AnencephalyWhat is Anencephaly?Anencephaly is a rare neural tube defect that occurs in the 3rd or 4th week of pregnancy. Only 1 in 1000 babies are affected. When the spinal cord is forming, early in pregnancy, the top closes and becomes the top of the babies head and brain. If this does not happen, then the top of the baby's head, the forebrain, and the Cerebrum (thinking part of brain) does not develope correctly. It is believed that babies with Anencephaly are blind, deaf, and unconscious. Many believe that the baby does not feel pain. When any other part of the spinal cord does not close, the result is Spina Bifida or Open SpineHow is Anencephaly detected?Anencphaly can be detected in pregnancy during an ultra sound, or through tests such as theWhat are the chances of survival?Anencephaly has no cure and is "incompatible with life." A baby with this condition has no chance of surviving more than a few hours, or at the most, a few days. I have heard that more than 90% of parents that find out their baby has Anencephaly choose to interupt the pregnancy.What causes Anencephaly?Nobody can say for sure whatcauses Anencephaly. Sometimes it is just a freak thing that occurs, and others it is caused by a chromosomal abnormality such asFor more information on Anencephaly or any of the terms named above check out Cherished Babies!
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