"The City of Townsville...Pokey Oaks County, a sleepy suburb of the City of Townsville."
Villains: Elmer Sglue
What's Up: Buttercup gets carried away with classroom taunts levied against paste-eating classmate Elmer Sglue and lobs a superstrength powered paste ball at him. When Ms. Keane demands an apology, Buttercup just can't come up with the words. But when Elmer eats a toxic fly along with some paste, the results are pretty sticky; he turns into a giant, bitter, paste monster. The Girls soon realize they're no match for this binding baddie, and Buttercup soothes the savage beast with those two little words.
Stuff You Might Have Missed: Classmate Mitch Mitchelson's shirt announces that "Mitch Rocks!"
Characters: Ms. Keane, Julie Bean, Harry Pitt, Wes Goingon, Floyd and Lloyd Floydjoydsen, Mitch Mitchelson
Superpowers: Flying, superstrength, laser beam eyes