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Diamondback Watersnake

Aron and I had both had a long day, we decided to leave the electronics/tesla coils alone for the night and go draining instead. We picked out a drain that neither I nor Aron had been in before, drove down there, then proceeded to enter the giant tunnel. The drain opening was about 7 feet square, plenty of room. There was only a few inches of water, which was enough to sustain the life of many hundreds of small catfish, perch, and a few bass. Whilst wading through the fish, it wasn't difficult at all to spot a 4 foot diamondback watersnake right in the middle of the water! So we promptly whipped out our new digital cameras and started snapping pictures, we hope you like them.

This guy was quite unhappy about being held by the tail, but we let his head rest in the water and he seemed to be OK with that. All this snake wanted to do was get away from us, but he would promptly go offensive by striking at our maglights if we got too close...

After getting his picture taken almost 30 times, we let him swim on down the tunnel by himself, in search for more fish to eat (we're guessing).

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