
By: Tenna Perry

Please let me breathe
Allow me to fall
Into a deepening sleep
Rest my mind
And escape
For the shortest while
Anxiety, fear
Disgust and
Of me
Shut down
The turntable in my head
The repeating record
With its nagging voice
Criticize me no more
I do enough on my own!
Release me from
This self styled prison
Padded cells
Muffled emotions
Self-built walls
That rebuff others
Holding in
And out
True love

Tenna Perry is owner of Survivor Haven, a contributing editor at Suite 101 with a weekly column dealing with child sexual abuse as well as content team leader for both abuse and martial arts at Fitness Heaven. She also writes a bi-weekly column at the Writers Haven, is content manager of Feathers, Fangs and Fur. In addition to these projects Tenna is currently working on her book, The Tangled Web that should be available through Shyflower's Press some time next year.

When she isn't writing, Tenna is the mother of three children, Victoria 11, Catherine 5 and William 2. She has been married to David (also an author) for what her marriage certificate reports as 13 years but she feels could only be 5 at the most. She has raised collies since 1976, worked 13 years in emergency veterinary medicine and is a black belt in American Freestyle Karate. All of these give her an endless muse of writng ideas.

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