By: Tenna Perry
I’m breaking free these chains
Binding me to the past
Cutting the shackles
Away at last
No more heartache
No more shame
From now on I refuse
To play the silent game
Be gone haunt
Ye evil shade
For I have slaved hard
To make you image fade
All your sins
Written in blood
They belong there with you
Buried in the mud
You stole my childhood
But not your ultimate goal
When you ripped away innocence
But you did not get my soul
Your threats no longer scare me
My tongue will not be still
While it’s long past due
Now you pay the bill
Your creditor hovers round you now
And the devil always gets his due
If there is a God above
He will see you get yours too
May each of you burn
Within your self-made cell
As demons fly you on pitch black wings
Into the pits of hell
I am free
The filth is washed away
My face turns towards the sun
My God, it’s a glorious day!
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