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Steve's web cam links

The Links....(I do not always have these turned on)

(Back to my home page)
Cam 1: My PC Monitor - Actually shows what I am seeing on it. (To show recorded video clips at times)
Cam 2: Outside view - showing front yard (24x7 cam) ** Should always be on **
Cam 3: My living room - recliner/couch (kitchen background)
Cam 4: Forty-Two Feet Cam - Who knows where it is (various locations), using all of the 42 foot range
Cam 5: My living room - at PC or looking elsewhere
All my web cams

You can hold down the shift key and press the web cam link to open it in another window.

Why do I have web cams? This is a question I get from my friends. I have web cams because I can, I like to mess around with computer technology, I like the challenge of setting up 4 cams on 2 computers and have them running at the same time, I like to use the bandwidth in my cable modem since I am paying for it, and it is something to do, maybe I can meet some people from around the world. It is great for keeping in touch with distant friends and family...

Notes on the type of web cams I have:

Cam 1: Video Card/Camcorder. Either my live PC activity, or a video file I recorded from my camcorder to a mp2 DVD type file. This is a Sony Handycam Vision (CCD-TRV815). It is basically a camcorder (video camera). It is connected to my ATI All-In-Wonder 128 AGP 32MB video card with a S-video cable or RCA video cables if I need a longer cord. This setup gives me the clearest picture, auto focussing, nitescope (for sleepwalk, and remote control zoom in/out. However, I have to be in record mode when it is on. So I have to change out the 8mm tape when it gets to the end or rewind, etc.. Need a loop tape if they make one. If I leave this Camarades cam up and running for an extended period of time (4+ hours), then it will lockup the program and my pc when I try to shut it down. This is on my PC in my living room.

Cam 2: This is a Kensington Video Cam (67014) 400x300 resolution. It is set at 352x288 for Camarades though. This cam is pretty good for the price. It has good colors. The pic is pretty clear. It adjusts well to the light source available. I leave it on all night and it is viewable with street light as light source. It does require you to run the Kensington Video Cam Works program to use it in other applications like Camarades. This could eat away at your memory and performance. However, I also use that Cam Works software to take pics for security purposes on a timed interval, which works even while Camarades is running. If there is a lot of movement, then the pic can get blury while it focusses in. Other than that is is good.

This USB cam is connected to a 6 foot USB extension cable, then to a D-Link USB 4 port hub which handles another USB cam (4). On PC in my computer room.

Cam 3: This is a Kensington Video Cam VGA (67015) 640x480 resolution. It is the next model up from the one above. Same thing goes for it as above. You need Cam Works running, etc. It has a clearer picture than the one above. It only costs about $20 more than the other. I would recommend it. If there is a lot of movement, then the pic can get blury while it focusses in. Other than that is is good.

This USB cam is connected to two 6 foot USB extension cables, then to a USB port on the PC. On PC in my living room.

Cam 4: This is a Creative Video Blaster Web Cam 3. This was the first cam I bought. Then I figured out I could use my Cam 1 setup in the process of getting this cam working. It is a decent cam. Not quite as clear as the Kensington cams. About the same price as the Kensington VGA above. This cam does not require a program to be run, just the cam drivers are used. You can use it for security, it has its own program, but you can't do that when Camarades is running. I could not use it at all at night (like Cam 2), it had problems with low light, even when the settings were selected for it. It would be an ok web cam for regular use. It captures the TV's picture just fine though, which the Kensington cams have trouble doing.

This USB cam is connected to three 10 foot USB extension cables, plus a 6 foot USB extension cable, then to a D-Link USB 4 port hub which handles another USB cam (2). On PC in my computer room.

Cam 5: This is a Intel PC Camera Pack. It can support 640 x 480 resolution. This is an excellent cam. I would suggest that you get one if you are interested in a cam. The picture is very clear. I can leave it running for extended periods of time (40+ hours) without it affecting my pc and Camarades has no problems with it. I haven't used it to capture pictures specifically, but it should function just fine as the video streaming is just series of pics and that is clear. I have heard of another Intel model that allows video input into it as well, which would be good for someone who wants to import video camera pictures to their pc. So, I am sure that model is as good or better than this one for picture clearity. I can get video inputs to my video card, so I did not need that additional functionality. For Christmas one year, I bought my brother's family the Intel web cam/digital camera combo. This is a camera that you can use like a true digital camera and take pictures anywhere. You then hook it up to the PC with the USB connector to upload the images. When it is hooked up to the PC, you can use it as a web cam. So far they think it is ok. It should be just fine. All of the Intel products seem to share the same video technology, but some have more bells and whistles than others.

This USB cam is connected to a Belkin USB 4 port hub which handles a USB mouse and USB printer (which is mostly turned off). On PC in my living room.

Here are cams that I tried and took back because they were not to my liking:

IBM cam - the real inexpensive one. did not work with Camarades at all and the pic was yellowish.

There was also an EZonics cam that was also pretty week. low quality.

Logitech QuickCam Express - for the normal low end model, this was not what you would want. It was not sharp in streaming mode. There was a lot of missing pixels. The color was kind of pink on occasion. I would not recommend it.