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You know that the odd number in a book is always on the right and the even number is always on the left, so since the page numbers you were given could not be facing each other. Therefore, you know for a fact that the money could not be hidden there!






First man 1 and man 2 walk across the bridge. This takes 2 minutes.
After this, man 1 walks back with the flashlight. This takes 1 minute.
Then man 3 and man 4 walk across the bridge. This takes 10 minutes.
After this, man 2 walks back with the flashlight. This takes 2 minutes.
Then man 1 and man 2 walk across the bridge. This takes 2 minutes as before.
In total: 2+1+10+2+2=17 minutes.



The men are all married to women whose name begins 1 letter ahead of their own in alphabetical order. V - W E - F G - H Ruth - Sam.



4 Rings (23 + 24 + 24 + 29 = 100)



Since there are only two barbers in town, it is safe to assume that the barbers would cut each other's hair. This being the case, Captain Frank should sit down in the chair of the barber who has the awful haircut.



($1000. + 40%($400.) = $1400.(1990 value)
$1400. - 40%($560.) = $840.(1995 value)



If you have written down a full paper of mathematical formulas, you haven't been thinking in the right direction. It is obvious that the two cars meet each other after one hour. On that moment, the bird has flown for one hour.
Conclusion: The bird has flown 80 m/h · 1 h = 80 m.



He fills up the 3 gallon jug and pours it into the 5 gallon jug. He then fills up the 3 gallon jug again and begins to pour it into the 5 gallon jug. Since the 5 gallon jug already has 3 gallons in it, only 2 gallons will go in leaving exactly 1 gallon left in the 3 gallon jug. He then empties the 5 gallon jug, pours the 1 gallon into it and the fills up the 3 gallon jug and pours that into the 5 gallon jug making EXACTLY 4 gallons.



CALMNESS - They all contain 3 letters in alphabetical order.



The word "I" is also spelled the same forwards, backwards and upside down.



The pig has a substance in it's fat tissues which neutralizes all snake venoms.



Start both hourglasses. When the 4-minute glass runs out, turn it over (4 minutes elapsed).
When the 7-minute glass runs out, turn it over (7 minutes elapsed).
When the 4-minute glass runs out this time (8 minutes elapsed),
the 7-minute glass has been running for 1 minute.
Turn it over once again. When it stops, exactly 9 minutes have elapsed.



1 Hour



The first man, who received the question "Twelve?", responded with "Six", which is the amount of letters in the word "twelve".
The second man, who received the question "Six?", responded with "Three", which is the amount of letters in the word "six".
Therefore, when the our friend was asked the question "Four?", he should have answered "Four", which is the amount of letters in the word "four".



If the population increases 50 percent in 50 years, then 50 years ago it was 100 percent divided by 150 percent, which equals 2/3 what it is now. Two-thirds of 810,000 is 540,000--so that was the population in 1900. Fifty years before that (1850) it was 2/3 of 540,000, or 360,000.
Continue this way and here's what you get:
1950: 810,000
1900: 540,000
1850: 360,000
1800: 240,000
1750: 160,000
The correct answer is 1750









If the class mean is 90, and there are 12 + 18 = 30 students in the class, then the 30 scores add up to 90 x 30 = 2,700. The boys' scores add up to a total of 87 x 12 = 1,044. That leaves 2,700 - 1,044 = 1,656 for the sum of the girls' scores. There are 18 girls, so the mean of the girls' scores is 1,656 divided by 18, or 92.



In Minnesota. The team was originally known as the Minneapolis Lakers, and kept the name when they moved west.



Dwarf, dwell, and dwindle



The pear grew inside the bottle. The bottles are placed over pear buds when they are small, and are wired in place on the tree. The bottle is left in place for the whole growing season. When the pears are ripe, they are snipped off at the stems.



gaggle or skein of geese.
mob of kangaroos.
slueth of bears.
team of ducks.
drove of pigs.
skulk of foxes.
pod of whales.
parliment of owls.
warren of rabbits.
and a murder of crows.



The lady was a Justice of the Peace.



The fewest plus and minus signs is 3. This is the solution: 123-45-67+89=100



The Letter V



12 years old



5 socks; the first four may be one of each colour, the fifth one must then match one of the others.



Peacocks do not lay eggs!






61 bags; each containing 461 carrots. Yes, one bag is another option, if you can find a bag that large.



Cabbage. 3+1+2+2+1+7+5=21



TWENTY NINE has 29 lines.



211 bottles altogether; John bought 85, Bob bought 5, Camile bought 72, Emily bought 34, and Darly bought 15 .



42 people are expected to come to the big party.
Each table has 6 chairs, so there are a total of 7 (6 chairs & 1 table) x 4 = 28 legs at each table.
196 legs ÷ 28 legs at each table = 7 tables.
Therefore, 7 x 6 = 42 guests are expected to come to the party.



He made the Periodic Table of Elements
Mendeleyv studied the elements and put them into a chart that we now call the periodic table.
He left blank spaces where he knew undiscovered elements would go.



Animal Farm George Orwell's Animal Farm. When the Farmer, Mr. Jones, came back to the farm to reclaim it, the animals who rebelled against him set up their first line of defense at the cowshed. The fight was won by the animals, who noted the date and called it the Battle of Cowshed to comemmorate it.



C3PO Explanation: In the first scene of Star Wars "A New Hope" you see C3PO and R2D2 walking around the ship. C3PO says something to the effect of them dying soon. You know how he is about that.



U.S.S. Pueblo, 23 January, 1968 North Korean gun boats attacked, boarded and towed the ship to Wonson Harbor near the 38th. parallel this date. The ship was commanded by one Lt. Commander Lloyd Bucher. The ships crew was held for 11 months in captivity prior to release to the U.S. after same admited to, 'wrong doing.' The politico's of the time said ixnay. The rest is history. The White House performed in like manner when the U.S.S. Liberty was attacked by Isrial in '67; to wit... no air cover was sent at the time of the attack. In both cases the attacks were known to be in progress.



None of these phrases are inscribed on the Memorial wall
Explanation: Various political groups and individuals have gotten a lot of milage out of the fact that the phrase pertaining to the right of the people to alter or abolish the government is omitted from the wall's inscription. The fact is that only 91 of the 1,339 words in the Declaration (not counting signatures), or 6.8 per cent of the document, are excerpted on the wall. There's no way you can fit the entire Declaration on the wall of this small, compact Memorial without badly desecrating its aesthetics. It's just that some folks have a thing for violent overthrow of the government and get all hot and bothered that the passage isn't there.



271 words, 10 sentences



This is a variation on the Two-Trains Scenario. Population A is heading towards B at the rate of 120 persons per year. And B is headed in the opposite direction at a rate of 80 persons per year. They will "meet" when they erase the difference of
6,800 - 4,200 = 2,600:
120x + 80x = 2,600
200x = 2,600
x = 2,600 / 200
x = 13
The populations will be the same in 13 years.



A glove.



Your Word.



Three. If you follow the mathematical orders of operation, division is performed before addition.



Iceland, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Ireland, India, Indonesia and Ivory Coast.






5184(cats) + 12(people) + 24(6 chairs) + 4(table) = 5224



The wiseman tells them to switch camels.






Batter hit by a pitch; catcher interference; catcher drops third strike; fielder's choice; and being designated as a pinch runner.