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Ammannsville, Texas

(Excerpt from ”Fayette County”, 1902)

Ammannsville, the seat of the justice court of precinct No. 7, Fayette County, is one of the most thriving little country towns in the county. It is situated in a rich blackland prairie on the Fayette County school lands, about eleven miles south of La Grange. It is a nice handsome place; the population is German and Bohemian and as liberal and generous as can be found in the county. Most of the people are communicants of the Catholic Church. They own a fine church building in which their resident priest, Rev. Joe Szimanski, preaches to large and attentive audiences. The town has two schools, one under the management of Prof. A. Pastusek, the other under the management of Miss M. Vrazel.

Ammannsville does a considerable business. It has three stores and saloons, two blacksmith shops, one drugstore, one physician and two gins. The business men of Ammannsville showed themselves most liberal in their patronage of the work of the writer, and the latter, therefore, wishes them abundant success which in every way they merit. The writer had the pleasure of becoming acquainted with Dr. John S. Zvesper, a learned Bohemian physician; Mr. J.J. Vacek, the jovial postmaster of Ammannsville; F.J. Parma, on of the most successful pushing business men in the county; Joseph Vacek, Jr., owner of fine thoroughbred stallions; F.F. Ohnheiser, the Ammannsville architect; T.R. Heller, J.P. Heller and J.J. Munke, the popular ginners, of solid standing and reliability; F.A. Ganzer, the blacksmith whom it would be hard to beat in his line of work.

Ammannsville was located on the Fayette County school lands, which became settled in the early seventies. The place was names after old man A. Ammann, one of the oldest settlers of the county, a man who was widely known as an excellent architect. Other old settlers were F. Kossa, Sr., J. Vacek, Sr., F. Sobolik, deceased, J. Heller, Sr., deceased, P. Fisher, Jno. Stefek, Aug. Pauler, J.J. Fietsam, Jos. Munke, Chas. Munke, Jno. Lewis, deceased, Jos. Bartas and his brother and Henry Holster.