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Broadband Watersnake

A local YMCA facility near Aron's house is surrounded by freeways and metropolitan areas, save about 10 acres of land around the facility that is yet undeveloped. In the middle of this patch of land is a large pond that harbors many species of reptiles and amphibians, and we go here sometimes to catch and photograph these animals.

We were wading in an area of shallow water (about six inches deep) and discovered that the place was FULL of diamondback and broadbanded watersnakes! They ranged in size from barely over 8 inches long, to a massive 4 feet the snake Aron caught (it was a diamondback, featured on a different page). Anyhow, we proceeded to catch and photograph as many as we could, which turned out to be around 15 different snakes by the time we headed back home.

Aron and I were walking around catching snakes, when I heard something splashing around in the water. I looked over, and there was this huge bullfrog hopping all around Aron's little cousin, Josh. It's the funniest thing I've ever seen. Josh finally caught the frog after it hopped in the mud and remained still for just enough time for him to get scooped up.