Survivor Haven
September/October 2002 Issue

Welcome to the September/October 2002 issue of Survivor Haven. It is with great pleasure we bring you a larger issue than usual. In it you will see the return of several contributors as well as a smattering of newcomers.

As always, we highly recommend you visit the following sites:

Mary Collin'sSurvivor Wit. A place where laughter is the best medicine.

Susan Maree Jeavons' Child Abuse and Recovery column at Suite 101.

Tenna Perry's Child Sexual Abuse column also located at

Fat, Frumpy, Forty and ... Faded?
By: Carol Huber
To heck with singing, this lady is letting everyone know that forty beats the alternative anytime.
Fear By: Carol Huber Asking questions and looking for answers.
Who Is To Blame
By: Krista Monson
A heart wrenching look into who is to blame in child sexual abuse.
Possibly triggering to some.
The Journey
By: Jo Riley
There is a darkness that often envelops all of us…
Sleep In Fear
By: Margaret Helmstetter
Sleeping (as well as living) can often be a frightening thing to a child.
Trapped In The Bottle
By: Stephanie Bennett
A courageous look at an all too common pitfall.
A Lonely Soldier
By: Stephanie Bennett
An evocative poem that speaks to the hearts of all survivors.
The Violation
By: Connie Spector
A story that cries out to be heard but one that may be triggering to many.
By: Regina Maggard
Alone, afraid – is anything out there?
The What Ifs
By:Tenna Perry
Finding the courage to try new things while avoiding the "What Ifs."
What We Teach Children
By: Tenna Perry
A controversial poem that may anger many but with an explanation at the end and dedicated to all who find themselves questioning their spiritual faith.
How Not To Answer The Doorand Pepper Spray
By: Margaret Helmstetter
Two humorous looks at personal safety in the middle of the night.

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