My reaction to the season finale (5-22-01)-
So....Buffy's dead?! Ok, I went to the official site posting board, and I heard mixed rumors. I've heard pretty definitely Buffy's moving to UPN, and it's been said Sarah Michelle Gellar planned to quit if the show left the WB, but apparently in a recent interview she said she was staying on the show. Also, there's supposed to be at least 2 more seasons... I'm thinking maybe she somehow got transported to another dimension, since she was in that portal, and her body was just left behind?... I really have no idea how they plan on bringing her back, if at all. They better, or there are going to be ALOT of angry fans... Thoughts on this? E-mail me and I'll post them... Or sign my guestbook(it's on the main page)... Love you guys... They can't kill Buffy! Ahhhh!
Queen of Sarab