 fun {MakeExponentiation Base Exp} if {IsNumber Exp} andthen Exp == 0 then 1 elseif {IsNumber Exp} andthen Exp == 1 then Base elseif {IsNumber Exp} andthen {IsNumber Base} then {Pow Base Exp} else power(Base Exp) end end fun {IsExponentiation L} case L of power(X Y) then true else false end end fun {Base L} case L of power(X _) then X else raise invalid('e - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Exponent L} case L of power(_ Y) then Y else raise invalid('f - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Deriv2 Expr Var} if {IsNumber Expr} then 0 elseif {IsVariable Expr} then if {IsSameVariable Expr Var} then 1 else 0 end elseif {IsExponentiation Expr} then {MakeProduct1 {MakeProduct1 {Exponent Expr} {MakeExponentiation {Base Expr} {MakeSum1 {Exponent Expr} ~1}}} {Deriv2 {Base Expr} Var}} elseif {IsSum Expr} then {MakeSum1 {Deriv2 {AddEnd Expr} Var} {Deriv2 {AugEnd Expr} Var}} elseif {IsProduct Expr} then {MakeSum1 {MakeProduct1 {Multiplier Expr} {Deriv2 {Multiplicand Expr} Var}} {MakeProduct1 {Deriv2 {Multiplier Expr} Var} {Multiplicand Expr}}} else raise invalid('Invalid Exprression ' # Expr) end end end % Exercise 2.57 fun {AugEnd2 L} case L of sum(_ Y) then Y [] sum(_ Y ...) then {List.toTuple {Label L} {Record.toList L}.2} else raise invalid('g - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Multiplicand2 L} case L of product(_ Y) then Y [] product(_ Y ...) then {List.toTuple {Label L} {Record.toList L}.2} else raise invalid('h - Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end fun {Deriv3 Expr Var} if {IsNumber Expr} then 0 elseif {IsVariable Expr} then if {IsSameVariable Expr Var} then 1 else 0 end elseif {IsExponentiation Expr} then {MakeProduct1 {MakeProduct1 {Exponent Expr} {MakeExponentiation {Base Expr} {MakeSum1 {Exponent Expr} ~1}}} {Deriv3 {Base Expr} Var}} elseif {IsSum Expr} then {MakeSum1 {Deriv3 {AddEnd Expr} Var} {Deriv3 {AugEnd2 Expr} Var}} elseif {IsProduct Expr} then {MakeSum1 {MakeProduct1 {Multiplier Expr} {Deriv3 {Multiplicand2 Expr} Var}} {MakeProduct1 {Deriv3 {Multiplier Expr} Var} {Multiplicand2 Expr}}} else raise invalid('Invalid Exprression ' # Expr) end end end % dx(x*y*(x+3)) = dx(x*x*y + 3*x*y) = 2xy + 3y {Browse {Deriv3 sum(product(x x y) product(3 x y)) x}} % Exercise 2.58 % To Be Done % 2.3.3 Symbolic Data - Example: Representing Sets % unordered fun {IsElementOfSet X L} case L of nil then false [] H|T then if X == H then true else {IsElementOfSet X T} end end end fun {AdjoinSet X Set} if {IsElementOfSet X Set} then Set else X|Set end end fun {IntersectionSet Set1 Set2} case Set1#Set2 of nil#_ then nil [] _#nil then nil [] (H|T)#_ then if {IsElementOfSet H Set2} then H|{IntersectionSet T Set2} else {IntersectionSet T Set2} end end end % ordered fun {IsElementOfSet1 X L} case L of nil then false [] H|T then if X == H then true else if X < H then false else {IsElementOfSet1 X T} end end end end fun {IntersectionSet1 Set1 Set2} case Set1#Set2 of nil#_ then nil [] _#nil then nil [] (X|Xs)#(Y|Ys) then if X == Y then X|{IntersectionSet1 Xs Ys} elseif X < Y then {IntersectionSet1 Xs Set2} else {IntersectionSet1 Set1 Ys} end end end % Sets as binary trees fun {IsElementOfSet2 X Node} case Node of leaf then false [] tree(Y Left Right) then if X == Y then true else if X < Y then {IsElementOfSet2 X Left} else {IsElementOfSet2 X Right} end end end end {Browse {IsElementOfSet2 3 tree(2 tree(1 leaf leaf) tree(3 leaf leaf))}} fun {AdjoinSet2 X Node} case Node of leaf then tree(X leaf leaf) [] tree(Y Left Right) then if X == Y then Node else if X < Y then tree(Y {AdjoinSet2 X Left} Right) else tree(Y Left {AdjoinSet2 X Right}) end end end end {Browse {AdjoinSet2 3 tree(4 tree(2 leaf leaf) tree(6 leaf leaf))}} % information retrieval fun {Lookup GivenKey L} case L of information(Key Name Age)|T then if GivenKey == Key then L.1 else {Lookup GivenKey T} end else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # L) end end end % Exercise 2.59 fun {UnionSet Set1 Set2} {Append Set1 {Filter Set2 fun {$ X} {Not {IsElementOfSet X Set1}} end}} end {Browse {UnionSet [3 1 2] [4 3 2 5]}} % Exercise 2.60 fun {IsElementOfMultiSet X L} {Member X L} end fun {IntersectionMultiSet Set1 Set2} case Set1#Set2 of (X|Xs)#(Y|Ys) then if {IsElementOfMultiSet X Set2} then X|{IntersectionMultiSet Xs Set2} else {IntersectionMultiSet Xs Set2} end else nil end end fun {AdjoinMultiSet X Set} X|Set end fun {UnionMultiSet Set1 Set2} {Append Set1 Set2} end {Browse {IsElementOfMultiSet 3 [2 3 2 1 3 2 2]}} {Browse {IntersectionMultiSet [2 3 2 1 3 2 2] [4 2 3 2 5]}} {Browse {AdjoinMultiSet 5 [2 3 2 1 3 2 2]}} {Browse {UnionMultiSet [2 3 2 1 3 2 2] [4 2 3 2 5]}} % Exercise 2.61 fun {AdjoinSet1 X Set} case Set of nil then [X] [] H|T then if H == X then Set elseif H > X then X|Set else H|{AdjoinSet1 X T} end end end {Browse {AdjoinSet1 3 [2 4 6]}} % Exercise 2.62 fun {UnionSet1 Set1 Set2} case Set1#Set2 of _#nil then Set1 [] nil#_ then Set2 [] (X|Xs)#(Y|Ys) then if X == Y then X|{UnionSet1 Xs Ys} elseif X < Y then X|{UnionSet1 Xs Set2} else Y|{UnionSet1 Set1 Ys} end end end {Browse {UnionSet1 [1 2 3] [2 3 4 5]}} % Exercise 2.63 fun {TreeToList1 Node} case Node of leaf then nil [] tree(Y Left Right) then {Append {TreeToList1 Left} Y|{TreeToList1 Right}} end end {Browse {TreeToList1 tree(4 tree(2 leaf leaf) tree(6 leaf leaf))}} fun {TreeToList2 Node} fun {CopyToList T L} case T of leaf then L [] tree(X Left Right) then {CopyToList Left X|{CopyToList Right L}} end end in {CopyToList Node nil} end {Browse {TreeToList2 tree(4 tree(2 leaf leaf) tree(6 leaf leaf))}} % Exercise 2.64 fun {PartialTree Elts N} if N == 0 then leaf#Elts else local LeftSize = (N-1) div 2 RightSize = N - (LeftSize + 1) LeftResult = {PartialTree Elts LeftSize} LeftTree#NonLeftElts = LeftResult ThisEntry = NonLeftElts.1 RightResult = {PartialTree NonLeftElts.2 RightSize} RightTree#RemainingElts = RightResult in tree(ThisEntry LeftTree RightTree)#RemainingElts end end end fun {ListToTree Elements} Result#_ = {PartialTree Elements {Length Elements}} in Result end {Browse {ListToTree [2 4 6]}} % Exercise 2.65 fun {UnionSetBinTree Set1 Set2} {ListToTree {UnionSet {TreeToList2 Set1} {TreeToList2 Set2}}} end fun {IntersectionSetBinTree Set1 Set2} {ListToTree {IntersectionSet {TreeToList2 Set1} {TreeToList2 Set2}}} end % Exercise 2.66 fun {Lookup1 GivenKey Tree} case Tree of tree(Item=information(Key Name Age) Left Right) then if GivenKey == Key then Item elseif GivenKey < Key then {Lookup GivenKey Left} else {Lookup GivenKey Right} end else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # GivenKey) end end end % 2.3.4 Symbolic Data - Example: Huffman Encoding Trees fun {MakeLeaf Symbol Weight} leaf(Symbol Weight) end fun {IsLeaf Node} case Node of leaf(_ _) then true else false end end fun {SymbolLeaf Node} case Node of leaf(Symbol _) then Symbol else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # Node) end end end fun {WeightLeaf Node} case Node of leaf(_ Weight) then Weight else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # Node) end end end fun {Symbols Node} case Node of leaf(Symbol _) then [Symbol] [] tree(SubSymbols _ _ _) then SubSymbols end end fun {Weight Node} case Node of leaf(_ Weight) then Weight [] tree(_ Weight _ _) then Weight end end fun {MakeCodeTree Left Right} tree( {Append {Symbols Left} {Symbols Right}} ({Weight Left} + {Weight Right}) Left Right) end fun {LeftNode Node} case Node of tree(_ _ Left _) then Left else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # Node) end end end fun {RightNode Node} case Node of tree(_ _ _ Right) then Right else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # Node) end end end fun {ChooseNode N Node} case N of 0 then {LeftNode Node} [] 1 then {RightNode Node} else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # N) end end end % decoding fun {Decode Bits Tree} fun {Decode_1 Bits CurrentNode} case Bits of nil then nil [] H|T then local NextNode = {ChooseNode H CurrentNode} in if {IsLeaf NextNode} then {SymbolLeaf NextNode} | {Decode_1 T Tree} else {Decode_1 T NextNode} end end end end in {Decode_1 Bits Tree} end % sets fun {AdjoinSet3 X Set} case Set of nil then [X] [] H|T then if {Weight X} < {Weight H} then X|Set else H|{AdjoinSet3 X T} end end end fun {MakeLeafSet Node} case Node of (Symbol#Weight)|Pairs then {AdjoinSet3 {MakeLeaf Symbol Weight} {MakeLeafSet Pairs}} [] nil then nil else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # Node) end end end % Exercise 2.67 SampleTree = {MakeCodeTree {MakeLeaf &A 4} {MakeCodeTree {MakeLeaf &B 2} {MakeCodeTree {MakeLeaf &D 1} {MakeLeaf &C 1}}}} SampleMessage = [0 1 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 0] {Browse {StringToAtom {Decode SampleMessage SampleTree}}} % Exercise 2.68 fun {EncodeSymbol C Tree} if {Member C {Symbols Tree}} then local L = {LeftNode Tree} R = {RightNode Tree} in if {IsLeaf L} andthen C == {SymbolLeaf L} then [0] elseif {IsLeaf R} andthen C == {SymbolLeaf R} then [1] elseif {Not {IsLeaf L}} andthen {Member C {Symbols L}} then 0|{EncodeSymbol C L} elseif {Not {IsLeaf R}} andthen {Member C {Symbols R}} then 1|{EncodeSymbol C R} end end else raise encodingXXX end end end fun {Encode Message Tree} case Message of nil then nil [] H|T then {Append {EncodeSymbol H Tree} {Encode T Tree}} end end {Browse {StringToAtom {Decode {Encode "ADABBCA" SampleTree} SampleTree}}} % Exercise 2.69 fun {GenerateHuffmanTree Pairs} {SuccessiveMerge {MakeLeafSet Pairs}} end fun {SuccessiveMerge NodeSet} case NodeSet of H|nil then H [] H|S|T then {SuccessiveMerge {AdjoinSet3 {MakeCodeTree H S} T}} end end {Browse {GenerateHuffmanTree [&A#8 &B#3 &C#1 &D#1 &E#1 &F#1 &G#1 &H#1]}} % Exercise 2.70 Rock50sTree = {GenerateHuffmanTree [a#2 boom#1 get#2 job#2 na#16 sha#3 yip#9 wah#1]} {Browse {Length {Encode [get a job sha na na na na na na na na get a job sha na na na na na na na na wah yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip yip sha boom] Rock50sTree}}} % Exercise 2.71 % n = 5 {Browse {GenerateHuffmanTree [a#1 b#2 c#4 d#8 e#16]}} % n = 10 {Browse {GenerateHuffmanTree [a#1 b#2 c#4 d#8 e#16 f#32 g#64 h#128 i#256 j#512]}} % 2.4.1 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Representations for Complex Numbers % Same as above % fun {Square X} X * X end % Rectangular fun {RealPartR Real#_} Real end fun {ImagPartR _#Imag} Imag end fun {MagnitudeR Z} {Sqrt {Square {RealPartR Z}} + {Square {ImagPartR Z}}} end fun {AngleR Z} {Atan2 {ImagPartR Z} {RealPartR Z}} end fun {MakeFromRealImagR R I} R#I end fun {MakeFromMagAngR M A} M*{Cos A}#M*{Sin A} end % polar fun {MagnitudeP Mag#_} Mag end fun {AngleP _#Ang} Ang end fun {RealPartP Z} {MagnitudeP Z} * {Cos {AngleP Z}} end fun {ImagPartP Z} {MagnitudeP Z} * {Sin {AngleP Z}} end fun {MakeFromRealImagP X Y} {Sqrt {Square X} + {Square Y}}#{Atan2 Y X} end fun {MakeFromMagAngP M A} M#A end % using the abstract type Magnitude = MagnitudeP Angle = AngleP RealPart = RealPartP ImagPart = ImagPartP MakeFromRealImag = MakeFromRealImagP MakeFromMagAng = MakeFromMagAngP Z = 1.0#2.0 {Browse {MakeFromRealImag {RealPart Z} {ImagPart Z}}} {Browse {MakeFromMagAng {Magnitude Z} {Angle Z}}} fun {AddComplex Z1 Z2} {MakeFromRealImag {RealPart Z1} + {RealPart Z2} {ImagPart Z1} + {ImagPart Z2}} end fun {SubComplex Z1 Z2} {MakeFromRealImag {RealPart Z1} - {RealPart Z2} {ImagPart Z1} - {ImagPart Z2}} end fun {MulComplex Z1 Z2} {MakeFromMagAng {Magnitude Z1} * {Magnitude Z2} {Angle Z1} + {Angle Z2}} end fun {DivComplex Z1 Z2} {MakeFromMagAng {Magnitude Z1} / {Magnitude Z2} {Angle Z1} - {Angle Z2}} end % 2.4.2 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Tagged Data fun {AttachTag TypeTag Contents} TypeTag(Contents) end fun {TypeTag A} case A of rectangular(...) then rectangular [] polar(...) then polar else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end fun {Contents A} case A of rectangular(X) then X [] polar(X) then X else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end fun {IsRectangular A} case A of rectangular(...) then true else false end end fun {IsPolar A} case A of polar(...) then true else false end end % Rectangular fun {MakeFromRealImagRectangular X Y} rectangular(X#Y) end fun {MakeFromMagAngRectangular M A} rectangular(M*{Cos A} # M*{Sin A}) end fun {RealPartRectangular rectangular(X#_)} X end fun {ImagPartRectangular rectangular(_#Y)} Y end fun {MagnitudeRectangular Z} {Sqrt {Square {RealPartRectangular Z}} + {Square {ImagPartRectangular Z}}} end fun {AngleRectangular Z} {Atan2 {ImagPartRectangular Z} {RealPartRectangular Z}} end % Polar fun {MakeFromRealImagPolar X Y} polar({Sqrt {Square X} + {Square Y}} # {Atan2 Y X}) end fun {MakeFromMagAngPolar M A} polar(M A) end fun {MagnitudePolar polar(X#_)} X end fun {AnglePolar polar(_#Y)} Y end fun {RealPartPolar Z} {MagnitudePolar Z} * {Cos {AnglePolar Z}} end fun {ImagPartPolar Z} {MagnitudePolar Z} * {Sin {AnglePolar Z}} end % Generic selectors fun {RealPartG A} case A of rectangular(_) then {RealPartRectangular A} [] polar(_) then {RealPartPolar A} else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end fun {ImagPartG A} case A of rectangular(_) then {ImagPartRectangular A} [] polar(_) then {ImagPartPolar A} else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end fun {MagnitudeG A} case A of rectangular(_) then {MagnitudeRectangular A} [] polar(_) then {MagnitudePolar A} else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end fun {AngleG A} case A of rectangular(_) then {AngleRectangular A} [] polar(_) then {AnglePolar A} else raise invalid('Invalid pattern match ' # A) end end end % Constructors for complex numbers fun {MakeFromRealImagG X Y} {MakeFromRealImagRectangular X Y} end fun {MakeFromMagAngG M A} {MakeFromMagAngPolar M A} end % same as before fun {AddComplexG Z1 Z2} {MakeFromRealImagG {RealPartG Z1} + {RealPartG Z2} {ImagPartG Z1} + {ImagPartG Z2}} end fun {SubComplexG Z1 Z2} {MakeFromRealImagG {RealPartG Z1} - {RealPartG Z2} {ImagPartG Z1} - {ImagPartG Z2}} end fun {MulComplexG Z1 Z2} {MakeFromMagAngG {MagnitudeG Z1} * {MagnitudeG Z2} {AngleG Z1} + {AngleG Z2}} end fun {DivComplexG Z1 Z2} {MakeFromMagAngG {MagnitudeG Z1} / {MagnitudeG Z2} {AngleG Z1} - {AngleG Z2}} end {Browse {AddComplexG {MakeFromRealImagG 3.0 4.0} {MakeFromRealImagG 3.0 4.0}}} % 2.4.3 Multiple Representations for Abstract Data - Data-Directed Programming and Additivity RECTANGULAR = functor export makeFromRealImag : MakeFromRealImag makeFromMagAng : MakeFromMagAng realPart : RealPart imagPart : ImagPart magnitude : Magnitude angle : Angle toString : ToString define fun {MakeFromRealImag R I} rectangular(R#I) end fun {MakeFromMagAng M A} rectangular(M*{Cos A} # M*{Sin A}) end fun {RealPart rectangular(X#_)} X end fun {ImagPart rectangular(_#Y)} Y end fun {Magnitude Z} {Sqrt {Square {RealPart Z}} + {Square {ImagPart Z}}} end fun {Angle Z} {Atan2 {ImagPart Z} {RealPart Z}} end fun {ToString Z} {StringToAtom {Append "r:" {Append {FloatToString {RealPart Z}} {Append " i:" {FloatToString {ImagPart Z}}}}}} end end [Rectangular] = {Module.apply [RECTANGULAR]} POLAR = functor export makeFromRealImag : MakeFromRealImag makeFromMagAng : MakeFromMagAng realPart : RealPart imagPart : ImagPart magnitude : Magnitude angle : Angle toString : ToString define fun {MakeFromRealImag R I} polar({Sqrt {Square R} + {Square I}} # {Atan2 Y I}) end fun {MakeFromMagAng M A} polar(M A) end fun {Magnitude polar(M#_)} M end fun {Angle polar(_#A)} A end fun {RealPart Z} {Magnitude Z} * {Cos {Angle Z}} end fun {ImagPart Z} {Magnitude Z} * {Sin {Angle Z}} end fun {ToString Z} {StringToAtom {Append "m:" {Append {FloatToString {Magnitude Z}} {Append " a:" {FloatToString {Angle Z}}}}}} end end [Polar] = {Module.apply [POLAR]} COMPLEX = functor export numericType : NumericType makeFromRealImag : MakeFromRealImag makeFromMagAng : MakeFromMagAng add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define NumericType = complex fun {ExtractFunctor F#_} F end fun {ExtractValue _#Z} Z end fun {MakeFromRealImag R I} Rectangular#{Rectangular.makeFromRealImag R I} end fun {MakeFromMagAng M A} Polar#{Polar.makeFromMagAng M A} end fun {Add F1#Z1 F2#Z2} {MakeFromRealImag {F1.realPart Z1} + {F2.realPart Z2} {F1.imagPart Z1} + {F2.imagPart Z2}} end fun {Sub F1#Z1 F2#Z2} {MakeFromRealImag {F1.realPart Z1} - {F2.realPart Z2} {F1.imagPart Z1} - {F2.imagPart Z2}} end fun {Mul F1#Z1 F2#Z2} {MakeFromMagAng {F1.magnitude Z1} * {F2.magnitude Z2} {F1.angle Z1} + {F2.angle Z2}} end fun {Div F1#Z1 F2#Z2} {MakeFromMagAng {F1.magnitude Z1} / {F2.magnitude Z2} {F1.angle Z1} - {F2.angle Z2}} end fun {Equal F1#Z1 F2#Z2} {F1.realPart Z1} == {F2.realPart Z2} andthen {F1.imagPart Z1} == {F2.imagPart Z2} end fun {ToString F#Z} {F.toString Z} end end [Complex] = {Module.apply [COMPLEX]} {Browse {Complex.toString {Complex.add {Complex.makeFromRealImag 3.0 4.0} {Complex.makeFromRealImag 3.0 4.0}}}} % Message Passing (aka OOP) local class ComplexOO % abstract methods to be implemented by subclasses meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) raise abstract end end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) raise abstract end end meth realPart(?$) raise abstract end end meth imagPart(?$) raise abstract end end meth magnitude(?$) raise abstract end end meth angle(?$) raise abstract end end meth toString(?$) raise abstract end end % base class methods meth add(Z ?$) R = {self realPart($)} + {Z realPart($)} I = {self imagPart($)} + {Z imagPart($)} in {self makeFromRealImag(R I $)} end meth subtract(Z ?$) R = {self realPart($)} - {Z realPart($)} I = {self imagPart($)} - {Z imagPart($)} in {self makeFromRealImag(R I $)} end meth multiply(Z ?$) M = {self magnitude($)} * {Z magnitude($)} A = {self angle($)} + {Z angle($)} in {self makeFromMagAng(M A $)} end meth divide(Z ?$) M = {self magnitude($)} / {Z magnitude($)} A = {self angle($)} - {Z angle($)} in {self makeFromMagAng(M A $)} end meth equal(Z ?$) {self realPart($)} == {Z realPart($)} andthen {self imagPart($)} == {Z imagPart($)} end end class RectangularOO from ComplexOO feat RealPart ImagPart meth init(R I) self.RealPart = R self.ImagPart = I end meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) {New RectangularOO init(R I)} end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) {New RectangularOO init(M*{Cos A} M*{Sin A})} end meth realPart(?$) self.RealPart end meth imagPart(?$) self.ImagPart end meth magnitude(?$) {Sqrt {Square self.RealPart} + {Square self.ImagPart}} end meth angle(?$) {Atan2 self.ImagPart self.RealPart} end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {Append "r:" {Append {FloatToString self.RealPart} {Append " i:" {FloatToString self.ImagPart}}}}} end end class PolarOO from ComplexOO feat Magnitude Angle meth init(M A) self.Magnitude = M self.Angle = A end meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) {New PolarOO init({Sqrt {Square R} + {Square I}} {Atan2 I R})} end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) {New PolarOO init(M A)} end meth magnitude(?$) self.Magnitude end meth angle(?$) self.Angle end meth realPart(?$) self.Magnitude * {Cos self.Angle} end meth imagPart(?$) self.Magnitude * {Sin self.Angle} end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {Append "m:" {Append {FloatToString self.Magnitude} {Append " a:" {FloatToString self.Angle}}}}} end end in RecX = {New RectangularOO init(3.0 4.0)} {Browse {RecX realPart($)}#{RecX imagPart($)}} {Browse {RecX magnitude($)}#{RecX angle($)}} PolX = {New PolarOO init({RecX magnitude($)} {RecX angle($)})} {Browse {PolX realPart($)}#{PolX imagPart($)}} {Browse {PolX magnitude($)}#{PolX angle($)}} AddX = {PolX add(RecX $)} {Browse {AddX realPart($)}#{AddX imagPart($)}} {Browse {AddX magnitude($)}#{AddX angle($)}} end % footnote {Browse {FoldL [1 2 3 4] Number.'+' 0}} % 2.5.1 Systems with Generic Operations - Generic Arithmetic Operations % functor solution OZINTEGER = functor export numericType : NumericType make : Make add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define NumericType = ozinteger fun {Make X} X end fun {Add X Y} X + Y end fun {Sub X Y} X - Y end fun {Mul X Y} X * Y end fun {Div X Y} X div Y end fun {Equal X Y} X == Y end fun {ToString X} {StringToAtom {IntToString X}} end end [OzInteger] = {Module.apply [OZINTEGER]} OZFLOAT = functor export numericType : NumericType make : Make add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define NumericType = ozfloat fun {Make X} X end fun {Add X Y} X + Y end fun {Sub X Y} X - Y end fun {Mul X Y} X * Y end fun {Div X Y} X / Y end fun {Equal X Y} X == Y end fun {ToString X} {StringToAtom {FloatToString X}} end end [OzFloat] = {Module.apply [OZFLOAT]} local NUMERIC = functor export make : Make add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define fun {Make F X} F#X end fun {Add F1#X F2#Y} F1#{F1.add X Y} end fun {Sub F1#X F2#Y} F1#{F1.subtract X Y} end fun {Mul F1#X F2#Y} F1#{F1.multiply X Y} end fun {Div F1#X F2#Y} F1#{F1.divide X Y} end fun {Equal F1#X F2#Y} {F1.equal X Y} end fun {ToString F#X} {F.toString X} end end [Numeric] = {Module.apply [NUMERIC]} NR1 = {Numeric.make Rational {Rational.make 3 4}} NC1 = {Numeric.make Complex {Complex.makeFromRealImag 3.0 4.0}} NI1 = {Numeric.make OzInteger {OzInteger.make 3}} NF1 = {Numeric.make OzFloat {OzFloat.make 3.0}} NR2 = {Numeric.make Rational {Rational.make 5 6}} NC2 = {Numeric.make Complex {Complex.makeFromRealImag 5.0 6.0}} NI2 = {Numeric.make OzInteger {OzInteger.make 5}} NF2 = {Numeric.make OzFloat {OzFloat.make 5.0}} in {Browse {Numeric.toString NR1}#{Numeric.toString NR2}} {Browse {Numeric.toString NC1}#{Numeric.toString NC2}} {Browse {Numeric.toString NI1}#{Numeric.toString NI2}} {Browse {Numeric.toString NF1}#{Numeric.toString NF2}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NR1 NR2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NC1 NC2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NI1 NI2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NF1 NF2}}} end % Object Solution local class NumericOO % abstract methods to be implemented by subclasses meth add(X Y ?$) raise abstract end end meth subtract(X Y ?$) raise abstract end end meth multiply(X Y ?$) raise abstract end end meth divide(X Y ?$) raise abstract end end meth equal(X Y ?$) raise abstract end end meth toString(X ?$) raise abstract end end end class ComplexOO from NumericOO % abstract methods to be implemented by subclasses meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) raise abstract end end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) raise abstract end end meth realPart(?$) raise abstract end end meth imagPart(?$) raise abstract end end meth magnitude(?$) raise abstract end end meth angle(?$) raise abstract end end % base class methods meth add(Z ?$) R = {self realPart($)} + {Z realPart($)} I = {self imagPart($)} + {Z imagPart($)} in {self makeFromRealImag(R I $)} end meth subtract(Z ?$) R = {self realPart($)} - {Z realPart($)} I = {self imagPart($)} - {Z imagPart($)} in {self makeFromRealImag(R I $)} end meth multiply(Z ?$) M = {self magnitude($)} * {Z magnitude($)} A = {self angle($)} + {Z angle($)} in {self makeFromMagAng(M A $)} end meth divide(Z ?$) M = {self magnitude($)} / {Z magnitude($)} A = {self angle($)} - {Z angle($)} in {self makeFromMagAng(M A $)} end meth equal(Z ?$) {self realPart($)} == {Z realPart($)} andthen {self imagPart($)} == {Z imagPart($)} end end class RectangularOO from ComplexOO feat RealPart ImagPart meth init(R I) self.RealPart = R self.ImagPart = I end meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) {New RectangularOO init(R I)} end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) {New RectangularOO init(M*{Cos A} M*{Sin A})} end meth realPart(?$) self.RealPart end meth imagPart(?$) self.ImagPart end meth magnitude(?$) {Sqrt {Square self.RealPart} + {Square self.ImagPart}} end meth angle(?$) {Atan2 self.ImagPart self.RealPart} end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {Append "r:" {Append {FloatToString self.RealPart} {Append " i:" {FloatToString self.ImagPart}}}}} end end class PolarOO from ComplexOO feat Magnitude Angle meth init(M A) self.Magnitude = M self.Angle = A end meth makeFromRealImag(R I ?$) {New PolarOO init({Sqrt {Square R} + {Square I}} {Atan2 I R})} end meth makeFromMagAng(M A ?$) {New PolarOO init(M A)} end meth magnitude(?$) self.Magnitude end meth angle(?$) self.Angle end meth realPart(?$) self.Magnitude * {Cos self.Angle} end meth imagPart(?$) self.Magnitude * {Sin self.Angle} end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {Append "m:" {Append {FloatToString self.Magnitude} {Append " a:" {FloatToString self.Angle}}}}} end end class OzIntegerOO from NumericOO feat val meth init(X) self.val = X end meth add(Y ?$) {New OzIntegerOO init(self.val + Y.val)} end meth subtract(Y ?$) {New OzIntegerOO init(self.val - Y.val)} end meth multiply(Y ?$) {New OzIntegerOO init(self.val * Y.val)} end meth divide(Y ?$) {New OzIntegerOO init(self.val div Y.val)} end meth equal(Y $) self.val == Y.val end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {IntToString self.val}} end end class OzFloatOO from NumericOO feat val meth init(X) self.val = X end meth add(Y ?$) {New OzFloatOO init(self.val + Y.val)} end meth subtract(Y ?$) {New OzFloatOO init(self.val - Y.val)} end meth multiply(Y ?$) {New OzFloatOO init(self.val * Y.val)} end meth divide(Y ?$) {New OzFloatOO init(self.val div Y.val)} end meth equal(Y $) self.val == Y.val end meth toString(?$) {StringToAtom {FloatToString self.val}} end end NR1 = {New RationalOO init(3 4)} NC1 = {New RectangularOO init(3.0 4.0)} NI1 = {New OzIntegerOO init(3)} NF1 = {New OzFloatOO init(3.0)} NR2 = {New RationalOO init(5 6)} NC2 = {New RectangularOO init(5.0 6.0)} NI2 = {New OzIntegerOO init(5)} NF2 = {New OzFloatOO init(5.0)} in {Browse {NR1 toString($)}#{NR2 toString($)}} {Browse {NC1 toString($)}#{NC2 toString($)}} {Browse {NI1 toString($)}#{NI2 toString($)}} {Browse {NF1 toString($)}#{NF2 toString($)}} {Browse {{NR1 add(NR2 $)} toString($)}} {Browse {{NC1 add(NC2 $)} toString($)}} {Browse {{NI1 add(NI2 $)} toString($)}} {Browse {{NF1 add(NF2 $)} toString($)}} end % 2.5.2 Systems with Generic Operations - Combining Data of Different Types local NUMERIC = functor export make : Make add : Add subtract : Sub multiply : Mul divide : Div equal : Equal toString : ToString define fun {Integer2Rational X} {Rational.make X 1} end fun {Rational2Float X} {IntToFloat {Rational.numer X}} / {IntToFloat {Rational.denom X}} end fun {Float2Complex X} {Complex.makeFromRealImag X 0.0} end D = {NewDictionary} {Dictionary.put D ozinteger2rational [Integer2Rational]} {Dictionary.put D ozinteger2ozfloat [Rational2Float Integer2Rational]} {Dictionary.put D ozinteger2complex [Float2Complex Rational2Float Integer2Rational]} {Dictionary.put D rational2ozfloat [Rational2Float]} {Dictionary.put D rational2complex [Float2Complex Rational2Float]} {Dictionary.put D ozfloat2complex [Float2Complex]} fun {Coerce F1#X F2#Y} if F1 == F2 then F1#X#Y else local T1 = {AtomToString F1.numericType} T2 = {AtomToString F2.numericType} X2Y = {StringToAtom {Append T1 {Append "2" T2}}} Y2X = {StringToAtom {Append T2 {Append "2" T1}}} in if {Dictionary.member D X2Y} then F2#{Accumulate {Dictionary.get D X2Y} fun {$ F N} {F N} end X}#Y elseif {Dictionary.member D Y2X} then F1#X#{Accumulate {Dictionary.get D Y2X} fun {$ F N} {F N} end Y} else raise coerce({StringToAtom T1} {StringToAtom T2}) end end end end end fun {Make F X} F#X end fun {Add X Y} F#A#B = {Coerce X Y} in F#{F.add A B} end fun {Sub X Y} F#A#B = {Coerce X Y} in F#{F.subtract A B} end fun {Mul X Y} F#A#B = {Coerce X Y} in F#{F.multiply A B} end fun {Div X Y} F#A#B = {Coerce X Y} in F#{F.divide A B} end fun {Equal X Y} F#A#B = {Coerce X Y} in F#{F.equal A B} end fun {ToString F#X} {F.toString X} end end [Numeric] = {Module.apply [NUMERIC]} NR1 = {Numeric.make Rational {Rational.make 3 4}} NC1 = {Numeric.make Complex {Complex.makeFromRealImag 3.0 4.0}} NI1 = {Numeric.make OzInteger {OzInteger.make 3}} NF1 = {Numeric.make OzFloat {OzFloat.make 3.0}} NR2 = {Numeric.make Rational {Rational.make 5 6}} NC2 = {Numeric.make Complex {Complex.makeFromRealImag 5.0 6.0}} NI2 = {Numeric.make OzInteger {OzInteger.make 5}} NF2 = {Numeric.make OzFloat {OzFloat.make 5.0}} in {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NI1 NI2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NI1 NR2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NI1 NF2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NI1 NC2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NR1 NI2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NR1 NR2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NR1 NF2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NR1 NC2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NF1 NI2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NF1 NR2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NF1 NF2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NF1 NC2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NC1 NI2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NC1 NR2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NC1 NF2}}} {Browse {Numeric.toString {Numeric.add NC1 NC2}}} end % 2.5.3 Systems with Generic Operations - Example: Symbolic Algebra % To Be Done. |