"The City of Townsville...on the planet earth, out in outer space."
Villains: Broccoloids
What's Up: All the kids in Townsville, including the Powerpuff Girls, refuse to eat their broccoli, shipped in from nearby Farmsville. Good thing, since the Broccoloids, from outer space, have infested this year's crop with alien mind-control spores, which leave all the veggie-eating adults in a state of hypotransmithesis. Since the kids didn't touch the stuff, they're free to save the town! But that means eating up all the Broccoloid invaders...
Stuff You Might Have Missed: Bubbles releases a pen full of rabbits to help eat the invaders. This episode has a bunch of broccoli-related puns including: 'branch out and scout the area,' 'swallow your pride, Girls,' and 'leaf me alone.'
Behind the Scenes: The idea and music for this episode was inspired by the film 'Mars Attacks.'
Characters: The kids of Townsville and Farmsville.
Superpowers: Ultrasonic hearing, Blossom's microscopic vision, laser beam eyes, flying, superstrength, super eating ability.