Topic List -- Threads 10-12

Trannie Revisited: Out of the Sunlight and Into the Shadows? (Thread 10)
Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 11)
Beyond Trannie: What Are The Remaining Options? (Thread 12)

Topics Discussed on Thread 10:

-The relevance of the FBI Files and how Clinton could use them in the future
-The assertion by gonzo that Trannie is quidam
-Clinton's quest for a position at the UN
-WHODB/PROMIS software and the possibility that Clinton could steal it for later use in blackmailing Congress and others
-The "lone, crazed gunman" shooting at Edgewater Technologies, and Edgewater's connection to the Stephens group
-The possibility and consequences of the Chicoms pulling out of the US Treasury bond/note market

Topics Discussed on Thread 11:

1. Is Bill Clinton interested in and actively pursuing the UN Secretary-General's job? What are the "perks" that he would enjoy and how much power would it give him?

2. The situation in the Middle East

3. The Clinton Administration's disasterous foreign policy

4. Laz and his breast fetish (Gotcha! :) )

5. Could the recent return of "mass public shootings," combined with the wide dissemination of proposed gun control measures and the media hype be a buildup to a staged incident of terrorism/mass shooting which would give Clinton the opportunity to declare martial law?

6. Clinton appears to be positioning himself as Chief Democratic Power-Broker to run a "shadow government" from behind the scenes.

7. Regardless of whether or not Clinton utilizes it, the machinery has been set in place which will allow the relatively peaceful takeover of our government and the outright invalidation of our Constitution (a "living document," according to the Democrats).

The precedents that will be set for future US leaders if Clinton is pardoned.

9. The mass shooting at Edgewater by McDermott and its possible relationship to PROMIS/Alltel/Stephens' Sytematics. Was McDermott involved in the military's MKULTRA psyops operations?

The origin of Trannie's name

11. The possibility of "back doors" embedded in our military and other government software by Chicoms. A large percentage of programmers were Chinese (and other) foreign nationals who were employed by government contractors during Y2K remediation last year. These foreign programmers were not submitted to background checks, despite having extensive access to millions of lines of source code in various US governmental agencies.

12. Speculation that Clinton will head up the "International War Crimes Court"

13. The premise that the entire WHoDB/FBI files/PROMIS conjunction is the "magic sword" and is related to the recent "housecleaning" (i.e., Arkancides) in regards to the those people associated with the White House e-mail scandal.