It's Still the Same World

Terrorist attack
Cowards in flying bombs
Willing to die for a cause
Willing to kill
Crazy or just determined
They've murdered hundreds of people
Maybe thousands

Possibly …
Somewhere in one
Of those buildings
Among all the
Dead and dying
There was at least one person who
Had directly contributed to their pain
Apparently it was too much trouble
To identify anyone specific

They could claim
They attacked a nation
Sent a message

"Fuck You!"
Is all I hear

Overgrown children
Screaming into the night
"Look how powerful we are!"

How powerful are they?
How much do we turn over?

They might claim
They have the right
To kill
For the sake of revenge

They would probably claim
The right
To murder innocents
In retaliation for the murder
Of other innocents

Say again?
How does that work?

I heard someone say
"The world changed today"

But it didn't
It's still the same world
It's being rearranged a little
Or maybe a lot

If a lot
Then they made a point

How many points until game's end?

CJH - 09/11/01
Carol Y. Huber copyright - 09/11/01

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