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My parents, Rosie and Manuel, have been married 27 years and am their only child. Well, me and an array of pets throughout the years. I will say that at times it was very lonely but I had an abundance of friends to fill that void. I also had lots of free time to awknowledge and strengthen my love for music and writing. I remember having a vivid imagination growing up which is a major ingredient in my writing.

One thing that I am grateful and lucky for is that I am able to say that both sets of my grandparents are still alive today. I'm very fortunate to have had the chance to know them, love & respect them all of these years. To differienciate between the two, I call my mom's parents "grandma & grandpa" and my dad's parents "abuelita & abuelito" in spanish. They each have played an important role in my life and I thank God every day for allowing me the opportunity to celebrate our families together.

My parents and I share our apt with our cat, Stumpy. I named him Stumpy bc he doesnt have a tail, he has a little stump. His mother didnt have one either so after some research, we have come to learn that he is part of the Manx breed which is why his hind legs are longer than a normal cat and he has the tendency to hop or jump like a rabbit. Stumpy has been a member of our family for a little over four years now. Stumpy is a sweetheart and is very photogenic, he rarely fusses about taking pics with me. He let me put a Mardi Gras mask on him for Halloween and also wore a Santa Claus hat for Christmas this past year! Aww my baby, I love him : )


This is a pic of my cousin Gene from my mom's side of the family. Ever since he was born, he and I have had a *special connection*. We are four years apart but that didnt stop us from becoming really close or the best of friends even. He was always following me around, constantly asking me for advice or he would call to tell me that he loved me. AWW! He is now living in San Antonio attending UTSA. I wish him the best and I miss him :)

My cousin Rudy from my dad's side of the family and I were very close growing up. We still are to this day. He has been the older brother that I never had but always wanted! *tear* Rudy is currently a sailor in the U.S. Navy and is now stationed in Ingleside, Texas. He and his wife, Evie, had their first baby boy on 10/25/04 so congrats to them! :)


These are my two second cousins, Silver and Krystal. They are the children of my cousin Denise and also happen to be my God children as well. When Denise asked me to be their God parent, I was over joyed. They are two very intelligent, talented, funny and awesome kids whom I love very much. Krystal is a Senior at Hanna HS this year and is in the medical program. Silver is in the 7th grade at Vela MS and has excelled in Football, Basketball and Track. I have enjoyed every moment watching them mature and grow spiritually. There isnt anything I wouldnt do for them :)

*Family Updates*

Dad's side: My cousin Felipe and his wife Norma gave birth to their first child on March 16th in Irving. Our newest addition to my dad's side of the family is Christian Felipe Lopez! I cant wait to meet him :)

Dad's side:Rudy, Evie and Baby Rudy came down two weeks ago for a visit. Baby Rudy is 6 months old and is so adorable! I cant wait to spend some quality time with him :)

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