The distant roar of deadly guns That spewed death all around Caused Brave Young Men to cry and pray And tremble by their sound. Confused young men who had no choice Laid their lives on the line Amid the carnage all around They aged before their time. The din that woke the dormant peace Inside their crude domains Of weary soldiers striving to sleep Ignoring all their pains. Bared, bloody fields that yielded death Strewn now with carrion The now consume the last remains Of men that have passed on. Allied comrades fought side by side Found comfort with their own Confided fright, confided hope Amazed at how they'd grown. The wail of hurt that stirred the night In agony some cried Next morn an eerie silence asks: "Are they asleep, perhaps they died?" With open arms and bleeding hearts Their loved ones wait in streams For some will come with shattered limbs And some with shattered dreams. DEDICATED TO VETERANS OF VIET NAM, GULF WAR, AND IRAQ Author: Donato Gomez, Jr. If you like this poem, feel free to email him and let him know TexDonn13132002 BACK |