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undefined Partcipation Policy

D. Company has expended a great deal of time and incurred a similarly large  expense in order to portray Civil War soldiers accurately.  Persons wishing to participate in an event must therefore be dressed authentically and have with them the equipment and, if appropriate to their portrayal, weapons typical of the period.  This would preclude one-size-fits-all hats, wrist watches, eyeglasses of modern appearance, sneakers or modern-appearing shoes, etc.

Participation in an event is fun, but dangerous too.  Real weapons are being discharged, and real black powder is being used to load them.  Familiarity with firearms is mandatory for participants carrying weapons. 

Members of the 5th Texas Company D are covered by insurance policies for liability and for personal injury.  There are also rules prohibiting participation in an event.  No person under the age of 14 may carry a weapon.  Persons under the age of 16 years old are required to provide proof that they have successfully compleated a Hunter's Education course approved by theState of Arizona. Persons under the age of 18 years old to have a parent or guardian present at any battles or other activities they wish to participate in.  Said parent or guardian is fully responsible for that person. No one is allowed to fire a weapon on the field until they have demonstrated a suitable knowledge of the School of the Soldier and basic re-enacting safety to the Officers and NCOs of the unit.

We do welcome visiting re-enactors (properly turned out, of course) , and prospective members (also properly turned out).