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Rest In Peace Santos

This part of my page has religious input, enter and read at your own discretion.

In Loving Memory of Santos Gauna

Santos's Graduation Pic

This section of my web page is dedicated to the one and only Santos Gauna. Santos was fatally shot at his Graduation/Going Away Party on June 9, 2001. Santos, being the good natured person he always was, tried to escort some uninvited party go-ers out of his party to prevent any trouble. These guys had something else in mind and started shooting towards Santos, his parents, and towards the other guests. Santos was shot along with his parents. He was rushed to Parkland Memorial where he later died. His parents were also sent to Parkland where they were in stable condition. No, I wasn't at the party. No, I'm not from Ledbetter. I went to high school with Santos. I don't have all of the details, all I know is what happened at the trial. Someone was charged for his murder. That person was QT. Regardless of all of the people that think I'm "lying", I went to the trial. I saw and heard the evidence. Let Santos rest... he's in a better place. His accused killer is behind bars... for at least the next 30 years.
The Dallas Morning News Article about Santos
What can I say about Santitos?? Everyone who knew him and had the chance to exchange words with him always had a smile on their face. Santos was the type of person who wanted everyone to be friends with each other and tried to keep cool with everyone. Santos had this way about himself. He always had a smile on his face and was always laughing. He wasn't a trouble maker or a thug, he was just Santos. When you would ask Santos what he was going to do after we graduated he always responded with the same answer: He was going to the Marines! He was soooo determined to become one of THE FEW, THE PROUD, THE MARINES! Click here to Enter the Official Marine Website
He wanted to travel the world and see new sites. He would always say when he came back September 9, that he was going to have a tight body and be looking fit. He was gonna stop drinking and partying to prove to everyone that he was gonna be the BEST Marine around. It is such a tragedy that Santos never made it to San Diego June 11. I guess Santos can now travel where ever he wants up in Heaven.
At his funeral, his honorary pallbearers were Marines. We all know that Santos was smiling hard when he saw that the Marines were carrying his casket. I think that everyone there was happy that the Marines did that.
It hasn't been that long that he has been gone, but his family and all of his friends miss him terribly! He will always live in our hearts and the memories will never fade away! He may be physically gone, but he will never be forgotten or gone in our hearts and minds.
Santos you were always willing to give me a hug when we would be in school, afterschool, or at parties. You always had your Kool-Aid smile and always made me smile. Thank you so much for those little things: smiling at me, scoring on me (hehehe), saying my name whenever you saw me (I can still hear you Santos!!), and just being there. I didn't know that Six Flags was going to be the last time I would ever see you, but I'm soooo glad that I went and didn't "sell" you out. The memories of your comida, your house watching "Texas Chainsaw Massacre", Artist Square, the snake at Daniel's house, Six Flags, and Denny's afterwards will always live in my heart and I will NEVER forget any of them. Thank you soooo much for everything Santos! I won't name every little thing that you did that just stands out in my mind, 'cause I'm pretty sure you know them. But I'll remember your MOONING events when we were practicing for Powder Puff and the last day of school! Good thing I had my camcorder 'cause it's on tape!! My Nigga Santos, thank you!!! We all LOVE you and MISS you!! MUAHHHHHHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ!!! Love you!!
You were the ANGEL within our group!
Sunrise: October 31, 1982
Sunset: June 9, 2001 (Santos, Joseph noticed something about the date you passed~~June 9 is 6-9, oh yeah you know you love those numbers!! HEHEHE)
LOVE YOU ALWAYS!! Gone, but NEVER forgotten!
The Dallas Morning News Article about Santos

Here are some pics of Santos Gauna Senior Year~2000-2001!

Santos as a Model

Santos at Juanita's Party Agustin and Santos Santos at his Graduation Comida~~June 2, 2001 Santos holding up his Graduation Money ($645) @ his ComidaSantos holding up his MoneySantos @ Six Flags @ the Michael Salgado Concert~~June 3, 2001Santos at Artist Square~~June 3, 2001 Santos's Graduation CakeSantos at his house June 3, 2001 @ 2:00AMSantos and Joseph @ Six Flags in line for the Titan Santos and Juanita at his ComidaAdelia and Santos at Prom~~ April 21, 2001Santos at his house drinking a Smirnoff on June 3, 2001 @ 2:00AMSantosSantos and his Graduation CakeTacky Day~~Santos has the white wig onTacky Day~~Peter, Santos, and SadathAfter Prom at the Suite~~Alma, Mark, and SantosSantos chugging a Smirnoff after PromCoCo beating Santos in arm wrestling
Alma and Santos Connie and SantosDaniel (Santos's Cousin) and SantosJoseph and Santos at Six FlagsAlma and Santos waiting in line for the Titan


Favorite Color-Teal
Favorite Subject In School
Favorite Food
-Jack In The Box #7 and two tacos
Favorite Hobby
-Playing Pool
Favorite Saying
-"Oh Mommy, you're tripping"
Favorite Goal in Life
-To join the Marines, come back, settle down and get married.
Favorite Friends
-Joseph, Danny, Agustin, CoCo, Dexter, Sadath

Click here to read the Poem Dedicated to Santos

Poem Dedicated to Santos

The Dallas Morning News Article about Santos

Click here to read the News Article

UPDATE as of July 17, 2001

As of July 17, 2001, there has been a suspect indicted in Santos Gauna's murder. This is a relief for all of his family and friends. Finally, we can all feel better knowing that the one who took our ANGEL away will now suffer the consequences.
Man Charged in Shooting Death at Party
Click on the link to read the article from the Dallas Morning News. The story is the 6th from the top.

Man Charged in Shooting Death at Party

November 2002

<3 It has been more than a year that Santos has been taken from us, but we all still feel that he never left us. I personally feel that Santos is always by my side and is watching over all of us. It's hard some days to truly comprehend that he has gone up to Heaven, leaving us here. I guess I get reality checks sometimes when I sit and think. I still cry, I still think, I still wonder what if, I still smile, and I still love Santos. I know that he will always be a part of my life and will never be forgotten. I love you Santos! Missing you like crazy! 'SMILE', you're still with us!! And the trial for the a** that is charged with the killing of Santos is scheduled for December 2002. The trial date might change, but hopefully it'll come quickly.<3 <3

October 31, 2002
October 31, 2002
October 31, 2002

Psalm 23

The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures; he leadeth me beside the still waters. He restoreth my soul;

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou are with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-4

There is time for everything,
and a season for every activity under heaven;
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to weep and a time to laugh.

Santos's Goal in Life

Click Here to Read about the Marines

United States Marine Corps

Santos liked Los Palominos and so here is a link to their biography!
Los Palominos's Biography

UPDATE as of June 2003

June 8, 2003

It's been about 8 months that I haven't updated this page, so here I go.
As of, February of 2003, QT was charged with 2 counts of aggravated assault and murder. He was sentenced to 15 years and life in prison. He will be eligible for parole in 30 years. Finally, this is over. Now we can wake up and go to sleep knowing that Santos' killer is behind bars. It's been 2 years since Santos' death, and his family and friends continue to keep his memory alive.
Click this


to check out the pictures I took on the 2 year anniversary of his death.
And by the way, thanks to everyone that has sent messages to me, we all appreciate your thoughts and prayers.

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Last Updated: Sunday, June 15, 2003

Always and forever, Santos will never fade away!