Survivor Haven's
September 2001

Off To School

It is back to school time for millions
of children across the country and once
again parents are placing their complete
trust of their child into the hands of a
complete stranger. Personally it scares
the hell out of me.

My eldest daughter has already suffered at
the hands of an abusive teacher and my youngest
daughter has never met a stranger. I have tried
to keep communication open and teach them right
from wrong; good touch from bad and to never
be afraid to come to me if something happens.
I can't help wondering if it will actually be enough.

It is my hope that this month's issue of
Survivor Haven will be able to help the
parent and/or the child if they come up against an
abusive teacher, boyfriend or coach.

Many of the links for featured articles this month will take you outside of Survivor Haven. Please bookmark us so you can come back and enjoy the entire September Issue.

Flawed Carol Huber's poem that reaches the core of so many abuse survivors. Of what is perfect and what is "flawed."
The Phoenix Connie Whiting's poem about the power of survivors rising from the ashes of abuse.
A Gift Is Still A Gift Carol Huber's two-part thoughts and response to a touching email.
What Do You Do If You Or Your Child Has Been Raped? Melody Tyme's informative article deals with a subject that is the fear of any parent who is a survivor themselves.
How Do You REALLY Survive a Rapist? Tammy Crvait discusses do you submit or fight for freedom? What if the rapist has a weapon? A must read article for all.
Sexual Abuse and Self-Injury
Susan Maree Jeavons questions the role of a survivor's past abuse in their current habits/behaviors.
He Says He Will Take My Kids!
Laura Wilkinson offers answers to domestic abuse victims whose abuser's method of control is in threats to take the children.
God's Word About Marriage and Abuse
Colleen Sauter tackles the tough, often venhemently denied subject of abuse in the Christian Marriage.
Grammie's House-A Comfort Zone
Deborah A Licht offers the Grand keys to helping children of families in crisis.
When Will I See You Write Something Happy? Tenna Perry's response to a comment by a reader who also happens to a dear friend.
Relationship Rape Ruth Reynolds takes the reader into the realm of rape by someone known to the victim.
Just Get Over It Tammy Crvait hits on a subject that is often overlooked or ignored, of how the thoughtless words of friends and family can cut the survivor to the core.
It's Not Easy Being Solomon Linda Hughes brings the problems of America's judicial and child protective systems into the light where issues of neglect and abuse are not always black and white.
Why Karate? Why Now? David Perry's response to those who believe they live in a bubble world where no evil or harm can affect them.
High Heels:Fashion Foolishness or Defensive Weapon? Tenna Perry's response to a readers self-defense question.
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