Adopt Search Registry
ADOPT SEARCH REGISTRY - Free search forum & registry.
Adoptees Database
ADOPTEES DATABASE - On-line searchable database.
Adoptees Internet Mailing List
AIML - Is an Internet mailing list where adoptees can gather for advice in conducting a search and have discussions of varied reunion outcomes.
Adoptees Miracle Search Network
ADOPTEES MIRACLE SEARCH NETWORK - Offers information and services for adoptees and birth parents including searchable database.
Adoptee Search Center
ADOPTEE SEARCH CENTER - One of the largest online databases available on the net. Many other additional resources as well.
Adoptee Searcher's Handbook
ADOPTEE SEARCHER'S HANDBOOK - Numerous Canadian resources for the adoptee or birth parent.
Adoption Connections Project
ADOPTION CONNECTIONS PROJECT - A growing group of individuals dedicated to bringing together birth mothers, adopted daughters, adoptive mothers, foster mothers, step mothers and other women and men who find themselves within non-traditional families.
Adoption Records and Queries
Birth Quest
BIRTH QUEST - Online international searchable database dedicated to searching adoptees, birth parents, adoptive parents and siblings.
Canadian Adoptee FAQ
CANADIAN ADOPTEE FAQ - Ultimate resource of contact numbers, information and tips for those searching within Canada.
Canadian Adoptee Registry
CANADIAN ADOPTEE REGISTRY - Here you can perform various Canadian searches, register your information or use various other tools that they have made available.
Find Me
FIND ME - Online adoptee/birthparent registry sorted by decade.
International Soundex Reunion Registry
INTERNATIONAL SOUNDEX REUNION REGISTRY - The world's largest reunion registry.
Jules' Search and Reunion Site
JULES' SEARCH AND REUNION SITE - Consists of inspiring stories and valuable information about search, reunion, national adoption legislation and the vast online adoption community.
Kindred Pursuits
KINDRED PURSUITS - a free registry available to anyone searching for kin in Canada or the United States.
Locate Me
LOCATE ME - Professional locate service.
Lost Connections
LOST CONNECTIONS - Many adoption resources and a reunion registry.
Lost n Found Adoption Registry
LOST N FOUND ADOPTION REGISTRY - Provides a database for the sole purpose of registering an adoption or for searching for matching adoption records.
Lycos Birth Parent Search
Merry-Go-Round Search Registry
MERRY-GO-ROUND SEARCH REGISTRY - This Registry DOES NOT POST e-mail or postal addresses nor does it post telephone numbers.
Metro Reunion Registry
METRO REUNION REGISTRY - Registrations include nearly every State, Canada, and 17 foreign countries. Information is entered into the database upon receipt. In the event of a match with existing data, or a match with new incoming data, you will be notified immediately.
My Adoption Page
MY ADOPTION PAGE - Article that is about adoption, adoptee issues, birthparents, adopting, and searching.
National Finders Adoption Registry
PBN Reunion Bureau
PBN REUNION BUREAU - Online message posting board which can be accessed by state.
Relatively Seeking
RELATIVELY SEEKING - Allows you to search for relatives, as well as, leave entries within the database.
Relinquished Registry
RELINQUISHED REGISTRY - Registry, message board and other resources.
Reunions Magazine
REUNIONS MAGAZINE - Content focuses on reunion organizing, searching and helping organizers be well-educated and wise reunion consumers.
Reunion Registry
REUNION REGISTRY - Provides a free "Search Assistant" that allows you to search their registry with ease.
Seekers Of The Lost
SEEKERS OF THE LOST - Claim to have the largest search registry online with over 42000 records.
Shea's Search Series
SHEA'S SEARCH SERIES - An online guide to self-empowered adoptee search methods and other related information.
The Difference
THE DIFFERENCE - Registry and numerous other resources.
The Reunion Network
THE REUNION NETWORK - A complete network of services for adoptees and birth parents including a search registry, books, FAQs, and a locator service.
Volunteer Search Network
VOLUNTEER SEARCH NETWORK - provides a worldwide group of volunteers who offer search help to people touched by adoption.
Who? Me?
WHO? ME? - Search registry for those searching for others.