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When I see you hanging on that cross,
I see what pain I have caused you
I look upon your face, and I am at a loss for words
I see the blood running down your face
I see the thorns piercing your forehead
I should be there in your place
But you chose to die for me instead

When I look into your eyes,
I see times I was too busy to take time to speak
I remember the quiet, loving words you whispered to me,
But I was talking to a friend, or I was watching
something on TV.

When you spoke to me in such sweet tones,
I remember the cruel words to others, that came from my tongue
You accepted me openly, and without condemnation
But I returned with judgment on my sisters and my

Yes, I was the one who nailed you to that old cross
It was me that drove those spikes into your loving hands
It was me that spoke those unkind words
It was me that cracked that whip against your back
when I refused to show mercy to my brethren.

Yes, I nailed you to that Cross
But you went so willingly; so that I could escape so great punishment
You went into the grave and bore my sins and iniquities
You died so that I may live.
You took on yourself all my ugliness



And because you live, I have a new life
I can see the sun shining now
I can PRAISE THE LORD in the knowing of your love

YOU LIVE, so that I may live.
Because of this new life I can walk in victory
I can turn from my sins and leave them there
I can walk with you.
And though the steps are sometimes hard, I know you are
always there

You never leave me; you never turn your eyes from me.
You care what happens to me.
But, best of all, Lord, you have no more memory of my sins
You have forgiven me, and forgotten them.

You are now reaching out to me
Lord Jesus, I now reach out to you
I take your hand, Lord.
I desire to walk with you in the gardens
I desire to walk with you on the mountain tops

I do not desire to walk in the rough valleys,
or in the fiery furnaces,

I will go there for you because you have already been there for me.
You will go with me to those places and will never let go of my hands
I will never go anywhere you have not been, and I will never be there alone.

I can sing praises to your name Lord, because I am a new creation
You have created in me, the love and desire to please you
You have made me into what I am today
But you have more for me, and I gladly receive whatever you desire for me.

Thank you Lord for the Cross
Thank you Lord for the nails
Thank you Lord for the lashes
Thank you Lord for the VICTORY!

By Judith A. Brown ©
April 24, 2000

