Here are some more things I have made using different things I have found.I do not claim any of these gifs as my own. I will be adding more as I get them made. Most of these gifs were made at Image Magick. So keep checking back to see what I have come up with. All I ask is that you do not link to these gifs. Please transload them to your own server.

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Two Fairies
Bear Family
Bear Wearing Pink Hat
Boy & Girl Angel
Buds Forever
Butterfly On Flower
White Daisys
Girl w/Dogears
Fairy w/Mushroom
Purple Fairy

Pink Flowers
Girl w/Bear
Girl In Rain
Girls w/Flowers
Hand Hoiding Stars
Mermaid In Shell
Mice In Chocolate Dip
Red Rose
Another Sunflower

Fall Bouqet
Fan w/Flowers
Yellow Lilies
Yellow Rose w/Butterflies
Flower Bouquet


Lady In Hat
Flower w/Ladybug
Two Friends
Boy & Girl w/Birds & Duck
Lady In Blue
Praying Angel
Betty Boop
Betty Boop Sitting
Betty Boop w/Heart

Fairy Looking
Mermaid In Shell
Lady w/Flowers
Girl In Garden
Gold Heart
Cat Angel
Lil Fairy
Chipmonk On Flower
Butterfly Fairy

Angel Fairy
Snail Fairy
Pink Lady
Lady w/Blue Hair
Angel On A Cloud
Friends Forever
Butterfly Girl
Let Us Love One Another

Birds & Flowers
Lady In Blue Hat
Red Dreamcatcher
Angel Mouse
Fairy On Rose
Lady In Wineglass
Cyber Sisters Logo
Blue Doll
Fairy w/Stars
St. Paddy Lass

Framey Thingy

Yellow Rose Lady
Kittys In Basket
Lady In Brown
Kitty w/Yarn
Unicorn Head
Two Purple Unicorns
Two Blue Iris
Indian Couple
Indian Maiden w/Wolf
White Angel
Kitties Hiding

Red Doll On Sinedot
Cat In Hat w/Roses
Bed Time
Fall Faries
Tweety Moon
Purple Angel
Unicorn w/Fairy
Lady w/Hummer
White Kitty
Bear & Mouse (christmas)

Silly Frog
Aqua Anime
Yellow Roses Angels
Magenta Fairy
Pretty Fairy
Mouse In Cup
Baby Kisses
Rose Reflect
The Gang

Framed 3D

Girl In Pansies
Purple Hummer
Lady In Forest
Mixed Flowers
Arrow Head
Cats In Slippers
Cat w/Bird In Cage
Lady In White
Mouse w/Flowers
Star Fairy


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