While not officially a member of the Full House team at the time
of this report, Melissa Gavaneaux is under consideration for a position and
is worthy of speculation. Of French and German extraction, Melissa is a
trained field agent born in the year 2575.
Her motives for joining Uniglobal Surveillance seem similar to Kevin
Kilcarney's, most notably a desire to check the power of the Lords.
However, she is not as patient or skilled at intrigue as Kilcarney.
It is an open secret that Melissa is connected with the Resistance at
some level. Unknown why she hasn't been pulled in because of it.
Perhaps US is using her as bait for higher members of the Underground.
Melissa's main interest to this study is her relationship to Flannery
Quinn. Her cover story has her set up to tend bar at The Deck, a
known Resistance hang-out. Through their constant interaction, she
apparently formed an attraction for the surly Quinn and managed what
few people outside his team have ever been able to do--she broke
through his defenses. She is his confidante and lover. He cares a
great deal for her, as can be witnessed when seeing them together.
This makes her potentially valuable.
Bottomline profile: While she is a good agent, Melissa has a
flaw that can definitely be used against her. She cares too much for
human suffering. This is what sent her into the Resistance, and what
can be to our advantage. Threats to her personal safety would be
useless, but threats to her friends--particularly Quinn--could have good
results. It does bear to keep in mind, however, that she has been
well-trained and should never be underestimated because of her caring