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Free-Thoughts for my Love
by Judith Acton Ayala
Love is
Being loved as you are by your husband
Love is
Being accepted for all that you are
For all that encompasses you
Good and bad
Love is
Being loved by you
Love is everlasting
Life giving
Our love holds up under chaos and confusion
We crash and burn
We collide and divide
We get lost in fear and misguided thoughts
We get tangled in that never ceasing web
of my projections and negative creations
born from the scars of the incest in
my childhood
"The gift that keeps on giving"
When we can come back together again and again
in loving embraces
When we can hold each other
in heart to heart cuddling
We love
You stand ever strong in your efforts to
Understand and forgive
You nurture and defend me
You look at me with your beautiful
loving brown eyes
You smile the smile that tells me
All is well and safe
Loving you loving me
I want the right words to express what my Love means
to me
What we have to put up with
And how we survive it
Judith Acton Ayala is a stay-at-home mom, a mostly contented wife, and a published writer. She has had articles published in MAH! magazine, Survivor Wit e-newsletter, and has had many articles published as Managing Editor of her college newspaper (two decades ago!). Judy was Production Assistant on the ground-breaking, award-winning documentary in 1982, "Breaking Silence - a film about incest and healing" by Theresa Tollini. Judy has worked for several publications including newspapers, and MIX, the recording industry magazine.
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