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Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 12+1), cont.

To: RightOnline

>I believe it will be equally important to begin a little campaign of our own after Clinton leaves office.

Just let air and light in. Although I do believe the crew doing the basement is going to need stakes.

13 Posted on 01/08/2001 05:23:21 PST by DistantVoice
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To: RightOnline

Just as there are those who will remain at the White House who are loyal to Clinton, there surely are those who have endured the past eight years with teeth clinched, ready to spill all once Bush is installed. They know where the bodies are buried.

It may take a few weeks, or even months, but I expect a torrent of new information to come out regarding coverups and obstruction of justice by the current occupants.

Even with the shredders running overtime at the White House, they can't destroy it all, nor those who are willing to finally speak.

14 Posted on 01/08/2001 05:33:57 PST by Dog Gone
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To: Dog Gone

Do you (or anyone) have the threads archived where we discussed the backup zip drive(s) that may exist and be in Lamberth's possession? I'm fairly sure you remember those conversations we had about this last fall, huh?

15 Posted on 01/08/2001 06:10:02 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: Nita Nuprez

Thanks for the flag.


16 Posted on 01/08/2001 06:27:41 PST by DreamWeaver
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To: Nita Nuprez

I didn't archive those threads, but I certainly do remember those conversations. They centered on the fact that contractors had made copies of emails containing keywords like "Monica" while researching the non-captured email problem.

One such Zip disk was turned over to Lamberth (and to the White House) to prove that the missing emails did, in fact, exist.

The question was, and is, whether other zip disks were made that are in the court's possession. The White House can't be sure, and that fact alone prevents them from wholesale destruction of the still missing emails. If they destroy them now, and Lamberth has copies, the case for obstruction of justice, willful destruction of government property, etc., will be open and shut.

We still need to see how this plays out, and it could be one of the more productive sources of yet unreleased information about the criminal activities in Clinton's White House.

17 Posted on 01/08/2001 07:21:59 PST by Dog Gone
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To: Nita Nuprez

thanks Nita......the MIB list grows. the more the merrier........ and safer.

18 Posted on 01/08/2001 07:46:50 PST by Jackie222
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To: RightOnline

You're right. Bush needs a "carrot and stick" approach. A "carrot" in working with the more moderate Democrats and a "stick" to completely discredit Clinton and help the Democrat Party remove that festering cancer from their body. They have to go lower, before they can go up.

One more thing, Bush ought to appoint a Blue Ribbon Commission on Voter Fraud and uncover the extensive Democrat voter fraud across the country. This will have the added benefit of showing Bush the winner of a majority of legitimate votes. If Repub's want to win statewide in States like Michigan and Pennsylvania, they must stop the DemocRAT fraud machine.

19 Posted on 01/08/2001 07:58:10 PST by Jabba the Tutt
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To: RightOnline

The veneer needs to be stripped away and the public must see the rotting wood underneath......or the inevitable clamoring for his return (or Hillary's "promotion" to the WH herself) will reach a fever pitch over the next four years.

I agree. Nothing must stop the continuing scanning like we are doing here. It think it encourages others that have felt too vulnerable up until now to speak.

Another interesting thought is that just because what we 'imagine' did NOT might have happened if we had not talked about it????? (did that make sense?) IOW keep scanning and probing and talking. Keeps the enemy scrambling to rework their plans and dilutes their future goals. I like talking about this. It is NOT wasted effor. I find that as I read and reread (especially the way this is formatted) I can learn facts. Not just theories. I am a better informed citizen because of what these threads are doing. Organized, validated with sources and current!!

Do I think that we are that important? Yes, I think that this and more like this will bring down the forces that are against America and we the people are responsible to do this if we are a Republic.


20 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:16:38 PST by Jackie222
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To: RightOnline

a tell-all book here, another one there by some disgruntled former staffer.........but it MUST get out.

I only hope these books are written and published, but I have recently become very pessimistic anent the reception of these tomes. The ultra leftwing powers that be now will still be in place when these authors try to get their book published. I doubt if any mainstrean publisher,eg, Random House, et al, will publish them and give them credibility with a publicity campaign with TV interviews et ctera. These books will have to fall back on publishers, that publish the vaious right wing books we are so fond of and therefore not receive the readership and credibility needed to be accepted by the general public. E.g., the book written by the FBI Agent was snubbed by the Networks, except to poo poo it. The only books that will receive much publicity will be books like the one Sec Albright is shopping around. The press has too much invested in not making "Pecksniff Cretin" look bad. People will ask: Why didn't you uncover and report on these incidents while "Cretin" was in power?

21 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:20:08 PST by Phuong Hoang
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To: Nita Nuprez

Whether it's Clinton or us or a combination of both, Alcoa (the tinfoil people) had a nice jump in their 4th quarter earnings! ;^ )

22 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:40:02 PST by Kirk&Burke
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To: Phuong Hoang

Pecksniff Cretin, wwww, LOL! That's been a while.

23 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:40:36 PST by Ironword
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To: Kirk&Burke

LOL! You just made my day. There's nothing better than being able to laugh at ourselves. :)

24 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:50:25 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: harpseal

By the way what will your new screen name be (presuming they leave on 20 January)?

Nita Nupress. And I can't WAIT to start using it. You guys will have to be my witness that I'm not some friggin' newbie.

It'll be good for me though. Maybe I need to be in their shoes again for awhile to remind me of what it's like to be suspected of being a plant every time you open your mouth. :)

25 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:55:23 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: Jackie222

Thanks for your kind words. I know I speak for all of us when I tell you it's appreciated. This ain't been easy!

26 Posted on 01/08/2001 08:57:22 PST by Nita Nuprez
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To: Nita Nuprez

I just want to raise a few points about records and the minutae, in a philosohpic sense. I do not think that all the warehouses full of administration memos, reports, security videos, etc. etc. are doing our country and justice a single bit of good. In fact, I strongly suspect that they are a tremendous burden in costs and encumberance to all pursuits of good, moral and honest government. Moreover in those chases that pursue remedy of present failings, or restittion of prior harms, that all the massive bulk and minute trivial detail of these records keep real justice -- not to mention the real history -- obscured.

In the Bible the books of the Prophets often refer in a mocking way to something called the "Books of the Kings" -- they say "Is it not written in the Book of Kings?". That is a deragatory reference to the transitory nature of such detailed records of the state, and a judgement, perhaps, on the amount of wisdom (very little) one might gain by their study.

I think we are beat from before the start, if the path followed in acheiving justice relies on tracking through these records, and that efforts will bear fruit if extended upon the persons rather than the records. Better if all those records and tapes would be lost in a fire, than to put mere records at a higher level of expectation than personal testimony.

We've got to return the true sense of awesome repsonsiblity in testimony, rather than a cheap reliance on huge amounts material evidence.

27 Posted on 01/08/2001 09:08:32 PST by bvw
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To: Nita Nuprez

Nita Nupress


Now that we've helped the country get a nuprez, our next objective should, indeed, be a nupress.

On the election trail and during the 35 days of waiting, FReeping seemed to somehow "make a difference".

How could the practice of FReeping be applied to the media, I wonder...???

28 Posted on 01/08/2001 09:12:19 PST by okie01
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To: Nita Nuprez

I sat through Rather's Clinton interview on CSEDS, and if I ignored everything I know from reading FR, Gertz, Drudge, Olsen et al... I'd have been left thinking he was the 20th century's greatest statesman. As it was, he basically lied through his teeth and Rather lapped it up.

Clinton said that, as a part of his budget as an exiting president, he will have an office in D.C. for six months, and a full time office in NYC concurrently and thereafter. Shadow government, indeed. The press will depart from previous decorum and will vet every Bush story through Clinton and his cronies. It's going to be a rough ride.

29 Posted on 01/08/2001 09:24:40 PST by Man
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To: Jackie222, Nita Nuprez

I agree about both our past impact and the need to maintain continuing effort. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.

I do hope that the frequency with which we create new "Trannie threads" does decrease a little - mostly so Nita, et al. get a chance to have a life or get some sleep. ;-)

But, whatever it takes, I'm onboard.

30 Posted on 01/08/2001 09:45:58 PST by Jim the Just
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To: Jim the Just,Nita Nuprez, logos, OwenKellogg, RightOnline

I do hope that the frequency with which we create new "Trannie threads" does decrease a little -

I know what you mean but the threads seem to be creating themselves. (with a little help from Nita and Co) so how do you stop the information flow as it comes in? I cannot imagine that the few folks doing this will be able to continue putting eveything that is happening and going to happen in this massive form.

Nita Nuprez, logos, OwenKellogg, RightOnline..........I salute you. Ask for help if you need it. (I'm not near as smart as you guys but I can do research and gathering). Just ask.

31 Posted on 01/08/2001 10:23:57 PST by Jackie222
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