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Bridgeman Website

We have two new additions to the family. Cody who is 17 and Bobby who is 14. Jason and I are adopting them. We love them like they are our own. I will have pictures up as soon as I can get them still long enough to do them.

adoption day!!!

She was born 7/23/04 at 11:06 a.m. weighing in at 7 pounds and 10 ounces 20 1/2 inches long. She looks just like Janel when She was born. Here are some pictures...

Jentri Eileen on 01/27/05 looking as cute as can be in her pink shoes. She is growing up so fast and has such a personality. She is my sweet baby.

Jentri and Janel, They are such great sisters. Janel likes to mother Jentri. She tries to feed her and tells her it will be ok when she cries.

Janel strangling Jentri. Is this a sign of things to come or does she just love her that much? LOL

Janel was 2 on Valentines day!!! Seems like I had her yesterday. She is my honery, funny girl.

I took these of Jentri at the house. She makes a beautiful angel.

Me and my girls. I am still workign on deciding a hair due. I may never pick one. HEHE I sure love my girls though.

Jason, Me Janel and Jentri. Aren't we a cute family? Well, I sure think so.

Janels one year old pictures

Janels first Haircut

Hope you enjoyed the pictures of Baby Janel.
