"The City of Townsville...the happiest, cleanest, safest town on earth."
Villains: Him
Characters: Ms. Keane, Classmates, Professor, Ms. Bellum, Mayor
Superpowers: Flying, super superpeed
What's Up: The Powerpuff Girls accidentally fly the speed of light, and when they arrive home, everything has changed. Fifty years have passed and the world has gone to heck, thanks to Him. The Girls must stop his dark forces and change everything back to normal, which they do by flying back in time.
Stuff You Might Have Missed: What happens to Buttercup's hair when they finish the race?! Signs in heck with Him read "Mayor gone at 83," "World going to heck in a handbasket," "Professor Utonium proven fraud," "Interest rates hike," "Powerpuff Girls Missing," and "Who is Him?"
Behind the Scenes: The time tunnel sequence of this show was created on the computer. In the destroyed Mayor's office, Ms. Bellum was originally crying to a Myor-shaped urn, but it was changed to just the Mayor's hat ans sash to make it less disturbing.
Him: As you raced through time, the whole world went to heck.