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Hi, my name is Deepa Shah and I'm Junior MIS major and I'm from Bedford, TX. Bedford in da HOUSEEEEE! For those

of y'all who don't know where Bedford is, it's between Dallas and Ft. Worth. I was born in Orlando, Florida, but I've lived in Texas

almost all my life, so I'm a Texan at heart. I have two sisters, one's older and did accounting at UT, but I guess she hated it and so she

started teaching high school algebra this year. The younger sister goes to UC Berkeley and is majoring in CS. Ok so wut else is there to

know about me? I guess people would say I'm pretty laid back about things. Most weekends you'll find me on sixth street or hangin' with

mi amigos. If you happen to see me at a party, don't just be like oh hey there's that girl from my MIS class, come say HI!!! :)