
Contributed by Chris Rathman

Workspace: Try Shape

 | scribble aRectangle | 
 "toss the different shapes into a collection"  
 scribble := Bag new.  
 scribble add: (CMRRectangle x:10 y:20 width:5 height:6).  
 scribble add: (CMRCircle x:15 y:25 radius:8).  
 "use the shapes polymorphically"  
 scribble do: [:each |  
    each draw.  
    each rMoveToX: 100 rMoveToY: 100.  
    each draw].  
 "call a rectangle specific function"  
 aRectangle := CMRRectangle x:0 y:0 width:15 height:15.  
 aRectangle width: 30.  
 aRectangle draw.  

Class: Shape

 Object subclass: #CMRShape  
    instanceVariableNames: 'x y '  
    classVariableNames: ''  
    poolDictionaries: ''  
    category: 'Chris-Objects'  

Instance methods - accessing

    "get the origin x value"  
    "get the origin y value"  
 x: aNumber 
    "set the origin x value"  
    ^x := aNumber.  
 y: aNumber
    "set the origin y value"  
    ^y := aNumber. 

Instance methods - transforming

 moveToX: newX moveToY: newY  
    "shift the origen based on the (x,y) point"  
    self x: newX.  
    self y: newY.  
    ^(self x) @ (self y).  
 rMoveToX: deltaX rMoveToY: deltaY  
    "shift the origen based on the delta (x,y) point"  
    self x: (self x + deltaX).  
    self y: (self y + deltaY).  
    ^(self x) @ (self y).  

Class: Rectangle

 CMRShape subclass: #CMRRectangle  
    instanceVariableNames: 'width height '  
    classVariableNames: ''  
    poolDictionaries: ''  
    category: 'Chris-Objects'  

Class methods - instance creation

 x: xValue y: yValue width: aWidth height: aHeight  
    "construct a rectangle"  
    | rectangle |  
    rectangle := super new.  
    rectangle x: xValue.  
    rectangle y: yValue.  
    rectangle width: aWidth.  
    rectangle height: aHeight.  

Instance methods - accessing

    "get the height of the rectangle"  
    "get the width of the rectangle"  
 height: aNumber  
    "set the height of the rectangle"  
    ^height := aNumber.  
 width: aNumber  
    "set the width of the rectangle"  
    ^width := aNumber.  

Instance methods - displaying

    "draw the rectangle"  
    Transcript show:  
       'Drawing a rectangle at:(' ,  
       self x printString , ',' ,  
       self y printString ,  
       '), width ' ,  
       self width printString ,  
       ', height ' ,  
       self height printString;  

Class: Circle

 CMRShape subclass: #CMRCircle  
    instanceVariableNames: 'radius '  
    classVariableNames: ''  
    poolDictionaries: ''  
    category: 'Chris-Objects'!  

Class methods - instance creation

 x: xValue y: yValue radius: aRadius  
    "construct a circle"  
    | circle |  
    circle := super new.  
    circle x: xValue.  
    circle y: yValue.  
    circle radius: aRadius.  

Instance methods - accessing

    "get the radius value"  
 radius: aNumber  
    "set the radius of the circle"  
    ^radius := aNumber.  

Instance methods - displaying

    "draw the circle"  
    Transcript show:  
       'Drawing a circle at:(' ,  
       self x printString , ',' ,  
       self y printString ,  
       '), radius ' ,  
       self radius printString;  


Drawing a circle at:(15,25), radius 8
Drawing a circle at:(115,125), radius 8
Drawing a rectangle at:(10,20), width 5, height 6
Drawing a rectangle at:(110,120), width 5, height 6
Drawing a rectangle at:(0,0), width 30, height 15