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Words of Verse

This is the page where I will feature some poetry. Again, if you have any poetry that you want to submit to me for possible inclusion on this website, sign the guestbook and let me know! I"ll get in touch with you! Enjoy.

by: Sarah Roepke
Though we must part
You will never truly be gone
For in my heart
You will stay forever
And in my imagination
We will walk hand in hand
To the gates of Heaven and Hell
And then back once more

By: RiN WaiganD and Kat Spiegel

Once upon a day so dreary
A kitty pondered the "nine lives" thory.
He got up on the kitchen coaster
and got his tail stuck in the toaster.

After being thouroghly zapped,
this kitty being quite a sap,
climbed up on the roof so high
and tumbled off; should've been dead where he lie.

In a daze, stumbling to the street,
another fate he did meet,
for coming down that very road
was a truck that hit him like a load.

Kitty, recovreing in his home,
on the sofa he laid all alone,
when along came a very fat guy
who sat on him; should've been dead where he lie.

Crawling behind some electrical devices,
Kitty encountered another crisis.
Mistaking the cords for his toys,
Kitty got fried and made a very loud noise.

Wandering outside, his body did ache,
he mistook a garden hose for a snake,
getting entwined, by and by,
Kitty was choked; should've been dead where he lie.

Dazed and confused from his previous trauma
Kitty wandered into the garage continuing the drama.
He laid atop the car of the family.
As it drove off, hit the pavement did he.

Strolling to the nearby dock,
Kitty was in for another shock.
Walked right off the edge, he didn't know why.
Washed up on shore, should've been dead where he lie.

Kitty thought this awful day should end,
when quietly behind came his owner, friend
"Hello Kitty!" he shouted with an innocent eye.
Kitty was dead where he lie.

By: RiN WaiganD
Love is infinate
It knows no bounds of distance
No physical distance
Can quench the fires
In the souls of Lovers

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