The Petal Of A Flower…

By: Carolina Osorio

A woman is a precious being, who has her own mind, body and spirit. More than being a mother and a daughter, a wife, a girlfriend and a friend, being a woman is being the nurturing and yet strong human beings that can make a difference in the world. Being a woman is not being a decoration of the world. Being a woman is fighting for the right to equality in every sense and yet being that human being that keeps the good feelings in this world. Because of everything that a woman represents, a woman should not even be touched in a bad way, not even with the petal of a flower. Unfortunately for many of eyes, at one point or another, we have been hurt with the thorns of the roses. At some point, our lives have been shattered and the bubble of our innocence has been burst. Fortunately, being a woman is not being a victim… It means being a survivor!!!

Hello, my name is Carolina and I am a survivor of child sexual abuse. I am still pretty hazy about the whole experience, since my mind blocked it for a long time. When I was thirteen years of age, I started having a series of nightmares about the whole experience. I thought that I was going crazy ad I cried myself to sleep for many nights. It was after a while that I started putting the pieces together and I remembered graphically what had happened to me.

Between the ages of five and nine years, I was sexually abused by a man who worked at my grandfather's plantation. At the time I was innocent and I did not know what was happening. All I know was that a very sick older man had threatened me with doing something bad to my family if I ever told anyone. I remember being scared and being in pain.

It took me many years to finally come out to my mother and share my experience with someone else. Unfortunately, as an adult, although I speak about it openly, it has made me be insecure and afraid of getting close to people because I am scared that they might want to hurt me. My mother, who was very overprotective of me as a kid felt very bad because she could not prevent this from happening to me. Of course, it is a sad reality that the majority of inhabitants of this world have gone through a similar experience. After all, life as an adult is complicated and children should be able to enjoy their innocence while they can.

It is an unfortunate the fact that the majority of us who have gone through this experience have never talked about it and this is like a demon that eats at you. This is why I encourage everyone to get it out in the open and this way we will show those offenders that they will not destroy us… that we are strong people and that by talking about it, we are on the way to healing from this demon.

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Fall 2003 Issue