More Government Links

Census Bureau - Main Data Bank (U.S.)
CENSUS BUREAU - Timely, relevant, and quality data about the people and economy of the United States.
Congress (U.S.)
UNITED STATES CONGRESS - Hundreds of publications in both text and pdf formats.
Congressional Email Directory
CONGRESSIONAL EMAIL DIRECTORY - A directory of email addresses for U.S. Senators and Congressional Representatives. It is organized alphabetically by state and includes hyperlinked addresses.
Consumer Information Center
CONSUMER INFORMATION CENTER - Offer full text versions of hundreds of the best federal consumer publications available.
Copyright Office (U.S.)
UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT OFFICE - Offers copyright searches. (1978 to present)
FEC INFO - Database of political contributors by zip code or name.
Federal Register
FEDERAL REGISTER - This site provides a searchable database of the Federal Register.
Freedom of Information Act
FIA INFO - Tells you how you may go about obtaining information under the freedom of information act.
Gov Bot Database
GOV BOT DATABASE - Online search of GovBot's 535,000 web pages from government sites around the country.
Government Information Locator Service
GOVERNMENT INFORMATION LOCATOR - Describes information resources that can be found from the federal government and helps in locating them.
Government Printing Office
GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE - Offers electronic access to documents published by various government agencies. The site is completely searchable and most documents are available for download.
Information Agency
UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY - Offers a vast amount of information on U.S. foreign affairs and relations.
IRS - Forms & Publications
INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE - All the common I.R.S forms and publications are available for downloading from their site. They also have tax statistics and other related information.
NARA Genealogical Holdings
NARA - At this site you can order microfilm for a variety of topics including military, census records, immigrant records, etc.
National Health Statistics
NH STATISTICS DATABASE - Offers many different searchable databases and reports dealing with health statistics including death, birth, AIDS, etc.
Natural Disaster Reference Database
NATURAL DATABASE REFERENCE - A historical database of natural disasters that can be searched by subject.
Patents - Internet Patent Search System
PATENTS - Offers various searchable databases for U.S. patents.
SEC Filing
SEC FILING - Offers a large database containing detailed information on corporate information.
Thomas - Legislative Information
THOMAS - This site contains the Congressional Records of the United States and every pending bill before congress. You can research bills, follow the actions of bills or read about hotbills from their hotlist.
U.S. Constitution
U.S. CONSTITUTION - The complete text of the U.S. constitution, history of proposed changes and related court decisions.
U.S. State Travel Warnings
U.S. STATE DEPARTMENT TRAVEL WARNINGS - Each entry includes a rundown of the risks, visa requirements, medical facilities, and safety recommendations.
White House
WHITE HOUSE - Homepage of the White house. Here you can search white house documents, learn more about the president and his family, visit the briefing room, etc.
