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Vern's Deep thoughts....

*The thoughts or ideas expressed on this page are my own opinions. Dont take offense to a word that I say, if anything, I am just complaining or blowing off steam.* Ty.

"I just realized... maybe it's maturity or the wisdom that comes with age, but the witch in Hansel and Gretel -- she's very misunderstood. I mean, the woman builds her dream house and these brats come along and start eating it." - Miranda


To vote or not to vote?

Now I understand that the whole Bush-Kerry debate has become one huge grey area with all of these accusations being thrown around but we need to sit down and listen to each party carefully. I know who I voted for during early voting but dont ask me for whom bc I am tired of arguing with people about all the hype. I dont like BUSH and Nader? Well, poor guy doesnt stand a chance but he has made a few decent statements.

So, who did I vote for??
BUSH? KERRY? OTHER? of today 11/1/04...

I EARLY-VOTED for Kerry/Edwards.


Last night we TRIED to bring open mic night back but no luck. I didnt expect much from Brownsville anyway but some people from Harlingen and Rio Hondo showed up. Figures right? Maribel and I finally met Robert, a poet from Harlingen. He and his gf Vanessa inspired us with their same passion for writing and encouraged us to join the San Benito writing group. Lady Mariposa and Maribel have made an agreement to scratch each others back with events so that is fucking cool. Lady Mariposa is well known in the valley and even though her and Robert share different writing styles, both of them can help us on our way to making a name for ourselves in the valley.

I dont know. I get discouraged about my writing when the only one person that I know in town who is more serious than I am is Maribel you know? People think my writing is a "cute hobby" but they dont understand that it is so much more. I guess some people never will. Ugh. I'm going to take my Brownsville fustration and turn it into total positive energy for my writing endeavors.

Today I was reminded of the many reasons WHY I loathe "fresas.." (3/04)

I was making my way towards Tandy this morning to pick up several packages of course schedules. I noticed that as I was traveling with my dolly, people refused to move out of the way making me go around them! I mean if you see someone pushing a cart or dolly you would move out of the way or at least take a step away right? These fucking stupid people think they are so superior and so important that they dont have to move out of the way bc everyone is supposed to bow down to them. Whatever the fuck!

It really pissed me off bc it wasnt just one of two random fresas but several groups of fresas that had no manners at all! I swear I fuckin wanted to kick them all!

Which reminds me I forgot to share the ugly stares and eye rolling Edith and I received on Monday evening at UMix. I was wearing my black bandana and Edith had on her black muscle shirt. WELL, we walked in and got the "UGH, Mira estas chicas, no deben estar qui!" as well as the "Aye mi dios van a robarnos y a matar todos!" HA. I laughed out loud bc we must've broken every Fresa Rule in their Guidebook and we didnt care! Edith and I are far from being fresas but we aren't gang members either. Fucking jerks.

Screw those rude, arrogant, conceited, stuck up, good for crap, self-centered, financial-aid-stealing, too good for everyone people from hell!! DAMN THEM ALL AND THEIR DAD'S FUCKING BMW THEY RODE IN!

Okay, I'm done...for now.


As I have stated before, I work on campus as an advising clerk so that means that in trying to assist students, I come across all kinds of people. Yes, it is true that on every college campus students will be given the "run around" when trying to get help. I have been given the "run around" several times and personally, it sucks. When I began as an advising clerk, I vowed to assist every student to the best of my knowledge bc I have been and am currently in their shoes. There is of course another half to that vow. The students themselves have to put forth effort on their behalf so I can help them. If they have done all that they could or have followed any prior procedures before arriving to my office, then naturally helping resolve their situation will be much easier. Not everyone is assertive enough to ask questions about any information given to them which sometimes causes them to develop problems towards graduation.

I have met all kinds of students, some of which have become friends of mine. First you have the "perfect student" whom is always polite, well mannered and makes the meeting very pleasurable. Next there are the "last minute" students always rushing in to meet with an advisor and gather copies for a last minute deadline; they are grateful for the help and let me know with a "thanks a lot" as they zip out the door. Then, you have the students with "attitudes". These students carry themselves on a higher caliber than everyone else. Just because they are a student and I am an employee they think that they can treat me like dirt when in reality we are the ones that are in charge of their file and paperwork so WE have a little more power than they do. I am not threatening damaging anyone's records, BUT we are people just like they are. Last and always least are the students whom have been given the "run around" so many times that when they are finally sent to my office (where they shouldve been sent in the first place), it just so happens that they release their fustration on me. Let me tell you two stories about these types of people.

When you enroll for the first time, you are supposed to meet with an academic advisor to get an idea of what you wish to major in. Let me state that these people are supposed to, based on your major, help you register for your appropriate classes. They DO NOT declare majors NOR do they constitute as any type of advisor for a certain major. They are general advisors to get your career as a college student started. Having stated that, let me begin...

(1) There is this student of mine, she is an older lady whom has been enrolled in the university since the 70s. When she first enrolled, she met with an academic advisor where she obtained a degree plan for a major in business. From her explanation, I understood they had not informed her that she needed to meet with her advisor of her major NOR did they inform her that she needed to declare her major as well. Several years and several semesters later, she was trying to register for her upper division classes but was prevented because she needed to apply for permission to take upper level classes. In order to do this, you need to have passes the TASP test, have declared your major and have at least a 2.5 GPA. Since she had not declared her major, she needed to do that in order to apply for upper division. The day she came to see me about applying for upper division, I noticed that she had not declared her major. She claimed that she had and even had a degree plan to prove so. Nicely, I had explained to her that just bc she had met with academic advising didnt mean that she had declared her major, she needed to meet with our advisor and see if she met the requirements. Since everyone was out to lunch at that time, I was the only one available but I couldnt do anything more than give her the application to fill out. I guess all of her fustration from being given the "run around" and now finding this new info out, her fuse burst and she lashed out at me! She began telling me that I should be better prepared, that I should be trained to handle situations like these and that I was no help to her. I tried to help her as much as I could, even offered her an appointment to meet with our advisor but she refused. She went on bitching about how I was unprepared and shouldnt be able to work unless I was trained to handle these situations. I KNOW that it wasnt entirely her fault because the academic advisors should've informed her better BUT she isnt a teenager, she is an adult whom I would assume ask questions and inquire about her degree, wouldnt you?! After storming out of my office and making me feel like shit, my secretary returned from lunch asking why I looked stunned. I began telling her the story when the phone rang, she passed it to me and who was on the other end? Yep, that same student called back just to b*tch me out once more and hang up on me!! I was in disbelief that she had the nerve to do that when I tried helping her as much as I could!! It wasnt MY fault that she hadnt completed the pre-requisets or was given false information. The secretary laughed and appropriately nick named her "the old hag". Now I KNOW that I am not mean or rude to any of my students, thats just not me. I am NOT a rude person. I will say that this incident has made me more wary of dealing with students and for the record, the student still hasnt declared her major with us and I am willing to help her, so I dont know how she plans on graduating.

(2) The next story is much shorter and even more pathetic. Usually when another secreatry takes their lunch break, they transfer their calls to our office and we do the same. Sure enough, one day one of our secreatries whom I will call "M", transfered her calls to me. Now everyone was out to lunch except for me so I was left taking messages. (For the record, I have been complimented on my phone skills and manners so there.) Anyway, a gentleman calls with a question about a certain class. I inform him that the secretary whom that class falls under is out for lunch. He asks if I know anything about that class or if I can look up the information on the computer, so I inform him that I do not have that info nor do I have access to that information on the computer. He gets fustrated and agrees to call back. Well, half an hour passes by and he calls back. Since "M" had not returned from her lunch yet, I once again have to inform the gentleman that she was not available yet. He got even more fustrated and began telling me that I was a rude person. He said and I quote, "You are a very rude person and I want for you to remember THAT the next time that you re-evaluate yourself." I know that I was polite the WHOLE time and replied with, "Thank you sir, I will take that into consideration." He then proceeded to hang up on me. RUDE? Me? I am NOT rude at all; for pete's sake I hate confrontations of any kind! I swear, that made me laugh so hard at the fact that he had the nerve to think that HE was "superior" enough to tell me that I needed to think about my rudeness the next time I "re-evaluated" myself. Blah. RE-EVALUATE THIS MISTER!!

THE WORLD OF DECIET.... (Spring 01)

I like meeting new people, getting to know them and making new friends but no matter where you go or what you do in life, you can't avoid the fact that you are going to run into certain types of people. Everyone begins with a clean slate and it takes something really major to ruin your record with me. If you're wondering what I am getting at, I am talking about those kinds of people that say things behind your back then treat you like nothing happened, the ones who say things to look good but don't back their words.

I am talking about people that I have met during my time in college. There have been several people that have acted this way and are exactly that type of people that I have described. Now for all practical purposes, God knows I've gotten into enough trouble in the past semesters so I will refrain from mentioning names. I just wanted to comment on the fact that deception is not the way to handle certain situations. I think that these people are evil incarnate, and eventually, the same thing that brought them to light will plummet them back to darkness...deception is never a good will always come back to bite you in the....

Anyway, this is what happened:
Two friends and I were in a situation which included these types of people that I was describing. I can't really go into detail what happened but let me just say this - No matter where you go or what you do...Never play with an expensive digital camera unless you know for a fact that you are not going to get stabbed in the back for it, not going to be made a fool of and then treated like nothing happened. I know that you will come across people like this, maybe you already have or at least know one or maybe you are one but it's just something that we have to deal with and frankly, it sucks. How are you suposed to feel comfortable in an environment where you have to spend several hours a day with these kind of people? It just isn't right you know. To my friends, you know who you are, despite the events that took place, it was fun taking those pictures. Some of us more lucky than the others, I seriously thought SuperVern would finally be thrown a rock of kryptonite that would cause me to loose my source of income, not to mention my reputation that took me over 2 years to accumulate but thank goodness I didnt.

I know that sometimes things won't always go our way and I'm not crying about it at all. I just think that if you're going to be against someone, or something, just please have the courtesy to be evil and deceitful when we meet...don't pretend to be friends with me to reach your ultimate goal of screwing me over. Just try to screw me over in the me, you'll succeed better and easier that way.


Yes, good citizens, the very thing that I covet is the one of the many roots of all evil and is quickly consuming this universe....along with credit cards of course. I never used to "chat" until I had several friends that were addicted to "chat rooms" and introduced me to them. I was introduced to it by a friend of mine who was kind enough to also hook me up with my Hotmail address back in 96. I have been surfing the net since 94 but I never used the chat rooms. I was always busy with research or writing my poetry. However, when I got into chatting and emailing, I decided to convince my mother into getting me America Online, popularly known as AOL or often known as "AOHELL", "America OFFline" or "AOL HELL".

You see, once you begin chatting with a person on a regular basis you eventually develop a friendship. You chat about insignificant things, then move on to intense details about each other's lives and experiences. Then it happens, either you or your new friend that you have grown attached and dares to asks the big question: "Do you want to meet in person?" Oh God! Now that is the big question, either you meet this person whom in your mind you have labeled as the perfect friend OR keep them a mystery.

So, let's say you meet them and they are nothing, I mean nothing that you figured they would look like and they aren't that perfect person you labeled them to be. You continue talking for a few more times online, maybe an email or two but then that's when it happens. You or the other person "falls off the face of the earth", I mean "falls off the face of aol" and you never talk again. You may see them online at the same time you are but you both ignore one another. Sad huh, but it happens! I know because I have been on both ends of that game sucks hardcore. I believe that you meet certain people in certain times of your life for certain reasons. It hurts when you have to let them go, but that's when you just say "gracias y que te la pases bien!" : )

I'm half way convinced that this whole "chatting" thing is bad because friendships seem to be so damn cool when you have no idea what the other person looks like. There is this really powerful commercial on TV that demonstrates this well. It is a public service announcement where several kids are all playing together in a neighborhood, having the time of their lives. The catch is that they were all wearing paper bags over their heads, yes paper bags. They are all kicking it until this big gust of wind comes along, blows the bags off their heads and they all see that they are all different. There is a white kid, a Hispanic kid, an African-American kid and an Asian kid. They all stopp playing, they look at each other, then they separate and a silence falls over the neighborhood. That commercial sends a powerful message showing us how messed up things still are and in this age of pregressive technology. In this age when you can tap on a machine and talk to someone that lives on the other side of the world, people still put so much stock into appearances. Say that you're ever going to meet that person you chat with that lives an other side of the world or in your same town, will you accept them for who they are or by their looks? Hell, I've been wrong before...but it sure has given me my share of headaches.

I am not saying that all internet meetings are bad because some of my best friends, career friends and the new love of my life I met thanks to the Internet. It all depends on your instinct and well, people are people from all shapes, sizes and colors so just remember that being prejudice or racist hurts us ALL in the end :)

Thanks for those people who give me something to gripe/complain about on this section, you not only make me whine but in reality you are making me a stronger person. Ha! Until next time...

-supervern7 signing off-


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