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Diane Romanello - Bridge of Flowers
Bridge of Flowers
Diane Romanello
Buy Bridge Of Flowers

Flowering Love
By:Mary J. Paul

Waking in the morning sun
Easing my head out the door
I see your blossoms
Sprinkled with dew

So beautiful you open
Throughout the day
With the warmth of
The sunshine
Guiding your way

Smelling your fragrance
In the air
Has me in awe as I stare
Amazed by your beauty

Gracefully you stand
Until the frost arrives
But the beauty you
Shared will last
Throughout the year

Mary J. Paul is a freelance writer. She is currently working on a Romantic Suspense novel. Mary and her fiancé, Ray, reside in Perry, New York, with their four children. Mary is also working on building a new website called Writers World where she will display some of her writing. There will be many resources there for other writers as well.

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