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Saved By The Bell #22 Ex-Zack-ly

The seniors at Bayside are in a real jam! A freak electrical storm has knocked out all the computer terminals and there's no money in the budget to replace them. It looks like computer class will be canceled, which wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't the most important one for getting into college. Now what are they going to do? Especially Zack, who figured that with Screech as his study partner this was sure to be his one and only easy A.

The perfect solution: a school fair! With Screech's virtual reality "rides," Jessie's friend, the magician, and Kelly's kissing booth, it's bound to be a success.

Wrong! Slater's miffed when he discovers the magician has more than just a "friendly" interest in Jessie, and Zack is none too pleased that Kelly's booth is the most popular one at the fair. Especially since her best customer is the very rich and very gorgeous Teddy Racine.

Will Zack and Slater have to snuggle with their new computers instead of their lovely ladies? Will Screech be able to find his way back to actual reality? Find out when you read Ex-Zack-ly, the hot new novel about the "Saved by the Bell" gang.
