This page is dedicated to our angel, Gabriel Thomas Svitoris. He left Jeff and I way too soon. He had a chromosomal abnormality called Trisomy 18, or Edward's Syndrome. That in turn caused a fatal neural tube abnormality called Anencephaly. He is loved and missed by many. In this site you will find his story, photos, poems, links to other angel websites, information, and a lot of support. I hope to help educate and support others that find themselves in a similar situation. I pray for anyone needing to look at a site such as this, that you will find some kind of comfort here... Hugs, Marcie P.S. If you are a friend or family member of somebody who lost a child, and you don't know what to say please read this. P.P.S. I would love to know that you were here. Don't forget to sign Gabriel's guestbook! I no longer have an email account posted on the website because It generated so much spam that I couldn't keep up. I do have the guestbook enteries emailed me to me though so I will know if you write. You can mark it private if you don't want others to read it. I wrote this for my Gabriel. My Dearest Gabriel, You are on my mind, day and night. To keep your memory alive I must fight. Some feel uncomforatble, some don't feel right, When it comes to you, they turn off my light. Some think that they understand, Yet never offer to take my hand. Many Say God has a plan for me and you, I Just reply, "God needs a plan for other children, too." For too many children never feel love, Like I know in my heart that you do. My throat gets tight, my feeling blue, My eyes water, when I think of you. Sometimes you fill me with joy, Some times I simply feel hollow. I guess that's to be expected, As on this road I follow. For you have led the way for me, up where it's always sunny. I know you have new angel friends, I know this because you are sweeter than honey! Each day I learn of a new angel friend, one more heartache, one more tear, one more mommy I will tend. I see the sadness in your daddy's face, In his heart you hold a special place. If I could only feel you tumble, And hear your heart beat. When your daddy kissed my belly, It was the sweetest treat! Both smiles and tears, your memory brings, When I read your books, and look at all your precious things. You're my sweet angel son, And if I have more, You'll always be my first one. As this poems ends, My tears start to flow. For I love you and miss you and don't want you to go! Love Always and Forever, Mommy 3/24/01 we must judge it by the richness of it's contents. Sometimes the "unfinished's" are among the most beautiful of symphonies." ~~Victor Frankl
This site was founded in February, 2001. This site was last updated: June 13, 2005 Poems ~ Helpful Links ~ |