
By Faith Reeves

As a Briton, I’ve often watched what goes on in America with a kind of awed horror. Some of the things that are allowed by your constitution make me very worried about the state of the world. Others I have to say, I applaud. Freedom of speech, in the right hands, such as Survivor’s Haven and other sites such as this are perfect reasons why the American constitution WORKS. Some of the time….

I’m not talking about one of those times now. I really don’t understand HOW, but Amazon, the world renound bookstore, online mall…wonder of the internet world, carry books on paedophilia. And not ones that talk about the wrong and damage that they inflict. Not all of them anyway. And I don’t even mean just one book. All of these books that I’ve read the reviews for are about the sociological impact of a boy-man relationship and “acknowledging a child’s sexuality”

PARDON? My child doesn’t have sexuality…that’s what being a child MEANS. Innocence. And while I understand it’s a realist’s point of view, and someone who was only ‘abused’ by other children, it’s the one thing I stand my vehemently. People who steal a child’s innocence in ways such as this should be hanged, lobotomised, castrated…ANYTHING to stop them from hurting anyone else.

I refer to a certain book, released by a known sex offender, who has been jailed for child abuse, about loving boys…and not in a father son way. How this has come to air in the first place is a mystery to me, but as I have commented to friends, they were probably counting on all of this outcry and publicity. And that is what scares me. Have we become a society of people who react to things that are inherently wrong and yet sit back and allow it to happen. We can shout and yell and protest, but it makes little difference…the banner of freedom that is supposedly being suppressed comes out and we all scatter, afraid of being sued. No, I don’t believe this book should be banned, I believe that this book shouldn’t exist in the first place!

How this book could be released mystifies me, but what worries me even more is that Amazon are standing behind their right to showcase whatever they want because to not do so in their eyes, limits freedom of speech. So I say, boycott the press that is printing this and boycott Amazon until they rectify this heinous act…because to publish and sell this sort of material is only giving them ‘just cause’ to look for other rights.

I’ve provided the link to this article so people can make their own decision, but….I cannot see any set of circumstances that justify this, ever.


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