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Battle of Alberta

Flame Oiler
Peplinski - Jackson
Hunter - Semenko
Peplinski - Jackson
Hanson - Linesman
Peplinski - Linesman
Hanson - Semenko
Baxter - Fogolin
Baxter - McClelland
Hunter - Jackson
Bourgeois - Semenko
Baxter - McClelland
Bourgeois - McClelland
Risebrough - Coffey
Bourgeois - Semenko
Otto - Jackson
Hunter - Jackson
Peplinski - Semenko
Hunter - McClelland
Peplinski - Gregg
Konroyd - Semenko
Wilson - Lowe
Hunter - Semenko
Peplinski - Jackson
Risebrough - Anderson
Beers smacks Coffey
Scuffle #2
Peplinski - Smith
Risebrough - McSorley(news)
Peplinski - McClelland (news)
Hunter - McSorley (news)
Otto - Semenko
McDonald - McSorley
Hunter - Jackson
Hunter - Semenko
Sheehy - McTavish
Peplinski - McSorley
Baxter - Smith
Foitu - McSorley (almost)
Peplinski - McClelland
MacInnis - Lowe (news)
Glynn - McClelland
Nattress tries to check Krushelnyski
Bullard - Lowe
Hunter - McClelland
Roberts hip check on EDM player
Roberts - Messier
Nieuwendyk highsticked
McDonald - Acton
Churla - Smith
Roberts - McClelland
Buekeboom hit by Lowe's stick
Suter - McSorley
Churla - McClelland
Otto - McClelland (Highlight)
Roberts - Courtnall
Ramage checks Messier
Hunter flattens Gretzky
Roberts Crunches McSorley
Bullard speared by McSorley
Berezan flattened by Messier
Hunter runs Fuhr
Mullen collides with Lacombe
Peplinski checked by Muni
Suter highsticks Simpson
Ramage - Tikkanen (roughing)
Murzyn - Smith
Hunter jumps Semenko
Sheehy - McClelland (almost)
Baxter - McClelland
Otto - Smith
Sheehy - McSorley (almost)
Sheehy - McSorley
Risebrough - McSorley
Peplinski - McClelland
Otto - MacTavish
Hunter - McSorley
Hunter - McSorley #2
Bourgeois - Semenko
McDonald - McClelland
Hunter - Buchberger
Otto - Anderson
Roberts - McClelland
Otto - Larson
Ramage - McClelland
Hunter - Buchberger
Otto - Messier
Peplinski - Beukeboom
Macoun - Messier
Nattress checked by Lacombe
Nattress - McClelland
Roberts checked by Adams
Roberts checks Tikkanen
Ramage - Buchberger
M. Hunter - Lacombe
Peplinski - Tikkanen
Murzyn - Buchberger
Kyte - Brown
Hunter - Brown
Grimson - Brown

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