The Age of Innocence

Daniel Elieli - A Little World
A Little World
Daniel Elieli
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The Age of Innocence
By: Susan Maree Jeavons

A little child with much to give,
and still his whole life to live,
can look at life with purity,
befriend a bird, a beast, a tree.
He’ll touch, hear, see, and
taste without a quantity of haste.
And in his youthful innocence--
miracles need not make sense.
To be a child’s his only care,
of grownup things, he’s unaware.
He knows not good or bad you see,
a child is all he wants to be.
So parents guard your little ones,
precious daughters, beloved sons,
for they possess pure poetry,
when they are six or eight or three.

(c) 2000 Susan Maree Jeavons

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