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Yes, I am aware that "Spring Break 2003 is so over" BUT it was an awesome time that I still like to come back to every now and then:

We took full advantage of Spring Break 03 and all that it had to offer us. We saw concerts, met people, got lots of free crap, drank and danced the nights away! Here are some pics or should I say "incriminating evidence" from the infamous Spring Break 03.

Here we are at the Island having drinks with the wonderful people of Pirate's Den. This man with us was named "Lief" which is pronounced "Life", how appropriate since we were celebrating my 23rd bday. He was all hitting on Jackie and buying us drinks, hilarious. Celina, the bartender was pretty cool and also the one guy that bought us shots, fun fun fun. Ah, Life....lmao

(Right) Ta da! Four of the most beautiful girls in the world! Jackie is the fourth beautiful girl but she was taking our picture ; ) This was taken at Schlitterbahn the night of the Diffuse, SR-71 and Lifehouse concert. Can you tell that we were attacked by the Miller Lite girls? They put stickers on us and gave us bandanas. Alisha put two of the stickers on her butt so she definetly lit up the area when she walked by! LOL I love you Mimi and Alisha!

Here we are strutting the famous "Charlie's Angels" pose, Spring Break style! I love taking funny pictures and who better to take them with than the Zapata sisters. This was taken right before the concert began and after being attacked by the Miller Lite girls. "What time is it? Miller Time!!" : )

These are pics from the Lifehouse concert. Mimi and Alisha took pics with the singer and drummer of SR-71 but I waited patiently for Lifehouse . I thought it was awesome that these three bands gave up some time after their performance to meet with the fans. I was able to get autographs from all the members of Lifehouse and I also got to take a pic with Jason, the singer from Lifehouse. He was so polite and kinda shy which makes me love the band even more. I downloaded and burned both of their cds so now I can listen to Jason's lovely voice whenever I please. Needless to say, I am obssessing over Lifehouse AGAIN! : )

We also had the opportunity to see Ian Van Dahl in concert at Louie's Backyard. I'm sure you dont recognize the name BUT prolly recognize the techno songs "Castles in the Sky, "Will I" and "Give me a Reason" from the radio. Damn those chicks can sure dance! The third pic is of Jackie with them in the background bc they are one of Jackie's favorite techno DJs. Happy 25th Bday Jackie, aww I love you : )

One of the first nights out at the Island and while in line to get into Louie's Backyard, we ran into my younger cousin Gene. He was partying with his friends out there so we took a pic together! Rock on Genito :)

Here I am with DJ KeeQue from San Antonio, Texas. I have been chatting with Keeque for over two years now and we finally had the chance to meet in person this past Spring Break. He was spinning at Krusty's but sadly to say, we missed his session. Damn, next time. He is a cool DJ and spins in several clubs up in SA and Kingsville. Just so you know, I look like shit bc this pic was taken at 5:30 in the freaking morning!!! Blah!

Spring Break 03, more like the whole month of March was spent driving back and forth to the Island. We got stuck in all kinds of traffic on the bridge and especially on the Island. The night Estevan and Roxy had come down from SA, Edith's car over heated as we were 1/4 on the bridge so that was an adventure in itself. This year there was some of the worst fog ever; it was freaky. We also got the chance to go out with Marco, Maggie and Randy to Tequila Frogs in which we saw a wet t-shirt contest AND two fights break out right behind us so in Spring Break terms, that was a "fun" night too. Mimi, Jackie and I had the pleasure of expierencing a show by the Apollo Male Dancers at club Chaos which was a change from the usual Valentino's. Mimi also got to take a picture with Joe Francis, the creater of the "Girls Gone Wild" show. Oh yeah, how can I forget about Paola and her two friends coming down from San Antonio to party for four, fun, fun. All in all, the whole month of March rocked : )

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